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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.14 MB, 3600x5400, creative-routines-edit3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3082292 No.3082292 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think that it is important to have a daily routine? Do you have one? Is it detailed?
I'm thinking about making a schedule and keeping to it, right now actually my days are pretty similar but I don't really have a plan, and I don't draw as much as I would actually like to. I've got Daly Rituals How Artists Work by Mason Currey and I'm going to start reading it today and come up with a nice plan.

>> No.3082308

yeah, if I didn't have a routine I would get very easily side-tracked or distracted. I usually wake up at 8AM and start putting in hours, so later in the day i will be in tune with the time. e.g my stopwatch says 5hrs26min and it's 5:26PM. this is really effective in making me not want to break it by pausing or stopping. Waking up early let's me take breaks. I do 8 hours everyday, so by 10PM I should definitely have it.

>> No.3082309

>Do you think that it is important to have a daily routine
Yes. Without one I wouldn't be doing anything.

t. 8 years wasted on pretending to work before I got my shit together

>> No.3082313

I think it is important with a daily routine, at least for myself, it's not overly detailed, I work in 2 hour chunks at a time, morning is 2 chunks, then lunch, 3 chunks and finally dinner.

After I have eaten I do whatever, most of the times I go back to art but with no real obligations/schedule to follow.

>> No.3082328

It's an interesting idea, the one with trying to be in tune with the time.
yeah, too detailed can be bad too

can you share your routine?

Right now I've came up with such an idea of a routine:
Get up at 0800 (this is when I get up right now, thouh I think that maybe I should get up a bit earlier, especially right now, during the summer when it get hot fast)
Eat breakfast and make tea
Drink my tea, prepare another cup to drink while working.
Start working
Take a short break in the middle, eat some fruit, maybe drink some tea
Draw again
Eat my main meal around noon
an hour or maybe a bit more of time to rest, listen to some music, read, basically free time
Go for a walk, perhaps draw a bit outside
Rest for a short while
Eat supper, tidy my room a bit
some free time
go to bed, read till around midnight, go to sleep

also, three times a week I would finish drawing a bit earlier in the morning, and work out, and I would draw a bit more in the afternoon.
This would be my plan for summer, and it is a bit of a goal, rather then plan to be followed immediately, since I'm not used to drawing that much, and it could be too much in the beginning.
So I'm going to work a bit less in the beginning, and slowly increase the amount of work. Any ideas, opinions?

>> No.3082343

Do you time the amount of hours you're actively drawing? I suppose to probably take breaks here and there or get the smallest of distractions, so how much time really do you spend actively drawing in those 8 hours?

>> No.3082347

I don't
Every time I tried to stick to one I broke it, I get distracted too easily. I'm still trying to figure out a way that'll work.

I do draw every single day though, even if it's 30 minutes or 6 hours. I use a timer every time I draw and stop ti when I take breaks.

>> No.3082354
File: 80 KB, 1093x796, my schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3082359

I'd recommend some real exercise, but maybe walking is enough. Better than nothing.

I recommend waking up at 6 latest. the earlier the better, in my experience.

My schedule won't be useful to you, since I have both work and university (MSc) in it. I only draw for storyboards and do some technical drawing for the architect I work for, so my drawing practice is just 2 hours a day and mostly just gesture and perspective with a bit more stuff on weekends.

I recommend you to read up on "flow". Apparently the most efficient state of work can be achieved for 4 hours. If I had all tiem of the world I'd do 2 times 4 hours uninterrupted drawing sessions. 8 hours of daily work is really doable while it wouldn't break you with a too tough schedule. I also believe that too much work makes Jack a dull boy.

>> No.3082370

well, I don't really mean the walking as a exercise that much, it's just a thing that I really enjoy. Three times a week I would do some strength training, and I would also run a bit.
This is my schedule for the summer only, since during the academic year I have less time, and it is much easier to manage it. I would just get up 2-4h before having to go out, eat breakfast, drink tea, draw a bit, maybe revise, go catch a train, read on train, if there was 1.5h of a break between classes I would go for a walk, or if it rained I would read, then again, some classes, reading on a train, getting back in the evening, eating a supper, some drawing, read a bit and go to sleep.

I'll with working in the morning until the noon, and having free time afterwards, and maybe add a bit of drawing in the evening if I feel like it, especially since it gets quite hot around noon right now.

