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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 288 KB, 620x1050, 10 years at an atelier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3084539 No.3084539 [Reply] [Original]

>2ch art board
>full of drawing
>real pros sometimes stop by to offer redlines and guidance

>4ch art board
>full of shitposting
>redlines worse than the original

the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.3084540

we're not japs

>> No.3084545

>2ch board is about drawing
>There's drawing
>4chan board about drawing
>tumblr can't draw AHAHAHA
>/r9k/ tier threads about sucking
>the only active drawthread is /beg/

>> No.3084549

Rather than complaining, what do you think we can do to improve /ic/ together?

>> No.3084566

nothing. 2ch is well accepted in nip culture, it's a means of communication that is well embedded and not looked down upon.

4chan is seen as an anomaly here. its regulars are seen as outcasts and losers, no one would want to associate with the toxicity here.

in the presence of people who've actually made it, real pros, the community strives to better itself knowing that their peers are actually skilled. over here, well, when's the last time you encountered a skilled artist?

>> No.3084595

Rather than complaining about OP, what do you think we can do to improve /ic/ together?

>> No.3084605

Rather than complaining about my post, what do you think we can do to improve /ic/ together?

>> No.3084650

>this thread
/ic/ in a nutshell

>> No.3084660


>> No.3084663

Encourage giving fair/useful criticism and redlines If you see someone doing shitty redlines, draw a better redline for the op to learn from.

>> No.3084666

ADD ridden ten year old weabbo nazis is who populates this board

>> No.3084671


>2ch art board

Where is the link?, you know I can't read moonspeak, so enlightenme.

>> No.3084673

Dont do it anon

>> No.3084676
File: 15 KB, 845x432, HAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wholesome 'lets all draw and have fun :D" vibe on jap twitter vs the fuck you nigger stop drawing what i dont like vibe in here

>> No.3084680

because weeaboos here want to draw cute anime girls, but there is no established cute anime girl industry in the west. meaning there are very little "pros" who would be welcomed here (imagine Rebecca Sugar starting a thread, she'd get shit on to oblivion).

so you're left with shitty weeaboos just shitting on one another.

>> No.3084681

Just found it. Yh there's a whole lot of drawing going on there, 98% of it anime faggotry and /beg/ tier.
Great board, so different from here

>> No.3084683

post link

>> No.3084685
File: 206 KB, 1235x1241, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redline for this thread

>> No.3084687


>> No.3084688

I think threads started about other people`s work should be banable. I would imagine we can`t get rid of all the shitty software discussion, but at least we should rid ourselves of the `what do you think of x` bullshit.

>> No.3084693

most of those threads are about drawing. half of ic threads are only tangentially related to art

>> No.3084699

Do you think that someday hiroshima will make a /int/ from 2ch, that allow to foreigners people to post?

>> No.3084700

is it just me or do shitty jap drawings have way more appeal than shitty western drawings, I see a lot of art on there that is somehow nice to look at even though it has some shitty fundamentals and I never really see that here.

>> No.3084703

no mods
/pol/, /v/ and /r9k/ degenerates
new generation
you can't save /ic/

>> No.3084709


4chan would be amazing if it actually turned out as intended. Instead anonymous message boards have gotten such a bad reputation in the west that it's become a place for outcasts.

>> No.3084711

We need someone wielding the banhammer . Also we need to shut down the bullshit. Do not reply to ecelb/feel/whats this style/etc/etc/etc threads. If you do, tell them to fuck off with a sprinkling of sage. In teh good ole days with big swinging dick talent /ic was self regulating and chemotheraping.
Why would new talent want to post here/help with threads like this littering the board

>> No.3084734

I'd browse that, but I don't understand nip. we could all go there. we could build an ark.

>> No.3084739
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>> No.3084740

they look equally as shitty as any other shitty drawings

>> No.3084742

The problem isn't coming from /ic/, it's coming from /pol/ and other popular boards that break into the mainstream world

Alot of people come to 4chan because they think the way to behave here is "Act like a dick and trolololo"

It wasn't always like this, people were mean but atleast people were honest, trolling wasn't a thing on /ic/, /ic/ was a dead board like /po/ and /lilt/. The quality was actually good

>> No.3084754

nah, it was a lot better than now but it still sucked, the thing that made it better then was that people were meaner, like beginner advice was always 'read the sticky' and people were scared to post crap, anime was also banned, so that didn't leave much except the okay stuff, but there was always a low level hum of animufags trying to break in and beginners making their own threads. i don't know if /ic/ went to shit because the animufags got their own thread or they got their own thread because the 'wardens of /ic/' had left already.

