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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 160 KB, 519x877, IMG_0284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3079499 No.3079499 [Reply] [Original]

Im going to submit work for art school next month and i need help getting good within a next few months, what should i do?

>> No.3079500

post work

>> No.3079504

also art school is a meme unless you go to a really good one.

>> No.3079506
File: 1.48 MB, 3021x2421, IMG_0304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get a job at animation>>3079500

>> No.3079507

2 hours of gestures daily minimum. Warm up 30 mins of no ref gestures, then go do your gestures and make sure you move on from something like 5 min to 2 min to 30s. Focus on the form and feel off the pose rather than the look and contours. Go watch promo's videos on gestures to see how you should be doing it.

>> No.3079509

*Proko's videos

>> No.3079520

Well I'm not going to fuck with you like most other people will on here, and give you actual advice.

I hate to crush your dreams here pal, but what you showed isn't good, at all. I can barely tell what's going on in this picture except that there's robot things. I don't say this to dishearten you, though, I say this because it's true. One part of becoming an artist you HAVE to learn, is how to take criticism. If you don't, you will never make it in the art world.

So, here's what you're going to do if you're serious about learning how to make art. First, forget about animation, worry about it later. Animating is cool, but you need A LOT of knowledge in art if you want to make good animations. Go to the sticky, it has pretty much everything you need there, but let me sum it up for you.

The first thing you need to learn, is your fundamentals. These are the foundation for EVERYTHING you draw, and not learning them will be shooting yourself in the foot. The fundamentals are (arguably) basic shapes, anatomy, construction, value, perspective, color, and composition. I say arguably, because some consider there to be more than just these, but what I listed (also in the sticky) is still true.
Secondly, I'm going to recommend some books for you to read. First one you should read, is "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain". I say this one, because it teaches you how to get out of symbol drawing, something I think any beginner should learn to do before diving into the fundamentals. After that, read some books by Andrew Loomis. He's a meme on here, but not because he's bad to learn from. Though his methods may not work for everyone, but his knowledge is true. I'd recommend "Fun with a Pencil" first, and then "Successful Drawing".

I won't lie to you, learning art is not easy, and it WILL take a lot of time and practice to learn it. There's no shortcuts, no magic pills, no secret methods. If you want to get good, the only way is through hard work.

>> No.3079529

Honestly depending on how well he learns and how dedicated he is I think a strong focus on gestures can fake him into animation.

>> No.3079557
File: 134 KB, 995x1200, shadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3079559

>art school
>want to get a job at animation

curious, which school do you plan to apply to?

>> No.3079569

Maybe, if he just wants to do shitty youtube cartoons.

>> No.3079570

or just shitty cartoon network shows

>> No.3079573

Also he should realize how straining animation is. You have to have a real love for it if you're going to make a career out of it

>> No.3079579

>fake him into animation
I'm only going off of secondhand accounts, but first year animation school is basically a make or break sort of deal. Based on the drawing OP posted, I don't think they'd be able to fake their way through basic assignments.

OP, if you're not in Europe or something with free tuition, take a gap year and take classes at community college in addition to grinding at home.

>> No.3079617

Bad fucking advice. I did this same thing except with comics. Instead of making comics I just focused on fundamentals and whole it did help me improve a bit, when I went back to comics Im still very beginner. Do both, anon don't listen to this Retard.

>> No.3079640


the hard part, IMO, is making it into a routine. draw every day, as much as you can. I like to do lots of figure drawing.

>> No.3080612
File: 148 KB, 750x997, IMG_0462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tired drawing a body. How can i improve?

>> No.3080626

Stop following PedoShad's "art" for start.

>> No.3080631

just try to make stuff that's big, vibrant and creative and loose. you want to give an impression like, "this guy is ready to get stuck in and be an enthusiastic student,' they don't care so much if you're good or not.

