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3056030 No.3056030 [Reply] [Original]

Do you get commissions on a regular basis? How long did it take to get to that point?

>> No.3056034

Is the market for drawing cute anime girls still viable?

>> No.3056085

there's not a fucking mathematical formula for that, you moronic imbecile.
just the fact that you are asking this is guarantee that you're never gonna make it. you need a functional brain to make it.

>> No.3056174
File: 140 KB, 379x440, worry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would ever want that? I'd rather work with someone in a book/comic/manga or anything creative

Doing comissions is monkey see monkey do job, its literally just as degrading and consuming as working on entry job you also have to work vs people who do this shit for basically free and chinks who are workaholics, why would someone want to waste their lives doing that is beyond me
I know not everybody is born with a creative mind to be a writer, but you can work with one

>> No.3056580

>being this mad

OP wasn't asking for a exact amount of time. He just wanted to hear about other artists' experiences with getting good/famous enough to take commissions on a regular basis, probably so he can get an idea for himself of how long it takes.

>> No.3056614

>Do you get commissions on a regular basis?
Yes. I have to turn them down now.

>How long did it take to get to that point?
I started getting commissions one year after starting to draw. It should have taken less but I'm a lazy asshole.

Also being able to draw and being a good businessman and employee are very very different things.

>> No.3056623

It took 4 years.

>> No.3057034
File: 9 KB, 240x240, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


calm down or you're going to hurt yourself.

>> No.3057037

it took me 4 years too.

>> No.3057090


>> No.3057099

Anime is only getting more popular bro

>> No.3057155

just to clarify
we're talking about porn commissions right?

>> No.3057269
File: 43 KB, 513x415, hshs54fxo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the best method/platform for getting commissions? I just want to draw animu and get dollars, my niggas

>> No.3057424

The most creative and instructive shit I've done in my artistic life were comissions.
Mascots for sports teams, illustrations for games, packaging art, character design for rpg nerds, fantasy portraits for people, a tour poster for a band...
It seems the one who isn't creative is you.

>> No.3057443

I have 7000 followers on tumblr and get commissions easily whenever I say they're open. I also draw any type of porn that people want.

>> No.3057492


>> No.3057506

bump 4 this

>> No.3057522

Ever since I got this big disclaimer that I wouldn't draw furries or porn, no one tried to commission me anymore...

>> No.3057562

Why do people only want porn? Why can't they just want tame?

>> No.3057743

Get 1000 followers on your social media of choice and say you're up for commissions.

>> No.3057764

I stopped taking commissions altogether because I finally got a job in my major (the one thing I love more than art), so I let art be a hobby again. Unless the art market changed dramatically in the last four months, this should still be fairly accurate.

>Be consistent. Consistent in your style. Consistent in the quality of work you produce. Consistent in how often you're posting. No one wants to commission an amazing artist who's a bit of a flake. No one wants to commission some guy who draws like a god some days and looks like he had a stroke mid-drawing on others. Get your shit together.

>Brand yourself. Jack of all trades, master of none. Pick something you're good at and stick to it. The customer doesn't care that you can draw a million different things at a B level if some other guy can draw the three things they're looking for at an A+ level.

>Post often. Remind people that you're alive. Use social media. Don't expect to get commissions off of social media, but keep updating as a way to remind people that you exist. On the off chance that one of the many broke motherfuckers who follows you gets some money, they'll remember your name over dude who posts once a month.

>Hype your commissions up. Make it look like that shit runs out fast. Announce that you're opening up commissions a week or two in advance to give people time to prepare. "Prepare for what? My slots never get filled." The customer doesn't have to know about that. Fake it until you make it.

>Customer service. People talk. Be a good artist with good results and good communication. People like that. They'll refer you to their friends. Those friends will refer you to their friends. Within a year of taking commissions, about half of my customers weren't even my followers. They heard about me through a friend. You know what happens when you're difficult to work with? People still talk about you. Art is a service industry. Don't forget that.

>> No.3057943

>Producing shit for other people > Producing shit with someone

>> No.3057977

post your animu works

>> No.3057998

Thank you for what is possibly the only real advice

>> No.3058021

Confirmed for already not having made it

>> No.3058035


post tumblr?

>> No.3058041

Does anyone get any commissions through pixiv? It feels like it would be less common than other sites.

>> No.3058336

What's your major pal?

>> No.3058925


Any time. I'll probably keep checking back on this thread until it falls off the board in case anyone needs specific advice.

One really important thing I forgot to mention is to always keep your chin up. Some weeks might be better than others. It's okay, it's normal, and it happens to everyone.

>> No.3058935

It took 2 years. Now i make enough to pay all of my bills with commissions alone straight out of high school at 18.

I'm extremely blessed.

>> No.3058941

8 months. I'm okay to start with, but I don't think people should be paying me what they are paying me. If nothing else, doing these commissions has motivated me to start learning to draw better because man, there is fucking money here.

>> No.3058957

Took me 2 years but I draw furry trash and I barely have any ''won't draw''s so it makes sense.

>> No.3058960
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What's everybody charging for an average full color commission??

>> No.3059012

That legitimately varies from free all the way to "if you have to ask, you can't afford it" prices. The nice thing about art is that if you market yourself well, you can charge whatever the fuck you want to charge. My full color commissions start at $250. I work fast, although I use traditional media so every so often I'll need to use some of my profits to buy more materials. I get to charge extra because of the whole sending the customer the original piece thing. I figured people would like that. I just wasn't prepared for how much they'd like it. Things like that are how you can market yourself. Make sense? Want me to explain it differently? If you're comfortable posting your work, I could point out some things you could focus on in your art to make it "pop" more.

