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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 291 KB, 800x543, syac_wasteland_by_tompreston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3027778 No.3027778 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you think you're being held back by self-consciousness? If you didn't give a shit about people's perceptions, would you network more frequently? Would you comment and PM people you wouldn't normally?
How much is your self-consciousness and social awkwardness holding you back from your potential popularity, and what can you do about it?

>> No.3027783

Dobbo can't find a job because he has no skill and gets mad whenever people try to help him.

>> No.3028028
File: 226 KB, 1200x899, dobbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking the job market exists on deviantart making comics to be read by 12 year olds

>> No.3028181

I actually feel bad for that guy.

>> No.3028206

This holds people back a lot. I myself am very shy on the internet. Even more so than offline for some reason. But lately I have started to just comment on people's instagram and twitters. I make general comments, or ask questions. And to my surprise, I've actually started to make some art friends. People take notice, go to your page, and then start a conversation through PMs. I've never directly PMed someone though, that still makes me anxious.

But connections are powerful, and that goes for any field. I used to be a full time dog groomer, and the grooming world is so small, that if someone recommends you, you will often just get hired over the phone. Having the trust of other people is a very important thing to have.

>> No.3028304

you all realize dobson is better than the majority of the artists on /ic/, if we go by the average drawings in the daily threads?

>> No.3028309

Because people in the daily threads are trying to learn how to draw anatomically correct or close enough for chinese cartoon style.
If you draw a small shitstain like that bear in the OP pic for a few days you've mastered it.

>> No.3028321

>he only draws the bear
um, try again sweetie, he actually has a wide library of skills


>> No.3028333

I'd network less frequently.

>> No.3028340
File: 553 KB, 3152x4264, 1475786267569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad now

>> No.3028393

why? he brought it on himself

>> No.3028398

>How much do you think you're being held back by self-consciousness?
100%. I have wanted to end my 1 year no-drawing streak since the first day. I just can't pick up the pencil. The idea of being total shit for YEARS is too much. I practiced for months and months, yeah I improved a lot, but I improved from BLEAUGGHHH to EURRGHH.

>> No.3028475

Note to self: next time don't ask a serious question with a Predobston pic

I haven't found a way to get past it myself. I feel way too self conscious about even PM'ing mutuals who I've "known" for years. I don't know I just overthink it and end up not doing anything.

>> No.3028483


>> No.3028534

wait is he a hobbit

>> No.3028564

I used to be held back a lot. Like a lot of people here I have a lot of anxiety, but I think to survive you HAVE to make friends, but that's all networking is.

I think if you didn't care about what people thought, you'd be annoying. It's okay to be self aware and have these feelings, but you need to think logically about it. Chances are, if you have a topic to start with and they respond nicely, I don't think you need to worry about it.

Um, just do it. If someone has a reputation for responding to normal people, even better. Just make sure mentally you're in the right place, take a deep breath and be nice. If they don't have time, don't make them feel bad because they're busy.

I know it holds me back even still, i'm in therapy, and as you make more art friends, it gets easier. The first time you reach out is hard, no doubt.

I think if you just focus on being kind to people, and work on having confidence in yourself you'll go far. To quote Chris Oatley, "Do great work and be great to work with."

>> No.3028638
File: 52 KB, 302x465, 1497905587142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can thank me later

>> No.3028645
File: 143 KB, 446x1199, DCW8rphUAAAePAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't seem to understand why comics are selling like fucking shit. He's blaming alt-right racists.

I'm gay as fuck and he annoys the fuck out of me, he's the pandering white-whiteknight type I can't stand.

>> No.3028654

d..did he really edit in 4chan on the monitor?

>> No.3028657


>> No.3028671

That's the only part he seems to have gotten right. I don't see his connection between comic culture and being racist but I DO see the 4chan connecton between hiding in your home on a computer being racist. hahaha

Comic character must be from /pol/.

>> No.3028676

self-consciousness is helpful to a certain extent, people who lack it often get attacked by the herd.

You can be popular and still be self-conscious. It's the amount of bravery you're using that counts. Some people are very self conscious but talk out loud as if they weren't out of sheer bravery, other people are oblivious, and there are lots of people in between, that's my quick thoughts on the matter anyway.

>> No.3028679

I thought he drew inflation, I hear that market is HUGE, and if you're skilled your popularity can blow up overnight. True story.

