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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 223 KB, 1280x960, Art progress example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3076516 No.3076516 [Reply] [Original]

Inspiration thread anyone?

I feel like people beginning would like to see how much you can improve in a certain amount of time. I know I do.

Show your progress from when you first started.

The picture isn't mine, it's just an example.

>> No.3076791

Post your work?

>> No.3076816

I didn't even improve. I'm still ass.

>> No.3076827

And post my lack of progress to /ic/ and get eaten alive....no thanks.

>> No.3076834
File: 751 KB, 1367x1552, 723894792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The op pic sucks desu

>I failed at drawing an upper body shot of an anime girl
>But look! I took a 2 hour photoshop tutorial on how to do a photorealistic portrait copy of my favorite k pop singer!
If i didnt know any better, it seems like she doesnt really care about the craft, and more about getting as many views as pos-
oh look!

Im sick of all these attentionwhores trying to "motivate" beginners with their "progress". If you wanted to motivate new artists in making them better, (pic) should be crucial for all beginners if they want motivation, because it actually gives them specific goals to aim for and classifies them in a level. All i get from looking at the op is
>Haha. Im a femanon who got into art young and manipulated a bunch of people thinking im good for doing portrait drawings, and youll never be like me, because im so great, and there are virgins and whiteknights on 4chin fapping to my shit as we speak.
Nsio's the man. Hes old as 27. BUT WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE NSIO http://nsio.deviantart.com/art/Nsio-Pose-Practice-14-Sachiko-678224883 !?! I guess when you become older, you grow a fetish for milfs

>inb4 post ur work!

>> No.3076846

>Go out of your way to search the image posted originally

>proceed to check to see if they are up to your standards

>call them bad

>Go on a tangent about how attention whores try to motivate people with their progress when it's not even that dee.

>Realize the OP posted the pic as an example.

I'm sure you think this person is bad or whatever, but to deny there was any progress is ridiculous. I'm not claiming that you're saying that but the point of the picture was to see how one can achieve a goal in art in due time.

I'm sure there are many beginners wanting to strive to atleast be able to churn out something like that.

>Talk shit about an artist who isn't even that bad claiming that he/she knows better

>Wonders why people asks him/her to post their work.

>> No.3076853
File: 508 KB, 1280x720, 634634576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever faggot.

All i know is, as someone who is a beginner, OP's pic makes me want to kill myself, while nsio actually gives me hope, and i just think there are many anons lurking who feel the same way.
>he thinks i want to do photocopy of korean boys
lmao. Only thing im jealous of his fans and the fact she gets payed for that shit. Its like seeing a rich harvard grad drive by you in the street in a lambo and shout out the window, "If you were as smart as me you be hereeeeeee"

>> No.3076859

The butthurt is unreal. But keep those nsio pictures coming.

>> No.3076860

>youre butthurt
>but youre still right
The truth hurts, but someone has to say it. Also, if you werent such a fucking newfag, youd already have all of nsio tutorials saved. kys

Also, care to explain how youre not mad? You are, if not more, an insignificant fag like me whose out done by someone younger than you. And youre okay with that, cuck?

>> No.3076863

Why would the truth hurt? I don't care enough to be hurt by you stating anything. Why would any of the things you're saying hurt me?

>> No.3076864
File: 246 KB, 900x582, 90_s_xmen_ink_by_wil_woods-day96ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to mention. Most of her pics looked like they were referenced, and are in a boring standing pose. She is literally the opposite of DYNAMIC. It looks like she found some niche coloring scheme that people find cute, which is what lead to her popularity. So no, i do not want to be like her, for im a comic artist striving for something like (pic).

In fact, you sound like condescending cunt if youre telling beginners: "this is a masterpiece. this where you should be at. If you dont draw like this bitch, you are shit" So fuck you, fuck your taste and art, just go back to tumblr and draw stiff anime sluts in vomit inducing coloring, get payed for being an unoriginal fuck, and kill yourself you reddit spacing dick gobbling loser

>> No.3076873

I like how everyone is taking the example I found randomly on the internet, downloaded, and posted in order to be able to be abe to make this thread and taking it as me telling beginners this is a masterpiece that everyone should strive for. I downloaded the first image I saw.

