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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1018 KB, 1000x1486, IMG_0239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3038360 No.3038360 [Reply] [Original]

Waitress? Bar tender? Are there any lax jobs where you can draw?

>> No.3038365

prostitution and stripping

>> No.3038368


>> No.3038371


>> No.3038379

I live with my mommy and daddy

>> No.3038384

you guys suck

>> No.3038386
File: 166 KB, 1200x889, C6J0RuUUoAAN5-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work this big ass machine that sorts post at the post sorting centrum in the dead of night
you are constantly busy walking and lifting shit, so no time to draw. also my fingers are starting to chronically hurt after doing this job for a while

dont be NEET guys because at some point youll have to get a job and this type of shit is all you can get

>> No.3038391

I'm so sorry. :/ sounds shitty.

>> No.3038401

I drive a forklift!!!!

>> No.3038402

got a degree from berkeley... and doing fuckall. been two years. havent gotten a job ever. hoping to get something art related, but really no pressure.

>> No.3038404

aw shit nigga

>> No.3038405

I work at wendys and draw in dry erase marker on the stainless steel tables. The managers don't like it, but when its slow they never leave the back room so I practice there. Aside from that, I'm hoping I can find something new where I can draw on the job

>> No.3038406

guys please post more of these kind of pictures, I was looking for this exact kind of reference for a while, those are great

>> No.3038418

Shift manager at a fast food place. Generally work 9-10 hour shifts so minimum of 40 hours a week but oftentimes more. The commute is also long so it leaves little time for drawing. Still it's preferable to being unemployed when I didn't draw much either because I didn't have the energy.

>> No.3038443 [DELETED] 

Schedule is:
Spend 2 - 3 hours on the bus sleeping or drawing.
Work for 8 hours.
Spend 1 hour paid lunch break at work eating, sleeping or drawing.
Take pictures of shit outside for 1 - 3 hours(It's also part of the job).
Take a 30 minute shit before I leave just because I can, sometimes draw when I take a shit or stick a pen in my butt and masturbate.
And for the time actually spent working, it's me talking with people(customers??) about X for around 4 or more hours.

Pay is min wage but will soon be raised to $14 per hour. If you work more than 5 days of the week the extra two days will pay you 50% more(I'll be paid $22 an hour for those extra two days after the wage increase. Yes, my pay just doubled overnight.)
And there is a yearly bonus given worth anywhere between $500 and $3000+ depending on how hard you worked.

>> No.3038469

Do you ever go to their figure drawing classes?

>> No.3038478

Was a Programmer, got promoted to manager, lots of time to draw after work. I leave doodles on whiteboards when I'm bored.

>> No.3038484

I hear security guards have a lot of free time.

>> No.3038491

I work graveyard shifts at a fast food place. Our store is small so I'm having to do all the cleaning jobs of two people while serving customers so little time for drawing while on shift. I like to fuck with customers sometimes and draw on their bags and what not tho. Not the worst job by the looks of this thread anyway

>> No.3038502

Full time student during spring and fall semesters. part-time animation neet during the summer

>> No.3038514

no, why? i did go to one.

>> No.3038525

Accounting/Finance Student full-time, thinking about getting a part-time job

>> No.3038572

>Are there any lax jobs where you can draw?
Unless you're where you are through nepotism and are literally expected not to do anything. A job, any job, is a commitment. So say goodbye to art as soon as you become employed.

>> No.3038587

I don't know what to do guys. I don't want to study becuase college is too complicated for me. I want to find some work and build portfolio in my free time. But what place is gonna hire me when I have no references.

>> No.3038594

Systems software engineer

>> No.3038609

About to graduate from uni. I'm a server at a restaurant rn. Sucks but not that bad, tips are worth it. Been applying for animation production jobs so hopefully something happens...

>> No.3038625

I'm applying for a 8 to 5 Illustrator job at a local BPO corp. Loomis give me strength

>> No.3038627

I feel your pain. I work late shifts doing metal prep work for powder coating. and my tasks involve lifting heavy ass shit, placing said shit inside a room sized oven, then walking in and taking it out when its around 400F. ive got a fuckton of small burns up and down my forearms, have come really close to losing fingers on multiple occasions, and am getting some serious persistent wrist pain from hauling around awkwardly shaped stuff in weird positions to keep it from touching my body. That said, sometimes when things are baking I have time to myself to draw, so its not all bad.

