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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 99 KB, 622x800, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3069042 No.3069042 [Reply] [Original]

>A-anon just practice enough you'll get good
>A-anon the only reason people are bad is that they don't study their fundamentals and practice enough


I've been training 5 hours a day for 2 years and i'm still have issues with basic fucking problems. I've done value practice, I've done box fucking exercises, I've done creative work and yet i'm keep messing up the basic fucking shit.

And then I see some artists who come outta nowhere just do fun shit and pass me in a year or 2. Like wtf?

Fuck this. I'm on the verge of quitting.

Art belongs to me

>> No.3069046

no talent

>> No.3069048
File: 62 KB, 738x500, IMG_3094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done hundreds of loomis heads

>> No.3069049
File: 66 KB, 749x800, IMG_3159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I applied that shit to creative work.

>> No.3069053

Sounds like you've never actually gotten out of your comfort zones and continued a mindless grind of fundamentals. You're not going to get better by simply copying exercises.

>> No.3069055
File: 65 KB, 900x559, IMG_1937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well guess what faggot, most people aren't talented. I would say on 5% of artists even have the potential to become great.

Anyway, more fucking work

>> No.3069057
File: 47 KB, 400x300, y43jjtt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The same way you made a thread about why you're shit is the same way you could write in a notebook what you've done so far about being shit and what steps you can do to fix yourself. Keeping check on what you are doing and constantly evaluating your practice is what will get you ahead.

If you just draw all the time and not think about why you're doing what you are doing then you lose sight of the target. Well at least for me anyway, people can only say what works for them.

The short answer is you don't have the spark.

>> No.3069058
File: 114 KB, 600x855, IMG_2780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mindless grind of fundamentals? Bitch, I've applied that shit to creative work

>> No.3069060

Quit making stupid fucking assumptions. I constantly think about my weaknesses and try to fix them.

>> No.3069061

>I constantly think about my weaknesses and try to fix them.

Show me todays diary page right now, faggot.

>> No.3069067

Because every professional artist writes a page every day of what their weaknesses are huh? Quit giving me autistic suggestions.

>> No.3069068

Looking at this pic, yes there are a few issues that need to be fixed (assuming this is a drawing from life / actual person). You can see them yourself.

Over all, don't expect line drawings to be the holy grail. Make sure you practice rendering form shadows, cast shadows, sharp and blurry terminators, nailing the relative values, et cetera. The combination of line work and shadow/value work is what will get you closest to what is in front of you. From there on it's pure mindless fun.

Don't give up tho. There's no reason to.

>> No.3069070


>> No.3069072

This could be a nice illustration if it was finished and colored.

>> No.3069078

You've been doing this for two years and you have the nerve to complain.

Fuck off

>> No.3069082

git gud

>> No.3069083

It's because when you're having fun you tend to retain information more and they also tend to draw longer than people who force themselves to. I've gone days where I drew 16 hours painting and drawing because I was having so much fun

>> No.3069096
File: 55 KB, 414x600, IMG_3053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do enjoy studying though. Learning new things is always fun. I'm just not talented.

2 years is a lot nigga.I've actually been drawing my whole life, it's just I got serious 2 years ago. I've drew this in 2012, and i've practically made zero progress

>> No.3069107

its not bad, quit being a bitch imo

>> No.3069121

u do that from memory?

>> No.3069125

You've gotta get a "teacher" of some sort then, you need someone to watch you draw and tell you how to improve, someone who actually knows whether you're practicing or if you're just pretending you do online.

>> No.3069128

Have you practiced any rendering?

>> No.3069130
File: 427 KB, 1000x1000, 2yearsin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just need to stick with it.

this was me 2 years in in figure drawing, and a figure drawing i did this year.

If I could give advice to you, it would be that you need to put down as many lines as you can early on. Even if you cross hatch things and get them super wrong you need to learn how to make every line look good. Shade all your drawings, draw as fast as possible, really push yourself to put down as many lines and get them as correct as you can.

>> No.3069139

Brain problems. Maybe you had fetal alcohol syndrome?

>> No.3069212

2 years is barely anything, chill out and enjoy the improvement; where's the fun in being perfect anyway

>> No.3069241

What the fuck u mean it's barely anything, you faggots on ic say you can go from beginner to pro in 1 year

>> No.3069247

i'll unironcally think about thios next time i drawew

but not tnight because who tf sis sober on a friday lmaooo

>> No.3069253

Take a break for a bit, see what you're doing wrong - expand.

As far as I can see, the bulk of what you're doing is drawing. Try something else.