>> No.3084760

>hurr serious pictures only, art is srs bsns

>implying there's anything wrong with anime
fuck off pretentious cuck

>> No.3084780

go back to youtube

>> No.3084819
File: 35 KB, 403x403, IwBRb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The whole idea of the /beg/ thread was anathema in the past. That cancerous hugbox would be burnt to the ground. The average quality of work posted was much, much higher. There was also direct intervention with some mods for some reason because many 'mean wardens' were threatened with doxxing. About that time we had the animo threads (alt-style; you can tell by the wording of their ops that they tread softly initially and tried to justify its presence. animu was seen as a crutch that hindered learning (see furez)) The dam then cracked wide open and we got flooded with juvenile garbage; any talent we had left. We now dwell in the resultant radioactive aftermath.
/ic used to be brutal; but this brutality was a fire that tempered the steel of many an artist
tl;dr kindness killed /ic

>> No.3084822


I rather put up with some shitposts than nothing but anime.

>> No.3084842


To make any post here, you have to draw an image on html5 oekaki software. If it's art or other images you want to upload, it will be used as ref for you to copy from.

More art, less pooposts.

>> No.3084847

Is it harder to argue in Japanese? Or is it just google translate making what they're saying super ridiculously formal?

I feel like people get too carried away on here and can just type for hours as if they're trying to play into a fantastical role of theirs.

>> No.3084850

get trolled cuck.

>> No.3084861

>compares 2ch to /ic/
>Complains about /ic/
>Check out 2ch
>literally everything is beg tier anime shit
>every thread

what the fuck? I was expecting it to be so good, but people in /ic/'s beg tier are fucking better than all the pages of their board. what the fuck are you complaining about?

>> No.3084864

holy shit, I just made sure to go back and do all the pages again, there isn't a single decent fucking drawing. holy shit.

>> No.3084875

Does anybody here know why Artstation doesn't have a forum? Is it under development?

>> No.3084895

nah sometimes interesting conversation comes out of that, sometimes anons break down the techniques of other peoples work and i enjoy reading that.

>> No.3084904

>2ch art board
>full of drawings
>but they're all anime only and it never gets better than that

>4ch art board
>full of shitposting
>redlines worse than the original but you actually find good resources and quality artists posting once in a while, instead of seeing anime girls all day

>> No.3084905

Alt art thread is pretty nice actually. Active, some good artists, there's even professional artists in there (works in the actual industry).
You could probably consider some of the porn thread people pros as well depending on your definition

>> No.3084908

> 2ch
> no shitposting
You can't prove that.

>> No.3084909

could someone more knowing direct me to the proper board on 2chan?

>> No.3084922

Agreed. Why does an art critique board tolerate people who can barely draw in the first place?

>> No.3084923

Are there any other places to go?
Tumblr is full of bad art and politics and while twitch streams are comfy, they're not very discussion oriented.

>> No.3084927

>complains about shitposting
>continues to make yet ANOTHER meta thread full of shitposting


>> No.3084940

Japanese people are collectivists and Americans/Westerners are individualists.

>> No.3084948
File: 196 KB, 1008x735, talesofic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is /ic/ to a T

>> No.3084968

There's already a rule here about those type of threads, it's just that no one ever mods this place and takes down shit threads. I could make a thread talking shit about any artist and it'd stay on this board for weeks

>> No.3084976

It's because the Japanese try to ne polite in public spaces. And they have a culture of the older, more experienced teaching the younger, less experienced

Asians are all about "face"

>> No.3084998
File: 209 KB, 800x590, 1499907572205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been there, done that. 4ch has more variety and I'd say more skilled. Most of 2ch is the same anime trash with some decent anime every now and then. The only problem here is the rampart shitposting and better-than-thou attitude. No matter how good you are you will get insulted and told to get good, it gets you off your high horse and back to the drawing board, sure it gets tiring every so often but in the end it's better than cockmonging and circlejerking.

>> No.3085011

We're talking about an anonymous japanese imageboard here. If anything, they'd use it as an outlet to be even more obnoxious and mean spirited than we are exactly because they always have to act polite in public and think about saving face.