>> No.3038669

i work full time as a computer janitor (IT). its okay i dnt have to work very hard just sit around and install windows on laptops all day and when things are chill I usually practice drawing on sticky notes and in my sketchbook at lunch

>> No.3038670

Haven't started yet but i'll start working as a part time substitute art teacher at my old high school this fall, gun b fun

>> No.3038725

damn kinda wish I went this route but i was so shit at programming

>> No.3038730

kekai kotaki said he did graveyard shifts somewhere and could draw for a lot of it

>> No.3038733


I'm already employed, I can actually draw in some shifts if circumstances are right. it's just not as stable as some other regular jobs and I'd like to stop freelancing art for a bit to focus on portfolio

>> No.3038761

I was getting ready to tell you to switch jobs but then I realize I am in the same spot as you, minus the temperatures

maybe this spring I'll be good enough to quit

>> No.3038774

I'm gonna be a teacher, 'cause I don't hate kids that much and summer holidays will be fucking rad.

Related question, if you were me, would you pick IT or Art as a major?
IT is a more stable job, but Art diploma could get me more respect if I write a book or decide to teach drawing at uni or smth.
I got admitted to both.

Sorry to hear that. Wouldn't it be better to find a job as a cashier or janitor? I mean, if I lost my hands I'd probably neck myself.

>> No.3038781

I'm chronically ill so I've always been unemployed. I'm basically dead weight until I git gud but after years of effort I'm still shit. I've got less time for art now since I'm busy working on not killing self.

Don't do art as a career if you think "oh I can't get a regular job I might as well study art". Just get a job. Art is too risky to dive in like this. I'm not saying you have to be "talented" but if you happen to be a slow learner it gets harder and harder to stay sane every year.

>> No.3038785 [DELETED] 

i drive many miles. all around the states.

>> No.3038964

i have a job, and i have freelance. not trying to brag just clarifying, I'm pretty stable with both . was just curious to see what people are doing when they don't freelance, cause I wanna focus on personal work for a year

Sorry about your illness,keep fighting

>> No.3038974

Those classes are fucking amazing, it was like $4 for 3hrs of live model, and all those old farts in class were insane. I used to go on the weekends, but been to busy recently.

>> No.3038979
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elevator operator. got lucky. started as a dishwasher, now i have enough money to buy a car and become part time pizza delivery but hey, its 14 dollars an hour to do nothing, ill wait till im good.

>> No.3038982

if you're going to college dont do it for art. its more expensive, if you want to go to school for art go to an atelier its cheaper and better. choose IT but go to a trade school for this. check this channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYvYNO5N8FM ask him a question and give him 20 bucks.

>> No.3038983

oh yeah, its a seating job so i have a small sketch book and draw on the dead man shift.

>> No.3039047
File: 256 KB, 750x572, bce87764efaabf0f37afa9b6476d6198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barista. Literally a stereotype. Gives me rent money, pays my bills, free coffee and food, and I draw on my breaks. Paid vacation time. Health care through them is cheap, which has helped me with my chronic wrist problems from the job+drawing all the time.
I've also been a cook, but the place I worked at was shady as fuck and paid me a week or two late consistently. I miss those huge paychecks of overtime though. Was pulling more than two grand biweekly consistently with no degree and no experience.

>> No.3039112

I'm a shift supervisor at a pharmacy and it doesn't give me time to do anything. I'd like to quit in a couple months but I don't know where else to go because it's been my only job for five years. One of my coworkers said that with a technician license I could work in a hospital instead, which sounds a little better than being in retail.

>> No.3039140

ha...kind of jealous. Do you get to draw?

>> No.3039144

ffffff damn that's awesome

>> No.3039295

damn me, I was too shy. If I go back up I'll take advantage (of your body).

>> No.3039313

Waitress. 10 hours a day, 2-3 times a day.
It's very agreeable with drawing.

>> No.3039393

If you get a large scholarship for art school, go.

>> No.3039568

I paint backgrounds for an upcomming medieval cartoon. So I do have an art job but it leaves me a bit too exhausted to do much of my own art when I get home. On the plus side though I'm being paid to basically grind all day.

>> No.3039673
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Elevator Operator...

>> No.3039690

There are still hotels with those. It's a bit much to expect the unwashed, uncultured shits on /ic/ to know that, though... *sigh*

>> No.3039718
File: 6 KB, 215x235, questioning .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fit in up to 30 hours of work when there are only 24 hours in a day?

