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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3059527 No.3059527 [Reply] [Original]

Feng Zhu said that you should study as much as possible but in the end is he right? Human brain can focus 100% on anything for 2, maybe 3 hours max, after that it all diminishes to the point you are struggling with understanding even simple stuff.

So what's the appeal of studying 16 hours? You won't take much from it, what's the deal?

>> No.3059546

You cant trust what asians say
Those people are more ants than humans

>> No.3059552

you can take breaks? 16 hours doesnt mean 16 hours straight, unless you are asian of course.

>> No.3059553
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>Human brain can focus 100% on anything for 2, maybe 3 hours max

Medicine students studying for 6 hours straight in a day isn't unheard of, actually, but they get there through a harsh discipline.

There's learning a new concept (you need to understand it), and there's internalizing it through exercises and tests (you gain the ability to apply it and remember it). Then there's mindless grinding, but cramming is proven as being counterproductive for long term goals: basically you could learn hundred of bones and muscles in a short period of time and you'll have them forgotten in less than it took you to learn them all.

Could you show us his exact quote? He's a teacher, I'm giving him credits on knowing about this stuff (at least way more than I), there must be more meaning here than just studying all the time.

>> No.3059587

>brain focus meme
The brain is always focusing or else you wouldn't be able to breath.

>> No.3059589

They should just rename this board to /fengzhu/, or /ruanji/ at this point.

>> No.3059601

If you can't do 16 hours, then don't. You are insecure because you're comparing yourself to people that can do 16 hours and you realize that art isn't as fun for you as it is to them. You're not on their level and probably never will be but that's okay, art is just something you're not meant to do professionally.

>> No.3059614

it's so fucking tiring

>> No.3059624

>Medicine students studying for 6 hours straight in a day isn't unheard of
I just don't have that shit in me. Fuck, I should kill myself.

>> No.3059627

>Medicine students studying for 6 hours straight in a day isn't unheard of, actually, but they get there through a harsh discipline.

That's adderall at work.

>> No.3059634

Nobody sits there and grinds for 16 hours. You'd have carpal tunnel in a week. I've heard of people who ruin both their wrists trying to work like that.

The most Jeff Watts recommends is 8, and that's with a good lunch break in the middle. Every hour you get up and stretch for 5 minutes and focus yourself.

When people say things like 16 hours, they are usually counting the amount of time they spend reading about art or watching other people work, and the less intense practice they do in general.

Steve Vai had a famous guitar practice schedule that was some ridiculous amount of hours, but a large chunk of it wasn't tough physical exercises like you would think, it's less intense, thoughtful sort of stuff. The idea is that you're taking it all at a pace you can absorb, studying different subjects to keep your brain from checking out, and keeping the actual grind to a reasonable amount.

If you can't focus on a single exercise for more than two hours, don't. Put it down for the day, and work on a different subject. Study composition, colour, environment, gesture, etc. Eventually you'll get to a point where if you have to you can sit and work on a piece for 12 hours or whatever, but that doesn't have to be a consistent thing.

>> No.3059649
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>> No.3059670

>If you set a plan, you should stick with it.
/ic/ couldn't do this to save their life.

>> No.3059684

You have to want to. If you want to make the kind of progress that working 16 hours a day entails, you have to immerse yourself in art.

Plenty of people dial in 16 hours a day into things like World of Warcraft, so it hardly sounds inhuman. That's essentially what you have to become.
You have to become a fucking nerd.

>> No.3059695

I think 16 hours of studying is a LOT less common than you guys think.

>> No.3059707

Make a plan for a semester. Calculate how much you need to watch/ read each day to get through the videos/books. Calculate how much you want/need to practice each day to put the theory into practice. Then just do that each day.
Nobody gives a shit if you do 2 or 19 hours a day, the important part is that you do it consistently without breaks.

Yes, if you are young and want to be exploited by ASAP you probably need to do more than 5 hours a day to get good fast enough to get hired. And yes, if you want to become a grand master, 16 hours a day is the price you will have to pay. For everybody else, do whatever the fuck you feel comfortable with.