>> No.3082375

*I'll start

>> No.3082393


Dude, having a routine is the true end-game. You fight procrastination, lack of motivation and decision fatigue at the same time.

I was NEETing for a year, but I learned Ruby, JS, German; I finished SICP, I developed a good way to finish more drawings, I'm writing some stuff and I'm getting /fit/.

Now I'm just a week from entering the uni and I'm kind of worried that it will fuck my routine up since I started learning jap and started CS50.

Took me a lot of iteration to find a reasonable amount of time to do everything, and distracting yourself will really happen. Your first goal must be to show up and not worrying about results. There will be ZERO noticeable gainz the first weeks, but they're there.

Here's a good site. I got almost all of my ideas from here: jamesclear.com


Your idea's wonderful, mate. Mine's more like a school schedule and sometimes feels like a pain doing all of it. You'll eventually adjust it until you get the perfect one.

>> No.3083390

There should be a website that lets you make your own routine circle thing

>> No.3083402

why don't just draw the circle
we're on /ic/ after all

>> No.3083933

>implying anyone on /ic/ can draw

>> No.3083976
File: 156 KB, 1000x1018, time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what the freeter life looks like
you jelly?

>> No.3084109

do you not eat?

>> No.3084126

Not him but most singles eat while doing something else.

>> No.3084153

>I developed a good way to finish more drawings
could you elaborate on this?

>> No.3084195
File: 200 KB, 1250x1316, 1442100924679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Monday: Sketch.

Brainstorm, make gestures, thumbnails, develop your idea.

Fix anatomy and perspective.

>Tuesday: Fix the sketch -or- Add lineart -or- start rendering.

Fix anatomy and perspective (If you didn't on monday). Ink it or start painting it.

>Wednesday: Rendering.

Block in colors, blend, add details, repeat... pic related (or you can start with values and add a color layer later).

>Thursday: Still rendering.

Takes some time. It's definitely lenghtier than pic related.

>Friday: Post production and deliver.

Crop, add filters, chromatic aberration, lens flare, film grain, export and post to ur insta.

>Saturday and sunday.

Free slots. Fill with studies or something.


If you dedicate at least two hours for each phase, you still have plenty of time to make studies or practice. Makes me generally finish one piece each week. Not much compared to others that shit paintings, but it's consistent.

>> No.3084266

eat during shitposting time. normally whilst watching something visually like a YT video.

>> No.3084612

>Shit some more
>Shit and Cry While Shitting
>Shit and Cry, Shitting While Shitting
>Cry, Fap
>Cry, Fap, Shit
>Shit, Cry, Shitpost

>Fuck no drawing.

>> No.3084620

try adding some weetabix to your diet and cutting back on the coffee

>> No.3084981

Guy you replied to, ironically i literally don't draw at all
I come here to read threads on work process and extrapolate the advice to my own creative field

>> No.3085460

>light meal, cold chocolate
now that's a routine i like the sound of

>> No.3085551

Pic related my weekly tracker that helps keep track of my routine and daily/weekly/classes goals.

the data is extrapolated at the bottom.
waste/study/sleep/ work are separated and compared weekly.

I fill it in at the end of the day. so far for this week its at 34 hours of pure studying/drawing hours.

its been extremely useful to me.
I've regimented my life around it.
has helped me fend of mastarbation

it was extremely painfull logging in 10+ hours a
day at first but it got easier. still hard but I found some rhythm in it.

>> No.3085553
File: 1.11 MB, 1522x8971, Juyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3085639
File: 1.35 MB, 1156x1643, Ch.1_ The Beginning - 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an overly stressful childhood which fucked up my guts so I can relate. There are few things you should try (if not done already):
>cutting out FODMAPs from your diet
>taking probiotics
>walking after each meal (at least 2h / day)

>> No.3087035

app? that look really nice

>> No.3087738

Its a simple spreadsheet document I made using Numbers.

it does all the calculations and can update it via iPhone or on the go.

you can achieve the same with windows platform with excel am sure. I can share the document template with you if you want

>> No.3087885

> I can share the document template with you if you want

yes please

>> No.3087898

Honestly, what the fuck was Balzac on? His output was ridiculous.

>> No.3088006

Coffee, apparently.
Dude would sleep through the day and then stay up all night writing shit.

>> No.3088010


>50 cups of coffee a day

Man, I have 6 or 7 and it starts to make me sick