>> No.3069274

What are your goals?

>> No.3069280

Drawing is already expansive as it is. The only thing painting adds is colors, values and edges.

>> No.3069291
File: 213 KB, 500x668, tumblr_m68l8ty1El1qhpx4lo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like you are drawing from references, and mostly focus on linework - which I think a lot of people on /ic/ neglect, and jump into rendering prematurely. I think at this point you're very skilled with line work, but I don't see much shading from what you've posted. Your work reminds me of where I was before I started shading, and the transition for me was when I drew a picture of Daredevil, similar to this picture, where I just copied the form of the shading and filled it in, and that opened the door to similar projects I would take on, which straddled the line between cartoon and realistic. Idk what "improvement" would mean in your eyes, but if you want to be able to draw more realistically, finding sources to copy that challenge your current ability and force you to learn something new is a good way to move in that direciton

>> No.3069294
File: 216 KB, 750x500, kimjunggi09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improvement for me is sketching like KJG. I figured if I just focus on pure sketching, I'll get improve that much faster at sketching than adding rendering to the mix.

>> No.3069297

the other thing I'd like to mention is that 10 minutes of research can be more valuable than 6 months of practice. if you reach a stumbling block while working on a certain piece, see if you can come up with some good keywords to search and find a tutorial that demonstrates the effect you're trying to create

>> No.3069299

still this guy here

I think you already can draw like KJG, just be ready to spend 20+ hours on a single drawing and fleshing out tiny minutiae. His work is super detailed. Being able to do that quickly is a craft. It's like being able to type quickly, for now don't worry about speed, that will come, just be accurate and persistent

>> No.3069307

You think I can already draw like KJG? Just how gullible do you think I am? I don't have even 5% of KJG'S skill.

>> No.3069311

Sure, why not? Get yourself a 4h pencil on some newsprint or printer paper and see if you can't draw that Abe Sapien from the picture you posted. If you fuck up the proportions or whatever, you can erase 4h pretty easily, if you continue to fuck up until the paper is ruined, trace the good parts onto a new piece of paper. I don't see any reason you couldn't copy his work. Copying his imagination? that's another story

>> No.3069429
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>> No.3069431

drawing without direction < drawing with guidance and feedback

>> No.3069435
File: 24 KB, 400x386, 9vklLXJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the work hard meme
work smart you idiot,and 5 hours a day is not a lot fyi

>> No.3069492

This is a dilemma I see a lot on here, you autists claim to be practicing for these large blocks of time daily, but see no improvement. If that's the case it's time to look at how you're practicing. If you're this assmad about how much you've been grinding muh exercises without getting better, I'm going to assume you spend most of those 5 hours bored out of your mind and not really thinking about what you're doing. Work smart is a much more important concept than work long/hard.

>> No.3069498

Fucking this, so many talentless idiots

>> No.3069504

Yeah every good artist had their own personal team of mentors to hold their hand and pat them on the back every step of the way. Only you suffer such misfortune that you must walk this path alone and thus can never truly make it.

>> No.3069518
File: 30 KB, 433x694, -7203_9836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah every good artist had their own personal team of mentors to hold their hand and pat them on the back every step of the way.

Yeah why not. It also doesn't have to be a mentor but just a general guided path that does not lead the beginner astray.

Beginner 'A' lets say could have been studying anatomy from a shit teacher like Riven Phoenix or w/e and did not have /ic/s resourceful sticky to read when they started. They've wasted a year or 2 building bad habits essentially. Then when they ask the question "why does my art suck" well you can see why that is; they were learning from terrible resources and false guidance.

Coupled with the fact that their eyes aren't trained to spot a pile of shit that would hamper their progress, these people tend to give up. A poisoned well is necessary to cull enough people out of the client market, yes, so these false guides are needed arguably enough. But it isn't just art that has a poisoned well--any creative field has their stash of garbage.

Feedback, even if it's from a better artist than you, keeps the learner from stagnating and being married to their art.

I feel that one can draw a lot if they have the proper direction to propel them. They'll see faster gains this way. But it is up to the artist to dive in and draw "a lot" first.

>> No.3069519

This looks decent. There's some stiffness in there. Try reading Preston Blair's book on animation and just play around with the shapes and expressions. Read Vilppu's manual and play around with poses. It's easier to improve if you enjoy the process.

>> No.3069529
File: 75 KB, 1580x292, ggggggggggggggggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon have you ever tried tracing? Pic related, a post I made about how it helped me

>> No.3069538

engage, explore, think for yourself, have fun

stagnant people aren't doing that imo

also loomis is a meme

>> No.3069582

I that a Jojo reference ?

