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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 82 KB, 945x960, sebastian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3055188 No.3055188 [Reply] [Original]

How fast did/do you improve /ic/?

>> No.3055192

>tfw i haven't even yet

>> No.3055204

That's a big dick.

>> No.3055210

did you really steal proko's signature idea

>> No.3055211

Not my work.

>> No.3055219
File: 1.26 MB, 1500x1500, selfportraitprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How fast did/do you improve /ic/?
Slowly and only with constant effort

>> No.3055222

Welcome to EB games

>> No.3055234


>> No.3055274
File: 13 KB, 460x282, feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i have sketchbooks from 2014 that looks just like the first one, and nowhere near as good in 2017
i...need..to stop.. wasting time.

>> No.3055277

How the fuck do I do that?

>> No.3055279
File: 517 KB, 3828x1500, 1481548847614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short answer: I strive to produce noticeable results on a monthly basis because that lets me be a fickle cunt inbetween
Long answer: I have never actually improved because it's anime and no true scotsman would ever draw it

>> No.3055283

>my balding process

>> No.3055286

Your short answer is longer than your long answer

>> No.3055287

never worry about if it looks like your subject, just if it looks like a human. with that advice you'll be doing mediocre drawings like OP in no time.

>> No.3055299

Great advice, master artist.

>> No.3055303

Holy shit kek

>> No.3055311

better than that mop i had on my head before

>> No.3055364

>tfw this guy has been improving quicker than you have
Is this ngmi?

>> No.3055368

>have been drawing for two years now
>improved at a snail's pace for most of that time because I only drew shitty anime and refused to use reference
>most of the improvement I've ever made has occurred in the last few months because I actually started reading books and using references
Kinda sucks I wasted so much time but at least I'm happy I'm finally improving.

>> No.3055371
File: 3.14 MB, 3000x2500, nh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not fast as expected

>> No.3055375

I improved a really fast in my first few years and got lots of compliments and people predicting I would be super amazing. Joke's on them though because that curve started flattening out and the last like 5 years progress has been slower.

>> No.3055385

Can you be my teacher anon

>> No.3055391
File: 21 KB, 509x619, 2B dies in nier automata and A2 kills 9S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just don't have the spark

>> No.3055404
File: 308 KB, 480x270, 1496929654782.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't do this to me

>> No.3055406
File: 119 KB, 732x799, 1494070128333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, show me your level

>> No.3055409

almost whenever I draw to be honest.


>> No.3055411

Like trash tier.

>> No.3055414

i don't

>> No.3055424

The super slow kind of fast.
Then again, I should study more.

>> No.3055432
File: 1.24 MB, 1871x2167, Progress 2015 - mid 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I made good progress for my first year then slowed down a lot after that. Nowadays I'm trying to do more shit from imagination and the drop in quality is messy, but I'm having more fun so it's all good.

>> No.3055450

What does his unreferenced work look like?

>> No.3055461


>> No.3055513

I knew you were great from the momemt i saw you

>> No.3055516

I will seriously higher you to teach me

>> No.3055517

what resources have you been using?

>> No.3055519

beginners are a funny sort of people

>> No.3055521

Arigathanks nosebro
Give me a hentai folder and I share my secrets with you
Idk I don't use referentes maybe this channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRYuHKwhgfCighvhR3n151w

>> No.3055522

my god I need to learn moonspeech

>> No.3055528

Do you got a discord where we all can hang out with you?

>> No.3055529

Fuck you both.
Fuck you especially, I didn't even check the filename until your bitch ass made me.

>> No.3055587

Are these troll posts or is there something I dont understand even in the discord people are jerking over this, there is some progress but nothing mind blowing for a couple of months work. Im not trying to put down the artist but the people who are amazed by this do they even draw?

>> No.3055594
File: 1.33 MB, 902x1500, old prog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started drawing 5 years ago at 14 and didn't make good progress because i had no idea where to start or what to learn when.

I wish I'd never given up (just starting again), but in a way I'm happy because this time around i want to draw because it relaxes me and makes me happy and I want to do it properly, the last time i just did it because I had shiny object syndrome.

>> No.3055596

Post your work.

>> No.3055605

I've been looking at YouTube progress videos and it's amazing how almost none of them have actually improved. And some have been drawing for a decade or more.

This girl still draws like a beginner after 8 years. And the YT comment section is like a massive hugbox.

>> No.3055611

I think you hate her for some reason and you are trying to find other people who agree with you

>> No.3055612

looking at some of her other stuff it actually looks nice and happy, but i don't have to hate her to think for 8 years that's bad progress

>> No.3055613


>> No.3055624

Practice and apply memey modern drawing techniques while also thinking you're carrying the torch of the old masters (important).

>> No.3055678
File: 175 KB, 677x960, sebastian_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is his newest original piece.

>> No.3055696


I really like what you are doing, listened even to the silly stuff you made in soundcloud and youtube and your self-portraits are always interesting and better than seeing apples over and over again - but fucking seriously, why is a neck an afterthought for you?

>> No.3055824
File: 17 KB, 260x273, 1484181678761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


someone didn't get enough (you)s.

>> No.3055879

>2012 was 5 years ago

>> No.3055906

Did he decide to put the right arm in after the pose was done?
Otherwise impressive.

>> No.3055910
File: 481 KB, 1635x2045, prog_ress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3055919

Looks the same. Quit copying so many photos.

>> No.3055954

ive been stuck in a standstill for 2 years

>> No.3055970

Yeah, pretty sure it's a wip

>> No.3055980

How can you make lineart like this?
All my lineart looks like traced shit especially when I put another layer on top to "improve" it

>> No.3055981

This thread depresses me.

>> No.3056016

How to avoid this? Fundamentals and practice are an obvious things but do you progress and get on the new levels?

>> No.3056062

Challenge yourself. Figure out new ways to make your artworks look more interesting, and experiment with them. Look at artists better than you, figure why their work is better than yours, and then incorporate those elements into your own work. Don't be afraid to struggle with your art, if everything you draw is a breeze to do, that means you're just sticking in your comfort zone.

>> No.3056075

He's using thicker lines, and probably has the front plane on a different layer.

You really need to start paying attention and developing some skills at figuring shit out - at least half of art is figuring shit out. If you don't know, pick up a brush or pen, and try to figure it out - and LOOK AT IT.

This level of hand holding is why you won't make it, even as a casual hobbyist. It's right there in front of you, and you can't fucking figure it out?

>> No.3056077

dont worry he will stagnate as quick as he improves

>> No.3056096

i really like this

>> No.3056111

thats great anon, good luck!
also post your new work

>> No.3056114

post your progress and make this thread a bit happier

>> No.3056117

What are you talking about. Look at the second portrait and then the fourth: the guy went from looking like a random quirky nu-male to look like an actual intellectual artist. He went from weak to austere and regal.
He just have to lose those hoodies and tshirts and start dressing like a pretentious artist and he can get in the game (as long as no one ever discover that he used to post on 4chan, at that point his patrician status will be lost forever).

>> No.3056121

that is a million times more impressive than his figure studies.

>> No.3056147

I..what? this is pretty fucking good. post work

>> No.3056195

Kinda what I expected. He's dogshit at drawing from imagination, particularly figures.

>> No.3056289
File: 30 KB, 600x488, 1498664557533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP what materials did you use to git gud exactly? How often did you study? I'm new and I love you

>> No.3056292

post your work

>inb4 mercwip.jpg

>> No.3056386

That figure is pretty crap but the rest of it is definitely not dogshit anon

>> No.3058311

Thanks a lot man, guess it all depends on me at the end