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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3016848 No.3016848 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if you went on /ic/ and there was a big thread all about how much you and your art sucks ass?

How should an artist react if they have to deal with absolute negativity, like online groups going after them, or d/ic/cks?

>> No.3016849

Post your work

>> No.3016853


It means that you've made it, popularity and money wise.

>> No.3016937

If I came here and saw a trashy gossip thread made specifically about me and how shitty I was, and it had lots of posts (instead of 2 or 3 like "literally who?") I'd realize I finally made it.

>> No.3016938

I'd pop in and chat with them like Algenpfleger did.

>> No.3016941

Appleflinger for anyone who was there :)

>> No.3016942

it means there are people that want to pretend everything about their life revolves around art, and yet they cant escape negativity as they are normal humans, so they take it out on artists under the pretense of establishing standards, criticizing morals, blah blah blah. they are stuck in a self imposed hell so you can just do a 360moonwalk away. much of mob mentality comes up just like this. people who try to resign themselves to one 'thing' because they're not brave enough to think of a multifaceted life

>> No.3016950

I've had it happen a few times. Usually though the thread started is positive but I have a couple hardcore dedicated hater faggots.

I didn't care when I thought I was a nobody and I still don't care knowing I'm the most famous person alive right now. I do what I want.

>> No.3016951

I wish my art got any attention at all

>> No.3016956

Just hide your gender anon then they won't shit on you.

>> No.3016987

I would do nothing. Because the kind of people who obsessively do this are not people one needs to worry about. These are people with bruised egos who come to a place like /ic/ to wrap themselves in comforting anonymity and feel big. Sometimes they have an axe to grind because senpai didn't notice them, so they decide to become a thorn in someone's side to feel a sense of purpose and relationship where there is none. I understand where that comes from, so I don't begrudge people for that.

What actually worries me are those threads about nepotism and how it's all about who you know, or how everyone's a liberal, or how companies only hire from this school, or sexism, etc. Those are clearly by posters who already believe they will not make it, and are externalizing personal failure and looking to solidify their excuses. That bugs me way more than the hate threads. It's such a waste of effort.

>> No.3016993

I'd join it and enjoy it obviously

>> No.3016996

I'd laugh, then filter through the whole toxicity to keep the most constructive criticism in mind. As simple as that... :)

>> No.3017013

I'd be flattered