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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 129 KB, 674x500, 78b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3067707 No.3067707 [Reply] [Original]

So I heard it takes 10 years to git gud. What's the point of starting if you're a 65 year old man? Gitting gud at 75 seems shitty.

>> No.3067715

lol it only takes 2 years to get good if you actually work at it

>> No.3067736

but everyone here says ten years

>> No.3067748

it depends on how much time your willing to invest on a regular basis, also it depends on what "good" is to you

Maybe present a piece of art you like and i can give you a ballpark estimate of how long it takes

but if your willing to make art your life for like the next two years, like you eat sleep art (you cant do this if you have to work at all) then yes what >>3067715 said is very relevant.

>> No.3067750

two years is nothing lol, i totally believe that you need ten years to be a pro like those gays in Art station and concept artists

>> No.3067752
File: 246 KB, 818x1112, 4baa90b1a4015fb91442086dcd72a211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this. The artist is guoh, and I really admire their command over just making poses and anatomy.

>> No.3067756

it takes 10 years to become a master
you can get good in 2 years if you try, but /ic/ would have you believe you aren't good until you are in the top 1% of professionals

>> No.3067773

Are you 65? I'm in my late 30's. Although I've been a working artist since my 20's, and a good many art skills do take 5-10 years to master, there is still an advantage to age in the arts. Namely, older people usually have something to say, having spent decades of life thinking about life from a very distinct perspective(s). This is why younger artists, though they may have attained great skills, often spend a decade or two making technically good works, but their lasting ones come mid to late in their careers (with a handful of supernova-like exceptions). There are two languages spoken in great works: a technical one and a narrative one. They both take time and practice to be articulated. The most frustrated artists are the ones who have fluency in one but not the other.

>> No.3067784

I'm 22. It bothers me I'll never be a master until I'm 32. It's going to have to be that way but it still bothers me.

>> No.3067786


You think it takes ten years to get to that level?

The guy's not bad, but really. You could hit that in 2-3 years if you actually applied yourself.

>> No.3067793

even it takes 5-6 years to get your personal touch with style, wont lose patience

>> No.3067795

It's just an average. Nothing is set in stone. You just keep doing it because you love it. Keep working on your craft. When you're not working, let your mind wander and come up with ideas. It can be a difficult path, but it is rich and fulfilling.

>> No.3067797


If people were becoming masters at shit in their 20s it'd hardly be mastery.

22 is a great time to start learning a skill, you (should) have the maturity to actually apply yourself and cultivate discipline instead of being an angsty teen coasting on passion.

>> No.3067802
File: 10 KB, 379x245, kermit-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 26 with a bunch of gay feels to express but I draw like an autist

>> No.3067806
File: 910 KB, 2020x2026, John_Singer_Sargent_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If people were becoming masters at shit in their 20s it'd hardly be mastery.
you sure about that?

>> No.3067815


Well if you want to up and quit because you're not Sargent then up and quit. You're not fucking Sargent. The existence of prodigies doesn't mean you should measure your life next to them.

>> No.3067819

it's now or never

>> No.3067822


i like the way you think, anon ive started at 23 tho

>> No.3067828
File: 675 KB, 1040x1326, 5bf1cc7aa965fd6ba7a695cdbb4cdd52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's encouraging! His range of poses and gestures is really something. It almost looks like mastery to me, at least as far as furry artists are concerned.

>> No.3067832

they weren't all prodigies, don't buy into that shit because you'll just resign yourself to your fate. Sargent was normal ass kid who was born into art as his parents were artists and medical illustrators who lived a vagabond life around france. He started to recieve professional instruction at age 13 and a decade later he was one of the foremost artists of the time.

its 100% about immersing yourself into art and wanting it. prodigies just plateau and don't make anything impressive into their old age.

>> No.3067876

Not even mentioning when Sargent plateau'd. Part of learning art is understanding the technicals, but what made the greats great was their subject matter an innovation. Ruan is great technically, but his work is lacking any artistic weight for the most part. He's just another concept artist in a sea of concept artists.