>> No.3069586

How do you work smart though? Grinding loomis or books in general kills all the creative fun in drawing and drawing from imagination is just torture because I have no skills.

>> No.3069600

You stripped the enjoyment out of it dude. The people who are "passing you", they're just people who are able to enjoy drawing even though they were shit. That's all talent is.

>> No.3069613

don't really agree with this. Everybody has a level of skill in mind that they want to reach and you will probably know yourself if you aren't at that level and still have more work to do. Unless you are a really pretentious fuck.

>work smart not hard

I live by this. Feels good.

>> No.3069691

Grinding imo is akin to spending hours and hours in the practice mode in a fighting game. You'll learn the basics, But you'll get the most experience by actually playing with people. In the case of drawing, you get the most by actually completing work, and by the look of it all OP does is sketches.

>> No.3069702

>2 years

dude, professional artists that i know have been training for more than that. And are still working at it. You need patience. And stop comparing yourself and stay grounded.

>> No.3069759

>work smart meme
Why do you have to ostracize people out like this? Apparently people here take the word hard literally, dumbasses.

>> No.3069764

>Everybody has a level of skill in mind that they want to reach and you will probably know yourself if you aren't at that level and still have more work to do. Unless you are a really pretentious fuck.

you misunderstood what I meant

>> No.3069787
File: 106 KB, 851x605, muh grindan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3069791

What is this? Fishing for compliments?

Your art is good, faggot. What are you upset about? That you aren't a master yet? 5 hours every day for two years isn't even halfway to 10,000 hours. There's a reason masters are 35~ at the earliest.

Back to work.

>> No.3069792

>Shit talks Loomis
>Recommends reading Dodson and Norling

Fuck off with this shit

>> No.3069796
File: 38 KB, 152x167, please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facebook meme
also it doesn't really smart how are unless you work hard. Finding what stuff is appealing is a lifetime research research. Do you think Disney or Pixar make appealing characters designs by hiring lazy fucks like you? lel

>> No.3069817

what the fuck does that even mean.

Are you retarded? Is this how retarded people communicate?

>> No.3069845

Only deviant art and tumblr are fooled by this kind of bullshit, you'll never get a job.

>> No.3069853
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, Mozgus_psychotic_glee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know the bones and muscles? or you just watch proko and loomis shit?

>> No.3069869

>2 years is a lot nigga
Naive or trolling. If it's the former, this is literally your only problem. Your perspective on your art "career" timeline.

>> No.3069873

2 years is a lot. In feng zhu academy, you have artists that go from beg to pro in a year...

>> No.3069989

>ywn have a whole year with all the resources in the world to dedicate to becoming a concept designer

>> No.3069994

>Drawing is already expansive as it is.
It can be.
>The only thing painting adds is colors, values and edges.
You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.3070001

How so? Painting fundamentals only consist of colors, values and edges, the rest is drawing..

>> No.3070005

hi op, i am concept artist. I will offer advice.

Your goal is to draw with lines only and be like KJG yes? You need to learn line weight. Your stuff is lacking horribly in line weight, you absolutely need to learn this. You need to have the ability to vary line width and make objects feel like they are further or overlapping. You are drawing everything with the same line quality.

Idk what that creative work is, why are you drawing link? Is this from imagination? What subject matter do you wish to draw? Creative work would be designing a new character, not drawing link. I don't know if its from ref or not.

After 2 years of grinding you should have some solid comparitive measurement and perspective intuition, so define your goals are go from there. Are you gonna be drawing from ref? Are you gonna be desiging your own shit? Do you only draw characters? Have you been studying clothes and armor and all the other things?

What do you expect to provide to make money from art? Find artists who do the shit you wanna do, like KJG, and study his shit. Try to draw an image he made, youll see how much you have to learn on the line quality and width side.

Any questions to me?

>> No.3070010

What kind of work do you do? Games? Movies?

>> No.3070011
File: 120 KB, 416x416, 185309332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this only one of those "pretend i'm a professional artist" posts?

>> No.3070014

A drawing doesn't cease to be a drawing when it includes one or more of those variables. If you want to delve into painting as an approach, the main thing is that it feels different. Hell, it doesn't even have to be painting but it has to be challenging.

OP has been drawing figures, boxes, and Link almost the same exact way for that past 2 years for 5 hours a day.
I'm not surprised he stagnated.