>> No.3085015

I never post work here because everyone's a pedo. There should be a blue board for art.

>> No.3085089

Its a good thing no-one is called good!
It really isn't. It's good in the sense it's not a hugbox, but there's a huge area between the 2 extremes.

90% of the critiques on better work here are just completely wrong and only done so people can pretend to feel superior. You're actually harming yourself half the time trying to listen to /ic/

>> No.3085103

What variety this fucking board only has like 2 threads were people actually draw.
The rest are shitposting or get no replies.

>No matter how good you are you will get insulted and told to get good
Shallow insults are not much better than hollow praise.

I just checked 2ch and they are actually drawing and analyzing things. Bitch about Japanese artist drawing manga if you want but they also have threads on perspective, lighting and anatomy instead of just yelling Loomis.
/ic/ is only good for resources and that's it.

>> No.3085146
File: 82 KB, 785x366, Screenshot_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3085151

there are 2 japanese 2 chans

futaba is the less popular one and not full of "normies" ...the artists there are actually busy drawing/playing games rather than talking on imageboard

the other 2chan is very active and just as rude as us. It's the one hiroshimoot left.

>> No.3085154

There's some good stuff here. The art supply thread is nice, most here are digi fags but there's some good advice floating around. The anons who start study threads are cool too (I think there's three right now? Book, anatomy and something else). Reference thread, book thread, /las/ started really cool but admittedly it's gone downhill a bit, pixel thread, alt style, draw, animation, style meme has been fun, post your work thread started nice as well.

I tend to find I enjoy ic a lot more when I give crits (mostly in beg desu). There's a lot of cunts here who just shit post and while it's annoying, I think there's a fair amount of good stuff too. I don't know why you would come to 4chan if you can't stand shitposting.

>> No.3085169

>the other 2chan is very active and just as rude as us.
Stop posting EOP.

>> No.3085187
File: 54 KB, 720x441, 4673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I-I'm still learning! DON'T LOOK DOWN ON ME!

>> No.3085340

that's because they're all japs and some of the pros care about the struggles of their countrymen I guess

why would a western pro artist care if some brazilian nigger can't learn how to draw

>> No.3085357

>tfw you've been interacting almost exclusively with brutally capitalist Americans because you feel even less kinship towards your fellow countrymen.
I... I think I just became a nazi.

>> No.3085447

There aren't enough thread ideas to carry a whole board, and people are too scared to make their own threads just for themselves.

/i/ is actually probably a more productive board than /ic/ because it's just art (albeit nonserious art mostly) and not the logistics feels ngmi stuff that inhabits /ic/.

>> No.3085452

There are more niggers in Eua than in Brazil. The proportion rate between gletemen whites and sneaky niggers are almost the same in both countrys. Watch your mouth.

>> No.3085466

That's 2chan, not 2ch you fucking retard
Learn your boards

>> No.3085474

auto ban to "post your work" parrots.
If you can't take criticism don't post, just lurk.

>> No.3085476

Moonfag here, OP is full of shit

>> No.3085478
File: 44 KB, 351x440, 5starpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking brilliant. Top kek, anon.

>> No.3085485

Here are the glorious boards OP is such a fan of

jie and jieura have like 3 users online on average, literally irrelevant

>> No.3085495
File: 20 KB, 528x431, titled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google does make everything more formal, but yeah, it's less rude than /ic/. Not because it's harder to argue, 2channel is just full of normies and 2chan full of oldfags, although the only active boards are like img and may anyways
Number in the last line in pic related is where you can see an estimated number of people currently browsing the board

Jesus Christ off yourself

>> No.3085529

The Japanese seem particularly adept at forming and staying within their own subcultures, minding their own business, ignoring the loudmouths, and ostracizing the stupid. Maybe you might find some parallels between that and how the self-moderating image board is set up.

>> No.3085693


70% of /ic/'s problems are retards trying to enlarge their e-cock talking shit ("post your work", "ngmi", "loomis", "you'll never be this good", ">Spoonfeed me", etc...).

The remaining 30% are just retards arguing about stupid, irrelevant shit ("tumblr sucks", "talent is real", "is X any good", /pol/ shit, tumblr shit, "how can X make $8668854 if it's shit", "Artists die poor", etc...).

Let's just ban those retards and make /ic/ great again.