>> No.3028712

>black lives matter
>weak feminine bullshit

The softening of society and shedding masculinity isn't progress. It's decay

>> No.3029454

>that honking into the microphone every breath

>> No.3029482

that fucking third panel
>0.01 shekels

>> No.3029519

remember when dobson thought "lesbian kick!!" was empowering

>> No.3029523

>getting angry about how other people live their lives
fucking snowflake

>> No.3029572

Reminder that he came here asking for advice.

>> No.3029893

>Implying most /pol/kids don't browse 4chan on their phones

>> No.3031026
File: 131 KB, 800x746, download_20170621_154216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, really? Is there a screenshot or an archive of his visit?

>> No.3031045
File: 9 KB, 184x185, 1452940226428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that picture implying he likes Homestuck? How old is that picture?

>> No.3031048

He probably only just discovered it.

>> No.3031054
File: 1.05 MB, 1865x6851, fpdobson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly no, all these archives only go back to late 2012.
This was the piece in question.

There was a journal where he announced that he was going to go to /ic/ but I can't find it. Doubt he deleted it though.

>> No.3031064

eh, more my own view of what my current art-level is
if I thought my stuff was REALLY good, I'd be whoring it out all over the net. right now, it's just gonna be sticking to my art blog & maybe my youtube

>> No.3031071

dear god, that is uncomfortable to look at
nevermind the fact that he's apparently a swag fag, between the fact that he's staring off into the distance, the awful overbite, the retarded facial expression, the missing finger on the right hand, & that his left hand's bending up at an uncomfortable looking angle

>> No.3031090

but the bear there is actually cute and funny

>> No.3031217



>> No.3031339

Do you people even know what snowflake means anymore? God damn, you must be young as fuck.

>> No.3031354

> delicate
> fragile
> "unique"
What else is it suppose to mean?

>> No.3031394
File: 109 KB, 898x727, Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 8.46.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comments and ratings disabled

>> No.3031400

>even thinking about trying to bully dobson
not so fast, educate yourself

>> No.3031430
File: 112 KB, 1281x721, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"getting angry about how other people post on 4chan"

i sure turned it around on u eh xd

I see this snowflake term being co-opted a lot by the same group of people that unironically believe in Kentucky Fried Chicken's 11 secret genders and pronouns, apply filters to their facebook profile picture to show their friends how singularly virtuous they are and were sincerely appending "trigger warnings" to their facebook posts and articles no more than two years ago.

It's not working, it will never work. You're all as lame and out of touch as Christian media producers at this point lmao.

>> No.3031464

That's accurate, but you little shits don't even use it that way.
Example, the use in this exact thread. Someone listing a bad artist's shitty political views isn't even snwflakery in your own definition.
Now go cry more, Bernout.


Exactly. But they can't retcon themselves out of being the original Tumblrista snowflakes now can they?

>> No.3032126

I'm slowly starting to get over it, but I'm not there yet.

A large part of my inhibitions disappeared when I realized you NEED to network if you want other people to see your shit. Although, it doesn't need to be very "advanced" networking, e.g. just send people some llama badges on DA or some shit, or give some basic critique in the comments, or fav some images you like and follow people. But it NEEDS to happen, otherwise you will never be discovered.

I also realized the whole point of networking is to make your name appear somewhere in a location where people can see it, and can click on it. Just making an account and posting your shit won't usually make it visible anywhere, except for those people who randomly watch the front page and randomly stumble upon your work. I've noticed this results in very low amounts of views/favorites, which makes sense because your images vanish from the front page after just a few minutes.

Anyway, tl;dr, if you want to get better numbers on social media, go network.

>> No.3032135

Go buy "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield.

Read it. It's not long, or particularly complicated.

It's changed things for many people I've recommended it to, and myself. It's helped actors, musicians, artists, writers, a whole slew of professions.

It's all in your head. You need to spring clean your head, get your shit together, and just get shit done.

>> No.3032164

Who the fuck is this guy

>> No.3032191

Not him but I just checked this out online and it's amazing, thank you

>> No.3032198

It's holding me back completely.

What I really want to do is lock myself indoors with just ONE person who has only a little bit of skills (like me I only have a little bit too) but understands me completely and together we work endlessly on a vision we share.

I'm never going to find this person because I'm so incredibly hard to like, get along with, talk to, or even understand.

All I want to do is make something I'm satisfied with.

>> No.3032207

>if I thought my stuff was REALLY good, I'd be whoring it out all over the net. right now, it's just gonna be sticking to my art blog & maybe my youtube
I know the feel you mean. If I thought it was better I'd be trying to show more people but I hate myself and my art so there we have it.

>> No.3032214

how does one not feel like they're whoring themseleves out? I feel that way no matter I do.
feels bad man

>> No.3032217

Me too. I know exactly what you mean.