>> No.3039729
File: 133 KB, 1600x900, 20170222_145735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a thrift store while I wait for prints to be sold. The nice thing is people will donate canvases that you can reuse for painting, also we find weird shit like this sword hidden in a wooden snake.

>> No.3039732


>> No.3039757

Part time at burger emporium for the summer otherwise full time student.

>> No.3039770
File: 120 KB, 620x839, 1498453492644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just graduated with finance and accounting. I chose this instead of studying art in university, but now I kinda regret it.

>> No.3039803

Coding is not for everyone. It's boring as fuck, but it pays handsomely.

Best part is that I'm surrounded by engineers so they think I draw like a god even though I'm shit.

>> No.3039850

she probably means 10 hours over 2-3 draw sessions.

>> No.3040042

What fucking city does a hotel still have Operators when they are 100% concerned with profit?

Not Chicago, not New York, not Tokyo, not Bangkok, not Taipei...

I mean I know 1 building on Michigan Ave in Chicago that has an elevator operator, but that's because the building is a historical landmark.

>> No.3040044

why is he playing with his balls?

>> No.3040046

well, if you look at the environment, there's really nothing else to do.

>> No.3040062

Architectural assistant some time ago, now cad tech for an engineering company. Good money. But you spend the whole day clicking away.

>> No.3040083

Dildo manufacturer. Yup.

>> No.3040126
File: 73 KB, 500x500, question harder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or does she mean 30 hours of waitressing 30 hours a day

>> No.3040151

To my parents, I look like a NEET who's always on the computer. But in reality, I work my brain to the point of burn out every day on studying. Artists who see my progress are starting to say I can get work in the industry, which is cool.

>> No.3040302
File: 533 KB, 2302x3000, 1496350535536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice. wanna post some work? I could use some motivation

>> No.3040391

Don't get high on your supply

>> No.3040400

retard by day, dishwasher/server to patients in a hospital by night.

>> No.3040440

>To my parents, I look like a NEET who's always on the computer.
Same except for the progress part

>> No.3040464

I work the night shift at a restaurant and prep for the opening team.

>> No.3040519


>> No.3040541


keep it up


>> No.3040545
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Keeps me in shape and the length of the work day depends on how fast I am.

>> No.3040818

ooh sort of jealous maybe . I'd rather freelance tho. did you apply to a bunch of studios and that came up?

>> No.3040822

yo waitress, are the tips good? do you get enough time to art? how many days a week are you working

>> No.3040828

>I live a fantasy inside my head

>> No.3040906

full time "time arts major" but in the summer i get low paying misc jobs so i don't go to broke. Currently working at OfficeMax, barely get time to draw sometimes i doodle and make flip books on post-it notes when I'm working up front. my coworkers never throw them away so thats nice

>> No.3040910


i would love know more about this aswell

>> No.3041043

Freelancing is tough, you need a hefty amount of self dicipline otherwise you wind up wasting a lot of time which leads you to being too poor to do anything but work and be lazy. That's what happened to me. Working at a studio has been nice for the social benefits as well as the daily structure it affords but ofcourse it also has its downsides. In an ideal world it would be great to be able to switch between freelance and studio work every 6 months because they both have pros and cons.

For a while while I was freelancing I would apply to the various companies around town every other week. I got a few art tests and interviews, and a few callbacks but nothing really came of it and after a while I got lazy and gave up applying and instead kept at the freelancing.

About 8 months later out of the blue I got a response to a bg painting application I must have sent in at some point. And it turns out a guy I knew had recommended me for the job. I did a test, had an interview and that was that.

Good advice: Keep applying and make contacts. If people like you and you're at least good enough to do a job, they will get you that job. If you don't know anybody then just apply everywhere every now and then. It's all about applying at the right time.

>> No.3041044

Oh I should also add as obvious advice: Git gud.

If you're good, people will notice and the freelance will roll in

>> No.3042309

Work 20 house a week at a dollar store. Managed to get a disability money per month ($750) because I have autism and a learning disability.
Although it hinders my learning capabilities that doesn't stop me from studying art.

>> No.3042314

Busboy in a busy resturant. It's tiring, but I get 3 days in a row off, so that gives me time to practice, work on commissions, and update my portfolio so I can get rejected at another studio.

>> No.3042319
File: 1.18 MB, 2685x1271, Value 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, here's two years ago vs now.
There's still a ton of mistakes I need to fix on the right one, so it's just a WIP. I think what contributed most to improving are doing master studies that are both challenging and tackle your biggest weaknesses.