>> No.3059731

>consistently without breaks

You should be taking breaks consistently you fucking retard. Seriously, stop asking advice on here, go to a forum or something Jesus

>> No.3059738

I meant no breaks as in "i wont do shit for a week".
The point being that you need to work every day.
Of yourse you need to take breaks while studying.

>> No.3059757

You don't need to work every day either. Many artists have told me that they notice a lot of improvement when they take a couple days off

>> No.3059761
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I'm sure all the people saying 16 hours a day is impossible have never tried it. I was a NEET for 3 months and was drawing 14 hours a day the entire time, NOT including 15 minute breaks every two hours and a 30 minute break for lunch halfway through.

I found it was useful to mix up what you're doing; i.e. not drawing from life for 14 hours straight but maybe in two 4 hour bursts separated by gestures and drawing from imagination, perspective, etc.

Sadly, I now work part-time so I can only draw for 6 hours a day.

>> No.3059764

It's not about being insecure. It's about being rational, pussyboy.

>> No.3059765

Sure, after a few months of work.

>> No.3059768

Professionals don't work 16 hours a day, unless they're on insane deadlines. There's this thing called "balance" - you have to have a life outside of art. I do better when I can take a day off, or two, or a week, and feel no guilt - but I'm not like a lot of the posters here who try to make art into a masochistic, grim march towards made up goal and levels.
If you're judging people for not doing 16 hours a day every day, you're either full of shit and trolling, or you're an ignorant try hard who has no clue how to teach or develop as an artist, and will still be grinding out Loomis 10 years from now, from listening to the other try hards here with unrealistic ideas of how to develop skill and talent.

>> No.3059779

Depends. For a week, it's a little low. For a day, it's self-torture. You can't force talent. Doesnt matter if you spend one hour, or 20 hours - if nothing is learned, it's pointless.

In college, once I hit Junior year, I took nothing but art courses. Generally, each hour of class for studio classes means at least 2 hours outside of class. So lets say I had 9 studio units per semester (3 per class) (I once did 4 and it killed me), that's 27 hours total each week for those 3 classes. Throw in one more course, like art history, at 3 hours, plus one hour for every hour of class, and we have 33 hours a week, minimum. (Unless you have figure drawing or a class where the work can't be done outside of the studio, like life sculpture.
Let's round that up to 40 hours a week. 8 hours a day, and I can get all the work done, and progress and learn (which I did). I still had 16 more hours a day to do what I wanted with (I worked), and all weekend.
16 hours a day, I would have burned out mid semester, snapped, and probably walked away. It's an unrealistic and unhealthy goal. But if you want to drink that Koolaid, go for it, but don't come sniveling back here when you snap, and your personal and social life implode, and your health takes a hit.
I also fully believe artists should spend an hour outside the studio, seeing the world, for every hour they spend in it. How can a writer write about the world, if they don't go experience it? Same for an artist - how can you paint or draw the world, when you've never seen it?
16 hours a day? You're a fucking lunatic if you think that's healthy, and you deserve the psychotic snap when you get it.

>> No.3059797

>Professionals don't work 16 hours a day, unless they're on insane deadlines. There's this thing called "balance" - you have to have a life outside of art. I do better when I can take a day off, or two, or a week, and feel no guilt - but I'm not like a lot of the posters here who try to make art into a masochistic, grim march towards made up goal and levels.
Hey, put that goal post back where it belongs. I'm talking about studying. Only people who are obsessed can put in 16 hours anyways. I see threads all the time about people who can't even do 8 hours let alone 16 and they all circlejerk each other by coming up with "reasons" why studying for that amount of time is negligible. If you want to do art for a living then you have to treat studying like a full-time job, there's no other way around it.

>If you're judging people for not doing 16 hours a day every day, you're either full of shit and trolling, or you're an ignorant try hard who has no clue how to teach or develop as an artist, and will still be grinding out Loomis 10 years from now, from listening to the other try hards here with unrealistic ideas of how to develop skill and talent.
Man, that is some serious projection there. If you are only able to put in 3 hours a day, that's fine, just don't go around saying dumb shit like >>3059527 as fact, it comes off as being incredibly insecure and pathetic.

