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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 140 KB, 547x700, WorkingWithMusic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3011858 No.3011858 [Reply] [Original]


Thoughts? He even backed it up with facts, too.

>> No.3011861

I recently watched Persistence of Vision. What a great fucking documentary.

I've seen artists only put on music when they get through the hurdle and/or when they get so deep into the fucking zone the music is already there but nothing is coming out of their headphones.

>> No.3011874

>studies have proven bla bla bla
>no fonts
>no links
>talks about bunch of isolated studies about things that have nothing to do with art and learning
>is a shitty artist

Welp, intro le trash it goes.

>> No.3011880

Literally who?

>> No.3011885


>> No.3011886

He backed it up with false equivalencies and anecdotes.

>> No.3011888

What about Richard Williams and all the other animators who worked under him that found his methods to work?

>> No.3011896

Frankly if this hobby required me to work in silence I wouldn't fucking do it.

You know when the music is distracting you. That's a call you can make. So you just turn the music down or switch it out like rain ambience or whatever when it does.

>> No.3011898
File: 2.76 MB, 604x340, 1482870977790.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% agreed. I had to hide my headphones and speakers so that I couldn't listen to music.

If you're drawing REAL WORK instead of going through the motions, you need to understand what the fuck you're doing.
In my mind I need to explain to myself with my inner voice what the hell am I doing and why. As if I was giving a class, explaining to someone else.

It is more boring and tedious, but damn the art really does come out better. I have no "regrets" after the piece is done. Like, "I should have tried another pose!" or stuff like that.

However, I also have to point out that if you listen to only one (1) track on repeat it doesn't affects you.
Sadly having headphones on was a gateway into procrastinating with youtube or trying other music. When I listen to music I tend to lose control of my attention.

>> No.3011902


Oh classic trance, I miss you so.

>> No.3011903

It worked for him, cool. It's fucking trivial.

>> No.3011940

I find that when I'm studying and such, I can't listen to music. I notice how much of a distraction it is. When I'm just rendering, detailing, doodling, basically doing busy work and working within my current skill level, then I can listen to music.
If I'm not listening to music, and get into working pretty hard, I don't notice the lack of noise either, the drawing just fills my entire area attention.

This, basically.
It depends on the music, but some tracks just work well as background music. If I know them well, if they're repetitive, if I'm not constantly anticipating their crescendos and drops and whatever. The right music has the same affect on me as ambiance, and ambiance is unavoidable. It's also probably less distracting than total silence would be...

>> No.3011949

>It's also probably less distracting than total silence would be...

Ever get trapped with your own racing thoughts? Far less distracting that some quiet ambiance in the background.

>> No.3011971

You mean more

>> No.3011997

Wow I fucking hate this cunt.
Fuck you for posting this shit.

>> No.3012002

Walt Disney please

>> No.3012013

>"""total silence"""
>cars honking
>dogs barking
>neighbors bickering
Fuck that, I need me my audiobooks.

>> No.3012015


>> No.3012018
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Listen ANYTHING from this twat, ya no thanks xD

>> No.3012074
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>look up the book on wikipedia
>has an enormous criticism section
>almost all of the critics have jewish last names
>includes comparison of his work with nazism
>despite having a really solid body of work prior to this book, his entire academic life was ruined after that
damn. /pol/ was fucking right all along.

>> No.3012077

God damn, I fish out my old Bridgman anatomy books then some asshole references it here. Then I start reading the Animator Survival Kit and boom, this shit. How do you assholes psychically know what I'm reading right when I pick it up?

>> No.3012081

Because they're popular books here.

>> No.3012082

Yeah drawing gives me anxiety more and more lately. Music helps drown that out sometimes. Or sometimes listening to people talk on youtube or podcasts

>> No.3012101

>criticise jews, no matter how reasonably and objectively
>the response is always some variant of "you are irrational and hateful" with zero scientific refutation
the worst part is your average television drone will be persuaded by only that not to listen to the arguments and facts being presented

>> No.3012137

This tip is for ANIMATORS.

The reason why it really does work for animation is that when animating you must play the scene in your mind while you're animating.
The rhythmic tempo of a beat or a melody can and will influence this visualization and timing of the movement.