>> No.3032220

Lack of confidence probably.

>> No.3032230

I know this and I don't know how to change it.
It's so weird this book got brought up to me by someone else literally just earlier today.

>> No.3032265

My self esteem is so low I feel afraid to even share my art places like this for fear of being made fun of like the guy who did OP's drawing is.

So basically I'm too pathetic to put myself out there how am I supposed to fucking network?

>> No.3032268

Get over that fear because it'll happen regardless, how you react is what will keep you going. The guy in OP's image reacted negatively and in return got that same feedback.

>> No.3032776

Let's be real, no movement or organization of any kind would pay The Dobbo to back them.

>> No.3032958

lmao literally who does he think would like to watch this? it's just fucking depressing, stop drawing if it's such a fucking chore

>> No.3033675
File: 27 KB, 415x423, fucknicethings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ walked on this earth 2k years ago, preached love to God and your neighbor and taught us to be servants of the light because this realm is faded to destruction and decadence and true hapiness can only be attainable in the next one

And on this very day in the age of information, people still make fun of his image, make money outta him by deluding others, disrespect his words and some even say he is a fairy tale when he was simply the most powerful and amazing human being to ever walk on earth

You aren't special, because even if you were, you would still be critiqued and hated, the polarity is inherent in the universe, doesn't matter how good you are people will always find bullshit reasons to throw shit at you, so just do it

>> No.3033834

his fucking bear wich is the only thing he has been drawing for half a decade is standing in an impossible posittion and should be falling to the floor

>> No.3033838


>> No.3034123

People mostly mock Preston because he's an obnoxious asshole. Don't be an asshole and you can avoid becoming a meme.

>> No.3034140


I'm not necessarily shy, it's just maintaining a network or friends is just exhausting. I'm more antisocial than socially awkward. Hence why I only have a couple of friends in real life because I really just can't be an extrovert. People just drain me, especially if I have to constantly do favors for them/we have very little common interests. I usually don't get along with/share the views with people who can actually manage to network well on social media. Nor do I want to use people in order to further myself and my networking gains. I want genuine online 'friends' who I can talk to.

But it is biting me in the foot still.

>> No.3034143


>What I really want to do is lock myself indoors with just ONE person who has only a little bit of skills (like me I only have a little bit too) but understands me completely and together we work endlessly on a vision we share.
>I'm never going to find this person because I'm so incredibly hard to like, get along with, talk to, or even understand.

I understand your pain, anon. I'm fortunate that my SO and I are doing similar projects/ interests, but for the most part most people just won't share your vision. At least in the way you're passionate about it. Even he gets annoyed at my constant ramblings about my own personal projects.

>> No.3034152

nice b8, m8

>> No.3034206

Tbh this shit is a waste of time. I see try-hards comment shit even today on random videos this guy has made. It seems more like looking for something to hate than a genuine issue lol.

>> No.3034537


>> No.3035934

y'know, people who claimed to be descendants from this or that god was actually pretty common at that time. It was how they justified their position of power. Hercules sure must have fucked around a lot.

And the shit Jesus was preaching was just older lore. The original bible just takes from the Babylonian, Sumerian, Egyptian and Canaanite religious cultures. Sort of like picking and choosing at what they liked and what worked.

So Jesus really wasn't that special. But history is written by the victor, not objective observers on the sideline.

>> No.3036193

he's an entitled douchebag

>> No.3036460
File: 183 KB, 531x517, 1488318221446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have the audiobook version of this in mp3 if anyone wants it

>> No.3036900
File: 9 KB, 896x34, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the hardest thing to find.

>> No.3038219

His technical skills are decent,better than the average tumblr artist,what fucks him up is his completely horrid artstyle,and im sure he cant draw in any other way,so yeah,he´s still a bad artist

>> No.3038222


>> No.3038223

You dont have to avoid that feeling,i love feeling like im a little slut trying to attract meaty juicy fat cocks

>> No.3038226

ohhhuuuuu my god the cringe is real.

im depressed now.

>> No.3038317

>begin book
>foreword is talking about procrastination
Why isn't this book in the sticky to be read before all other books?

>> No.3039273

Just finished it, thanks for the advice anon. It's good stuff.

>> No.3039579

I'm horrendously self-concious and it's kept me as a relative social outcast and kept me from making connections in the biz. But I'm lucky in that I got gud and have gotten really good work without having to lift a finger. I just make pictures I like, post them and the freelance/job offers flow in.

>> No.3042190

I can relate. I still practice, hoping to improve from EURRGHH to that looks somewhat ok