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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 140 KB, 783x1000, academic-keeper-efimov-1870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3037659 No.3037659 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK do I get good at painting? Everything I've done in my life has had linework to some degree. With oil painting I can't use lines (unless you count underpainting). I just spent a 2 hours on a piece and it looks like a smudgy, blurry /beg/ tier mess.

please help me ill never fucking make it like this

>> No.3037665


>> No.3037666

>only 2 hours
The masters spent hundreds of hours on their paintings. You have to spend at minimum 30 hours if you wanna have even a chance.

>> No.3037670

Sounds like you lack edge control, but post a picture of your painting so people can properly critique it.

>> No.3037671
File: 259 KB, 2608x856, Thinyourpaints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you use too much paint

>> No.3037675

Only 2 because I gave up quickly, fucked it up so bad I gave up. Will return to it tomorrow but for now I'm sick of looking at it.

Honestly I think I'm not using enough. I thin it down too much to the point where it's too watery and has no consistency resulting in little to no difference in tonal values and blurry edges. It feels like I know what I'm doing wrong yet I still fuck it up every time.

>> No.3037693
File: 56 KB, 649x960, grisaille_study_of_bearded_man_for_agape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to see in values. The Grisaille method is good to train you for this.

>> No.3037704

Have you purchased any of these video tutorials by professional portrait artists? Mark Carder (who painted Dubya's portrait) will walk you through his process *exactly* but it's super boring though.

>> No.3037714

Post your painting faggot.

>> No.3037720

haha fun pic
yea even tho it looks like shite keep at it, two hours is not enough, do you use glazing? blurry edges is not a problem, you can shape em up in the next pass

>> No.3037901
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x1836, 20170627_004139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you you fuckiogn piece of shit

"keep at it"

ive been workign at hits fpuicking piece since i psoted this fuckign post and it looks evne fucking worse

i have rubbed off and repainted basic tones so mayn times now that the whole canvas os one giant blob unfirocm fucking color aand is stretched from the constant rubbing to the pouint where it could be called af uckign roastie

art is a fuckign meme i should have never fallen for this stupid shit wasted FUCMIGN months practicing construction when it all becomes irrelevant once you fucking pick up a fuckign brush




>> No.3037910

I hope you're not falling for the alla prima meme.

>> No.3037918

no, and im not falling for any of your memes anymore you fucking niggers

>> No.3037919

what is richard schmid
what is sargent

stop being a turd op painting is difficult and requires alot of practice even the best draftsmen doenst make a good painter you have to practice painting to be good at painting.

just try to paint a banana instead, youll fell better once you get that right and then you can move on to other stuff.

people are very fucking difficult to do properly

>> No.3037921 [DELETED] 

Looks like you have a lot of thinned transparents.

>> No.3037922

also theres linework in a painting you just dont know how to use the medium. its not a pencil it has different working properties and you have to learn them to use them. youre like a kid whos been using nothing but crayons and handed a stick of vine charcoal

of course youre going to break it and smudge charcoal everywhere

>> No.3037928
File: 347 KB, 2000x1333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you've been working with a lot of thinned transparents.

Look on the back of the tube, often a black square will mean opaque and a hollow square will mean transparent. Keep this IN MIND!

>> No.3037929
File: 242 KB, 800x1053, Trauernder_alter_Mann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wiped everything off with a rag

going to try again tomorrow once i stop the rage and self hatred

>> No.3037934

Did you use charcoal for the underdrawing? If it smudges too much you can use pencil too but that's harder to see. An underdrawing will save you a lot of trouble with paint.

>> No.3037938

had a pencil underdrawing then went over it when underpainting, went through so many layers though that nothing is there anymore. will re-draw it all tomorrow.

>> No.3037942

Yeah the squares are hollow.

>> No.3037950
File: 240 KB, 892x1256, hghgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really think you got something going there, keep at it!

>> No.3037959

>what is richard schmid
>what is sargent
Overrated painters who are mostly praised around select communities of artists comprised of those who lack genius so they think if they show some bravura in their works that will mend their deficit, as well as the kind of artists who indiscriminately like any artists before modernism and those who oppose it.

>> No.3037961

Usually you'd let one layer of oils dry, even if it's not perfect. Start by doing painting darks, midtones and highlights over top of your underdrawing -- then make sure that the structure looks correct in a mirror.

If you don't need to see through to the white ground, don't be afraid to use opaques. I like having a skin tone palette made up ahead of time. You want to know if you're mixing creamy, light, warm, or cool skin.

>> No.3037965

its is gonna come out meh OP. But I think you'll get better. Art takes thousands of hours to git gud at it.

Keep going.

>> No.3038052


The thing is I'm not bad at art, at least when it comes to traditional dry or digital work. Just started painting and it feels like I'm a /beg/inner again and got frustrated like an autist. I'll keep working on it.

>> No.3038065 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 2466x1911, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oils demand some thought. Don't hit the wall too hard. I'm going to alter this WIP soon.