Even Glen Keane said that he listens to music, but only once he gets to the clean-up/fleshing out phase of the scene.

When it comes to paintings and drawings, everyone's mileage with music will vary. I can't listen to anything that requires me to actively pay attention, like rap or any other lyrically music.

>> No.3012153

/pol/ is always right.

>> No.3012175

who cares, whatever gets your flow going.

>> No.3012181

>total silence
>start hearing my thoughts
>he won't shut the fuck up
>turn on some music
>hand starts moving to the beat
>find more calming music
>blank out for 10 hours and wake up beside the Mona Lisa

>> No.3012187

i'm currently listening trance/electronic music these day, yes it has neutral sound. decent music for study.

pretty same experience with this
when i listening pumping music i draw aggressively

>> No.3012193

I do love to listen to music when drawing, but from personal experience, it only distracts me. I'm more productive when working in silence even thought I prefer music.

>> No.3012236

i find an audiobook pretty useful, bit of a detriment to the audio book experience though. i listened to all the game of thrones and people talk about them and i'm like '?? must have been concentrating on drawing during that bit'

>> No.3012298

Sounds more like a "proof in the pudding" thing since other animators followed and results did the same for them.

>> No.3012335

>audio is distracting theory

>silence leaves me with my own mind
>my over-thinking, depressed sack of shit mind

what do, then?

>> No.3012348
File: 76 KB, 707x623, CesCz9jXEAACT2U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of interesting reading all the arguments on youtube comments and even posts on here. I'm more surprised at the amount of people who actually listen to music while they work.

>> No.3012399
File: 184 KB, 680x639, blowie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about listening to the same song over and over
because thats what i do, my brain doesnt have to process any other music its just the same song over and over and over

>> No.3012401

Yea, man, I am doing the same, it's great.

>> No.3012402

Playing fighting games, having sit in training mode practicing combos hours on end as the same song loops has no impact on me. So I feel it should be okay.

>> No.3012426

What does any of this have to do with listening to music? Are the Jews trying to get people to stop listening to music?

>> No.3012435

listen to stuff like this

>> No.3012440

>includes comparison of his work with nazism
They also compared it to Stalinism, but that doesn't fit the /pol/ narrative now does it?

>> No.3012442

Maybe if you want your criticism to be taken seriously you shouldn't misinterpert evolutionary biology, generalize an entire ethnic group, call for the creation of a white ethnostate and join a white nationalist party.

>> No.3012461

Music hindrances learning, NOT working on what you already know.
If you´re doing something new, or don´t know how to do a specific illo, you´ll have to create and learn, and music would bother you.
If you already have a set style and is not creating anything new, muscle memory works wonders with music background.
Since learning something new and working from memory without effort can be hazy if you´re new, music is more indicated to experts who almost always draw the same thing.

>> No.3012463


I would think it's highly different from one person to another. We all know some people who can't concentrate if there's any disturbance around them. I certainly cannot study when there's music, because then I'm not focused enough on reading: I get less out of it and also I remember it worse afterwards.
> 100% anecdotal story of my life though.

I'm sure there are people out there, especially the disciplined grinders, who will put music in the background and are just used to it. It's probably a way to isolate themselves from the outside.

>> No.3012471

Afaik, it doesnt matter if its different or new songs, or if you like them or not. Noise is distracting and makes you perform worse in all cases

>> No.3012482
File: 1.50 MB, 1200x900, 14955507730070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was waiting for someone to post that retarded picture in OP-post

normies and newbies use it to sound cool and show how they are "being concentrated and serious" about art UNLIKE OTHERS.
this is so damn pathetic.
Let me explain
1) that man on that picture was born probably during late 1800s-early1900s. life was different back then.
2) i was born with gamepad in my heands and headphones in my ears even if im 29y/o right now. Im a child of a progress
3) my brain and the way i absorb informations is way too different from that person on that caricature.

I worked as artist since 2005 and music is still my best friend.

>> No.3012486

So, what you are saying is that you are, in essence, a faggot.

Got it.

>> No.3012487

I can almost see your butthurt ripping apart, kek.

>> No.3012490

I don't listen to music period so this is not a problem.

I agree with the video.

