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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.03 MB, 800x1000, a0c02d04d35d3c11d7c36cd927ece311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3088060 No.3088060 [Reply] [Original]

How do digital artists always make such smooth lines when they draw? I always get "chicken scratches" when I do drawings on a tablet. Do they use photoshop to smooth everything?

Also, how do they get these amazing vibrant colours? My drawings always look like they were colored in mspaint.

>> No.3088069

Some programs have a helper where the line slowly creeps in direction of your cursor.
Or you could git gud and learn how to draw continuous lines.

>> No.3088072
File: 72 KB, 521x1000, 81cce04345b4e3f7f8d957d3c4d88fba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I found a sketch where it shows that even awesome artists can make "chicken scratches", though it still looks amazing

>> No.3088080

That's not chicken scratching tho, that's a finished sketch ready for inking

>> No.3088083


I would call it a mild case of chicken scratching. It's not absolutely terrible but it still has that somewhat noob-ish lack of confidence in the linework

>> No.3088086

>accentuating the area between the gastrocnemius and the hamstrings as if there were a huge muscle/tendon bulging from there

Also, it mostly takes practice to get better lines. Some teachers have exercises for students that involve just drawing lines over and over again until you overcome the "chicken scratches." It's repetitive but it helps.

If you want to get better with colors, study the artists whose color use appeals to you. You can also experiment with layer modes.

>> No.3088087
File: 520 KB, 1600x1118, face 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about some of my own work (this is an old drawing but probably similar to what I'd do now)

>> No.3088090

No rules, only tools

>> No.3088092

>hold your pen
>make a line
>if its shit try again (ctrl z if you're on photoshop)

there you go you got a smooth line, really not that hard

>> No.3088096

you say that, but it's really difficult in practice. Maybe I just need a better tablet...

>> No.3088100

its really not that difficult, do it over and over a few hours a day and you'll eventually get it
if you're using a bamboo or garbage like that though it'll be harder, but still possible

>> No.3088102

mileage. the more you draw, the more steady and confident your line work becomes.
please, stop asking stupid questions.

>> No.3088104

>it's really difficult in practice
Tedious if you're bad at it? Yes
Difficult? No?

>> No.3088158

yeah, but you know it all gets cleaned up when they go to paint it. don't be so picky.

>> No.3088178

If you have some training, a good sketch and you know exactly where lines and curves will start and finish, inking should be fluid and consistent.
As >>3088080 said, it's just a sketch. It's normal to hesitate on lines when you come from a blank page, but the inking will be cleaner since your mind will be set on what you have to do.

>> No.3088213
File: 33 KB, 300x459, calf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In reference to your greentext. Looks like something going on there to me, but what is the question.

>> No.3088219
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, 1468037025159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That fucking arm
>Those hands
>That twisted leg
>That unbalanced posture
>That fucking foot

You now realize that the artists and favorite works you looked up to and would suck their dicks just to get their art gains was all just a lie and deception. T-thanks /ic/

>> No.3088234

Ah, found the answer, Popliteal fat pad. There's also nerves, veins/arteries and stuff that goes through the body protects using that fat. Watched a dissection video and I could see all sorts of yellow blobs as they cut away the skin.

Little bit exaggerated which is probably why you pointed it out, but we can't leave these impressionable noobs to believe nothing is there.

>> No.3088255


It's not about being "picky", it's an assesment about the artist's skill.

>> No.3088274

Try this if you haven't already, sit straight and have your weight supported by the back and butt, not hunch forward and lean on the arm.
Practise drawing long curved lines smoothly in one stroke. It's not necessary to draw an entire shape with just one stroke, but as few as possible.

>> No.3088286

trust me-- you're hitting your first dunning-kruger phase after putting some effort into learning anatomy. it'll pass and you'll realize how much artistic value lies outside of anatomical precision.

>> No.3088287

Do you draw nude people all the time?

>> No.3088369

Good to know anon. Thanks for the research.

>> No.3088485


Well meme'd friend.

>> No.3088510


It completely changed my lineart.

>> No.3088591

hey i used to have this guy on pixiv saved, but I forgot his name. Can you please link me to his pixiv?

>> No.3088615

Precision mode on tablet and/or work at much higher resolutions then scale it down. You'd be amazed how smooth your lines can get when you scale down. If you are working in 800x600 then posted the same 800x600 picture you're doing it wrong. You should be working in 2400x1800 if the intended picture is meant to be 800x600.

>> No.3088618
File: 502 KB, 753x831, REEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wondering this as well
Pic related. I have been struggling now to make decent lineart but no luck whatsoever. I use SAI2 and Intuos Pro

>> No.3088620

There's exercises you can find to train drawing smooth lines into muscle memory. They work for digital too.

Also stabilizers. If you're a beginner, I recommend unbinding 'undo', or at least moving it to a less accessible key. Like with pen and paper, planning your lines goes a long way towards pretty linework. Beginners tend to rely on ctrl+z too much; unbinding it and relying on the eraser again will make you take your time.

