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3038289 No.3038289 [Reply] [Original]

My dick won't let me create appealing male characters. I always find inspiration and ideas to create lewd female characters, cute hair styles, lewd clothes, outfits and different swimsuits, but when I try to come with a male character my mind goes blanc or end up resulting shit.
What do I do?
Is there a nice characteristic male character reference gallery out there or something? plz help.

>> No.3038291

Draw guys that you want to fuck/get fucked by. Let it be a man's man type of guy like John Wayne or a twink.

It's all up to you.

>> No.3038517

dickbrains will never be able to draw good porn. but you guys will always have a target audience composed by other dickbrains, so don't worry about it.

>> No.3038592

>My dick won't let me create appealing male characters.
Then you have no business trying to be an artist. Grow up, get through puberty, then come back to art.

If you're past puberty, go pay a prostitute or beg a fat chick to blow you, already. Again, if you can't get past "lewd" then you have no hope of ever advancing as an artist. Go buy a porno, it's cheaper and far less frustrating, and you won't waste people's time here.

Sorry if that's blunt, but it's the truth.

>> No.3038618

The most popular/appealing male archetypes are:
Badasses (hot-blooded, happy go lucky, stoic, cool, heroic, selfish, etc... - take your pick). These characters are meant to inspire in some way, and are typically looked up to. They also have very idealized physiques.
>Goku, Guts, Simon, Kamina, Guy, Archer, Bond, Ragna, Sol, any Kamen Rider ever, Cloud (in his initial conception), Mugen, Gene Starwind, Ryoma (getter robo), Rambo, any Arnold Swartchzenegger character ever, the Punisher, Solid Snake, Captain Falcon, Wolverine, 90% of 80s action heroes, and comic book heroes, etc...
>basically /m/anly men
Bishis (mysterious pretty boys - look very effeminate, but are still masculine/dominant - usually rely on their cunning and intellect, always get the ladies wet, have a lot of fujo fangirls). Tgese characters are more rogue-like and dashing, very mysterious and unpredictable, this combined with their effeminate appearance juxtaposed over strong masculine personality traits is what makes them very popular among female fandoms.
>Simon Belmont, Dracula, Link, Light Yagami, Lelouch, Elric of Melnibone, Vampire Hunter D, Ky Kyske, Sephiroth, Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, House, etc...
Self-Inserts (self-explanatory). Meant as a shell for lonely nerds seeking escapism.
>Kirito, Araragi-kun, Ichigo, 90% of shounen and harem protags.

FYI, you can have overlap between the three, and yes there are more, but these three are easily the most popular.

>> No.3038686

i stopped drawing guys all together because im just not interested in drawing them at all

>> No.3038692
File: 227 KB, 1280x720, yh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and me both, OP. You can look through the older stuff from Capcom they have interesting males.

>> No.3041045


>> No.3041083
File: 232 KB, 834x1285, diog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you have to have an idea of masculinity that you want to portray. find some role models

>> No.3041169

blame feminism

>> No.3041183
File: 95 KB, 300x461, as6df5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only draw girls

>> No.3041205
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, 1474858721856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the dickbrain poster strikes again

>> No.3042284

I'm not OP but why is it that "Don't be an artist" is the most common advice I see given on this board?

>> No.3042300

You just need to think about things more. I figured out who my favorite male characters in anime and vidya were after realizing how excited I was for No More Heroes 3... It's because Travis is so great. Then I realized I liked Rance quite a bit as well and how he always steals the spotlight in H-scenes.

Just think about it.

>> No.3042302

Leslie Nielsen's another good example of a really good male character. Or how about James Bond himself?