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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 123 KB, 1009x792, draw_it_again__one_year_progress__by_ibralui-d8oy0i2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3011164 No.3011164 [Reply] [Original]

It's that time again

>> No.3011185

>progress Right-to-Left
Why do people do this, we're not in nipland, we read from Left-to-Right.

>> No.3011193

probably american

>> No.3011221


>> No.3011222

they want you to see the new picture first i suppose

>> No.3011269
File: 1.11 MB, 3023x2680, instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3011272

Fuck off numynumy

>> No.3011298

Bretty good, you gotta work a bit more on your shading for the sake of selling depth. The figure feels a little bit "flat"

>> No.3011304
File: 206 KB, 800x600, Untitlcedcde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was just terrible, like, i made a bunch of monster in 2016, u just have no idea. when i fell that im shit, i just remenber that i was even shitter, and them i fell good and start to practice and paint again. And numynumy is way fucking ahead of me and of you too.

>> No.3011311

Pretty nice improvements anon

>> No.3011312
File: 258 KB, 800x600, jhbmb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last one. I remember spending all the day in the first one. And turned out this monster. And the last one i spend 1h. So, yeah, feels good. I just cant look at 18 years old girls doing fucking amazing art, and then i feel like shit again

>> No.3011317

thanks anon. maybe one day we gonna make it

>> No.3011318

That's because you're not a good artist anon. All you can do is make an uncanny animu face and nothing but busts. Why don't you try getting out of your comfort zone?

>> No.3011322

breddy good but can you draw more than one face?

>> No.3011324

have you been studying istebrak? your work now looks like a lot of stuff i see coming from her teaching.

>> No.3011327

Got any tips to become as good as you?

>> No.3011347
File: 899 KB, 2549x3085, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Know im not, u dont need to say that. I "can" but i just dont like it. I know i need to improve in a really lot of things, and make interisting pieces, with background, foreshorting, full body, but what i do is like just practices, nothing more. And im not in my confort zone yet, because im still learning and struggling with faces, colors, and values, and trying to make a more appealing one everytime.
Yes anon, i watched a lot of her videos. But im feeling know that she kinda stopped in time, dont know. Maybe i guess she should to try making more things for fun.
Not sure if u need any tips of me, because well, they are infinite artists better than me giving tips too, but all i can say is, be a NEET (if u can), or give full atention to art. Because if u wann to make great pieces, u have to give 100% of you.

>> No.3011372

I would suggest working on blending/brush control, because the brush strokes look a bit haphazard. There are definitely other critiques that should be made anatomy wise, but I don't think I'm in the position to give them (I guess I would suggest just looking into head construction a bit more, the eyes look flat. Also try to apply more proportions to the face in general because some of the features look off.) I'd suggest anatomy for sculptures for getting a better idea of proportion and all that. For painting though, I've seen ctrl-paint recommended a lot. Keep it up though, anon! Sorry if my critique is too positive. I don't critique often.

>> No.3011383

I like that your newer portrait is more dynamic.

>> No.3011389

the magic of drawing from photography

>> No.3011390

>entire thread, flat, expressionless face-on headshots of the same girl

What do you want to do when you make it? What makes you want to create art? I'd suggest thinking about that and starting to work on it because these improvements only exist to boost your ego. Until you start tackling things outside your comfort zone (expressions, story, backgrounds, design, etc) those skills are going to get further and further behind.

>> No.3011394

yeah, i was trying to make a "paintly" piece, but it went not very good i guess. I already submit this piece here and receive a lot of helpful critiques, i dont understand why people think this place is total shit. I feel like i already have a lot of knownledge, i just need to practice it more, draw more than paint. I already have seen crtl paint, istebrak, sycra, proko(i really think proko is the weaker one of the famous artists), schoolism, a lot of concept artists, i guess every artist that upload on youtube that give some knownledge. But thanks anon.

>> No.3011397

>he thinks you can keep going without boosting your ego

>> No.3011403

No that's not how it works. Haven't you ever heard the term the more you know, the more you know you don't know?

