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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3068089 No.3068089 [Reply] [Original]

What is better for you to focus on right now?
Are you good at one but terrible at the other?
Are you trying to improve at both at the same time?

>> No.3068123

glad I'm not the only one out there like this, with color i don't know where to start or the basics of painting/coloring.
with lineart it is simple learn boxes and basic shapes, then fill in the rest with detail. but slowly learning color and how it works with each other.

>> No.3068156

read james gurneys color and light the pdfs in the artbook thread

>> No.3068168

Learning to paint in photoshop right now, I have been putting it off for way too long.
As of now my drawing skills are stronger, but I definitely wouldn't put them on hold for painting. When painting, you're somehow drawing anyway. Either by a preliminary sketch/drawing or when blocking in with a brush, it's like drawing with a wider tip.
It's frustrating but also cool. It's almost a magic moment when you put some different values together and start blending here and there and it starts to turn into the illusion of a 3-dimensional form, which is lit a certain way.
Since when drawing, you're basically rendering with 2 base values (pencil and paper/canvas), I find it helpful to start off with a very limited value range, maybe just two, for light & shadow (against background). Even a few more can easily get overwhelming. Then it's about lighting planes consistently. It really tests your knowledge of the form you drew.

>> No.3068319

I've painted a bit here and there but completely suck, I'm almost completely focused on drawing and improving there. I have heard several times that drawing is much more fundamental and important before you learn to paint. If drawing were to take you a 100 hours to get good at then painting would only take you 20 hours to get it. I heard something along those lines.

>> No.3068322

I also haven't put too much effort into doing paintings than drawings. I'm starting to test it now. to see if it can better my self on making things in more volume than flat. But only time will tell..

>> No.3068339

source of both pics?

>> No.3068341
File: 140 KB, 667x1199, kahlan_amnell___the_mother_confessor_by_razorbliss101-dawxin9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3068342
File: 139 KB, 1526x2048, 19441946_1022298617907140_8365652383921990486_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3068384

I'm very terrible at lineart but good at painting.
Will concentrate more on lineart now since I have to make readable sketches for clients.

I cannot say if I like paintings over lines in other people's art, in the end it really depends on the execution.

>> No.3068386

Right now im focusing on drawing as I feel like I can still improve a lot on the fundamentals there Im working through peter han.

>> No.3068407

what with peter han? his book or classes?

>> No.3068636


at the start of every good painting, there's lineart. so always do lineart. and whenever you're at a piece where you feel 'dang this would look super badass as a painting', you disable the line layer and go to town.

>> No.3068883

so wrong. you don't need line art to make a good painting. it just means you will not be able to make good line art. they are two separate skills like 2D and 3D


>> No.3068991
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1438444056582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comic illustration with the fill tool inside black lines isn't painting.

>> No.3069040
File: 169 KB, 746x1100, someartist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justin Sweet