>> No.3088623

all of you, just google and install lazy nezumi pro
most of the wonky lines are caused by inaccuracies in tablets/drivers
this plug-in somewhat fixes it and there's bunch of useful tools

>> No.3088639
File: 489 KB, 500x250, glorious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last, I truly see.
Thanks anon

>> No.3088684
File: 19 KB, 261x223, 1485644846411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people refuse to improve and just cheat their way to internet relevance
>mfw I know their NGMI

>> No.3088701

We aren't supposed to mention Nezumi, the goal is to remove competition by convincing them they're simply bad at drawing. Well, at least you didn't mention the 'C' word..

>> No.3088708

Don't listen to that faggot, he is telling you to get that program so you wouldn't improve your line confidence this will hurt you in the long term and you will be relying on a crutch.

>Pretending to keep it as a secret to further entice noobs into falling for your trap and making it seem as if it is legit

There is a special place in hell for people like you.

>> No.3088726

I have naturally shaky hands. extremely shaky. like, 'worried I'm going to develop parkinsons later' shaky. would it still be cheating or would it be "no rules. just tools"?

>> No.3088727


ugh...nothing for mac?

>> No.3088734


Your art will probably be reduced to a generic look due to the robotically smooth looking lines. Look at all the sketches of the masters. Those lines are shaky, but actually have life to them.

>> No.3088738
File: 1.66 MB, 480x270, 1463092902663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I don't know any shaky masters, (maybe sketchy) c-could you list some?

>> No.3088741

>dunning-kruger phase
The new overused meme that's being thrown around this forum like poop in a gorilla cage.

>> No.3088745
File: 2 KB, 130x94, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, they're using beziers, like in photoshop, that you can apply a stroke to.

Why is the answer here always the autistic "git gud", when artists are using tools? Before computers, artists would use french curves and such to draw long sweeping lines.

You autists have created this bizarre reality where "top artists" are super human. They're not. They use tools like bezier curves and french curves.

>> No.3088751
File: 92 KB, 600x449, 6a00e54fcf73858834017616da6c74970c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketches by Waterhouse

>> No.3088753

>you need to practice
>fuck you autist no rules just tools

Well that's one way of going about it

>> No.3088779

Practicing without talent just makes you good at practicing, not an artist.

>> No.3088795

They draw over the sketch with the pen tool on a new layer. The pen tool that places points and draws curves between them

>> No.3088809

Learn to sculpt your linework

>> No.3088814
File: 647 KB, 600x813, woman_in_bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3088866

I've heard about Hej Stylus for Mac, but I cannot say anything about how good it is.

>> No.3088884


More like scribbles, I can't make out shit

>> No.3088886

I never quite got why people are against Lazy Nezumi. Personally I can draw way better on paper and have decent line/ellipse skill from doing the Peter Han exercises for a year.. yet when it comes to digital my lines are outright jagged without the stabilizers

>> No.3088890
File: 56 KB, 468x630, waterhouse_study_for_the_lady_clare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a tard anon, those are gestures, of course they don't have calculated linework

>> No.3088973

I have a very shit tablet and its pretty small. What I do is zoom the fuck in areas with ugly lines. You'll have more area to work with that way. once you zoom out it should look better.

>> No.3088975

Add second layer and use precision mode.

>> No.3089076

From what I've seen how japs do it, the basic procedure is:
1. Rough sketch = decide what you want to draw and make a quick sketch of it. Like say you decided that you want to draw Miku smiling with her arms spread in a dress, think about different angles and poses in your head and make quick sketches of the one(s) you think would look good. Try to get the proportions & perspective right and make a sketch or box of all the objects/people/etc that you plan on drawing so you can see from the sketch if everything is on scale or if something looks fucked up. Depending on your skill your rough sketch might be good enough for sketching, some even start at step 2 without rough sketches if they are good enough, if not, make another layer and set the rough sketch layer to low opacity and

2. Sketch = in this case, you want your sketch to look like this >>3088072 a clean image helps with the next step, but just make sure everything looks good and proportions are correct and all the necessary details (eyes, hair tie thingies, clothes, etc) are drawn, sketch = poor lineart basically.

3. Lineart = make another layer and set sketch layer to low opacity, 2x or 4x the image size (some artists don't, this varies), pick a brush/pen and set the size to 3-7 (can be bigger if you increased image size) and zoom the fuck in at 300-800% or whatever, depends on your monitor res and shit and if you 2-4x or not, and draw very carefully while using the sketch layer as a guide. After you're done, reduce the image size by 50% (for 2x) or 75% (for 4x) if you increased it. Why do that? It's not necessary, but say you want your finished pic to be 800x1000, if you increase it by 4x while working on it, you have a 3200x4000 canvas to work with, much easier to shade, lineart, etc. just remember to zoom out to 25% (in this case) NOT 100% to see how your finished pic will look like.

4. Draw the rest of the fucking picture = see /ic/ guide. For colors, study colors and practice coloring.

>> No.3089085

Damn that was detailed and very informative. I never knew people would go down in size after increase ing the size. That so pull id's make things a lot faster for colouring and rendering.