>> No.3085713


spot the newfag, easy mode.

>> No.3085728

>comparing a drawing board to a drawing critique board

>> No.3085730
File: 269 KB, 900x682, ISHYGDDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We only need 20 good men.

Make enough original threads and new Generals to reclaim the whole first Page and keep them interesting so they stay there. Also go in Page 5 to 10 and Bump deserving threads before they are killed by the next "here is my shit, crit pleez" thread. Shitposting is way less funny when nobody replies to your thread because it's hidden in Page 4.

We totally need a Comics General for example, there are plenty of people interested on the subject and a few seem serious enough for it to be worth it. I'll make one this weekend.

> Tldr: just Hide every shit threads, there's no way to win

>> No.3085752
File: 498 KB, 500x500, 1490199203669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only active drawthread is /beg/
Actually the new meme general is pretty active too and has some solid content and conversation over there, unless you like those people who act like
>''people drawing for each other for free go back to /i/ hurr durr''

>> No.3085753 [DELETED] 

hi cancer

>> No.3085757
File: 39 KB, 532x396, 1438540335775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People are drawing and being constructive to each other
>But I don't like the format therefore its bad
Project harder

>> No.3085762 [DELETED] 

>what shoud be on /i
>what is cancer
>what cant draw for shit
>what is underage

>> No.3085767


Man don't be like that, we asked them to keep their stuff in a General and so far most are complying. Far better than seeing them everywhere in the Catalog. If only we could have a "I found this painting in my toilet" General, "I hate this artist" "Talent lmao", etc. so I only have to Hide 10 threads per week instead of 200.

>> No.3085773
File: 59 KB, 359x690, stoposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everybody on this board should draw the exact same style as me and strive the same goals as me otherwise they are shitters and should leave
Isn't the whole point of the board people who are learning to draw come here for guidance and inspiration, to share their work and discuss with each other? if everybody who uses this board needs to be skilled they wouldn't be here in the first place you retard

You ain't getting more attention from me, grow a brain

>> No.3085778 [DELETED] 

You're the kind of beta cunt that gets cucked by immigrants. Those threads are pure unadulterated cancer. Excision is the only cure. They are part of the larger issues plaguing this once great board.

>> No.3085780 [DELETED] 

Rule #1 you newfag bitch.

Read it
Live it
Love it

>> No.3085787

>All images and discussion should pertain to the critique of visual artwork
And are those people not doing that?
Just face it, you want a circlejerk of people who think and draw EXACTLY like you, the fact that you put those threads worse than people who spout memeshit threads like talent threads, NGMI threads and artists hate/worship threads just makes you sound like a spoiled 15yo girl throwing a tantrum over her Lamborghini being pink-white instead of pink

Keep spouting meme answers so everybody reading can conteplate how much braindead you are

>> No.3085795


>> No.3085796

With all discord/talent/feels/artist circlejerk threads you think that general is the plague of /ic/? Lmao get skin cancer

>> No.3085801 [DELETED] 

why are you even participating in this discussion? you weren't here before the cancer took over. you are a tumor.
>are those people not doing that?
your stupidity is legendary. those mystyle threads are utterly devoid of crit; just a maelstrom of 'blog?1' and 'my benis'.
Go to /i or back to tumblr or whatever hugbox cantdrawforshit hell you came from.
Suicide is free anon; you should try it sometime.

>> No.3085804 [DELETED] 

who said thats not all cancerous trash as well? learn to read you ignoranus.

>> No.3085809

>Still spouting meme arguments
>Measuring e-dick like if we were back in 2008
>RP'ing hardcore to prove he is experienced in the 4chin culture to sell his point in a fucking anonymous imageboard from india
Hello reddo

>> No.3085812 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 226x223, kyss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reduced to ad hominem

>> No.3085814

>"shut up newfag ur cancer kys reed da rulez"
>looks like I win another internet argument by my own standards :^)

>> No.3085817 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3085831


There used to be good people here, but constant drama threads and jealousy drove them off

Unfortunately, /ic/'s userbase is so small a handful of shitty people can drive it into the ground

>> No.3085840

wheres your good art?

>> No.3085842
File: 43 KB, 413x427, 1501693864373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lots of new people and no structure rigid enough to guide them nor mods to enforce the few existing rules. People used to lurk moar, but then the population on 4chan was 1/10th of today - and they were probably not as Normies, though I cannot prove it.