Had to mix:
>several green colours
>transparent sand colour (white + Naples)
>transparent white for the rest of the waves

>> No.3038071 [DELETED] 
File: 586 KB, 1938x1447, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another WIP. You can see the drawing goes haywire, but it dries eventually.

>> No.3038422

It sucks that you're so closed minded. It's oil paint and canvas man, made for people to enjoy and to stimulate thought. If that's your reason for not liking that kind of art then every opinion you have came from someone else. It's a painting. Who cares who made it or what they wanted. Enjoy it or don't just stop being a cunt.

>> No.3038462

like 90% of it is color choice, it you have an accurate drawing and colors that fit together properly you're basically there even if the painting is a dauby mess

>> No.3038597

People spend a lifetime mastering mediums. 2 hours? That's about enough time to get set up, get warmed up, mix up some paint, and get the lighting and reference set.

The painting you posted? Expect to reach that level after AT LEAST 5 years of serious study, painting and experimenting and practicing every day. Maybe faster if you have a natural affinity for it, and are talented.
You gotta put in the sweat hours, dude. You can't master anything in 2 hours. Add two zeros to that number, and you might be just starting to grasp the basics. Add 3 numbers, and you might be ready to start trying to tackle something like the image you posted.
The master painters often didn't start doing their best work until they'd been at it for 10-15 years. 2 hours? Get back to work, dude, you have a LOT to do before you start complaining about how long it's taking.

>> No.3038599

Who told you to thin it down? That's the problem, you did no research on the basics of painting, you jumped in ignorant, and you're complaining?

Go watch some beginner videos on oil, then try again.

>> No.3038601

Get out of my profession, troll. Shoo.

>> No.3038630

>it's an "Anon impersonates someone while baiting" episode

>> No.3038637

>>what is richard schmid
>>what is sargent
>Overrated painters
2/10 bait, please put more effort in it

>> No.3038647


I'm not that guy, but he is right. It's also mainly Americans that fap over their work because fat burgers don't have anyone else, maybe Rockwell or Leyendecker also but those are nearly kitsch, so they stay by Sargent and try to forget Kinkade.

>> No.3038693
File: 783 KB, 600x700, 67299_437894_910134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Also if you want to paint realism, you have to paint every single bit of color in the right place. This will take time and patience. In my opinion, realism is not the ultimate art, even when it consumes more time.

More abstract paintings can be more interesting, when you catch the color, angle and theme correctly. Because it simplify everything to the most significant, if it done correctly.

>van gogh

>> No.3038722

I guess you faggots don't like Antonio Mancini and Nicolai Fechin either huh?

>> No.3038723
File: 294 KB, 800x545, 2973-arpeggios-oil-15x22-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm European and I think Schmid is one of the best painters, if not the best realist painter alive. His work makes me (honestly) emotional like nothing else can. I can agree that Sargent is blown out of proportion but Schmid, man. His paintings are something else.

>> No.3038743

I can understand why some people may not like Schmid. I like him. I think he is a great painter. But he can get a bit sappy. This painting is starting to look like something some babushka would hang on her wall. A little too sickly sweet and a little too flamboyant with the brush strokes sometimes, that Schmid. It's weird to see someone call Sargent overblown though. Nobody seems to give a fuck about him outside of illustrators circles.

>> No.3038762

I've always seen realists all pour out their hearts out over Sargent,

>> No.3038811

What's all this nonsense about Sargent being overblown????

OP. is this your first attempt in oil? Have you not painted in acrylics or gouache, or anything like those?

>> No.3038824

well you're wrong, like honestly you must not know many painters if you think schmid is up there. he's not crap or anything but he's not like 'one of the greats' there's probably someone within a few hundred miles of you as good as him. he just wrote a cool book.

>> No.3038853
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x1185, 799a6671883db7df62988a7e525222e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 hours is really nothing.
Have you tried doing lineless greyscale drawings first? Maugham's The artist's guide to drawing the head' is great for this; really easy to understand and apply the principles beyond head drawings and sanguine pencil.
Also maybe your heart is just drawn towards line, nothing wrong with that at all. Line has just as many artistic possibilities as paint if you look beyond the very literal, concept art geared, Scott Robertson approach popular here.

>> No.3038856

>you must not know many painters if you think schmid is up there.
you think schmid's main accomplishment is that he wrote alla prima?

>> No.3039677

Spoken like a Canadian degenerate hedonist. Close-mindedness is having standards and purposeful judgment. Whenever someone knows himself, what he likes or doesn't, and the reasons for why, he is called close-minded. Excepting in the cases where the works are remembered and not the words. If you would call someone close-minded for having some things negative to say about some respected painters then you would also call most able artists from the past close-minded.

I was asked what Sargent and Schmid are and so I answered what they are in gist. Their being overrated is not the reason why I don't care for them. Besides, how could it be that my opinion about that, for example, came from someone else when practically anyone who mentions Sargent and to a smaller extent Schmid praise them to the highest?

You didn't even try to disprove anything I said. All you did was told me to stop being mean.

>> No.3042441