>> No.3080635

this has to be b8

>> No.3082142

Following advice like that I got into my art school you have no idea what your talking about. A beginner giving a beginner advice, pls stop.
It's quite apparent from your post that you learned nothing, if you did you'd be shitting out comics left right and center needing only our imagination. Go on pal, post your work, let's see those fundies.
This faggot has no time to "lel draw what u want", he's got a few months only. When Iw as applying drawing portraits is all I did for half a year, thought I liked it? No I fucking didn't but it was necessary.

>> No.3082550


>> No.3082564
File: 3.55 MB, 3262x4982, ARB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine now.


Because I am here!

>> No.3082567
File: 3.90 MB, 749x1050, Bahi JD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3082569
File: 373 KB, 2149x702, Tom Bancroft (Went to Calarts which was then $9,000 a year, a Fifth of What it is Now-but Never Graduated).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3082573
File: 3.68 MB, 1752x6197, ASK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3082596

one of my fav books.

Which art schools are still good / the best though? Cal Arts seems to be the most well known at least.

>> No.3082687

CalArts would be the best choice for animation, but there are other options. However, art colleges are valuable not just for the teachers, but because of the reach and connections with its alumni and it's reach with various companies. You don't HAVE to go to the best, but it sure fucking helps

If you're set on animation, CalArts is most likely goal for you, or if you're willing Goeblins in France is also a major animation school. It really depends on what you're focusing on- Art Center is the best art school and tailored towards industrial design, vehicle design, product design, and entertainment design. If you're not sure what focus you're going into, go to a community college, grind the shit out of the basics, get your gen ed out of the way, and transfer to one of these schools. you'll even save money in the long run

>> No.3082704

Don't forget Sheridan's animation program in Canada, which is affordable and doesn't require you to know French. (Apparently their illustration department is mediocre, though).

>> No.3082708

What's wrong with their illustration program?

>> No.3082714

Pretty much what these guys said as far as schools goes: >>3082687

However I would add that you should absolutely NOT go to art school right out of highschool at your level. Give yourself 4 years to improve on your own using more inexpensive methods. More people that go to art school don't make it than do-there's absolutely no need to rush into things.

4 years self-study then if necessary attempt a scholarship at some of the schools mentioned so far. The art you've posted in this thread shows me you've barely drawn with any sincerity yet. Racking up debt when even a good school wouldn't be able to get you out of the beginner thread nearly quick enough would be an absolutely terrible idea.

Get a part time job (no more than 20/hrs a week) and draw on your days off. If you go to school now when you couldn't even get the most out of it you'd be practically throwing your life away.

>> No.3083864
File: 168 KB, 720x1280, pUlmion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow it's funny how people who sell books and video courses for self learners all see through the con of art school

that anecdote is over a decade old at bare minimum, the book came out in 2001 and he's probably been telling that story for years. stop using it to validate yourself

agreed maybe don't spend a lot of money on school just yet if you can't comprehend enough to take full advantage of the lessons

work your way up, it's ok if you can't make this immediately or if you have other commitments. just do a little each day. patience wins the race

>> No.3083988

You're clearly trolling GTFO

>> No.3083991

Garbage B8-M80

>> No.3084125

Not gonna make it.

>> No.3084133

>that anecdote is over a decade old at bare minimum, the book came out in 2001 and he's probably been telling that story for years. stop using it to validate yourself

You seem to imply the situation changed.

>> No.3084144

Is there any reason to go to art school? For me it would be cheap: just ~5k$ for the BA, but it comes with opportunity costs. I already have a BSc in CompSci and a BSc in Mathematics.

My plan is to work as an office drone while working in my art skills. Or is it worth to go full retard? I udnerstand there is no universal answer, would just like to hear some opinions, especially from people with experiences with art school. The programme I am interested in is Game design and includes sculpting, drawn art (traditional and digital), VFX, 3D and ofc CompSci parts which I could skip with my previous education.

>> No.3084188

Wew just read this and i guess that says it all. Well at least that art school wouldn't break the bank. But if no one cares for the degree I won't either. I had my fair share of university experience and it was shit, imo.