>> No.3011408

Np! Just keep grinding. I believe in u.

>> No.3011416
File: 60 KB, 500x500, tumblr_neb1h29KxQ1r68grco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a photograhy in this just for her clothes( and i used after i was in the end). I did not even planing or use a draw to this illustration. I just make a bunch of strokes, and polished it. I was just thinking in doing a more dynamic one.
I really wanna to creat pieces that give emotion indeed, and be usefull to a person that see it. And i hate internet artists like sakimichan that only do pretty things. I know what i do lacks of everything. But i just cant express myself if im not satisfied with my tecnical skill yet. Like, rendering is one, trying to apply expressions, backgrounds, design, is another. Is kinda hard to improve a lot of thing at time, dont know, i think is more easy if i do one thing at time, and what im praticing mostly is rendering, values, and trying to make a more cute face, because i like it. But my drawing skills is already behind. Yeah, like, i can easily get lost in all this thing

>> No.3011429

lemme guess first one is from december 2016 and left one from januart 2017 right?

>> No.3011430
File: 1.20 MB, 3488x1066, progressivetechno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been stagnating for about a year I feel.

>> No.3011445

Why even paintover thats not a way to improve. Clothes are not hard to draw

>> No.3011446

I understand that feeling, you'll get better in time eventually, patience is important anon it's better to not rush it. I'd suggest splitting your time between rendered pieces and DRAWING skill. Ie if you draw 2 hours per day 1 hour is spent working on a finished image and 1 hour is spent solely with pen and paper practicing and experimenting with things you're not good at.

>> No.3011455

hahaha i wish
what? i just use the color of the clothes, wtf?? Where do u see a "paintover"??
yes anon, thanks for the tips. I wish i was not lazy. My worst enemy is myself, but i ll try to draw more and think in poses, expression, perperctive, anatomy, that im really lacking of.

>> No.3011459

I'm talking more about the shoes here, though it's obvious you are a troll.

>> No.3011465

men, i used a reference but i did not trace, paintover or anything in this practice. Are u angry about something calling me a troll? Like, my improvement is not the best but neither the worst, im not atacking anyone here so, what is the point.

>> No.3011470

Ok akirel with down syndrome

>> No.3011471

>that progress from 2015-2016
wew keep up the good work man.

>> No.3011483

dont know how good this akirel is, but thanks for take ur time and compliment me toxic guy

>> No.3011485

That's amazing improvement , do you have a blog?

>> No.3011488

i really like it

>> No.3011658

I've followed you for a good while and I have to agree with you, atleast your painting have been looking very much the same since that dragon piece you did way back.
I don't know what you're doing but it feels like you're doing something wrong.

>> No.3012031
File: 2.28 MB, 1500x4350, drawings_May_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a ridiculous collage instead of being useful and drawing something

>> No.3012046

cmon be my teacher

>> No.3012049

>haven't made any progress whatsoever in 5 years and counting

Where's the button to die.

>> No.3012061
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1496286899013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drop some knowledge please

>> No.3012072


what coloring markers do you use?

>> No.3012092

>the penis dinosaur guy

wew lad, the 1 year meme is real

>> No.3012103

I do think the 17 one has a much better sense of space and perspective, just feels better.

>> No.3012106

That's the progress I'm dreaming of.

> (4) Bought Copics

>> No.3012132

maybe work on not being so sexist and learn how to portray emotions in your drawing because its very obvious you see women as nothing but kawaii sex objects XDD

>> No.3012207

Learning how to render/noodle helps a ton
You flatter me anon, but i disagree. blog is http://nilefar.tumblr.com/
thx for following me bud, think the main issue i have is that i haven't learnt how to draw yet. so i should for sure focus on that
ye but that's about it. could've made much more progress in that time

>> No.3012220

My only lesson is draw whatever you want whenever you want.

What is the 1yr meme?

