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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3016650 No.3016650 [Reply] [Original]

>Monday morning.
>Drawing outside.
>I never draw outside.
>+ carrying fancy-ass sketchbook.
>+ fountain pen.
>Basically I finished reading that James Gurney Sketching guide.
>Felt really turned on to draw outside.
>And went to a local park.
>Normies pass aside.
>They turn over their shoulders to see my sketchbook.
>white nigger approaches.
>"Yo, I see ur artist and shit. That's fucking cool man."
>"Uhm, yeah. Thanks."
>"Yo, lemme introduce you mah gang"
>WARNING: A huge bunch of white niggers "All lookin' retarded" is approaching fast!
>They ask to see my sketchbook.
>Luckily, this is my other "sketchbook"
>You know.
>The one you carry to impress normies.
>In addition to the one you carry to draw inflated dickgirls and neon horse cocks on.
>I show them just a bunch of gesture drawings with my fountain pen.
>"Whoa! That's good!"
>dpkg -i DontFuckingSayTHAT.deb
>"You have talent, bruh!!"
>Fuck. They said THAT.
>I know I'm fucking shit.
>But I follow the game anyways.
>"Uhm... Yeah, I guess."
>Continue showing my sketches + one or two cringeworthy """finished""" pieces.
>They say: "Ur great mang!"
>I think to myself: "That's not true. It looks fucking wrong."
>"Oh, well. It's just another sketch I just made for boredom"
>Actually put effort into that drawing.
>Realize it still looks wrong as fuck.
>Realize I'm not as good as I want to.
>The revelation strikes me like a mild electric shock.
>It's all good now.
>It feels good.
>Real good.
>All good.

>> No.3016657

tldr OP is a shitter and got called out by gangbangers

>> No.3016659

You mean you didn't bang the only chick in their gang after you impressed them with your gestures? You mean you didn't get to capture her flow or feel her forms?

>> No.3016661


Nah, no pussy on all the fucking park. Just retards.

>> No.3016662

It's part of why I like to draw outside, normies boosting my ego.

>> No.3016703


I'm a woman

>> No.3016713

I feel ya. I've been in hospital for 2 weeks recently and I've experienced this every single day I was there.

>> No.3016714

Were you raped?

>> No.3016715

why do you fuckers not even try to make your false tales sound realistic

>> No.3016752

Realtalk is it possible to pull some pussy if you just draw in public?

>> No.3016756

>Monday morning
>posting this on Saturday

>> No.3016763

I've had girls come up to me before to compliment me while I was out and about. I'm a pedo though, so it was wasted on me.

>> No.3016773

How would it not be?

1. You're doing something non threatening and fairly rare/eye catching (for normies to see in public)
2. Immediate conversation topic
3. Can show you are good at your interests which makes you look smart

Obviously you still need to not look like a fat sperg so you're out, but it should work fine for everyone else here

>> No.3016795

>Things that never happen

>> No.3016796
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>WARNING: A huge bunch of white niggers "All lookin' retarded" is approaching fast!

kek at this point.

>> No.3017139

>tfw not once have I been approached by easily impressed normies while drawing

Do I just suck or what

>> No.3017154

>3. Can show you are good at your interests which makes you look smart
more like makes you look like a manchild who didn't grow out of doodling

>> No.3017219

>draw at work
>draw out of style whenever in public just so i don't get tagged a weeb
>compliments from anyone trigger me (usually coworkers)
>don't have the mental fortitude to normie it up and say thanks because that'd be enabling

>tfw you know you don't deserve praise
>tfw you try to deflect every compliments by telling them they could do it as well if they practiced

>> No.3017224

are you doing the classic "dont look up until nobody is paying attention to you drawing"? Normies are willing to compliment 3/4 of whats in the /beg/ thread unironically. Maybe you're just really disgusting looking.

>> No.3017229

you probably smell bad

hell people have come up me when i've been holding a book to tell me how much they also enjoy reading books, it doesn't take much

>> No.3017230

At least it's not the "accidentally make eye contact and they walk up to you to tell you how good you are".

>> No.3017238

>implying that lesbianism isn't a thing

>> No.3017241


>Get girls attracted by your skill
>Get girls scared by your smelly self and autistic personality

Every time.

>> No.3017243

actually, this makes me wonder, what do these people want out of this exchange? I've never considered it from their point of view, why do they bother to bother?

>> No.3017247


Holy shit man. I just remembered how I scored some pussy with books.

>8/10 girl (she had glasses, so that's a 10/10 for me) reading some shit book.
>Casually I read that book time ago.
>Use a book quote as well as a shitty pick-up line
>give her a meth junkie smile.
>Holy shit. It worked.
>She smiles back at me.
>We discuss the shit book and whatnot for like 20 mins.

tl;dr I was munching pussy the next sunday.

And the morale of the story is:

/lit/ gets you pussy as well as /pol/ gets you red pills.

>> No.3017248

fixed that for you.

>> No.3017270

Maybe it's a shared interest

>> No.3017272

>wow, that's really good.
>end of conversation

what the fuck /ic/ where is my free pussy

>> No.3017274

Have you ever been to /fit/? Sometimes it's indistinguishable to /r9k/

>> No.3017276

admittedly, no.