>> No.3059808

16 hours a day studying is also unhealthy and irrational, and I would guarantee that most of it isn't retained. Again - BALANCE. And, i pointed out in my later post that the hours required for college are the same as a full time job. So your point is?
>Man, that is some serious projection there.
You don't know what the word means. It's the most abused word in this forum. And I didn't say 3 hours a day wasn't enough. You're attacking the wrong person. I think. Your post is all over the map, I'm not sure what it is exactly what you're trying to say.

>> No.3059811


>Unless you work 16 hours a day you will never make it!!!

>16 hours??? Thats impossible, the human brain cant concentrate for more than 10 minutes!

>heh 16 hours is easy i did 16 hours everyday back when i was actually trying

Why are you faggots always so insecure? Why do you always need to be validated?

>> No.3059818

I've studied for 16 hours before for a couple of months, but it was under the effects of Modafinil

>> No.3059822

How much have you learned compared to your normal routine?

>> No.3059827

>16 hours a day studying is also unhealthy and irrational, and I would guarantee that most of it isn't retained. Again - BALANCE. And, i pointed out in my later post that the hours required for college are the same as a full time job. So your point is?
Never said it was healthy, never said it was rational, either. People that can do 16 are insane to begin with, that's the difference between you and them. Just don't undermine their work ethic by saying things like it's a negligible effort. The fact that one of your kneejerk responses is: "I would guarantee that most of it isn't retained"; makes you sound very insecure.

>You don't know what the word means. It's the most abused word in this forum. And I didn't say 3 hours a day wasn't enough. You're attacking the wrong person. I think. Your post is all over the map, I'm not sure what it is exactly what you're trying to say.
My post was very succinct, you should read it again without being so angry, I think it's affecting your reading comprehension.

>> No.3059835

Not the guy you`re replying to but:
>If you can't do 16 hours [...] art is just something you're not meant to do professionally.

>Never said it was healthy, never said it was rational, either. People that can do 16 are insane to begin with

Confirmed right here, every single professional artist in the world is insane and unhealthy.

>> No.3059840

I was being pretty catty in that post, admittedly. But it does piss me off when someone blows off someone else's effort, especially to someone who's working way harder than they are. It's unjustified and just comes from a negative place.

>> No.3059841


In 3 months, probably more than I would in 2 years with my normal, flat-mooded and brain fogged self. I still have Modafinil and I am considering going back to it.

>> No.3059847

>ut it does piss me off when someone blows off someone else's effort, especially to someone who's working way harder than they are. It's unjust


>> No.3060075

They are gods of /ic/, fuck off newfag

>> No.3060106

You can literally go pro in a year if you do 16 hours a day of the FZD schedule though. It's not a joke. In two years at that rate you could easily be working for the big companies.

The key is to learn perspective first, then draw vehicles, insects, buildings...anything, using this perspective knowledge, then you just practice rendering on simple objects. That's pretty much what they do for the first 6 months.

>> No.3060120

>how to get carpal tunnel and tendonitis in 1 year
how does someone even do 16 hours a day anyway? that's about the amount of time most people are awake. How do you shower, cook, do grocery shopping etc.? I only just got the discipline to do 8 hours a day and every day I manage it by just barely (I keep a stopwatch)

>> No.3060139

So what big studios do you/have you worked for?

>> No.3060190

>couldn't even make it in 3 months of NEETing
Well shit.

>> No.3060193

I think it is also important to keep in mind what do you want to do with your art. The art industry is not only about concept art and the big companies, there is illustration (and countless niches under it), comic books, character design...
I feel people get caught up in this 16h mindset just because it appears to be a failproof path to become "pro". Like, grinding cubes and anatomy studies is easier than honestly thinking about your goals and figuring things out. I am even a bit guilty of it myself...

>> No.3060224

Depnds what it means by studying
I consider looking at pictures to be a form of studying

>> No.3060311
File: 67 KB, 460x438, 1499442700185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You pretty much sleep 4 hours a day, survive on ramen and do nothing but work.


I don't, but I went from nothing jack shit about drawing to knowing enough to start increasing my visual library FZD style (construction drawings) after only 4 months of doing like 6 hours a day where I wasn't that well organized, having to look for every source by myself on my own. I can only imagine where I would be right now if I had been able to join FZD. You can check the progress of FZD students and judge by yourself...