Post your progress chart

>> No.3012229


Good shit anon, a lot of your work reminds me of Jhonen Vasque's Invader Zim

>> No.3012240

I was here when you started posting, and remember how much shit you've got at the start. Amazing improvement

>tfw haven't drawn for years and just getting back to it
If only I were like you.

>> No.3012304
File: 1.26 MB, 3477x700, delia_progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should probably make a more complete one someday.

>> No.3012587
File: 310 KB, 600x339, 93a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? Share your secrets table man! How much/how often do you practice?

>> No.3012592

What the hell is uspposed to be crazy about his improvement? He drew a lot and improved in the way, doesn't see anything out of this world here.

Stop complaining and go draw.

>> No.3012595
File: 63 KB, 640x480, 1494552717813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that massive bump in quality during 2014
what the fuck happened? The first couple sketches look pretty normal and then suddenly you're fucking awesome

>> No.3012598

notice how most of what he does are copies of other artists work?

>> No.3012691


Terrible, both before and after...just terrible.

>> No.3012730

He, I've been drawing for about 3-4 months, practicing every single day pretty much, I'll post my progress at the end of the year. I'm starting to grasp head construction in different angles at this very moment.

I've started drawing 3-4 months ago, I can do things similar to what he did in 2013, and things on early 2014 like that extreme foreshortening is something I fuck up about 60% of the time, depending how much time I take on it. Now, if I tried copying that robot at (4) or that animu girl smashing rocks or w/e I know it would look like a complete turd, cause I tried copying Vi art from LoL and it looked like an absurd turd.

That's why I say, if in 6-10 months I can already make those kinds of drawings, and all those facial expressions like on the bottom right in 2014, I'll be very happy.

My goal since I've started is to feel like "I can draw" after about two years of practice, more than that and I'd feel slow. His drawings in 2015 look like someone who "can draw" to me. Hopefully I'm practicing smart and I'm not painfully retarded and I'll be there in 2018- early 2019.

>> No.3012879

what? i just have no skill yet. And woman is like men, both are shit.
commonn, its only 1 year in this meme, and i did not draw before this a single line.

>> No.3012939

practice every day

>> No.3012976
File: 822 KB, 1700x818, Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much of a time range, but I haven't had my tablet for very long

>> No.3012981

You're pretty shit, but it's promising shit
Keep it up

>> No.3012990

What about it is shit? Not insulted, but just wondering on what I can improve on?

>> No.3012996


>> No.3012998

No offense, but that's not very helpful. Do you have anything specific I've done wrong/right, and what I should reevaluate?

>> No.3012999

different person, can we see the bottom right image in a larger resolution?

>> No.3013001
File: 362 KB, 600x1000, Fantasy Character Concepts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure! Its not a terribly good piece, mostly just a couple designs

>> No.3013053

work on anatomy

>> No.3013063
File: 1.38 MB, 1181x3300, progress2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added some new pictures

>> No.3013066
File: 291 KB, 868x340, chrome_2017-06-07_18-56-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2015, 2017

>> No.3013072

My dick.
That an awesome progress.
And please tell me you are making a living out of it already. They are really great.
Inb4: >jelly anon complaining about non perfectly anatomical legs
P.s Blog?

>> No.3013089

no I'm just a hobbyist so i just do commissions every now and then


>> No.3013116

What anatomy errors did I make?

>> No.3013125

show me the real start.

>> No.3013144


that is the real start of when i started to take drawing more seriously and first started to try to paint/color

>> No.3013233

You're Asian aren't you.

>> No.3013255
File: 2.38 MB, 2800x7000, chunbumparkprogress2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2009-2017 progress

>> No.3013319

die desu

>> No.3013412
File: 1.04 MB, 2300x1814, IMG_6766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invader zim
You must be same anon who thinks I'm zim guy. Never watched the show, but I grew up with a lot of earthworm Jim

I still get lots of shit from /ic/, I did take a break for a few months and fell behind - I'm maintaining more than progressing

>How much/how often do you practice?
3-4 hrs a day 3-4 days a week for 3-4yrs. Pic related, I've been trying to stack drawings higher than my pencil cup.

