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File: 93 KB, 700x1038, why-are-artists-poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3055649 No.3055649 [Reply] [Original]

have you planned working at MC'Donalds and living with your parents yet? or have you just accepted you will die young already?

>> No.3055652

i've been living with my parents for a long time. i finally have customers. i have a style that people like. i have plans. i have commissions. all it takes is time. and i lucked out by being born with a support net.

also dying young is corny af these days.

>> No.3055656

>why artists are poor

those who are poor are not real artists

>> No.3055658

lol k

>> No.3055661

i dont understand how some people think its ok to just do art and nothing else. art has to come from real life. you have to contribute with some kind of real job. the art comes secondary, and everyone is an artist.

i've never met an "artist" who i would consider a good and useful person. I would never choose an artist to be on my team.

>> No.3055662

damn i suppose time has changed then

>> No.3055682

I've been NEETing it out for a few years, trying hard to become good enough to make some sort of income. Nothing has happened and I'm exhausted and plateaued pretty hard, I'll keep studying as much as I manage but it's time to get a day job for me. I might even give up on this 'dream' already because it's honestly unrealistic to get anywhere for me at my current skill level.

I'm not even salty about it, just let down.

>> No.3055683

A book written by (((them))) to keep you away from the industry they've built for their useless children to spew propaganda in.

>> No.3055685


> propaganda

> spewing anti-semitism


>> No.3055697

you don't do anything, how the fuck do you expect to have something to say? what gives you the right to make any kind of statement through art when you haven't lived a real life?

>> No.3055700

What are you talking about, I made no general statement about art or anything like that. I'm just really exhausted because I haven't improved as much as I should have, so it's time for me to branch out and stop relying on it.

>> No.3055702 [DELETED] 

I dream of being a homeless man with nothing but his laptop and tablet. It's not even the worst possible thing that could happen honestly. Get government aid for school by claiming homeless status. I can shower at a gym, get cheap clothes at goodwill and put them in my gym locker. Bus transportation is cheap. Library is open from 9AM to 9PM or I can go to barns n noble and draw. Buy protein bars and supplements so I won't get as hungry.

The only thing I fear is where would I sleep. I can't find a good solution for that without getting into trouble. Also going to public restroom would be a bitch--another fear. I like my comfy time on the toilet.

>> No.3055707

the art is the statement
any kind of art is a statement about life.

you need to have a life to make the statement

>> No.3055744

The only poor artists are the ones who can`t market themselves or the ones who are just shit.

>> No.3055751

Because most artists suck ass

>> No.3056019

Well, seems to me like 99% of artists, including fine art masters, never made any valuable statement whatsoever and still did fine as artists. Did Sargent really need to have an interesting life to paint pretty portraits of rich people? Do the dragon catlady images of Ruanjia tell you about his struggles growing up as a rural chinese rice farmer?

You sound like the typical nerd who romanticizes everything without actually having experienced anything himself.

>> No.3056357
File: 32 KB, 640x480, icametolaughatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEETs live invalid lives
>NEETs cannot produce artwork
>you need to reduce your free time by wageslaving before you can have a life
>implying NEETs don't have stockpiles of statements to make and generally contributes to them being NEETs.

>> No.3056384



>> No.3056414
File: 572 KB, 600x580, faggot face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because these are the same people who just want to draw anime titties.

quite the contrary actually. nobody wants to hear your thoughts on why you think you deserve free stuff.

>> No.3056421

So musicians can work full time yet artists can't? What sort of bias is this? If you produce valuable assets for people you are working with, it's not like what you said at all, I don't get this stupidity.

Drawing isn't just about making shitty anime crap.

>> No.3056428

Well i'm already 2-meals-a-day poor tier, and i want to become an artist.

>> No.3056498

musicians can't work full time though, music jobs are just as shitty as art

>> No.3056682

meh, this is just like, youre opinion, dood

>> No.3056690

You're not a real artist.

>> No.3056697
File: 74 KB, 439x500, 1498226684922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty easy to make a living when you make art aimed to other people, and not for yourself.

Artists sign up to art for the very opposite reason. To become their own therapists and entertainers.

I mean if dentists only studied to fix their own teeth they would be poor too.

At some point you have to chose. Either become only self centered and pray that people will buy your message or just go full blown illustrator with no voice of your own. The longer you stick in between those two the more you suffer.

>> No.3056708

Same stuff happened to Hitler
>dirt poor artist wasnt accepted into art school
>ironicaly the art school deen was jewish

>> No.3056887
File: 463 KB, 923x887, 1497789164434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the problem.
I want to do things I like, but on the other hand I'll never be able to earn money from it if it doesn't follow a trend or a style that people like/want.

>> No.3056890
File: 15 KB, 329x500, 31dAaWOs9cL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3056892

i'd rather be poor than work a day job. kinda sucks but if there's no money in art there's no money in art, nothing you can do about it, i'm happy getting my $11k a year off it.

but then maybe i'd feel differently if i didn't have a good free place to live (not with my parents lol)

>> No.3056921
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 1490310559057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3056924


fuck that, I tried to get into welding and that shit was just as soul crushing as any other job but with additional deadly hazards

i'm going to be poor, alone and will be grinding loomis heads until i'm fucking dead

>> No.3056959

This video makes a good argument but, it just seems worthless to not strive to make your passion a reality in some way. I'd be fine working miserable jobs for shit pay while i build up skills and portfolios so one day i can have a shit pay in something i love doing.
To me the mindset of "become passionate about whatever you're doing" comes off as something someone who isn't passionate about anything would say. Empty and comformist.

>> No.3056986


>Don't follow my passion in Archaeology and History
>Been drawing along side with the word I had down with it
>Ended up not being able to afford courses and such for Archaeology
>Get part time job in retail to supplement income from small commissions I was doing at the time
>No longer following passion
>Doing art periodically
>Wage slave
>Just wanna die senpai

Kind of a shit vid, just made me wanna die.

>> No.3057261

think of it as intermittent fasting and you're now a health conscious artist

>> No.3057418

You do what others want and use the experience to make your project better in the end.

>> No.3057420

>Empty and comformist.
That's exactly what capitalism wants from you.
Suffering creates sales.

>> No.3057460
File: 19 KB, 300x300, IMG_0745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is kinda right but I don't think I'll stop doing art because right now I suck at it.
Talent or "genes" as he names it is a thing but it only helps at the beginning.
Hard work is what I think and want to believe, what made every artists I like, what they are today.
You need to have more than one string to your bow and it's ok to be an opportunist but the "don't follow your passion" is bullshit.

>> No.3057547

As with everything in life - there is no definite answer for this. Some people that have no trouble with being empty conformists can take this advice and make the best out of it. But some people (including me) just don't see a reason to live if they don't follow their call. For me "prospering" is not everything, "opportunities" are not always that important. It's all cool being rich and successful but with too much of capitalistic thinking you can go nowhere very easily, while thinking the opposite.

As long as I am allowed to carry on with my vision and dreams, it's all good.

>> No.3059454