So no need for the jealously circlejerk. I don't give a fuck about the artist as much as you do. Just thought I'd make a thread where I can get a bit of inspiration. Forgot how shitty ic is. Pretty much jump at anything they don't like.

>You happened to post a picture of an artist I hate irrationally. FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU DIE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.3076875
File: 400 KB, 1907x935, Prog RE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's my progress, started out in December 2016 doodling random crap, then somewhere in Jan 2017 started learning perspective and Scott Robertson. I stopped drawing for 3 months (IRL work) in April, and just recently came back.

>> No.3076877

Someone actually posting something. Keep it up. I've been trying to get onto perspective but this makes me want to definitely try that course.

I actually have a tab up of his video on perspective. Watched about 40 minutes. Wouldn't hurt to finish.

>> No.3076885


I think perspective is the best place to start in my experience, once you understand construction and camera angles then drawing everything is easier.

>> No.3077387

2nd mastery right here.

>> No.3077419

I think I'm at 1.8 mastery right now. Gotta stay motivated to reach that sweet 2nd mastery. After I took 8 whole months of course. Fucking hell I gotta grind instead of referencing.

>> No.3077430

This picture always bothered me because 5th/6th mastery always looked rather fucked up to me. But then again, I'm at level 3/4 myself, so that might just be the Dunning Kruger talking.

>> No.3077538
File: 354 KB, 1280x1880, 1494195580859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I can inspire you not to procrastinate.
My ""progress"" is like a rollercoaster. A very slow rollercoaster at that.

In a bad day I might end up drawing like 2010 all over again (refer to 2015).
But, in hindsight, at least I don't often go below 2014 that often anymore.

Not gonna make it, DRAW EVERY SINGLE DAY, GUYS!

>> No.3077542

>thinking you're at 3/4
Yup, dunning kruger. On the deviantart a ton of people thought they were there too, but they don't know squat about judging their own level. More than not, you'll be 2.

>> No.3077544


what's your blog, lad?

>> No.3077554


I don't have one, Anon.

>> No.3077574

In other words, 7 total months of training for this level of achievement?
Elaborate, how much do you actively draw on a daily basis? Were you already some vehicle nerd who knows all parts by name, even though you didn't draw them before?

I've been meaning to read Scott's book because that perspective one by Norling makes me want to kill myself.

Nice job, anon.

>> No.3077891
File: 780 KB, 1465x608, Some progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread looks kind of interesting, hope this progress is worth something althought it is just one month's progress

>> No.3077936

Dude that is a MASSIVE improvement for a month. You're really reaping the rewards of the beginner gains. Are they both from imagination?

>> No.3077957

The first ones were kind of referenced, i tried imitating the style of a comic i liked, it turned out as a nightmare, then i discovered /ic/ and believe or not, it was helpful, i tried the sticky and went with Loomis, got bored and then i focused on making portrait studies of real people for like 100 hours straight with side projects for fun, i still grinded stuff from the sticky tho, in a month i spent 140 hours grinding and here i am, still shit but not as shit as in the beggining, in last pick i used a reference too but another style

>> No.3078006


>> No.3078026


If you take away 3 months of not actually drawing, but thinking about it while I was busy working. It was around 4 to 5 months of doing 8 to 14 hours a day, no random doodling, just grinding. I did Vandruff Perspective and all the exercises up to chapter 7 in Scott Robertson How to Draw book. I think my biggest breakthrough was when I spent like 20 hours trying to construct a lighter in perspective, using nothing but the line tools in Photoshop. It was a hellish experience, but it helped me grasp it better.

I tried my best to imitate what it seems to me, FZD students are made to do. I am hoping to do at least 90 drawings more like those to increase my visual library and start giving me some projects to actually design stuff before I get into rendering or learning human anatomy. And nah, I am not a nerd. I have no idea how jet, helo or vehicle engines work, although I want to learn.