Mostly this >>3012598, there are a lot of early gains that can be made, but then you plateau pretty hard if you become complacent. I have been trying to copy less and draw more from imagination / combine refs.

>> No.3013428
File: 3.68 MB, 1827x9999, progression2015 aug..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3013439
File: 3.28 MB, 1800x9750, progresstest2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3013488

What paper do you use for markers?

>> No.3013522

Did you 3d print your own pencil holder?

>> No.3013544

man have you dealt with any RSI issues from drawing? I used to draw a ton too but my body can't handle it. I basically can only manage 2 hours a day of painting right now.

>> No.3013585
File: 470 KB, 2384x2848, 052917 edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you learn to draw from reference. whenever i try and use reference it looks nothing like it and i just end up making it all up anyway and just using ref as inspiration if even that...

i linked my attempt at using ref... but just winging it. and then i'll post a just trying to do the ref as best as i can.

>> No.3013586
File: 187 KB, 1578x2000, resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My try at using ref. All the refs are just pictures of asian girls from pinterest. like the korean selfie tag or similar tags.

>> No.3013597

1yr meme is anons saying it takes that much time to be good. your progress reflects that.

>> No.3013625
File: 20 KB, 640x320, TsR9cg8_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and guess the first one is 2012. Second one is this year.

>> No.3013637
File: 61 KB, 333x361, IMG_6918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hammermill Color Copy Digital Cover, 80 lb, 8 1/2 x 11
From jake parkers tools page http://mrjakeparker.com/tools - it's all I ink/color on now. I used to use cheap copy paper, but it bled a lot, and I realized I was wasting good ink on cheap paper, so I splurged.

>3D print
Yea i found it on thingiverse, i also printed a bunch of marker holders - but they are vertical so I have to flip them every so often

Oddly enough, no, I've never gotten any form of RSI. Not sure what makes me special. I have horrific ergo habits. At work I sit with my desk up high and my keyboard under my chin while i type. At home I draw on the couch or at the kitchen table and I squat in a shitty wooden chair.

Sad that you can only manage 2 hrs. Sounds rough. Take it slow i guess, it's a journey not a race.

>> No.3013640

Challenge yourself and stop drawing the same face over and over again.

>> No.3013647

i mean, by blood? sure, but i was born and raised in america

>> No.3013651

I do, from time to time. I draw both in and out of my comfort zone.

>> No.3013658
File: 642 KB, 700x1877, temps anual maig-juny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3013664

fuck dude gr8 job.
Shit like this motivates me like crazy

>> No.3013681


wow, that's some pretty damn good progress mate

>> No.3013683

No I feel like all hope is lost... But seriously, dude! Great progress, you gonna go places!

>> No.3013691

Looks at the top left dude. The arm with the ax is shorter then the other arm. And the proportions of his face is a bit messed up, his nose is placed too high. His hands could be better defined too. The alien/demon sketches are oddly better, tho. You seem to be better at imaginary stuff then things that are more rooted "real world". For me it's quite the opposite, my imagination sucks, so I actually am a bit jelly.

>> No.3013692

Your color game is getting strong!

>> No.3013703
File: 696 KB, 1322x849, Fuck me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck, i just puke a little when looking at my 2016 artworks.
Don't you faggots dare fucking laugh

>> No.3013810
File: 3.37 MB, 1000x4976, Progress 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

curently working on my personal project, mixing medieval warriors with an animal suit best with their personality.

>> No.3013844
File: 87 KB, 736x594, GokuShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull from the oldest sketchbook I could find lol.

>> No.3013871
File: 567 KB, 1122x750, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing crazy but i think i improved a lot

>> No.3013877

Stop drawing shitty cartoons and anime. Learn to make real art you faggot.

>> No.3013879

This is what autism looks like

>> No.3013880

>anti proko

>> No.3013881


fucking hilarious.