>> No.3042336

i freelance now and enjoy it. i am jelly of your stability (and benefits) so that's why i asked.

I'm still convinced I wouldnt be able to last in a studio, i did some game assets for a start-up a few years back and wanted to punch myself

>> No.3042338

ooh GG mate

>> No.3042339

Pretty good improvement. You should spend time learning to actually draw though and not just render. That skull's forms are all messed up even though it's all carefully rendered. It's like you never looked at structure. Also look at Ruan Jia less.

>> No.3042351

It definitely depends on the job. I'm lucky because the art I'm doing is grounded in some realism and thus is enjoyable to do. After considering that I'd say freelance is generally a better option if you want to keep your sanity.

>> No.3042516

Thanks for the critique Anon, I agree completely with the forms, you're spot on with your assessment. Though I'll move on from Ruan Jia until I learn all his secrets

>> No.3042517

Casino Security. I average 2 hours a night of draw time

>> No.3042519

I never understood this sort of shit. Can't you just get a new job.

I'm NEET btw. Live with parents. Currently 20.

>> No.3042539


Dank gardener, pimp and cousin fucker.

>> No.3042548

Trying to get a remote programming job so I can finish my work quick and draw in the privacy of my home when no one's looking.

I usually finish my work in 3 hours, no need for that shit 9 hour work day.

>> No.3042884

Personal trainer

The muscular function studies can be used as anatomy studies, so it's a pretty productive 2-way street

>> No.3042948

is the salary good? i'm really into lifting and wanted to become a PT but i'm not extroverted and worry about getting clients

>> No.3042950

work in cell culture
hate the job, and robs me of energy to practice.

>> No.3042980


There's decent money to be found in it, but much like the art industry, it depends on how you brand yourself and what your product is.

There's weight loss specialists and strength development trainers who are all about hands-on sessions, and then you've got people who use their certification to help sell books, meal plans, training plans and promote videos.

You could be a long distance online trainer for multiple clients as an alternative option. If you got yourself a floor position at a chain gym like Gold's then you could have the clientele acquisition side of the job taken care of you entirely by the facility, but obviously the gym will have to take its cut from your earnings and you'll have to play by their rules; still, plenty of beginning trainers use the chain facility as an easy place just to get stabilized in the industry with an easy steady check before they dive into their own self-promotional practice.

>> No.3043196

I had a plan to apply to jobs on cruise ships after getting a cert, but being such an introvert I didn't want to risk spending money. I still have it as a back up plan.

Do you freelance PT? How do you market yourself?

>> No.3043777

educational aide at a public school

wooo wooo 16k a year....

but for real, I get 10 weeks off for summer, 10 sick days a year, all holidays, spring break, winter break, and full benefits including retirement.

>> No.3043779

nice trips, me.

Also I am about to start teaching, so all of the above, but change the 16K to 47K. (small town)

If you don't have a degree but are an adult, look into being a paraprofessional in your local school districts. Literally only requires you to graduate high school. Bad ass benefits and you get paid over the summer while you don't work.

>> No.3043809

Hmmm, might look into this for my cousin. Do you think it's easier to get into a public school, or a charter school?

>> No.3043815

Graphic Design

>> No.3043880

Architect - building manager

>> No.3043907

was being a neet studying for the cpa but gave up and started drawing sometime during that. now i have a security job and the owners dont give a fuck what i do so i can get a few hours if i really try at my job. but ill probably have to quit drawing and attempt to pass the cpa again eventually

>> No.3043937

I'm in training at a print shop, doing pre-press, some basic copywriting and sometimes illustrative work.
800€ for 15h/w. It's pretty nice and I get lots of spare time for art and masturbation.

>> No.3044047

I'm a manager at a small call center that works for car dealerships. I draw and watch videos while I'm doing desk work, and encourage my team to do the same.

>> No.3044066

I work at an animation studio

>> No.3044086

retired from the military

>> No.3044203

Med school, I'm not passionate about art but I still prefer to draw rather than spend a whole day studying. I don't even wanna become a great doctor or shit, just good enough to keep earning money.

>> No.3044206

You're gonna be a shitty doctor.