>> No.3060313

What's the FZD schedule? I feel like I've seen it posted before but I can't bring up anything on google.

>> No.3060314


Either you are genetically gifted, or you take Adderal/Modafinil to keep up.

>> No.3060317
File: 1.07 MB, 1016x1503, Screen Shot 2014-06-28 at 3.32.17 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made this around 6 months ago, this is what you should be doing everyday. This is pretty much what they do. I don't have a timed scheduled, you separate stuff in:


And draw, draw draw and draw some more. Constantly draw anything you see.

>> No.3060324

Do you have any specific guides or assignments you follow? I feel like a lot of the times I embark on trying to concentrate on replicating assignments like that, I end up running in circles

>> No.3060325


Also, the best sources to learn what you need to get started are the following. Learn what they teach and get working

>Scott Robertson How to Draw
>Peter Han Dynamic Sketching
>Scott Robertson How to Render (Do this at the end)

If you limit yourself to those sources, you should be pretty much good to go, imo. Otherwise, look at the Foundation Patreon series, which is pretty much the same thing.

Learn what they teach and get working

>> No.3060327
File: 114 KB, 900x596, fzd_td_planes_DT_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Draw 3 to 5 Insects/cars/buildings/everyday objects using construction techniques like pic related everyday

Is one of the best things you can do when you are lost, desu. It's the core of everything, since you are increasing your visual library and solidifying your perspective skills at the same time.

If you don't have any idea how to even begin drawing this way, then you need to go through Scott Robertson's book and Peter Han's lectures until you do. That's your assignment...

>> No.3060328
File: 357 KB, 1580x1082, fzd_insect_DTwk8_01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3060330

Thank you very much, anon! I took a really long break from art because I was unhappy with how lost I felt, but hearing how doing a more regimented drawing plan really helped you out is motivating.

>> No.3060336
File: 62 KB, 720x487, ngbbs5325bff3b9f02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good luck dude, don't give up. And if you do, at least you can take solace in knowing you can always come back to those exercises and continue improving!

Also, this one. Very very important. If you can take some good coffee and do at least 20 to 30 hours total, of this exercise, you'll internalize how to construct objects in 3D, very quickly. It is quite...frustrating at first.

>> No.3060493
File: 313 KB, 837x1200, ruxing-gao-201-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just listened to the FZD podcast on learning by yourself. He basically made calculations on the difference between studying an hour, 6 hours, and 16 hours a day. Keep in mind the general figure for "expert" is 10,000 hours.

1 hr = ~350 hours a year
3 hrs = ~1000 hrs a year
6 hrs = ~2000 hrs a year
16 hrs = ~5700 hrs a year

He said, most students do 6 hours, but those than go all out and do 16 have incredible progress. Some guy he taught ended up giving classes after 2 years he got so good.

He also said he had to move out from his parents' house because they'd make him sleep and eat and you have to "put those aside" to get good.

So yeah. It's insane. I was a bit discouraged listening to this because I want to git gud but can't dedicate that much time.

>> No.3060515

>Like, grinding cubes and anatomy studies is easier than honestly thinking about your goals and figuring things out.

The /ic/ disease

>> No.3060560

It's not as simple as I draw more hours, therefore I'll automatically improve x time as fast as you. After you reach the (4-6 hour range) you're gonna hit diminishing returns.

There might be a big difference between 1 hour and 4 hours but there really isn't much of a difference between 4 hours and 16 hours because you're gonna be so worn out by that point that you won't be able to digest information efficiently.

>> No.3060564

That's any work, isn't it? I work as a software dev and around 2-3pm, 5-6 hours after starting work, people just become lethargic and too tired to do any proper work.

>> No.3060571

>The key is to learn perspective first
so much this is the foundation for everything

From personal experience over the years i drew 12 hours a day, 8 hours a day and 6.
What i found is that once you reach the 6 hour mark the brain goes dead and you aren't really learning much and your quality goes to shit, so if you are gonna draw over 6 hours leave the final hours for something that does not require much concentration , something liking filling in details ,re-reading material etc. The first 6 hours are the most important.