>> No.3078030

>tfw I'll never get better because I don't have this guy's grind

>> No.3078031


I think the best you can do imo, is to do Vandruff and make sure you get it. Then go into Scott and seriously do the exercises until you really know how to make draw any type of shape in profile/top/front view and translate it accurately into perspective.

It's tedious, but if you learn that fundamental. Everything becomes easier to grasp, and as you internalize perspective, later on you can just do it free hand with very few ''shift'' straight lines as guide. Seriously worth it. I am at work atm, but if I can help you out with any questions you might have, ask them. I'll answer when I get back home.

>> No.3078033


Well, do consider I willingly decided to harm my health to get ahead, by taking stimulants. I don't want to lie to you. That's a choice I made, and it worked great for me.

>> No.3078038

Is this the Vandruff Chalkboard series? The $12 series? Also, really great progress. Take care of yourself though.

>> No.3078068
File: 1.06 MB, 984x1490, 1483301224040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot. Recomforting to know I don't necessarily need to be a cargeek. That's a LOT of work put in, but the results really show.

I'm fresh out of an art slump, trying to draw at least 2 hours a day, that should take me a year an a half (if I don't increase the time) to reach your mileage... but it looks completely worth it. I really don't mind grinding; in fact, I NEED grinding or else I will just fall into a spiral of not seeing my goals and procrastinating. Besides, I'm pretty sure perspective is what's holding me back the most, specially in terms of motivation.

Your times are pretty spoopy, though. 20 hours on a lighter! I wonder if I can spend more than an hour in one...

My only question to you would be: what do you mean by making sure I get Vandruff? Understanding the theory/principles, or having already enough mastery to physically execute whatever he shows me? Already downloaded the lessons here and I'll start them as soon as I finish this last "for fun" piece I've already started (no, I don't have fun).

Last, but not least, how's your paper/tablet ratio in this whole thing?

>> No.3078095

God damn this is sad. How much of your time you have devoted to this lol.

Op never said any of that. You're literally arguing with your imagination fucking bum.

>> No.3078106

That's a LOT of space between eyes, woah!!!

>doesn't like preggo cute young adult by Nsio
>strives to draw manly, muscular women
Dude. Other than that, I'm with you on this, just like with every art field, there will always be pseudo-camwhores making easy bux out of it - ASMR, singing with an ukulele, drawing cute chibis, voice-acting anime characters, karaoke...
You gotta look past that and strive for real art projects, having these sluts as inspiration is like looking up at Playboy girls while striving to be a journalistic photographer.

>> No.3078207


Yes, I believe the official name is ''The Science of Art''. I found it very useful as an introduction, I took notes and did all the exercises shown in his videos until I understood it.

It's pretty cheap, so it's worth buying. If you are short on money though, it's available for free at CGPeers.

>> No.3078221


> I really don't mind grinding; in fact, I NEED grinding or else I will just fall into a spiral of not seeing my goals and procrastinating

I can relate to that feeling Anon, whenver I am not working I just become depressed. Ironically, I have never felt better than when I was working 14 hours a day and making progress.

>My only question to you would be: what do you mean by making sure I get Vandruff? Understanding the theory/principles, or having already enough mastery to physically execute whatever he shows me? Already downloaded the lessons here and I'll start them as soon as I finish this last "for fun" piece I've already started (no, I don't have fun).

Yes, make sure you are able to recreate what he explains before moving on. It really helps. And do all the exercises in Scott Robertson book until you really get it, it helps tons man.

>Last, but not least, how's your paper/tablet ratio in this whole thing?

I cannot look at it right now, when I go back home I'll have a look. I am using an Intous Pro Large on a 21'' monitor. Usually work in files that are 5000x5000 pixels or larger, but it's not necessary. You can do a grid with the line tools in perspective when you are really zoomed in, make sure it is accurate and then expand it until it is big enough for you to work confortably and looks nice.