>> No.3044237

there are professions that will make you just as much money if not more than a doctor

being a doctor is not one of those things you should do if it's not your passion

>> No.3044258
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Its ok

>> No.3044273

Dude same. I hate it, especially since i'm an introvert and (surprisingly) dev culture is very social

Front or back end? Thinking of moving into UI/UX as it's closer to art

>> No.3044297


I freelance PT through a mid-sized facility that lends a hand in siphoning clients from the city, and I market myself as a weight loss specialist through social media and shooting the shit with people I meet.

You won't necessarily have to drop a ton of cash just to run your operation, but some of the certifying agencies are pricier than others. Not necessary to get your cert, but it gives you more clout and job opps for sure.

Honestly, if you just find one person who can benefit from what you can teach them about lifting (and making sure that they know it's your line of work), do good by them and chances are they'll give you references to more clients without needing to hunt them down

>> No.3044436

What did anon mean by this

>> No.3044884

I wash dishes.

>> No.3044910

but do i have to deal with kids

>> No.3044925

EMT(the guys in the ambulance).

When we're not running calls we just chill at the station, so I have plenty of time to draw. If it's a slow day we barely do anything, lucky I work in a pretty rural county so theres a lot of downtime.

>> No.3044964

That sounds nice. What kind of education do you need to do that?

>> No.3044992


same here orz

desu when I'm stuck on something annoying i just start practicing perspective drawings, thumbnails, basic forms and the like

>> No.3045081

Not that anon but you need to go through training and certification to become eligible for the job

>> No.3046495

I honestly couldn't care less lol

>> No.3046594
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Contract Pilot/Aerospace engineer
Pay depends on how many contracts I can bag, either on missions or projects. Made about $120k last year. It's a lot of traveling but almost no down time, you really have to love it
Been thinking of just getting an engy job at a local airline and settling down since I'm lonely and I can't damn well fuck a plane

>> No.3046627

>can't you just get a new job
Yeah sure, what are you qualifications? Because most NEETs have none and will wind up working walmart night shifts.

>> No.3046641

Woah woah woah-
Is this painting alluding to "Wanderer Above the Sea Fog" or did the artist unintentionally do that?
Who is the artist?

>> No.3046659

>I can't fuck a plane
I believe in you anon, don't let your dreams be dreams

>> No.3046665

Working at a fast food restaurant and trying to get my ass back into art. Nothing fancy but it works for me right now.

>> No.3046719
File: 201 KB, 780x718, 1480740564193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in manufacturing purchasing and doodle a lot at work. I accidentally drew an orc on the back of a signed multimillion dollar official contract last week.

Tbh life is pretty good, would recommend.

>> No.3046724

Gas station employee

>> No.3046726

The marxist breeding ground?

>> No.3046732
File: 213 KB, 758x437, 3125689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working there makes me wanna git gut so fucking fast so i can get the fuck out of here

>> No.3046733

You aren't dipping into the products, or rather letting the products dip into you? Thinking of getting one and want to make sure I don't get second hand aids.

>> No.3046737

How do I learn to render + use colour like this

>> No.3046738

Draw when you be traveling famalam ;)

>> No.3046740

What about security jobs where all you do is watch cameras all day? Get one of those at night and boom bada bing you've got yo self a dead social life and time to draw.

>> No.3046745

Love the low contrast and explicit plane shapes on the left.

>> No.3046853


shut the fuck up

>> No.3046977
File: 192 KB, 903x1226, Crocodile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science teacher

How is architecture for someone with a passion for art, does it give you at least minimal creative freedom? Also if anyone can answer this, since I'm a Mechanical Engineering major, is there any freedom in designing shit as an engineer or is it mostly calculations on the job?

>> No.3046987

Yeah what are going to do about it, faggot.

>> No.3046988
File: 135 KB, 1252x1252, 1498153627551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

preschool teacher; full time and barely any holidays
>only have nap time to sit and draw for a few hours
>some kids wake up after an hour everyday
>too tired to draw when i get off
>mfw not gonna make it

>> No.3046999

Why don't you faggots with other jobs realizes that using your dayjob as fuel for your creativity is how great illustrators are made?

Create from what you know, what you've done, what you relate to. When you create what you care about you've already made it.

>> No.3047005

For a science teacher, I thought you'd have higher standards than anime, anon.

>> No.3047011

Yeah I'm sure car insurance is really going to inspire me.

>> No.3047014
File: 295 KB, 1242x1686, IMG_9672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I was trying to vibe peter han, this shit is literally two years old since I don't photograph any of my art. Speaking of eyes the other half of that drawing is relevant and out of focus. I didn't realize how kawaii that shit looked

>> No.3047017

Maybe not visually, but story-wise I'm sure you have tons of weirdos that walk in or you talk to. With enough creative time to stew you could create any number of things.