>> No.3017289

It's also deeply homo-erotic

>> No.3017329

>bro trying to hook up with a girl
>bro gets lots of pussy
>I'm not even attracted to her
>for some fucking reason I'm the third wheel, not even sure how I got there
>she starts talking about bukowski
>I mention offhand that I read bukowski (I read like 3 of his books) because I'm feeling retarded being the third wheel
>her pupils dilate
>she asks if I read "women"
>I did
>I'm up to my ankles in her pussy juice
>jesus christ what is happening
>I'm visibly confused, giving 3 word answers to her questions
>bro is desperately struggling to get her attention
>it's not working
>"oh wow, look at the time, I gotta go"
That's not even the last time that happened, another girl went from 0-100 when I mentioned having read bukowski.

>> No.3017341

reading that made me wish for you to kill yourself

Occasionally I feel like there should be a mandatory class for writing greentexts

>> No.3017350

I guess some people are just more talented than others :^). My first greentext got to the front page of leddit.

You can't teach that!

>> No.3017353

>be in school
>art class on the side
>everyone takes it for fun
>know most of the people there (from same major)
>weekly assignments
>do one where i painted rolling sea foam with ink and whiteout
>expensive as fuck
>teachers liked it
>a group of girls notice it
>theyre clamoring over it
>later on one of them approaches me
>can i borrow your piece, i want to make a huge print
>uh sure
>later she comes back
>shows me the giant print
>its fucking impressive
>my work was alright but on a big scale it has a totally different impact
>she tlels me its a gift for her friend
>she specifically requested her own copy of my piece
>dunno what to think of all this
>say wow i hope shes happy with it
>end up fucking a couple of them once i got the hint
>question whether or not they really wanted my drawing or my body

>> No.3017355

yeah but you trade off valuable art gains for niche creative writing skills

>> No.3017362

creative writing lets me come up with firez fanfictions and eventually leads me to patreon bux though

>> No.3017363

im sorry

>> No.3017401

That's if you're older than your early 20s. Maybe it's my perception but I feel like I get pity compliments now that I'm going for 30, instead of genuine encouragement. Older guy who draws isn't seen the same way, especially when he doesn't draw like Rembrandt.

>> No.3017409

when im at uni im usually drawing something in my sketchbook, whether im in class or in the commons just killing time
im on my third year and i can tell you that i can count the number of people that actually acknowledge me drawing with one hand, and only one of them was a woman, and every time it went something like "wow that looks really cool" and they just walk away
tldr im probably shit at my drawings

>> No.3017411

maybe they just want to let you know that they think you are good at drawing. its like when someone just goes up to you and says "cool shirt"

>> No.3017416

Depends on what you're drawing

>> No.3017423

Really? I would assume when normies see a decent artist who is 30 or older drawing in public, they assume he's a professional whereis when they see some 20 year old, it comes off as kinda dorky for that age group where he's most certainly not an established artist and just doodling like a middle schooler in math class.

>> No.3017427

>when he doesn't draw like Rembrandt
Ironically Rembrandt's sketching style is rather loose and I'm sure normies wouldn't be able to see the quality within most of them.

>> No.3017507

>I would assume when normies see a decent artist who is 30 or older drawing in public, they assume he's a professional
Nah they assume you're a NEET because you're not at work.

>> No.3017908
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Wangstas, unauthenticated suburban white males that listen to hip hop from the radio and attempt to emulate the way actual gangstas do.

Besides you letting these guys stroke your ego's cock, you know you liked it you socially awkward div. Learn to take compliments, regardless of how autistic someone gets.

That's why you'll never make it.

>> No.3017913

So that's the only reason they complimented you. I see.

>> No.3017921

Please find a gas chamber, go inside it and proceed to kys.

>> No.3018208

hi rep
stop kinkshaming

>> No.3018211

This is so cringey to read.

>> No.3018217

We can kill ourselves together

Who is rep?

>> No.3018223

>drawing a tourist attraction / old tower with friend
>am anxious as fuck but she convinces me to get over it
>there are beautiful cliffs to take pics of but about 10 people took photos of us sketching on a hill cos we look like an art couple and there wass a beautiful field behind us
>some old Chinese lady gave us candy as appreciation and complimented my sketch
>tfw it got me over the anxiety by a lot cos I had no escape

>> No.3018224
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Pic related. The sketch

>> No.3018390

a pedophile in the discord.

>> No.3018418

>and it's not even that good

Fuck i gotta stop wearing headphones while public drawing, even though they help a ton.

>> No.3018695

And I thought I was the only one around

>> No.3018704
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well... this.

>> No.3018768

The mindset should be to draw for yourself. I know you think "but I do already!", the key is that what other people think or expect of you while you're drawing is not important and most of the time, non-existent.

What makes you anxious is you're channeling your judgment through passerbys and strangers. Repeat to yourself that you'll make judgement later, and for the time being just draw. It's gonna help a lot deal with anxiety. Draw now, judge later.

You'll go back home feeling "oh man that drawing was shit and that person has seen it" instead of being paralyzed, and over time it's going to pass completely.

>> No.3021477

>put yourself out in public space
>people approach your in a friendly manner and compliment your work
>encourage you and say they enjoy what you are doing, even to the point of calling their friends over to show them as well
>go on the internet
>make fun of every single one of them
what the fuck is wrong with you people
dont answer that i already know

>> No.3021574
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>> No.3021633

Damn, are his books good ?

>> No.3022592

>Sketching on the train.
>Sits next to a cute girl.
>Cute girl get off the train.
>Leaves her ticket with a note on
>"You draw really well :)"

>> No.3022603

that's creepy