>> No.3067880

it's - about - the - process

>> No.3067889

No, it's about money and recognition, everything else is worthless.

>> No.3067905

You don't even need to be good to be any of those.

>> No.3068065

10 years is nothing, blink and it'll be over before you know it. Just look at yourself, you're already in your 20s before you even knew it. Just draw and get better and it'll be over before you know it.

>> No.3068075

I personally got gud in 10 minutes. My friend showed me how to sketch in 4th grade, and I immediately was able to accurately draw cartoons. A few years later I started shading. (I'm 25 now)

>> No.3068140

That's how I like to look at it. I just kick myself for not getting to it sooner. But it's only going to get worse each day I delay.

picasso over here

>> No.3068143

>Gitting gud at 75 seems shitty.
Better than still being shit at 75?
Start now or start never.

>> No.3068154

You'll have a fulfilling hobby as a senior citizen which might actually help you live longer.

You could draw fun stuff for your grandkids etc.

>> No.3068969

Oh look, someone posted my

Thanks I guess

>> No.3069030

Because then you'd be able to show the world what was in your head with no translation error
Take a look at R. Crumb. He's 73, was 65 when he released his adaptation of the book of Genesis. For him it was an interesting challenge, an opportunity for him to be a better draftsman by making Genesis flow naturally as a comic and make each character unique, and to adapt it word for word. He's just trying to be better. The sooner the better.

>> No.3069097

It's in the journey not the destination; you will be spending many hours creating art. Have fun!

>> No.3069528

>that pic
it's almost exactly what I go for, but males

>> No.3069536

Realistically if it's something you want to pursue as a career.
5 years, 3 to 4 of those with guidance from a teacher, mentor, or professional.

Been about 3 years since i was beginner-tier. Im fairly confident to get an entry level art job/wrist work. It'll probably take another 5 years of refinement to be professional.

So 5 years to get hireable.
Another 5 years to be a professional.

>> No.3069594


>> No.3069607

Just imagine it though

You get your first job as a lowly artist doing menial artwork (although some people don't find it menial). As you gain experience you land higher-prestige jobs where your input is acknowledged but you're still under the art director.
Then after a few more years, you gain the capability to form your own direction and lead multiple different teams to create a large influential artistic piece.

Although, the more management you do, the less drawing you do. So it's up to you how far you want to take your passion.

Really 20 years is a good overall outlook but many people do it faster or take longer, taking into consideration education, relationships, illnesses and grief along the way. It all takes time and everyone is different.

>> No.3069620

People want to git gud younger cos they hope that their talent will make up for their lack of social skills/attractiveness and help them get a gf.

I like the philosophy of Jack Ma, one of China's richest men - he doesn't want to be remembered as a very successfull businessman, he currently studies tai chi and hopes to be remembered as a tai chi master, which he won't achieve until he is a lot older

>> No.3069625

I'm 22. Bullshitting in community college. Feel like i fucked up

>> No.3069626

In fact I believe that what people call here "gitin gud" is the action of actually doing something of your sketch
Finished pieces of work here are so rare

>> No.3069638

I'm not sure if it's true but I heard making art simply is fun for some people even if they won't ever reach the point of being "gud".

>> No.3069710

Why do you feel like you're fucking up?
Why are you bullshitting through Community College?

>> No.3069712
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1484941111696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons repeat this over and over yet 90% of the stuff in drawthread looks like shit

>> No.3069722

takes like, 2 years to be ok. 4 years to be professional, 8 years to have a "presence", and a lifetime to become a master.

>> No.3069911


because if you enjoy drawing you'll spend the next ten years drawing. even if you don't ever 'git gud' you gotta spend the last years of life doing SOMETHING.

if you're not in it for fun i dont understand why anyone would go into this, its the hardest way to make money

>> No.3071569


The theory behind completely mastering a craft, any craft, is that you need to put in what is equivalent to 8 hours a day, every day for 5 years