>> No.3012492


>> No.3012497

Let me guess, you draw animes

>> No.3012501

>my brain and the way i absorb informations is way too different from that person on that caricature
No, just no.

>> No.3012548

>I would think it's highly different from one person to another

When people always say stuff like this, it's always 99% bullshit.
People are generally the same, even the thought processes. There are some exceptions, but those people are 1 in 100, not 50 50.

>> No.3012555

But music stimulates me

>> No.3012590

Placebo effect

>> No.3012662


I question the wisdom of following Williams' advice sometimes, considering he couldn't finish a film in 30 years.

I think he works harder, rather than smarter, a lot of the time.

Anyway I think when you really need to concentrate, you'll naturally turn down or mute the music, but when doing grunt-work, you need something to distract part of your brain, so you can focus. Music's pretty good for that.

>> No.3012666

> carrying a gameboy around
why, if you want to play pokemon, play it on your phone

>> No.3012690

its a collection of cultural traits and an identity more than a genetic classification. stating the truism of absolutes not existing doesnt refute or disprove demographic tendencies. the last two arent arguments.

try harder next time

>> No.3012707
File: 69 KB, 374x476, 1441918208694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that text to speech
For a second I thought it was a slightly sped up normal audiobook. How long until ttp completely replaces voice actors?

>> No.3012710


>> No.3012751

He was treating Jews as an ethnic group, don't try to weasel out of this.

>> No.3012802

I think it's good if you need some ispiration. I like to loop the thing that got me inspired for the first minutes of drawing to keep me in the tracks of what my idea was, then turn it off.

>> No.3012817

not only is that not true, but you dont even have any reason for thinking that it is true.

>> No.3012822

They did it because he did it. Nothing else is stated. That is where the anecdote ends.
Not all of them ended up becoming Richard Williams.

>> No.3012824

left: liberals
right: conservitards

>> No.3012844

I listened to maybe 10 minutes and he already stated that his criticism concerns certain predominantly Jewish political and activist movements and that it does not include Jews as a whole or Jews as an ethnic group.

It's like you're attacking a strawman instead of any real opinion or argument.

>> No.3012857

His whole fucking argument is applying evolutionary biology to Jews.

>> No.3012860

Nice samefag you cringeworthy faggot.

>> No.3012870

To add: he may say that he's only talking about Jewish elites, but his statements overall create an image of a monolithic Jewish group.

>> No.3012887
File: 110 KB, 650x650, 1408321136597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Has anyone here actually tried drawing without listening to music?

>> No.3012914

Why can't some people just have ways they do things different than others? I swear to god artists have got to be the biggest fascists sometimes. Cartoonists bitching about muh sidemouth, digital artists bitching about traditional art being more reputed, /ic/ bitching about muh goddamn rigorist classicism only bullshit.
Artists need to just shut the fuck up and stop trying to impose their capricious "rules" for self expression on others.

Just fucking listen to music if it helps you or don't if you think that works. I for one used to listen and draw but I find it aggravating to have background noise nowadays. Might just be because I'm an oldfag now though.

>> No.3012918
File: 97 KB, 2000x2000, 1346390948257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't listen to music when I'm drawing. I don't listen to music when I'm using a computer at all. Ever.

>> No.3012932


Yeah I'm... not really interested in advice from people I can draw so much better than. Also... he sounds *concerned* about doing things the "right" way. Always the hallmark of the amateur, in my opinion.

>> No.3012934

>muh mind is more distracting than music

The fuck are you drawing that allows your mind to run free? Just doodling at the corner of a page?

>> No.3012944

>here is why you shouldnt listen to music while drawing
>a study proved that college students did worse at tests if they listened to music
well good thing im not a fucking college student then

>> No.3012949

>animators are bad
>they practice a lot without any music and get better
>must be all that not listening to music then

>> No.3012984

Might explain why i work better with GY!BE, those guys sure know how to exploit every second of their 20m songs

>> No.3012994

Heyo, Mattias here.
I'm not a big fan of this video, I still find that what I mention holds for me, but it was pretty poorly put together, and I don't like that I sound very "this is how you gotta' do it", rather than trying to explore a topic. And yeah, a lot of bad examples.