>> No.3013894



>> No.3013906
File: 1.58 MB, 2336x1830, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3013907 [DELETED] 

Why does she have a vagina in her neck?

>> No.3013924

Nice progress.
What's with that jump between 2014 and 2016.
What's your secret?

>> No.3013953


They are saying it is trash. Which it is. What little promise there was in the first year is completely gone. It's an overview of regression, not progression.

>> No.3013971
File: 41 KB, 512x297, OWSBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Akirel with down syndrome
What have you done?

>> No.3014026

Your forced style is shit. It looks like vomit, you clearly have no idea what actually looks good, instead of choosing the right colors, you fucking choose all of them, you have no understanding of anatomy, composition, or literally anything else, you don't try anything different. Just give up, you are beyond helping

>> No.3014046

looking good anon, i just suggest you use a bit more darker values. A few highlights never hurt either

>> No.3014412
File: 13 KB, 320x320, 1486785362844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed people who stack up copies of good artists early on (be it kids,or just before falling for the loomis meme) tend to improve crazy fast when they actually understand construction and the theory behind it all.
i guess that's the most efficient way of learning, i used to copy lots a shit i saw on tv as a kid but stopped after years of doing it and started doing it "seriously"
i should actualy get back and do some copies from time to time

>> No.3014414


Man I wish I could organize my drawings like this.

>> No.3014418

>that's what 17 years of drawing look like

>> No.3014428

Nigga you need to enjoy it before you start the grind

Telling beginners to grind loomis isn't going to make it fun. I'm sure most of us started drawing because we were inspired by something we loved.

>> No.3014435

Real nice, man.

>> No.3014440


Yeah I know I'm a fucking failure. And just to emphasis it, I didn't realize I made as basic a fuckup as I did with that nose until after I uploaded it. I could have deleted it and posted a fixed version but fuck it. Even if I suck, at least I can draw Goku better than I could when I was ten.

>> No.3014446

Man, you guys sure are d/ic/ks. I feel bad for him, those are not nice things to say.

Anon, I'm a beginner, but my problem with your progress is that you don't seem to be going for a certain style. I'd understand drawings becoming less realistic and stuff if you developed your own original style, but everything seems random to me. I have no idea what feelings you're trying to convey, what you're trying to tell the observer or what you are trying to express. Seems kinda random. Anyway, keep painting.

>> No.3014450

That Crane with Halberd looks great

>> No.3014452


Your watercolor drawings have so much fucking charm.

>> No.3014556

God this thread makes me so sad, i have taken 2-3 year hiatuses to many times in my life.

>> No.3014558


I know that feel. I'm coming off a two year hiatus. Sucks.

>> No.3014621

>thread full of 7/10 artists becoming 9/10 artists.

As proud as I am to see a these coolfags making good art, I feel like I never see pics of artists who straight up started in the trash can of no-skill and seizure hands and managed to work up to something way better.

>> No.3014627
File: 63 KB, 540x960, 2014 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it only 1 year dude, you have to go deeper to see it.
3 years ago desu

>> No.3014661

the watercolor stuff is sufkcing amazing

>> No.3014699

Just throw a binder clip on a stack, helps if you only draw on 8.5x11 but not required

>Learn to make real art
Should i be drawing social commentaries? Or inner expressions of my cushy lifestyle that lacks hardship? I'm genuinely curious - if you give me a prompt I'll give it a try.

>> No.3014701

>tfw 3 years ago is still better than what you can do

>> No.3014703

What the hell do you considering actual pros then? 15/10?

>> No.3014723

You're missing my point. Most of the posts here are "good artist" gets better", while I find it more interesting to see "not-an-artist gits gud".

>> No.3014748
File: 840 KB, 3068x918, progoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is hard.

>> No.3014760

feels like you're not challenging yourself anymore

>> No.3014769

I feel it, I try to study things outside my comfort zone but the only things I finish are basic ass fantasy girl stands some where sorta things. I feel like I have been in a 4 month rut.