>> No.3060572

the real question is why would anyone take advice from feng, whose stuff are just generic, polished photobashed industry turds.

>> No.3060589


I feel you man, this is something I've been struggling with recently.

I think this is why we're on /ic/ - we're meant to be artists, enjoying what we do, not slaving over books for hours for fucking money. Doctors mostly do their work for the money, not for the sake of doing good. That's auxiliary.

>> No.3060601


Might as well become a pot head at that point.

>> No.3060602

>Everyone here is falling for the 'le study all day' meme

Holy fuck, no one everyone bitches so much on here on why they can't make it.

>> No.3060643


You are comparing oranges to apples. Modafinil does not cause dependence and the tolerance is very easy to manage by cycling the drug 5 days on, 2 off. Pot makes you lazy, Modafinil makes you get shit done.

>> No.3060644


>Studying all day is a meme
>Yet all professionals had a period where they studied all day

Please, post your work.

>> No.3060707

>always focusing
Working does not equal focusing.
Even calories consuption by the brain varies highly, depending on the work it does.

>> No.3060735


I dunno, anon. If I had to choose between the two, I'd rather take the one that isn't going to kill me.

>> No.3060738


Unless you have a serious medical condition, or are one of those people who develops that extremely rare skin disease on Moda, dying from it is quite lucacrist.

Regardless, it is your choice. I don't have an issue shortening my life to get where I want to be, but that's me.

>> No.3061246
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>there really isn't much of a difference between 4 hours and 16 hours because you're gonna be so worn out
doesn't sound like you've ever done it to be talking. The most i've done in a day was 12 hours and I absolutely learned 5x more that day than I do on 4 hour days. Real exhaustion for me only comes when I start to get sleepy. otherwise if I start to lose interest or stop digesting information, that's easily fixed by a 30min-1hr break away from the work to refresh.

also, reminder that Algen did 12 hours a day and got good in 3 years.

>> No.3061251

Please faggot. They don't even know we exist.

>> No.3061252

>also, reminder that Algen did 12 hours a day and got good in 3 years.
He did get good in a way that he earns money for his work, but in no way he is good, he is actually pretty terrible.

>> No.3061254

>tfw image on the left is better than anything you can do and is probably 2 years worth of experience
Fucking algen, I just realized you've been drawing way longer.

>> No.3061532

You're just a brainlet loser then.

>> No.3061622

I think you should just study as much as you can force yourself to. Doing art for 16 hours is very exaggerated; they have to eat and shit for christ's sake.

Hell, I can't even stay awake for longer than 12 hours. Do what's humanly possible for you.

>> No.3061643

>16 hours
Does this include toilet breaks/lunch/etc? Or is it pure drawing time?

Even if someone can do this, won't it be detrimental to their progress as they'll just tire out and have suboptimal sleep? Wouldn't 10-14 hours be better?

Also, what would on average be the optimal amount of hours to study?

>> No.3061658

Hello Feng Zhu!

But you are not fooling anyone, your school is asian garbage full of try hards.

But at least you can find job for the survivors.

(remember kids, afer 2 or 3 months you can't get a refund, and it is just after that time that their teachers will start to tell you to quit)

>> No.3061660

>Doing less hours is better than doing more hours
/ic/ needs to burn to the ground and be reborn anew from the ashes.

>> No.3061681

Is there a source with exercises similar to this?

>> No.3061688


>Doing less hours is possibly better overall for your art and attitude than forcing yourself to spend longer hours when you burn out and don't enjoy it, turning it into a chore


>> No.3061717


I use google images to find student examples, just make a random shape with a top, profile and front view and then draw it in perspective very accurately, like in the pic.

>> No.3061722


>Feng Zhu
>Posting on /ic/
>Not making shit loads of money working for the top companies

>(remember kids, afer 2 or 3 months you can't get a refund, and it is just after that time that their teachers will start to tell you to quit)

They let you know very well before hand most of the students work 16 hours a day doing assignments, they tell you from the start it is a tough place, and only the most competitive survive in there. If you're a lazy rich neet that can hardly do 20 minutes of drawing a day, and you decide to blindly join FZD, you are going to have a harsh wake up call.