>> No.3078238


>you can do a grid with the line tools in Photoshop

Fixed that for myself

>> No.3078248
File: 942 KB, 2510x1000, 1481181673981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I was asking about how much of your work is done in physical media, compared to digital. I'm going to bed now, but I'll leave my thanks in advance, check the reply later.

>> No.3078253


Oh, the first 4 months was all traditional, now I pretty much work digital only except when I am away from the computer and I want to draw. Out of all the work I've done so far, I would say 80% was traditional, and 20% digital. That ratio is going to be changing now.

>> No.3078258


When I get back home, I'll post one or two examples of construction drawings done traditionally. Maybe it'll help you? I found the ruler a lot more satisfying to use than the line tool in photoshop.

>> No.3078376
File: 1.78 MB, 2410x3985, IMG_2235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My progress was never a linear journey, but I did put the work in at times and had a lot of fun. However - and this is what might be valuable for fledgling artists - I can assure you that no matter your current frustrations, mine were likely even worse.

I had already been active for a few years when I was 15 in 2003, and absolutely loved drawing agents, soldiers, bad guys and edgy comic characters. With a crappy Graphire 2 I eventually dived into digital works.

'05 was a ridiculously active year for me, I made a shit ton of crappy pieces, trying to get my head around colors. Conceptart.org was at its prime and I participated in the daily sketch group very frequently.

It took until '06 and 07 until there was any noticeable jump in quality, and this is where my aspirations started to grow. I dreamed of being a concept artist, the next Craig Mullins or Ukitakumuki or whoever. Unfortunately, being exposed continuously to the best artists in the industry had a very detrimental effect to an anxious, perfectionistic and insecure teenager, and by the end of the 00's it had all but killed my passion for artwork. I couldn't even draw a figure on paper, that's how bad it got. I made a few pieces on occasion but before long I had drifted away from art altogether.

It took all the way to 2016 until I managed the courage to get back into it, or rather, it was a random impulse. I fucking loved it, as I'm older and more stable it sure is a lot more fun. Getting back into the habit was frustrating at first, but I got the hang of it by a few months and am now practicing daily. It's very nostalgic looking back on those old pieces and sometimes I think about where I would've been as an artist without a 10 year gap (many of my peers back then are now full-time artists. Anyway, I know everything about what it's like to be paralyzed by your insecurities. It's never too late to start, and never too late to start again.

>> No.3078600
File: 3.04 MB, 2340x1320, 424754645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>want to improve
>draw everyday
>don't learn, don't try, don't use online Loomis books or personal art books
>look back, realize you wasted your commendable aspirations
>realize you're an ass
>realize you'll never get better because you're lazy
>realize you'll never be happy
>didn't know what you were expecting

>> No.3078602
File: 1.10 MB, 1648x1176, 43t6453387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, and this happened -> >>3078600 .

It's not just about drawing every day. Have fun with it, but also put effort into it and get out of your comfort zone. Let my tale be a warning to all who actually wish to improve. Don't end up like me.

>> No.3078610
File: 229 KB, 1024x768, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did i bunch of studies, tried to draw from imagination, watched a bunch of videos, but never went 100% dedication like 6h-10h a day for 360 days straight. I need to go full bersek mode or i will not make it.

>> No.3078619

"making it" is a meme

also, that's at least some pretty good progress, even if it took a year
it also sounds like you put actual effort into it and have something to show for it, unlike this faggot >>3078602 >>3078600

>> No.3078986

>thinking you need 8 hours a day
You're right, NGMI. Anything after ~5 hours a day is wasted

>> No.3078992

>Anything after ~5 hours a day is wasted
i love it when i genuinely spot a turd who is not going to make it.

>> No.3079000

everyone here is so equally bad, you expect every random anon to be the same. that says more about you than anything though, surprised to see so many "i'm a level 2" on this thread. i'm getting more and more convinced i've long outgrown /ic/ everyday.