>> No.3059024

I'm not near good enough for people to pay for my work. I'm just curious how you are all doing. Art is a big passion for me but I have a day job.

That's amazing to hear though. People always say it's good to have a hobby that can make money on the side. Maybe after a few more years of practice.

Stoked to hear that people like traditional media. So many people are digital only and it's a shame!

>> No.3059059


As a beginner, who wants to make Furry/pony porn. Should I focus mostly on Anatomy/form and rendering skills over anything else? I am currently doing Dynamic sketching by Peter Han and Perspective with Erik Olson and I am not sure that's where I should be investing time for my goals..?

>> No.3059287

I'd like to start getting into commissions. From what I understand I need to:

>say that I'm open to commissions on whatever website I post on
>post new stuff regularly

>> No.3059320

> I have some social profiles where place my art (I do not porn)
> There is written Contact for commission at -> Email
> No one uses mail but write through social profile messaging
> Asking if I make commissions or similar questions
> Reply Yes
> No one answers you anymore

>> No.3059343

I'm thinking of doing commissions soon but consistency is definitely a weak point for me. How the hell do I even work on that, specifically? I noticed that when I draw I tend to ping pong around style-wise and I'm having a hard time reeling it in.

>> No.3059346

Did you reply only a yes? Try asking questions like what they're looking for to make it easier for them to answer.

>> No.3059355

how do you know you're ready?
what level of skill is decent to start it?
how do I know I've reached it?

>> No.3059376

>how do you know you're ready?
When people actually ask for commissions or are willing to buy them when you shill them.
>what level of skill is decent to start it?
See above
>how do I know I've reached it?
See above

Its not like you spend months grinding fundies and one day it all clicks and its like you leveled up or something, and suddenly you know now that you're ready.
Being an artist is half skill and half knowing how to market yourself. Shitty artists can make good money if they're amazing at marketing themselves and Amazing artists can make good money if they're shitty at marketing themselves.
Both skills are important to build up. I recommend inputting yourself into any community and makes friends with people and then hint that you're doing commissions. Even if you're a bad artist, they still will probably buy them because they like you and to them its mainly just about supporting their friend. Build a small portfolio out of it and share it around while expanding it as you get better to get better commissions.
Also, make sure while you're doing commissions to study and then apply what you studied to your commissions. Things you notice you're really lacking in while you're doing the piece are what you should stop and study.

>> No.3059422

This depends on the question, sometimes they are even longer my answers but the result is the same.
Maybe they are not really interested or I do not know.
I do not think only a Yes scare people.

>> No.3059576

Not him, but as fandom trash I say work on gesture amd anatomy first to make appealing figures and poses. Then work on rendering and color.

>> No.3059617
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I'll never understand Kashima's popularity. Do people just like femdom that much?

>> No.3059630
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>> No.3059886

As you get better do you expect to be able to charge more? So if you charge $250 now for full color, and say you get much better skill-wise in a year, how would you charge for that increase in quality? Do you just bump up the $250 at some arbitrary point since the skill increase would be gradual? Do you care that you might piss off your audience who would have gotten a full color cheaper at an earlier date?

>> No.3060287
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>You can't be creative with the designs of concepts other people ask you to do

>> No.3062175

40 years

>> No.3062645

Speaking of commissions, would anyone be interested in taking a commission for show posters? I didn't want to ask in the self promotion thread, so I just searched commissions and this shit popped up.

>> No.3064147

Hey, it sounds like you're still finding your style there. Consistency is just something that comes naturally once you start to settle into a style, but that doesn't mean it's not something you can't practice on. As boring as it sounds, one of the best things you can do is to draw the same thing multiple times in a row until you get the hang of it. People don't want to commission someone whose style is all over the place. If you're flip flopping between anime and comic style, and I only want the comic style, there's no way I'm commissioning you. I don't know what I'm getting! Does that make sense?

>> No.3064156

>As you get better do you expect to be able to charge more?
Absolutely. It does help to make an announcement post before you bump the prices, though. Those actually end up being some of my most popular commission times just because all of the people who were on the fence before REALLY want a commission now that the prices are about to go up, you know? Don't worry about alienating previous customers. Your loyal customers will always remain, and you'll always have new customers coming to you as you improve. Mr. Penny Pincher was only going to commission you that one time anyway, you know?

>> No.3064585

porn commissions are for acoustic children

>> No.3064667

There's a good tutorial for gaining more followers and therefore commissions, jobs etc. It's in Russian, though, so unless you can understand Cyrillic runes, it's useless for you.
Also mind, that some part of it is dedicated to self-promotion in VK (Russian Facebook clone). But if you, yet again, know Russian, that might be an additional platform for you to post on. There's not much money to get there since Russians have less to spend than first worlders, but followers are still followers.


> I have to turn them down now.
That's stupid. More commissions than you can do is a sign that you're in demand. Since you're in demand you are able to charge more. Raise the price instead.

>> No.3067008

>Raise the price instead.
How do you deal with this from a PR perspective? I can imagine you would get a lot of hate for upping prices.

>> No.3067023

Where did you actually sell your commissions? Deviantart?

>> No.3067045

It would result in lesser potential clients. But every artist has only a finite number of comissions that they are able or are willing to make in a period of time. Let's say it's N. However, the demand is not always equal to this number and depending on the audience and the price might be greater or lesser that N. Let's mark a number of potential clients as M. So while managing commission price the main task is to pick the price P that M is not greater than N and P*M is at maximum.

>> No.3067073

Easy there Copernicus

>> No.3067084
File: 53 KB, 724x504, Oyki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i do comissions?

>> No.3067862

But no reallly, that's a great explanation