Solution is easy, /i/ and /ic/ need to become a unique board, this way the shitposting becomes normal, problem solved. Kinda like /pol/ and /mlp/ but permanent.

>> No.3085854 [DELETED] 
File: 527 KB, 800x1250, Caravaggio-St.-Matthew-and-the-Angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main issue is moderation. We used to have a part time janitor that would delete off topic threads and ban cunts. They listened when the rules needed changing/updating.
Now, nothing.
The truth is people complaining about the state of /ic aren't just raving for the sake of hearing themselves rant. /ic used to be a place where highly skilled artists helped others and themselves. Most people experienced great return in regards to skill for their investment in time here. Everyone who wants to improve would be better served with the old /ic relative to the new.

>> No.3085858

>check /i/ for the first time
>filled with drawings by anons in every single thread

Quality aside, we need to start doing this. Less bitching, jealosy and babies complaining, more drawings

>> No.3085862

They don't draw more than us, they just post way less often and less text, the board is slow as dead pretty much

>> No.3085876
File: 128 KB, 247x260, 1457316967919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post your work

Has there been a point where an artist ever proved their point by posting their work?

>> No.3085891

Also the art is shit

>> No.3085895

yes, you'd think people wouldn't accept it no matter what your drawing looked like, but the actually do. or they used to anyway, the internet is a lot dumber now.

>> No.3085914 [DELETED] 

I've never seen it happen.

>> No.3085918

Yes but then the other anon got angry and turned the image into a meme

>> No.3086032

>Make enough original threads and new Generals

Let me remind you of what le generalz have spawned on this board:

>Alt-style general
>"Fuck off KYLE"
>Keppok /pol/ funposting.

>Oil general
>Brian/chunbum shitposts.

>Porn general
>The furry/loli butthurt shitstorm.

>Draw threads
>Mikufag and his magical /pol/ friends.
>The fact they scared Teal, BBC... the most decent artists we had.

>Last Autist Standing.
>It explains itself.

They are more civil than back then (even since the mods BTFO all furfags from the porn threads, that also happened to be great artists). But even the OIL FUCKING GENERAL became a shitposting fest and it spread to the rest of /ic/.

If you start a new brand of LE GENERALS you better prepare to a fresh arrival of new memes and funposting before they die. They will only serve as temporal concentration camps, really, unless you can make them actually useful. But let's be honest, the only barely useful generals are the ones expected from an art community (critique and resource threads (/beg/, artbook, questions, references...)).

Sorry, but hiding the shittiest threads and convincing people to post in the right ones sounds for me like the only viable option.

>> No.3086036

the sketchbook thread was k

>> No.3086408

The whole board is in an impasse because the environment is exceptionally nasty due to anonymity, and posting your work makes you recognizable unless they're /beg/. So unless you draw porn and you're looking for an audience (it's 4chan after all) you most likely don't want to associate with the board.

I'm also gonna add that the field right now is extremely competitive in terms of jobs, so people are on edge and extremely hard with their judgdement. It's part of how things are in general, as you can see the oekaki board is much more active because it's not about getting an actual job as an artist. There's no cure and it's not even entirely /ic/'s fault.

>> No.3086417

/ic/ is meme central

>> No.3086421

>look at a general
>protect your feelings by ignoring every decent piece of art posted therein
>lack the mental capacity to remember any of the posts except the shitposts that are repeated multiple times
>go on meta thread to complain

>> No.3086431

>>2ch art board

Don't ever post that Jap shit here again.

It's alright guys, nothing to see here. Get back to your easels.

>> No.3086584

>imagine Rebecca Sugar starting a thread, she'd get shit on to oblivion
that would be one hell of a shitstorm

>> No.3087046
File: 244 KB, 1286x468, 2chin first page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2chin is where the pros post
>Fuck those people drawing anime and stylized shit, they don't represent /ic/

>> No.3087059

>Go to 2chan
>Most people actually help each other and they have no problem with fags creating threads to discuss their shitty drawings instead of yelling ''go back to <<<gen>>>''
>They seem to be even respectful with each other
>Bait threads incredibly low
>Most threads created for shitty drawings just get a few replies then eventually die so new ones can come out
>Slow and steady

/ic/ can learn a thing or two with the chinks

>> No.3087068

>they don't represent /ic/
I agree, they actually draw.