I'm just saying this because there are innumerable projects very famous illustrators have created, that had very little to do with actual illustration.

>> No.3047329

suck my dick nerd, i was on-topic

>> No.3047488
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Yeah, you are right! because jobs grows on trees, just like money! you can just choose to work on the "Fireworks, Candy, and Puppy Dogs Store" anytime you want.
Stupid kid.

>> No.3047512

I work in Tech support and is so shitty I'm going full NEET next year in my mommies basement so I can get some real time to work on it and get into a good art school.

>> No.3047522

This goddamn, I used to work in a call center for consumer loans and heard all kinds of crazy shit, plus the people you talk to can be total cartoons.
Just imagine what those people look like, what their day-to-day activities are, and how they get into the situations they're in.

We weren't allowed to have paper or writing instruments because of the secured area, but the computers had MS Paint and there'd always be extended opportunities to play around while waiting for calls, being on hold, waiting for the person on the other end to do something, etc. Using a mouse to draw in MS Paint really helps you get past the tools you're using.
When you can't save anything at the end of the day, it makes you stop getting so attached to your art and worry less about making mistakes.

>> No.3047555

Insurance agent.

Work for about 1 hour a day selling and servicing policy.
Spend the rest of my day drawing/reading.
45K a year.

>> No.3047562

Graphic Designer.

I can make minimalistic creative shit and people pay me for it.

>> No.3047608

me 2
My mom will probably regret saying I can live with them forever when I turn 30 and still have no intentions of leaving

>> No.3047624

I'm an Art Gallery VP, I teach.... fuck I have like 5 jobs... none of them is making my own art...should have been a porn star.

>> No.3047626
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i took the first job i got and now im struggling to not die
you know what it does to creativity to wake up 5 AM to do shit till 14 just to get home at 16 and have 5-7 hours left?
its not gonna boost your creativity
i have to focus to get my network together and motivation up.. it feels forced at times

also now when i pander to an internet demographic, internet feels offended and very nazi about it. which feels fucking stupid af me

weebs and furries fighting each other as if its not the normies you should be worried about (youre all the same to them, just nerds)

>> No.3049222
File: 897 KB, 1637x1158, 1473627787845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no education or job, I have ADD, panic disorder and chronic depression, yet I want to learn how to draw better.

>> No.3049251

I work as an architect, in orange county. Sometimes I even get to do a little bit of illustration. 95 percent of the work is entirely uncreative though

>> No.3050004

Do thrift store workers get dibs?

>> No.3050009

Full-time biomechanical engineering student who survives off of scholarships and pocket change.
I study around 10 hours a day when I'm not at school; draw in breaks. Needless to say I do not have many friends.
Better than working at Burger King. *shudders*

>> No.3050046

I am an artist while I art

>> No.3050564

>95 percent of the work is entirely uncreative though

I always hear this coming straight from architects. And honestly, it's scaring people like me from wanting to study it knowing the expectations vs reality is going to be a rough ride and may not be worth it. I do love drawing buildings though.

>> No.3050861

Chuck you out of a helicopter along with your failure if a family.

>> No.3050862

My job is drawing. As to how long it will last? I give it before the year ends. Then I will kms.

>> No.3051199

I'm 22 and my mom just told me it's time for me to get out and be self sufficient because I'm an old man. My art skills aren't pro level yet. What do I do?

>> No.3051269

I work at UPS as a box boy for a few hours in the morning. I don't get to draw while at work since it's so busy, but I do get to listen to 4-5 hours of podcasts/audiobooks which I use as fodder for creative thoughts.

>> No.3051312

I work at a Petco. There's no time to draw on the job, but the management is reasonable about hours so have time to practice and study outside of work. The job still sucks though, since its tiring as hell.

>> No.3051315

Get a regular job like the rest of us? Look we all have to survive somehow. Look for a job that won't suck up all your energy and time.

>> No.3051381
File: 2.12 MB, 1930x2400, 13245475434f342r4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work in a warehouse 40 hrs/week nightshift. Makes me want to die but having friends there makes it better.

>> No.3051442

Same, but I actualy find human body interesting and don't mind learning about a bit.

>> No.3051463

You could try to convince her to let you stay longer. Do as that other Anon says and get a job still, but then you can just work part time and still have a good amount of time to study.