Does that mean FZD is shit? Hell no, it's one of the best hardcore schools for drawing out there. You won't get that experience on Western schools, where they reward you for just attending class. If I had the money, I would join in a heartbeat.

>> No.3061723


Are you talking out of your own experience?

>> No.3061764

No, just trolling, but I read that a lot.

To me it seems overrated, and it only worth the pain if you want to work at the industry pretty fast.

For anything other than that, I don't think it's worth it.

There is hardly any philosophy, love or anything besides grind and ant mentality.

I don't understand why anyone would work that hard just to be an illustrator instead of working that hard on their own business.

In the end it is work all the same, and you will kill your love for art.

>> No.3061805

No you cant focus 100% but if you only do shit when your 100% concentrated I'm suprised you manage to go through a basic day.
80% is good, even 50%. And lo and behold, its more than 3h of work

>> No.3062026

Nobody does 16 hours a day, you and your childish delusions are what's wrong with this board

>> No.3062029

Is a scorpion related to bugs?

>> No.3062034

>they'd make him sleep and eat and you have to "put those aside" to get good.
Is he a lich or something?

>you will never read books and study the dark arts for 24 hours a day while ignoring petty mortal matters like eatting drinking or sleeping

>> No.3062053
File: 72 KB, 640x800, 425565245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, what's the point? You'll be a good artist, but how happy and healthy do you think you'll be at the end of those 2 years? I'd rather spend my time working out, learning how to cook delicious food, spend time with my friends, etc. around working. You'd look disgusting after living off of 4 hours of sleep for 2 years.

I guess that's the difference between me and real artists. I don't mind being keeping art as my hobby and being slow as shit, while others will literally sacrifice EVERYTHING for their art. I don't know if it's worth it, but I guess others have totally different mindsets than me.

>> No.3062063

you can get healthy and socialize again when you're good. I know at least three artists who lived a pretty isolated lonely existence for the years they spent practicing, but now that they have elite skills and a lot of money, they're healthy, work out, travel, and have relationships.

>> No.3062069

I had to become a shut-in to study for one of my board exams, and basically studied non-stop for 3 months. It was awful. I don't think people realize how long and miserable 2 years would be. How much your legs will hurt when you're sitting down non-stop. How much your social skills would deteriorate.

>> No.3062084

>I don't think people realize how long and miserable 2 years would be
if drawing all day, all year makes you miserable then you lack the passion necessary to be as good as the top artists.

>How much your legs will hurt when you're sitting down non-stop.
i've been sitting for hours on end for years and my legs never hurt. unless you're sitting on a hard board this won't happen. just shift positions every now and then.

>How much your social skills would deteriorate.
social skills can be re-learned. especially once you're an impressive artist.

>> No.3062087


It's an Arachnid.

>> No.3062092

I see it as a sacrifice, it won't kill my love for art, it will only give me the tools and skills necessary to do what I love further along. I was really considering FZD but it's really too expensive.

>> No.3062103

That's a drawing? looks like beginner 3D modelling with weird textures.

>> No.3062128

You sound like me. I manage to carve 4 hours for art in my schedule, as I fit in working out, cooking food, learning a language, my job, studying more for my job, etc.

It's enough to progress well. I kind of envy those that have _one_ hobby or passion that they would sacrifice all other things for though. I have too many passions to do that.

>> No.3062135
File: 932 KB, 900x3456, livingroom___steps_by_algenpfleger-d3hupee (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a drawing. a lot of people say that his work looks like 3D

>> No.3062149

Same, anon. I can't imagine having a passion for only one thing, but I guess that's how people go to the Olympics or become incredibly talented artists. But I don't think it'd be mentally healthy for me. And I don't understand why there's so many artists out there with absolutely awful personalities, if social skills are soooooo easy to learn.

>> No.3062168

I have bad social skills despite not being a recluse. Doing something 16+ hours would turn me into a shitshow.

Maybe it'll take me longer to git gud, maybe I'll never be one of the best, but that's okay since I don't want to do this as a profession and I prefer having a high level in different skills rather than perfection in just one thing.

>> No.3062382

It is not really art, it's illustration.