>> No.3089087

It's not cheating. You still draw, but now you have a stabilizer to keep your lines steady. If you have tremors in your hand, then you're the exact person these tools are for.

Nezumi is good for line confidence because it helps you get over the initial skittishness over jittery lines. It helps you to just keep drawing which will, over time, improve your lines anyway.

>> No.3089088

>Your art will probably be reduced to a generic look due to the robotically smooth looking lines
>robotically smooth looking lines
This is the funniest shit I've read all day.
I'm going to reuse this constantly till it turns into some shitty stale meme.

>> No.3089096

Not him, but you can pretty much always tell when an artist uses stabilizer tools. It does look very digital and fake. It's the softbrush shading of lineart.

>> No.3089119

that makes no sense, dunning-kruger is more *shows shitty art* "look at my amazing art" rather than "man this artist i liked has flaws", which is what >>3088219 is saying

>> No.3089547

w-what's the "c" word?

>> No.3089567

this c word.
...............is it followed with a g?

>> No.3089573


>> No.3089745


More like irrelevandt. Guy couldn't draw clean manga if his life depended on it

>> No.3089746

Line confidence, stabilizer tool.

>> No.3089760
File: 331 KB, 1032x1282, arthur-rackham-the-rhinegold-1367843955_org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Composition. It's the secret sauce of art, yet when it's brought up on here people tend to think it's synonymous with grids or something. Without it you're pretty much drawing blind

>> No.3090530

Retard detected. Your Dunning-Kruger aura is strong.
>That fucking arm
>Those hands
>That twisted leg
>That unbalanced posture
>That fucking foot
LE is that even possible XD redditplebbit dunning krugger
LE im better than them *insert confidence 400%*
^This is what happens when all you ever do is interact with your shitty 3DCGI games and porn.

You honestly have never seen a real model in your entire life right? And you don't even know how the human body is easily distorted on big movements.

>> No.3090574

where is this "precision mode" in photoshop?

>> No.3090633

You can easily check if it's a problem with the drivers / tablet if you simply take a fucking ruler and try to draw a straight line that way. I know in my instance it's not the table, for example.

>> No.3090635

Shaky lines are a byproduct of weak muscles, keep at it and you'll get better. It's one of those things you can improve on; speaking from experience, by the way.

>> No.3090710
File: 1.19 MB, 800x1000, 1501947791807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the person you're replying to, and my only real gripe is with the animu and the legs.

These lines don't exist.

>> No.3090792

First of all you should accept your mistake, anon.

And lastly please explain in detail. Don't be reactive. Please provide a sound statement not arrows and WTF.

>the lines behind the knee:
appears on certain conditions when knees are curled or put under physical pressure (during workout too, you can try it if you're in the average BMI) It appears since the animu is definitely doing some "ENERGETIC" movement and don't complain about balance at this point. It's not a static pose, to begin with.
Try looking for a woman on high heels if you don't believe me.

The fact is you have to keep the mouth simple otherwise it'll look like a monkeyface.
I commend the artist for the consistency of their work and that genuine smile.
Mouth is the hardest part to draw and I can only think that those who complain about it have good confidence, lack experience AKA dunning-krugger.
You have two eyes but these drawings are 2D. Go figure. Ever wonder why some people look good on cameras but terrible in person? That is the answer.
It's a combination of two images. I'm spilling good shit here.

Some people here might even start complaining that "her" right foot (lifted) is smaller than the left one based from literal 2D space measurement. That image effect is called Dunning-Krugger Effect. Remember it well.

>> No.3090953

>google "cadaver gastrocnemius"
It's all right there.

>> No.3090965

>It's ok when my favorite naruto artist does it


>> No.3092530

Which tablet is that anon?

>> No.3092582

Did you draw the line diagonally, and at a fairly slow speed? None of the tablets I've tested so far can reproduce an input like that accurately.

>> No.3093802
File: 665 KB, 775x1000, ``.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this guys work too. some of his poses are strange, but a good majority of them look fine

>> No.3093804
File: 23 KB, 745x748, 1495937275277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complaining about animu eyes on an animu character.

>> No.3093848

There is a "basic" version for free now, which works fine for stabilizing

>> No.3094160

Genius easypen 1405x. The curves and circles turn into polygons. God help me if I try to write something without zooming the fuck in. The working area is like... 5" x 4.5".

>> No.3094172

Lazy Nezumi is fucking shit. I downloaded this program and it was the most useless and shit thing ever.

>> No.3094212

peak /ic/

>> No.3094247

well, I am rather frail. time to get fit. but just in case I can't help it >>3089087
is motivating to know.

>> No.3094269

How? Works nicely for me.

Just don't use it for painting/rendering or quickly sketching anything.

>> No.3094395

>peak /ic/
oh, believe me, we are only getting started

>> No.3094429
File: 157 KB, 512x545, 1499480939360-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got home. Here's a rough linework I made with my cheap (40 USD) tablet. The working area is actually 4" x 5.5"