>> No.3014780

any books or resources that you used that helped in getting gud?

>> No.3014844

>imagination vs study

>> No.3014913
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x2160, slogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before 2015 I was still in school and I spent most of my time playing games but now I needa speed up my progress so I've completely stopped

>> No.3014920

I mean either the anon reads it and internalizes, and improves from the wake up call, or shrugs it off and keeps being shit. Giving a shit about temporary emotions doesnt get the point across.

>> No.3014928

Alright anon, I want you to convey to me what you to create the most victorian, fundamentalist piece of art you think you have in you. Prove to me that you aren't just a cartoonist, but an artist at the core, who doesn't need eye-grabbing gimmicks and 'style' to create something. Raw skill, subdued flair.

>> No.3015048

To me, the problem is less the style and more the subject: how do you personally relate to these naked, unattractive to most people's eyes women. How does it speak to your experience? you're perpetuating the same old gaze/view angle except you aren't going to appeal to the 4chan concept art crowd nor the fine artists. the brush strokes, anatomy and color choices arent appealing and don't seem deliberate and not thought about. please make more clear what message you are trying to send and use the styles you choose to make that point. I think having a clear rationalization for what you are doing and maybe including narrative or real world, identifiable elements and/or finding out where these initial stylistic developments into abstraction came from and what themes the artists were thinking about+ using references to them would help. Also if all you're trying to do is experiment with paint, the non-figurative ones are more interesting to me. good luck dude

>> No.3015079

what was the ref for the last one?

>> No.3015094

Lol this is much better than any of those tablet drawn waifus in this thread.

>> No.3015120
File: 1.06 MB, 3300x4921, 1496262128148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one step forward two steps back and a whole lotta block

>> No.3015458

>victorian, fundamentalist
Fuck, I had to google what this is. I studied engineering so hopefully I have the right interpretation...

>Raw skill, subdued flair.
Does this have to be realistic or can I still base the piece off my existing technical skills. I can't paint so I don't want to conflate my deficiency in a medium with the content of the drawing.

>> No.3015468

Regarding medium, whatever you use is fine. But being realistic is a skill; anatomy, rendering, composition etc are all things which are realistic, and are also what makes an artist good. There's a reason The David is a masterpiece, and caricatures aren't.

>> No.3015473
File: 3.67 MB, 2040x1448, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt think i was improving but im glad you can see some differences lol

>> No.3015476

I am trying to make a statement about beauty - what is beautiful and ideal?

You lecture on and on with a critical mindset prior to seeing my works so you fail to see any merits in them whatsoever. If you opened up your mind and let go of your ego driven inclination to stomp on me and lecture and criticize things that arent actually there you would see the merits of my works.

A student in class saw my painting of black haired blue lady and was so impressed by it he said (literally, verbatim) "why are you in this class? you are already an artist. you are just here to help us."

I dont see that sort of reaction here

>> No.3015517

lol I like the 2016 one way more

>> No.3015518

you got worse

>> No.3015534
File: 90 KB, 601x624, Le Dynamic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see some improvement, but there is a such thing as too dynamic with the poses.
Your 2016 shows less technical skill, but the 2016 piece has a compelling expression. It communicates. The 2017 piece is expressionless and bland, despite the increase in technical skill.
Also, on 2017, why is the inside of the skirt skin colored?

>> No.3015536

You're still improving. Steps forward and backward are normal.
Keep at it.

>> No.3015541

ru gay
that phallic imagery

>> No.3015543

Cannot unsee. That guy is most definitely a closet homosexual.

>> No.3015547

now that you mention it, those are all penises. a couple of em have boners

>> No.3015550

This is really nice man. Gettin a moebius vibe.
You should check out some of Sam Richwoods earlier stuff, the way you use pencil reminds me of him.
Good shit.