Art is a very complex subject, and perspective, memory drawing and render is only a part of it.

>> No.3062384

lol, no

>> No.3062385

That doesn't look really good. Just okayish.

>> No.3062387

Post your work

>> No.3062635

>Nobody does 16 hours a day, you and your childish delusions are what's wrong with this board

When will /ic/ finally get over the giant "grind 24hrs to become the next feng ruan zhu jia mullins" circlejerk?

>> No.3062655

/ic/ probably does between 1-3 hours a day of actual pen-to-paper/tablet work, under 7 days a week. And I mean the ones that are actually ""taking it seriously"" not the hobbyists who do even less. You're never going to get good with this mindset, anon. People who do much more hours than you are going to be literally years ahead of you and you'll never catch up. 2 hours a day = 672 hours per year. 12 hours a day = 4031 hours per year. The former will take 6 YEARS to reach with what the latter can reach in only 1 year.

tl/dr, you're not gonna make it.

>> No.3062661

>implying diminishing returns don't exist
>implying that hours grinding is the only important thing when learning

>> No.3062666


I'm 27 and was always decent at drawing and wanted to make a creative career. From age 18 to now I have pilfered my time away with women, drink, drugs, and worked jobs i hate to scrape by.

Every day that goes by feels like another nail in the coffin of me every being happy doing something i enjoy. The value of doing hard work NOW instead of looking back in regret cannot be understated. Either do it or give up and invest your time in something else, but you have to do something or you'll just get crushed by existential angst

>> No.3062681

this meme was never funny

>> No.3062684

The actual learning hours are what counts. Everything else is just producing more stuff, which is not necessarily better but could be, depends what you do.

4 hours of focused improvement work, everything else is just drawing for the sake of drawing.

>> No.3062703


Accept the truth and move on, if you are not willing or able to put the time. If you need proof, just look at the before and after of FZD students and see for yourselves what one year of drawing 16 hours a day nothing but fundamentals gets you.

Denying reality does no one good.

>> No.3062705

FZD students are fucking retards who have to put more time, because they are stupid and even then it doesn't pay off.

Your brain turns off after some time, no matter how strong you think you are. I just hate that some morons come here and spout shit like its the truth, when in reality learning to draw is all about focus. Feng Zhu even said that 70% of focus is better than 100%, which is true when you are doing mindless work, but not when you are actually trying to learn new concepts.

Fuck off cretins.

>> No.3062709
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>art is just something you're not meant to do professionally.

>> No.3062710
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That's the thing you still haven't gotten into your delusional head. And that is the fact that there's not that many concepts to learn here, they are fucking fundamentals that you grind for 16 hours a day and that's how you get good super fast.

Alex Jessup went from zero, fucking zero /beg/ tier to pro in a year, and in two years he was working in FX magazine. Why? Because he spent 1 year doing 16 hours a day in FZD, that's the truth.

>> No.3062711


He is talking about the top positions, though. The higher you go, the harder and more competitive it gets.

>> No.3062723

is the plane painted in? I refuse to believe the marble isn't a 3d rendo

>> No.3062725


you dummy, you're suppose to do the 16 hrs a day for one year. all of you guys are fucking dumb for thinking its 16 hrs for the rest of your life.

>> No.3062726


your trolling is so bad. you might be retarded.

>> No.3062728

You need better drugs for studying. I recommend menergy drinks and protein powder. Brain requires a ton of vitamin B, protein, and carbs to function. It also consumes a fuck-ton of menergy when it's focused.

Also, get designer drugs from drug dealers in white lab coats.

>> No.3062735


at least im not fucking retarded like most of this board

>> No.3062810


Keto + Modafinil works wonders for me, coupled with daily exercise (lifting & running).

>> No.3062843
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Trips of truth. I remember thinking as a kid "no, i'll be too old by the time i'm good at drawing (or any hobby really)".

That time passed anyway and I'm not good because i gave up.

The good thing is that being a young expert at something is cool, but you're never too old to start anything.

>> No.3062846

This is true. You grind like mad until you're good and can tone it down a little.