This was around when I had about 80-100 active subscribers and wanted to get a conversation going, and thought being bold would get more people going. Then this video got popular later on when the channel blew up and I got a ton of subscribers.
At the core this channel was made to blog/document my thoughts and progress as I learned to draw, and it got a bit out of hand and now a lot of ten year olds commenters on youtube think I'm some art guru.

I've been thinking of unlisting this video since the most recent video I made touches on the subject very quickly, but I think sums up my judgment of the 1000 comments.
Basically, I think it's a difference between wanting to be in focus (no music), or being in a "creative" mindset where you don't want to think too much about what you're drawing, and relying on what you already have learned before (music).
Entirely dependant on what you're doing and want to get out of it.

I could also do an updated version of the video in the future, I'm currently reading books on music and focus, like "this is your brain on music" by Daniel Levitin, but judging so far I don't think the 'core' message in the original video would change, just the presentation.

I'm not an amazing artist, started drawing as an adult and basically so far below-average, but I'm glad everyone didn't think I'm trying to be some know-it-all.

The context of these videos is that I don't try to make good art, but challenge myself to do something in 15 minutes or so, because I suck at it. The idea was that I would keep doing them and hopefully show progress over time, but now I find drawing on video to be a lot of effort so I don't do it as often anymore.

>> No.3013059

Well, yes.

>> No.3013099

Post your work

>> No.3013110

recently discovered this myself a few days ago. its so much easier to come up with ideas and to work though problems without music, its such a distraction.

narratives always have deviations. you are meant to pay attention to the rule, not the exception, with concerns to any movement.

>> No.3013283

> Locke & Key
muh nigga

>> No.3013306

>Heyo, Mattias

>> No.3013359

You should see what happened to Chuck Woolery.

>> No.3013520

Some pseud from discord who makes art videos with clickbaity titles. Wouldn't exactly call him an autthority on anything but I suppose his viewership figures are impressive given his modest abilities and flat delivery. Not that I have anything against the guy personally, I just don't see why people would bother watching this stuff.

>> No.3013725

What's going on in that webm? Is he listening to music on with the volume set at max?

>> No.3013741

Mattias is the new of the guy that made the video in the OP

>> No.3013757

The quality of the headphones is supposedly so good.

>> No.3013761

>The Sound
>Oh. My. Goodness! My senses feel assaulted … as would my wallet, if I had had to pay for these. With every smack of the snare and blare of a trumpet my eyes wince in pain. Fast transient edges are transformed into indiscriminate micro-bursts of tizz. Likewise, low notes are powerful, but have lost all definition as they are reduced to a bloated blur. The mid-range seems like it could be pretty good, but I hear it as so disconnected from all else that I could hardly keep track of what’s what in the confused aural picture. I’ve heard worse headphones before, but for $2749 these have got to be the worst price/performance headphones I’ve ever experienced.

>Of course, maybe I just don’t get Ultrasone’s S-Logic.

Never mind it's actually the opposite

>> No.3013772

A lot of famous artists listen to music while they draw. Music also inspires them.

That being said any noise in the background does distract you but how much it affects your drawings haven't been studied from what I know.

>> No.3013855

This was also explained in the video, how other animators thought what richard did was stupid, but when other animators turned off their music, it showed results.

>> No.3013990

I do, all the time. I've never listened to music while drawing.

When I want to listen to music I like to get really absorbed in the song and imagine stuff that happens. I can't do that while drawing.

>> No.3014216

No music, huh? I should try this.

>> No.3014306
File: 674 KB, 2560x1600, rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about white sounds,like the rain?

>> No.3014436

Or so says Richard Williams...

He also says, "Always animate on ones."

Other famous animators say, "SCREEEW THAT!"

>> No.3014449

most famous anime artists animate in 1s.
Are you saying you don't want to draw like the nippon gawds?!

>> No.3014462

>He also says, "Always animate on ones."
He doesn't say that. He say "there's no ones or twos, there's ones AND twos," meaning you should use one or another when appropriated.

>> No.3014464

My biggest problem with music is that you can use it to measure time and you shouldn't be thinking about time when you work. Maybe it's just me, but it makes me very unproductive.

Richard Williams is a meme though and why is everyone shilling this guy that can't draw's channel?