>> No.3084235
File: 222 KB, 960x640, you have been visited by the $80,000 Slade Sneakers of Life-long Debt and Unemployment. A Storied Career in Representational Illustration or Animation Will Come to You, but ONLY if you Post 'Shoo-Shoo, Shoes!' ITT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow it's funny how people who sell books and video courses for self learners all see through the con of art school

"wow, it's funny how not even half of the people cited in that image or the ones preceding it sell books and video courses for self learners".

LeSean Thomas, Bahi JD, Shane Glines, Bruce Timm, Chris Battle and the hundreds of thousands of otherwise nameless working artists without degrees as tabulated by census statistics are teaching now? Where do I sign up!?

>that anecdote is over a decade old at bare minimum, the book came out in 2001 and he's probably been telling that story for years.

Not even close to an argument. I must have missed that time when most art schools suddenly changed course and started respecting representational artwork again and that there were more than a dozen art schools worth attending across the US or the European continent combined.

>stop using it to validate yourself

Nice psychological projection, maybe if the image didn't hit so close to home it wouldn't trigger you so much every time it's posted buddy ;^]


>> No.3084432

I'm currently going to an art school with a focus in game design or whatever you want to call it.

>includes sculpting, drawn art (traditional and digital), VFX, 3D and ofc CompSci

Everything you've listed can be broken down in the production pipeline- preproduction, production, or postproduction.
You can also loosely group what you've listed into: concept artist, technical artist, programmer.

It's fine if you're a generalist, but you still have to be a good and versatile one. Larger game companies will EXPECT you to specialize, while smaller/startup companies will expect you to take on more roles within the company.
Off the top of my head, the closest thing to your interests would probably be what Gnomon has to offer.

What exactly do you have questions about?

>> No.3084596

i have never visited an art school that didn't show off that life drawing was on the curriculum as a selling point.

nowhere did i say that people who don't go to art school can't make it. i know a few people who didn't and have art jobs. but cherrypicking data and taking it out of context to :) validate yourself :) is dumb

lol anon, that's a contemporary -fine art- degree show. like shit you'd hang in the tate. illustration and animation are taught totally differently to fine art, they're different disciples

networking. a stupid amount of jobs are only given to people because they 'knew a guy'. also you will have to actually produce art on a schedule, a lot of people are bad at that especially on here

>> No.3084667
File: 1.69 MB, 1100x1400, WE WUZ ART N SHIT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have never visited an art school that didn't show off that life drawing was on the curriculum as a selling point.

How many art schools do you be visiting nigga?

Also, maybe that's because you were smart enough to actually look at the art school's student work before bothering to show up to the potato schools?

Many people are not. If you just decide to go to your local "art school" 9 times out of 10 it's going to be "contemporary", "conceptual" art instruction despite their not having any commercial (or let's be real, artistic) value whatsoever.

>lol anon, that's a contemporary -fine art- degree

No shit dude, your assertion in that exact post was that for some reason the anecdote from the Animator's Survival Kit about this exact school, the Slade, which was called out by name-and other schools like it which have supplanted practical realism with...whatever the hell shit like pic related is...was somehow no longer relevant because he said it longer ago than you would have liked.

With regards to even ostensibly GOOD art schools though, I'm not personally willing to take an 80 thousand dollar bet that most people seem to lose when the degree itself is, according to what imperfect statistics we have available, of dubious value to begin with. If you are, that's fine.

1. Most art schools suck major balls and should be avoided at all costs

2. Do not go to any art school right out of high school

3. Do not go to any art school that doesn't have stringent entrance requirements

4. School is an option, not a guarantee

5. It's proven you do not need a degree to make a livable amount of money making art, even at the highest levels

That's all I'm saying.

>> No.3086890

Work in various mediums if you can. Show drawing and observation skills. Show some work with ideas that you can explain.

>> No.3086932

shoo-shoo, shoes!