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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 104 KB, 1733x1733, searchbyusername-56a9fb8a5f9b58b7d000588b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3040927 No.3040927 [Reply] [Original]

How do you come up with an online handle for your art?

>> No.3040930

You think about it, dork. Or you go through a trial and error process.

>> No.3040931

Short and sweet like mine, Derek. (-:

>> No.3040945
File: 46 KB, 353x331, 1496305553082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Doctor Who.

>> No.3040947

First name + last name = ???

>> No.3040979

Adjective/Verb + Meme/Noun/Proper Noun + Optional string of random numbers.

>> No.3040992

First name + last name = doxxed

>> No.3040993

I want to know this too, because all my usernames sound like shit. You hear of all these internet famous people, and the majority of them have usernames that are nice to say.

>> No.3040999
File: 51 KB, 213x213, 1493595451615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to keep it short. Nice letters. Easy to say, something when said out loud is easy to understand.

Personally i'll make up a word. That way it tends not to be taken and i don't need to add any disgusting numbers. Just mash two words you like together and see what happens.

>> No.3041001

My old vidya username was two words, I mashed the first 3 letters of both words together.

>> No.3041016

source of this pic?

>> No.3041024
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1498318678501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

foreign language + word that flows well and describes my art style pretty well (cutesy)

>> No.3041035

Come up with one example.

Does that sound cute?

>> No.3041036

>named after a pokemon 7 years ago
>have too many followers to restart

kill me

>> No.3041037

I use a name I came up with back in middle school over ten years ago. It's basically gibberish, and I don't even know how to pronounce it myself, but I feel too attached to it to change it. It might actually turn off people from following me (or that's the excuse I use anyway).

>> No.3041040


>> No.3041053

When you stick around /ic/ long enough, anons will just give you one, it's an organic process

>> No.3041054

You don't, you just get named by others. You could be named Qboy Q as in the dumb questions you asked.

>> No.3041055

You literally have the worst fucking name and you're giving tips out?

>> No.3041057

but I'm not a boy

>> No.3041062


>> No.3041100

Guess what? I use my real name.

I also give out my actual email addresses on my blog.

Downside: lots more Nigerian Prince spam
Upside: random messages on Facebook/email from interested folks
employers can easily check my artwork and work history

>> No.3041101

Be my gf pls pls pls

>> No.3041113

why the fuck are you messing up my negging?

>> No.3041177

I was a dumbass and just went by my real name for years (I couldn't think of a good name at the time).
I've changed my username nowadays and tried to scrub it from the internet by contacting sites who have reposted my work to change the tags to my current username instead, but I'm sure if you look you can find it.
In the current internet age I think it's a little risky to use your real name. It makes me paranoid. I have a few friends who had a hate blog "expose them" and some of their real names were known, so now when you google their names it comes up (which was the blog's intention, they wanted schools and employers to see it). Even if you don't do anything wrong some hateful cunt can fuck you up by doing something like this, doxxing you, contacting people in your real life etc.
Wasn't there that Tumblr artist that got doxxed and people contacted her workplace and got her fired?
Stuff like this made me attempt to scrub my real name but once it's out there it's kind of out there if you dig deep enough.

As for your question OP, I just picked something short and based off my real first name nickname. Long nicknames are unappealing to me desu

>> No.3041195

you are boy (female) then

>> No.3041221

It really doesn't matter how cool you think it is. Social media users see hundreds of usernames a day, they have little affect on their impression of you unless yours is just completely retarded.
A little guide:
>not terribly long
>if short, not a common word or name that people will have trouble finding while searching
>easily read/pronounced, minimal letters that are silent or otherwise higher-effort
>not blatantly derived from something else (>>3041036 this anon is a good example why)
>not your real name
>not meme-related, lolsorandom garbage like >>3041035, edgy OC-sounding or otherwise idiotic
Best off just making up a little word. It can be a combination of words you like, it can have a neat sound, just anything short, sweet, easily-remembered and original.
>my captcha is MERLAND AJES
>how about Merlaje, or Merlage if Merlaje seems to snowflake
I google Merlaje and Merlage. Merlaje has basically nothing associated with it. Merlage is a rare last name and nothing else. I'll go with Merlage, its pronunciation is more ordinary.
My handle is now Merlage. It's short, unique, easy to remember in both spelling and pronunciation, and seems pretty neutral for a made-up word, not too silly or tryhard.

>> No.3041232

maybe her name is sakimi and her last name is chan? yall niggas every think about that?

>> No.3041234
File: 36 KB, 370x359, 1427956475282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fatal pulse is a cool as fuck name but some jap porn artist took it first

>> No.3041258

>tfw someone takes your username
>its an empty account with >10 followers and no pictures

>> No.3041264

I thought it was something to do with sashimi

>> No.3041265
File: 27 KB, 596x129, funeeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In middle school I was the fastest sprinter in our class, so my pals gave me the name Nilefar, meaning father of the Nile, another way of calling me African. And then I just shorten that to Nile for convenience.

>> No.3041296

so other ppl called you nosebro? I cant see myself waiting for some nickname to come about

>> No.3041297

How fast was your 100m?

>> No.3041355

Never timed it surprisingly, but every time we sprinted I was the fastest out of 20 other kids

>> No.3041362

And yet you waste your time on this board drawing weebshit instead of becoming the next usain bolt, do you regret your life decisions? You could have been out there, the fame, the money, the pussy instead you're stuck on a board with loners and depressed suicidal fucks that could off themselves at any given moment.

>> No.3041370
File: 128 KB, 1006x653, emposibru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone pays me for work
>it's the same person from 2 years ago
>but I'm using another handle name that had nothing to do with the other names
How. This world is small.

>> No.3041673

Sprinting sucks lol, drawing and painting is way more fun