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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 165 KB, 1600x1500, FB_IMG_1499064638955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3046135 No.3046135 [Reply] [Original]

Cringe thread anyone? Artist is at least 23, obese, and has not improved since high school. These are from today, I'll post the older ones if I can find them.

>> No.3046137
File: 48 KB, 589x1000, FB_IMG_1499064632913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3046138
File: 115 KB, 1200x1158, FB_IMG_1499064629983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3046140
File: 58 KB, 589x1000, FB_IMG_1499064635641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best out of all of them. I'm looking for more now

>> No.3046141

looks cute to me

>> No.3046167

This is nice, blog?

>> No.3046169

How is this even cringe?

Cringe is like that artist who makes Sonic the Hedgehog characters as living toilets.

>> No.3046173

Eh...can't judge, I drew no better at that age if not worst. Some people just don't have access to proper resources and education, or know any better about them.

>> No.3046179

theyre just having fun, why bully them?

>> No.3046199

I want to FUCK Daffodil!

>> No.3046201
File: 199 KB, 755x807, show your work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally don't do this, but here you go OP, show your work!

>> No.3046205

That's actually a pretty believable character, what's so cringey about it? The author is not a good artist, but then most people aren't, it's okay.

>> No.3046433

this isn't that awful of a design in all honesty, the cringey parts are the deviantart tier "will fight you, loud mouth r00d" personality crap. but hell, for deviantart shit, this is actually pretty good. I actually hope this artist betters himself because it looks to me like he has pretty good potential.

>> No.3046439

Wtf is this a fucking strawberry shortcake OC?

>> No.3046906


>> No.3046912


>> No.3046917

That's not cringe dude, that's just kinda average. It doesn't actually look BAD honestly. They seem to have a basic grasp of things like color enough to make things not looks bad or anything.

>> No.3046919

So we draw the character in our style?

>> No.3046925

nah, just directing it towards the OP since they can apparently do better.

Doubt it though cause they spend their time going through peoples art and publicly shaming them rather than focusing on their own work.

>> No.3046937

I don't see how this is cringe. Honestly 3 months of anatomy study and they'd probably leapfrog your progress.

>> No.3046984

>high school

You realize this is fucking real life, yes?

Fellate yourself.

>> No.3047083
File: 100 KB, 1024x576, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3047145

No one cares about your OC, go back to Deviantart

>> No.3047148

Lmao OP your insecurity is showing. Are you mad at someone who does what they want while you're too lugged down by judgement to make kawaii characters?

>> No.3047150

she's cute

>> No.3047463

I guarantee my drawings are more shitty and cringeworthy than that.

>> No.3047480

everyone keeps reacting to these threads the same(telling OP to fuckoff/post work)

Then why do they keep being made?

>> No.3047496


This. Why laught at these people? To cope with your own failures?
The guy is at least doing something fun for him, harming no one. And you, OP?
Next time do a constructive thread instead.

>> No.3048177

>i-it's not that bad
holy fuck /ic/ is filled with shitters

>> No.3048183

want to post your work? thought so.

>> No.3048335

>Its so bad
>But I don't say why it's below average or what average counts as.

>> No.3048336

Because OPs like this are too stupid to realizee that people don't laugh at stuff like this.

>> No.3048337

remember this thread when you see a critique or redline. these are the people you share this board with, the ones giving advice and critique. lmfao ic is a joke now

>> No.3048339

This. I'm sick of all the "funny" threads mocking others, juts do your own work OP, you loser. You're pathetic.

>> No.3048346

>People saying a cringe thread's shit because it doesn't help anyone get better at art and the picture isn't cringy or funny
Yeah what a shame.

>> No.3048349

>People saying a cringe thread's shit because it doesn't help anyone get better at art and the picture isn't cringe or funny
>People saying a cringe thread's shit
>the picture isn't cringe

...anon I think you just fucked yourself over on that one.

>> No.3048353

>I'll say its cringe but I can't say why
Ok I'll bite, asides from the dumb part about personality part what's honestly so bad it's cringe about it?

>> No.3048361

...I'm... I'm quoting your post. I am quoting your post you stupid mother fucker. And if that's not (You), it is obvious that I am quoting a post where in the same sentence the poster contradicts himself. It is obvious. There is greentext and a (You) "link".

Unless you're legitimately fucking retarded, because in that case you have my most heartfelt apologies.

>> No.3048362


I meant sympathies.

Here's a tip, kids, don't write angry 4chan messages at 4 am.

>> No.3048367

You quoted my post and added emphasis on the "this picture isn't cringe" "and "People saying a cringe thread's shit" part then said I fucked myself over. What else could you mean besides saying that Im wrong that this thread actually is a good cringe thread and that the picture used is cringe?

>> No.3048368

*Im wrong and that this thread
Fuck me I messed that sentence up.