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File: 95 KB, 600x849, commissioned_character_art__double_amputee_by_firez_da-dberi6k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3077937 No.3077937 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming I'm a complete beginner

>> No.3077940

if it took firez 4, itll take you 4.

>> No.3077944

wat the fuck is going on with her upper torso

>> No.3077945

Why would it take someone the same amount of time? The only way that would happen is if they had the same brain, studied the same way, and practised the same around of time in 4 years. Why are you so stupid NoseBro?

>> No.3077951

you can easily surpass his atrocious anatomy quickly

>> No.3077952

Double amputee, the cut is that high because, client liked it that way, at least that is what his blog says

>> No.3077954

that's still a fucked up thorax

>> No.3077955

3 months if you have someone to guide you

>> No.3077956

his anatomy makes my anatomy hard

>> No.3077966

these questions are always stupid because
a) what is a Firez level? is he drawing this in 2 hrs from imagination alone? is he using refs? how long did it take?

and b) what is your current level?

basically stop asking this shit

>> No.3077968

>someone commissioned this
>a double amputee

>> No.3077969
File: 221 KB, 1273x1400, Image 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, he even wanted no deltoids and scars so I did what I could, I like to draw amputees but I prefer to have them wearing prosthesis or some portion of the arm/leg. Completely limb less is not that appealing to me

I hope you can do better and faster, I'm an old fag with a full time job and some shifty circumstances. Focus on grasping form and perspective in everything you draw I wasted so much time pursuing shapes in photo studies. Which is in itself is not bad I actually learned a lot about rendering from imagination but I could have used my time better.

>> No.3077973

Could you quit your job and live on comissions alone?

>> No.3077980

que pedos catracho

>> No.3077988

>I wasted so much time pursuing shapes in photo studies.
What does this mean?

>> No.3077991

you dont learn how to draw from imagination by eye tracing and drawing negative space. Just makes you a printer. Firez is an amazing printer. He wishes he didn't learn to print.

>> No.3077993

Firez can't draw from imagination?

>> No.3077994

these are all from imagination. But he's been able to do perfect copies for years now. the assumption is that had he not wasted time hed be even better at imagination work.

>> No.3078004


>> No.3078014

At this moment no...I also dropped most of what I had in secured commissions because my surface died, it was just recently that I got a replacement and will try again.

However my first four months of taking commissions were promising I didn't made any announcements but I got enough to buy a new laptop and a cintiq. I also still have my full time non art related job so I will try to focus on getting good first and foremost and take some few commissions whenever I can.

Hola paisano, pensé que era el único nico hondureño de por aquí

That's right

I can but it takes me a lot of time....in part for the way I render stuff

>> No.3078029

Half a day.

>> No.3078040

200 hours at most but you won't get there because you don't draw at all and he keep drawing no matter how much we shitposted his stuff.

>> No.3078084


How do you render these? Surely something like the OP pic isn't done solely with the technical pencil brush in Procreate, the shading on the body is a hard round or something isn't it?

>> No.3078218

This is number one bullshit. You are 100% guaranteed to be a dunning Kruger who is light years behind Firez. You can't get to his level in 200 Hours and you can't just give a random arbitrary number and say that's how long it'll take.

>> No.3078220

You can with talent and deliberate practice you cuck.

>> No.3078222

about tree fiddy

>> No.3078240

Mostly depends on how apt you are at learning. So probably 8 years.

>> No.3078244

she's hiding her arms to help the artist.

>> No.3078494

soft brush controlled with lasso tool and the smudge with various brush settings, particularly acrylic and membrane.

Thanks anon.
Let them believe whatever they want. Some people here act like they came out of their monthers' vaginas knowing how to draw. Shit is hard and the whole things is a humbling yet rewarding process

>> No.3078512

>Focus on grasping form
Can you give an example? I thought form and shape were the same thing..

>> No.3078569

Having an anon guide me on my drawing journey is my fetish
Literally task me with any exercise you want and I'll post my results

(being the whore I am I'll have to see your work first)

>> No.3078601

I might be wrong here, so feel free to correct me, but volume is a property of form and not shape. So generally when you talk about the shape of an element it tends to be the outline, or something "flat" like that.

>> No.3078609

>when you're so bad at drawing hands you amputate your character

>> No.3078647

Why do you like to draw nude amputee women? Not judging you it's just a different sort of fetish I rarely see.

>> No.3078665

FiRez isn't awful or anything holy FUCK it's been YEARS and he still can't draw a face that isn't completely stiff and emotionless.

>> No.3079250
File: 233 KB, 757x1400, untitled_artwork_2_15_by_firez_da-dbe5tuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>3078601 explanation is on point, visually both may look the same but internally you should be to feel and even manipulate forms in order to draw from imagination. Here is a video that explains forms well imho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LkkhSGLkpg

I think it looks very cool, prosthesis give bodies a sort of trans-humanist quality which i really dig. I also kind of fantasize about "damaged goods". Body horror would be another thing I would like to explore like in pic related

Is not a terrible uncommon fetish, sadly on dA a lot of people/artists like to take the limbless thing to the extreme

Sorry you feel that way, I would say the expressions look different enough, about the stiff thing I may grant you that but I'm still working on getting better in this regard

>> No.3079291

isn't this an original sculpture by some nip? why you plagiarising

>> No.3079551

I'll take me a single year, but you'll need at least 5.

Source: my ass

>> No.3079558

>Source: my ass
this made me think of "legend of my ass"

>> No.3079586

the bigass eye isn't following the form of the torso. Work on your construction my man.

>> No.3079616
File: 3.11 MB, 3147x2538, 0e1e233eda53c06b042fee720cfa4c53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you were drawing a head a form study would be breaking it down to simple primitive shapes - spheres, cubes, etc that are in perspective. Its in 3d and, if the head is in 3/4, you could draw the other side using just construction and anatomy knowledge.

If drawing the head as a shape study, you would look at relationships between the elements on the face/photo/image you are looking at. You are drawing only what you literally see with your physical eyeballs. This is totally 2-dimennsional and trains your eye to see. This is good for learning how light interacts with stuff/quick read of a composition/how things actually look. This should be studied alongside construction not in lieu of. This is how you probably started drawing, not with Loomis/Bridgeman systems but by looking and putting it down on paper as accurately as you can, like a printer, to which the goal is accuracy and believe it or not, there is a bunch of information you can get by just looking for 1-3hours at something.

I remember Mullins saying something about being able to think in 2d and 3d at the same time, looking at an object and be able to turn it in perspective and 'feel' the form but also see it in context with other elements on the image, how far is it from the nose and lips, the shape of the shadow, how dark compared to the lit skin, etc.

Lay-in of pic is done in shapes, top/bottom triangulating shit. If via construction it would be through Loomis/Hampton circles and cubes. But you will have to go back to looking/you shape training when you render. Learn both.

>> No.3079621

You work a part-time job firez or you doing art full time?

>> No.3079663

firez' level? probably 3 days