>> No.3070018

1 tv show and 1 music video so far. Been in the industry for a while but switched to concept art, only have done those 2 so far. Eventually games and movies though

>> No.3070027

why would someone "pretend to be a professional" anonymously?

what's so damn incredulous about someone being artist by profession?

>> No.3070028

The only time anyone accuses someone of pretending, is when they get called out for shit memes and "advice".

>> No.3070050

>a shit teacher like Riven Phoenix

holy fuck havent heard about that fucker in ages what is he up to?

>> No.3070051

So they can add more validity to their shit advice? For fun? What kind of stupid question is that? There was actually a thread where anons admitted pretending to be pros to confuse other anons

>> No.3070053

Looks fine to me

>> No.3070055


>> No.3070059

>There was actually a thread where anons admitted pretending to be pros to confuse other anons
Not surprised in the slightest. /ic/ has been a wheel of regurgitating the same bullshit over and over again to bait people into shitty threads for a long time now. If it's not someone's shitty art work, it's sucking Ilya's dick or talking about Shadman or some other pimple faced talentless faggot.

This thread has the look of someone trolling /ic/ also.

>> No.3070061
File: 727 KB, 636x479, Capture7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't shit talk Loomis... just said it was a bad place to start. I think even most retards can tell you that Dodson is the place to start for complete beginners, and if you're not allergic to reading Norling's book is very good

>> No.3070224
File: 1.33 MB, 304x376, 1500775808331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have fun turning out like OP.

>> No.3070274


yeah this isn't bad, what's your problem?

>> No.3070444
File: 588 KB, 1136x640, 1499541431988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post work please please

>> No.3070634
File: 501 KB, 625x413, Capture15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still shit but I've improved a lot since tracing, I understand things like hips, curves of legs, etc, all information I wouldn't have been able to derive on my own because I'm a talentless hack. I'm not just giving generic meme advice, try it and see if it helps you

>> No.3070650

>I've applied that shit to creative work
>there is literally no construction in the head or anywhere else
the problem here is you OP

>I think you already can draw like KJG

>> No.3070652

are you the cunt who gives bad advice on purpose?

>> No.3070655

doesn't matter

post your work

>> No.3070657
File: 23 KB, 480x360, lupinlaugh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apparently people here take the word hard literally, dumbasses.
And look how well that's turning out for them, 5 hours of brainless "hard work" for 2 years and literally no improvement

>> No.3070660

Every time he live streams (I think he does that privately now) it sounds like he's about to cry anytime someone in the chat critiques what he is doing. I almost feel sad for the man. He and some others desperately want to be the Leonardo of our time.

>> No.3070738

not him but tracing for practice is immensely helpful. You just don't wanna do it so much that you start to rely on it like the "pros" at DC and Marvel.

>> No.3070744

I can't even imagine doing that to myself. "haha yeah lemme just spend afew hours a day drawing for the next 10 years for a chance that I might be halfway decent some day!" there are always shortcuts and the people at the top of the heap ALWAYS take them.

>> No.3070764

Do you really want to be like the people at the top?
The reason I started drawing is because I want to master drawing and I can only reach that goal by drawing.
I don't want to rely on tools or shortcuts and I don't really care for an industry job either, it's more like an elaborate hobby I do besides my job.
And since I don't have a social life either, I have plenty of time to practice and I don't just mindlessly draw every day, I spend a lot of time analyzing my own work too, trying to understand what I do wrong and what I want to achieve.
You will be more than decent in 5 years if you practice hard but also smart.

>> No.3070775

>I don't really care for an industry job either, it's more like an elaborate hobby I do besides my job.

I guess your opinion is invalid here then huh

>> No.3070826

talent is real
remember that

>> No.3070883


where does he stream?!

>> No.3071890

You rub out the construction once you've finished with it to make the drawing look nicer

>> No.3071960

Agree. As someone who mainly wants to do animation, I'm not really interested in doing lineless paintings/illustrations at all; but just scanning my sketches, inking them, putting a bit of colour on ect will instantly make them look like a 'real' illustration. It's easy to feel like you're wasting time when you have nothing to show for it except fuzzy sketches, and starting paintings can be overwhelming, especially when you have never really worked with colours before; doing stuff like this really helps you become a bit more confident as an artist. Quality advice

>> No.3072067

Quit making excuses and learn how to paint faggot. All decent animators have good painting skills

>> No.3072165
File: 98 KB, 1050x700, 1499313535897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not giving cookie-cutter advice on /ic/

>> No.3073163

I mean, post your work. You're dogshit anyway, why would your retarded opinion matter?