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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 88 KB, 950x320, Lordkaiser_Header_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3054307 No.3054307 [Reply] [Original]

I've been studying fundamentals seriously for over 2 years now. I draw at least 4 hours a day. I studied perspective, anatomy, values and all that shit but I can't seem to grasp it. Am I just not talented enough?

>> No.3054324

You fell for the "only draw what you actually want to draw after you've mastered all the fundamentals"
What you should do is try, fail, go and study what you failed at and then apply that to what you want to draw.

>> No.3054356

I haven't though? I study my fundamentals in conjunction with creative work.

>> No.3054362

fell for the actually become an artist and learn to draw meme instead of just 3d modeling and tracing everything

>> No.3054369

Get people to critique your stuff? There are people who draw for years and don't improve because the people around them can't tell it looks off or like shit.

>> No.3054375

Show us some work of yours then

>> No.3054382
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>> No.3054434

And show us your studies. If your studies also look like this you've been studying wrong/not effectively

>> No.3054439

dude you can quite clearly see even through his "stylization" that his fundies are shit

>> No.3054454

>those lines
two years without drawabox lmao

>> No.3054512

Stfu. I MIGHT suck but i'm better than most of /ic/

>> No.3054519
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>> No.3054523

Go drawabox m8 your lines are awful

>> No.3054525

Are you trolling? After 2 years you're still symbol drawing?

>> No.3054527

>2 years of study went into this

Sometimes I worry /ic/

>> No.3054530

I want to cry... Anon, I hate to be a meme, but nigga you need Loomis.

>> No.3054532

You studied but you didn't understand how the thing you studied actually works.

>> No.3054534

Is it really studying if nothing was learnt?

>> No.3054537

>2 Years

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Holy fuck I'm dying, I hope this is bait.

>> No.3054551

Yeah, so funny. How about you post your work, buddy.

>> No.3054552

this thread is a prime example of how talent is real, and some people just don't have it.

>> No.3054560
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>> No.3054587
File: 193 KB, 540x457, tumblr_orofcpByv11v3fjwvo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people just can't draw. period.
no. talent is not real. op just wasn't studying effectively.

>> No.3054591
File: 572 KB, 600x580, faggot face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ almighty dude

I wonder if faggots here will ever be able to accept this. I think the problem is all the pros are too nice about it.

>> No.3054599
File: 37 KB, 721x721, 1494451152080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When faggot's say "talent isn't real" they might as well be saying "everybody is exactly the same".

Its true his routine could be flawed but getting Mr. Pickles characters out of 2 years of practice is extremely disconcerting.

>> No.3054604

were you this faggot? >>/ic/thread/S2849941

>> No.3054608

Talent is true to an extent, but you don't need it to become a good artist. OP might as well have not studied at all. look at >>3054519, does it look like he was actually trying? It doesn't even look like he studied real faces. There's zero construction other than the shitty circles sometimes with symmetry lines going through them. OP isn't studying proper anatomy, he's just drawing what's in his head, and what he thinks anatomy is. Look at the circles. They make no sense whatsoever, the entire bottom two rows for example. If OP actually studies real faces (and everything else) and learn from proper instructors/resources (hampton/vilppu/proko), he's pretty much guaranteed to improve faster in one year than in the last two years he spent "studying fundamentals". And don't forget to sToP SpaMmInG tHE taLEnT mEMe guys

>> No.3054611


Talent is real. Some people think differently in regards on how shapes and shit look and can master them faster or have a better overall understanding on how they should look and be drawn to mimic that look.

Some people are just shit and overthink how they should look instead of just not being a faggot and getting right in to it.

>> No.3054621
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Some people can grasp concepts faster than others. That is true. Some people may have also developed varied skills that may help in doing another task. Others grew up in an environment that encouraged and even honed their skills. (I'm not just talking about drawing)

If that is what you would define as being "talented" then fine. I personally don't but who gives a fuck.

But the truth is that even "talented" people needed to grind. Every "talented" person started as shit. The difference is that OP stayed shit. He stayed shit because of a combination of a lack of guidance, circumstance and possibly extra chromosomes.

>> No.3054671

On the bright side, if he started from 0 skills, it's pretty much what I'd expect from 2 years.

>> No.3054688

no fucking way. not even close.

When I say "Talent", I mean the dictionary definition:
Talent - "natural aptitude or skill."
Aptitude - "a natural ability to do something."

This must by necessity include not only environmental factors, but genetics as well. Genes play a serious fucking role in one's natural ability to do something.

Let's say for the sake of argument that I want to become a professional illustrator/concept artist with a skill level sufficient to work at places such as Wizards of the Coast, Applibot, Ubisoft, or other such companies. This level of skill is well documented and understood, we know what it looks like.

Now let's say I have an IQ of 60. Well fuck me sideways, it's basically impossible for me to succeed.

Actually, let's say I have an IQ of 120 but I have a serious problem with emotions or depression which prevents me from being self-critical and therefore I can never bring myself to fail repeatedly because it is too emotionally damaging.

See, brains are different, and some people simply don't have a good enough brain and therefore lack the thought processes which would allow them to choose the right things to study, the right ways to practice, develop a good enough "eye" for world class art skill, and develop the discipline to actually work hard enough to become that good.

You can weed a SIGNIFICANT number of people out of the race by JUST genetic factors alone.

>> No.3054709

So, what exactly did you study? I feel you might need some direction.

>> No.3054831

Fuck, i just started drawing seriously and then i see this guy here. How do not become like him /ic/?

>> No.3054833

Stop overthinking, just draw, especially if you only started.

>> No.3054840

this. my own studies suck and i still can't seem to force myself to draw shapes over symbols.

>> No.3054841
File: 92 KB, 1600x900, 1212133434656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so depressing. You have to be deluded, retarded, or slacking. The alternative is that there's NO HOPE FOR ANYONE.

>> No.3054844

Lately I've been regressing very noticeably... I used to paint decently, with pretty decent draftsmanship, and quite confidently but now I make toddler tier shit and even though I remember the drafting rules it all comes out awful, like I've lost all my muscle memory. Along with some other issues I'm becoming genuinely scared I might have some sort of neurodegenerative disease.

>> No.3054846

Go to figure drawing or just draw on the bus, anything from real life really.

>> No.3057163

THIS IS BAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
STOP GETTING BAITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3057711


You might have a learning disability, see a professional.

>> No.3057822

Fuck off with your talent. I can go dig a hole with a pencil for two years and call it "drawing" but still make 0 progress because I didn't git gud at gitting gud

>> No.3057889
File: 85 KB, 550x358, have you been introduced to our lord and saviour loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3057898
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>> No.3057901

Your shit drawing isn't any better

>> No.3057903
File: 155 KB, 965x601, MarkusCreation_bikini_color_study_2_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my latest drawing

>> No.3057904


>> No.3057907

I'm improving right?

>> No.3057914

Your bodies are improving but at least try to draw faces that don't look like dogshit

Basically do more studies and try to keep style out of it until you get the fundamentals right

>> No.3057915
File: 464 KB, 500x338, tumblr_o0pj7bftir1qenw12o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Warsman from Kinnikuman.

Which isn't a good thing.