But it's a bit impractical for someone with a full-time job or family to do this. How are you going to draw for 16 hours if you a huge 9-hour dent in your schedule for work?
>inb4 quit your job
how do people afford this

>> No.3062916

>Because he spent 1 year doing 16 hours a day in FZD

He also, presumably, had an entire year with teachers and peers to work with as well.

I'm not sure why the board seems to treat an intensive school environment the same as self teaching intensively. 16 hours with experienced professors and a class full of competition to motivate is vastly more productive than 16 hours with the best self teacher. You can get better faster the more "quality" time you put in, but you'd have to re create the ENTIRE environment, not just the 16 hour cramming. It's not grinding exp, the hours don't just stack, if you misunderstand a concept you can lose a lot of time through trial and error. You need experienced, and variety of, critique to really progress. At least that's true for me.

There's a lot of paid mentorships out there, as well as forums to interact with. If you're going to study on your own, you'd do well to create a system of good, consistent feedback. I think that's what trips up most of /ic/.

>> No.3062920


You are completely right, which that's why I said if I had the money, I would join in a Heartbeat. I can cram 8 or 16 hours a day on my own if I want, but it's never going to be as good as joining FZD.

>> No.3062925

I dream of having an abundance of money and time so I could attend random courses or schools of whatever cost for fun and learn what I feel like

>> No.3062941

Take in mind, there is a difference between idly doodling for an hour compared to focused study using reference. Sitting there for hours on end drawing without a goal you might slowly get better and notice a few things, but you don't really learn as much as if you were focusing on say the muscles of the calf and how they work. You would force yourself to problem solve rather than glean what you can from the hours of mindless doodling. 2 hours of focused study could possible equate to 16 hours of doodling depending on different things. But I do agree that 16 hours straight is alot to ask for and is unrealistic for most working class individuals.

>> No.3062949

I don't get whats with /ic/ obsession with gitting gud fast? whats wrong with spending a longer amount of time doing actual quality work and slowly improving( 5-7 years) rather than grinding mindlessly for 16 hours a day not improving at all. Consider that with self teaching you may not know certain things and theres no one to point it out to you.

>> No.3062956


Yeah, me too. I won't complain though, I don't have much money but at least I have a lot of free time. Some people don't get that.

>> No.3062959
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>rather than grinding mindlessly for 16 hours a day not improving at all.

Because you do improve a lot? Very fast? So you get where you want to be younger, and can go and explore others things. This doesn't need much explaining, come on. Stop assuming grinding 16 hours bad quality stuff. Pic related is not bad quality, and you are supposed to do around 5 3 to 6 of these a day, on top of other shit they send you for work.

>> No.3062966

The thing is fzd is an environment where they have teachers and peers who give you feedback and correct you if you do something wrong , in that kind of environment it is totally possible to get gud really fast with 16 hours a day .There is no way to simulate it with self teaching, you have to spend time evaluating you progress and see if you are doing something wrong etc.

>> No.3062975


It's the next best thing, and as long as you understand the material taught by Scott Robertson/Dorian Iten/Peter Han. You are pretty set, the rest is grinding fundamentals like a madman.

>> No.3062976

>at least I have a lot of free time
what do you work as? or study?

>> No.3062982


My parents left me a house that I can rent to tourist in the summer time, and I also own a small local cleaning company. I am a pretty frugal man, so I make enough to survive in a year to year basis. I can get up to 12k on a summer renting, and up to 700 bucks in one day when I get clients (I clean like 4 to 7 houses on my own).

My house is currently rented atm, and I am living in a small caravan in the same land.

>> No.3063077
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When you're going to a $100,000 school and art is the only thing that matters in your life, you ought to put in the hours. The 16 hour benchmark isn't just about absorbing information, it is immersing yourself in the work. After you've worked long enough, things that seemed unapproachable become routine, and impossible quality gaps seem less distant. You become a better vessel for the act of thinking and doing. Things are just a lot more familiar overall.

Obviously you work your way into it and take regular breaks. But I don't know, I think people have this tenancy towards giving themselves retarded ultimatums without even realizing that they are sabotaging themselves by thinking that progress can be measured in nights and days, much less hours. Do what you can, and if that leads to 8 or 16 hours a day that's that.