>> No.3079016


Not him, Im >>3077419
And I think I just reached level 2 today
Honest question: For 8 months of actually putting effort in learning, is my progress bad? I'm personally leaning towards "yes"

>> No.3079061
File: 68 KB, 929x556, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3079189

you've objectively made progress, even if it was slow to gain.

>> No.3079203
File: 97 KB, 639x719, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3079238
File: 583 KB, 536x598, 1499379244066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your work (you won't)

>> No.3079328
File: 307 KB, 1375x905, 2 year progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious to know what your thoughts on this is. These 2 comics are 2 years apart and in those 2 years I've done about 5 comic pages total but I've been sketching anatomy and figures like 1-3 hours per day. Thoughts? Do you think I'd have made more progress if I worked on comics more?

>> No.3079341


very bad progress for 2 years, in 3 years you could have finished a university or atelier program and been making all the shitty nice looking manga you want!

>> No.3079343

I have finished a university, except its not art related. I'm a hobbyist so I don't plan on spending money.

>> No.3079395
File: 130 KB, 450x373, 1313957872277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I studied everything but structure!

Good job kiddo. You skipped over the most important part.

>> No.3079433


>> No.3079441

gonna assume that's mixed media. filtered photographs with drawings layered on top.

>> No.3079491

What are this masteries and where do I find them? Are they on the sticky?

>> No.3079581

nvm found it :)

>> No.3079877
File: 176 KB, 908x768, M1 Abraham construction1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was too tired yesterday when I came back home, here's a couple construction exercises I did back in Feb, traditional media. I think the tank took me like 6h.

>> No.3079880
File: 155 KB, 1070x682, 20170222_112101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3079892

I remember you. You recommended me Vandruff's course back in February in the /beg/ thread
I watched it and did some exercies but I still haven't passed chapter 3 of how to draw. I don't know what scares me, the moment he starts laying too many lines I nope the fuck out, even though I understand the concept, already did it with Vandruff. I draw every day but I'm comfort zoning hard.

I'm glad you're still improving.

>> No.3079896


I remember feeling the same way, you just gotta keep going until you get it. Chapter 3 is where you learn really important techniques to move around 3D space. What exactly do you not understand? Maybe I can help?

>> No.3080286

I can't find any Vandruff lessons. Where exactly did you get them?

>> No.3080290


CGPeers ''The Science of Art''

>> No.3080291

I hate that site because you can only log in on the 1st and 15th. So basically I have no access to it until 2 days. Hopefully it actually opens.

>> No.3080295


You can The Science of Art for 12$ mang. Waiting two days won't kill you.

>> No.3080296

Never said it would. Doesn't make it any less frustrating.

>> No.3080297


Well, once you have your account set up you can log in whenever you want.

>> No.3080305
File: 506 KB, 745x781, 1501455631050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand. I've been waiting 4 months for this. 2 days won't kill me because I'm already fucking dead. Each time the day came I was either overwhelmed with tasks or I was working. THAT'S why I hate that you can only log in at those times. It's like I'm cursed to not long in. The idea of a limited time to log in is ridiculous but I understand why. Doesn't make me fucking hate it any less.

>> No.3080309


Well, if you forget again. Start accumulating stimulants for the day you actually manage to download the series.
They are pretty nifty.

>> No.3080310

Did I mention that I have to work on the first and the fifteenth? The times that I've been able to try to register fucked me over. Last month the site didn't let me register at all. On both the 1st and the 15th. So any time someone mentions it I want to kill myself.

>> No.3080312
File: 95 KB, 513x800, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, here's something i posted in the last draw thread.

>> No.3080313

Do more comic pages concurrent to your studies, that will give you an opportunity to apply whatever knowledge you learn.

>> No.3080399


>> No.3080686

Oh, hey, thanks. This picture is VERY familiar, but I haven't been on /ic/ for ages, guess it was another anon posting the same exercise.

I expect to go like >>3079892, specially cause I barely draw traditionally and hate rules, but I'll push through it. For you! And for me!

>> No.3080688

>hate rulers
Fix'd. Rules are cool.

>> No.3080895


Good luck Anon, I hope to see your progress soon!