>> No.3014480

>It's like you're attacking a strawman instead of any real opinion or argument.
Just like the jews he was criticizing.
I wonder who may be behind that post.

>> No.3014485

If music distracts you to the point you need to turn it off. You'll be distracter by the street's sounds next. And then by your house's sounds. And then by the sounds you make as you draw. And then by your own breathing.

The problem isn't in your ears.

>> No.3014491

They animate on 3s. the weirdos.

>> No.3014536

Yea, what's that about?

>> No.3014549

I could see his opinion, but music inspires me.
When I turn my brain off and just let my hand do the work I draw better then when im sitting there trying to get something out, I think music distracts the conscious mind and lets the subconscious mind come out.

>> No.3014672
File: 70 KB, 498x492, 3sdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3014810


He says ones almost always look better. I'm not sure if he's right.

Thing is for most animators, 2s are the default,and 1s are used to make moments pop or read better.

Williams tried to do everything he can on 1s.

>> No.3014884

Saw a clip of a Yusuke Murata stream where he had some video game track playing
And we should all model our lives off of Murata as far as I'm concerned

>> No.3014895

I agree. I use speed metal and shit to help me crank out art school homework that I would otherwise be dragging ass on.

>> No.3015367

When I was reading the Animator's Survival Kit I strongly disregarded that bit.
I call it being a slave to a mentor's habits.
Milt Kahl's preference to not listen to music was adopted by Richard Williams because Milt was his mentor and he idolized him.
Proteges will take the word or habits of their masters as gospel even if their is no real reason or proof that what they say is true or beneficial.
It's why people will use certain brands of tools and paints and swear by them but have no proof they're really better than an alternative.
They learn to use that from their teacher and they never deviated from it so they feel it's the right and only way.
As for the video, not interested.

>> No.3015408

Interesting thoughts anon, I'll remember these.

>> No.3015462

You mean like how faggots think mole skin sketch pads make you a better artist just by having one?
Or having a Cintiq is going to do shit for you if you don't have a foundation or practice.

>> No.3015658

The video debunks your opinion.

>> No.3015665

I listen to pandora when I start drawing, then halfway through it stops and I don't notice it, so I keep drawing.

>> No.3015666

There is a clear logic for it though, which is this >>3012137

Listening to music while doing your timings can fuck your scene up.

>> No.3015772

I started listening to music to drown out the voices.

If I don't have music on when I'm drawing then the voices become too distracting.

>> No.3015834


White noise?
It seems the brain has to make decisions at every moment, filtering things and bringing your attention to others.

If you're talking about a movie with someone while reading How to Get Gud, you're probably not really reading because you're partly paying attention to the words. White noise supposedly does the opposite: your brain recognize the patterns and ignores it entirely. I've read a lot of people saying it helps them but just as many saying it didn't do a thing for them or they found it irritating.

I just wear an Optime III headphone, it filters most noises just fine.

>> No.3015840


A fighting game where tight frames are everything is not the same as a serialized anime released on a weekly schedule.

>> No.3015846

3s is short for 3rd Strike when naming the game.

>> No.3015849
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Different strokes for different folks.

You really can't ever assume how someones head works.

>> No.3015850

That is not a good joke

>> No.3015903
File: 54 KB, 467x902, sdsddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nigga please, consider the following:


>> No.3017890

why would you ever even watch these dudes videos? his is a horrible artist

>> No.3017902

ergo you fucking posted this thread. dude how bout i give you some advice. instead of posting the same fucking thread every six months to create easy controversy and get attention from summerfags how about you... idk create new content or actually practice ur drawing and stop with this blind leading the blind bs or take it to reddit cuz they actually deserve it

>> No.3018122


This is what is stupid about /ic/

The regular faggots here are so fucking frail they can't handle a single suggestion.

Seriously you fucking faggots. Some people work good with music, then work with music you fucking pussy. Some people don't.

I don't listen to music at all, I don't care for music so for me this video is interesting and I am an artist.

You whiny fucking faggots. Shut the fuck up and do some art. Go listen to your music if you really need it, fuck, are you this fucking sensitive and weak?

>easy controversy

Who in their right mind finds this controversial except a massive pussy.