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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3056139 No.3056139 [Reply] [Original]

Is drawing worth pursuing as a career? People are ungrateful, pay little, you have to learn a ton of shit.

Being an artist is suffering, especially if it's the only thing you can do

>> No.3056149
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No, it's not. In the wise words of Dobson, "everyone wants you to make art, no one wants to pay you for it".

>> No.3056154
File: 297 KB, 800x636, justache_by_peetcooper-d4rftx3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how you take on that path and what have you accomplished so far. For starters if you have received some art education at a young age and have a great understanding of fundamentals, then yes it might be worth pursuing as a career providing you have the motivation to stick with it. It's not something to do half-assed and fool around on the side (engorging on shit activities like video games etc). It's the best time now than ever for artist's since patreon, youtube, livestreams, instagram etc exist to put up your work. The first step is getting good and the second step is showing everybody you exist. It especially helps if you have a part-time job and enough free-time to work on your art career before you start seriously profiting off your work, be it commissions, concept arting or whatever the fuck you're trying to do, there's literally multiple ways to go about it. Just start.

>> No.3056155

Just don't
Leave more room in the business for me, I need all I can get

>> No.3056157

You get to work on cool shit, if you don't want to work on cool shit then I guess it's not worth it. You can continue to be a peasant who makes money to buy random shit instead.

>> No.3056159

>poor people calling others with well paying jobs peasants

>> No.3056164
File: 31 KB, 192x192, Carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the wise words of Dobson

Is that the same Dobson who wrote the Stincky's book, Keys to Drowning?

Same stuff could be said about more than 50% of the jobs on this Earth, OP. Ungrateful customers, minimal rewards for your efforts, and you need to stay in the game or someone takes your place.

>> No.3056165

"Drawing" isn't a career.

Fine artist
Concept Artist
Packaging Design
Graphic Designer
Comic Book Artist

Those are careers. Drawing is a tool in many careers. What career are you looking to have?

>> No.3056170

How do I get over my fear of failure when it comes to my art?

I guess I'm impatient and want to be good now instead of being showed up by all the grand master artists on Artstation.

>> No.3056193


>> No.3056205


>people are ungreatful

because art isn't a necessity. Don't put yourself in a position where you have to beg for scraps if it's not worth it to you.

>> No.3056261

Nothing is a necessity except basic stuff like food and a shelter. Everything else is an extension to ourselves, in which we take great pride. So if musicians can be respected, what's different with artists?

>> No.3056284
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This depresses the fuck out of me.

>> No.3056469

if you were good enough people would pay for your work

>> No.3056495

they would pay but it would be a shitty pay

>> No.3056501

There's always people that gladly spend money on shit they like, look at movies for example, it's just a matter of being liked.
Also if your objective is to make money art is a shit choice.
If your objective is to be godlike good at art money won't stop you from becoming a profesional.

>> No.3056519

I draw because thats the only thing I dont abandon after some time of doing. I can make a career of it but at the same time i want to live life at its fullest. I dont want to be poor. Is balncing of wealth and creative success possible?

>> No.3056521

Obviously it is anon. It just requires a lot of hard work as you would know.

>> No.3056531

In the Game of Thrones, you win or you die.

>> No.3056552


It shouldn't. Dobson is a complete faggot and deserves this.

If you aren't selling necessities, be so good your work becomes a necessity to people. Musicians seem to be able to get to that point way more often than artists.

>> No.3056662

so do i focus on just self improvement and post my stuff online until i get noticed? or should i work with the goal in mind of becoming a concept artist?

>> No.3056666


>> No.3056674
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>It shouldn't. Dobson is a complete faggot and deserves this.
Absolutely this, I almost got depressed about it too, thinking the shitfest freelancing is
then I went to his twitter just to check if he an hero, then found that whiny bitch
he has almost all of the qualities I despise about a human being
chances are freelancing is still a shitfest but maybe people wont go so hard on you if you dont make a scene about everything and keep cool (also, what do you expect from DA)
Ok satan

>> No.3056691

Why do people start a thread asking a question only to immediately answer it themselves thinking they already know everything about the topic?

>> No.3056794

What do you mean by 'drawing'?
but yeah, if you're good at it, go for it. It's a complicated subject, but if you're passionate and talented, go ahead and make a shot at it. Chances are, someone will buy your art. Does take a bit of luck, too, though...
Also, have a backup plan.

>> No.3056873

>Start drawing
>It looks like shit
>Become enraged, play video games, sometimes post about it on whetever board I'm on and cry the following night
>Repeat the next day
I don't know what to do. I enjoy drawing but learning on my own is just too difficult to do.

>> No.3056875

You don't really cry over it do you? Just put the effort in.

>> No.3056878

grow a pair of balls and force yourself to draw.
Study subject by subject, for example start with perspective and do some exercises but keep doing it even it looks like shit, you need to build an habit for drawing.

>> No.3056880

There are so many art books and YouTube videos available for free... you just have to be dedicated

>> No.3056889

Watch this it's very inspirational and it's justin roiland and alex hirsch


>> No.3056898


>> No.3057015

Dobson reaps what he sows, perhaps being a douche and insulting critics, did not pay out in the end.
How surprising :^)

>> No.3057167

post your work online but also make a portfolio with your best work you can send to companies

>> No.3057197


>> No.3057342

Learn to draw
Then grab a machine and learn tattooing
Thank me later

>> No.3058313

I am gonna start drawing in a month after my exams are over, the w/ic/i recommends Keys to Drawing and/or Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, if I remember correctly.
Maybe start with those, see where that takes you? That is what I am gonna do anyway.

>> No.3058395


this is a good reply. i draw for a living, i do porn, some painting, ocassionally pretty cool well paying illustration gigs, but i would consider myself an entrepreneur, not any kind of artist. you can make it but it'll take a lot more than being a good artist.