>> No.3015565

So many other artists try to make statements about beauty and the ideal human form, what makes yours different? What types of models are you looking at and how exactly do you look at them?
I'm not trying to stomp on you egocentrically, nor do I think the things I criticized you on are non existent. People are entitled to their own feelings regarding anyone else's artwork, so I think my feelings are valid, that the figures seem generic and non-identifiable to me but to you they may represent the most beautiful women in the world.
I do respect that you have a vision and are enacting it with a range of experimentation with style, and that your artworks do have merit. I think you need to choose a style and finesse it to help your specific vision or statement. Furthermore, I don't believe there's an ending goal with being an artist, any artist can take stuff out of a class if they're pursuing their own goals -- if you're in a class, you have stuff to learn from the other people and their experiences around you. I would suggest to go find people in real life who can look at your paintings in person and give you criticism, actual practicing gallery artists, not just nice students in your classes and definitely not 4chan.

>> No.3015599

You got worse when you were already terrible. Stop drawing fucking ahri and learn to draw a regular person in a regular pose, with basic rendering, not your pseudo anime shit

>> No.3015616
File: 294 KB, 1500x2919, progress_Pt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3015618
File: 720 KB, 1500x4940, progress_pt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3015619 [DELETED] 


>> No.3015621
File: 248 KB, 1500x1500, progress_pt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3015622

I guess i'll be the one to say that you absolutely got better. Your rendering is better, your anatomy is better, your color choices are better. But I think you should work on your faces, that is what doesn't look better than the 2016 version to me. And while the gesture of the body is great, the position of the neck and head don't match. But overall I think you are moving along nicely. A lot of people sure are quick to tear down others in this thread.

>> No.3016038

What did you do to study color

>> No.3016043

Was it artschool?

>> No.3016059

I do have real professional artists who give me feedback outside of class.

I believe you are very dimissive of everything because you have a predisposition or preinclination to criticize while believing you are trying to be helpful.

Many of my instructors say my paintings are very strong, and I have shown in exhibitions. The fact that you dont think much of me as artist after seeing a survey of my best works highly indicates that you are not a benevolent critic who wants to help out but rather a malevolent critic who is either uninspired and doesnt get it or wants to stomp me down - both of which you will vehemently deny.

>> No.3016094

Man, I feel this too.

Is it really such an accomplishment that you manage to get better in a short time after you already got past the worst of it? You never see anyone posting their literal kiddie-level drawings from their first attempts here, they're all like "oh wow look at this perfectly acceptable painting next to this other sometimes more acceptable painting that I did six months later, give me praise".

TL;DR: You'll cowards don't even show any progression. This is just attention whoring.

>> No.3016439
File: 448 KB, 2249x631, HexComparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit drawing in 2015 and only started again this year, and it shows badly.

>> No.3016459

Switching to full digital helped massively. Studying more carefully good artists and taking more time on each pieces too, but I couldn't have done on paper anyway.

Traditional never really allowed me to go very far anatomy and pose wise, and let's not even mention everything related to coloring. Meanwhile with efforts I could get near more what I wanted digitally and I learnt ton of stuffs.

>> No.3016717

Best in thread by a mile

>> No.3016801

wtf where are all the cringey beginnings? I wanted to throw up going through my old art

>> No.3016880

eyyyyyy, tableguy! Keep up!

>> No.3016900

Seems like you love to keep that style to 'play safe'

Your line sharpness during 2016 are far better than the current ones.
Do you have a bee fetish?

>> No.3017006
File: 206 KB, 1400x600, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess doodling in your notebooks through school and uni helps you improve somewhat.

>> No.3017018


Dude that 2017 pic is fucking dope.

>> No.3017180
File: 211 KB, 801x1045, IMG_6920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>victorian, fundamentalist piece
I tried, I enjoyed researching the topic at first, but got bored after the sketch. I felt like I was just forcing stuff into the drawing. I probably misinterpreted the prompt too. I'm still not sure what it really means.

It was a fun exercise that exposed the limits of my comfort zone, but they call it comfort zone for a reason...

>Do you have a bee fetish?
Nah I just like bugs

>> No.3017192

you are amazing
you always tell a story with your images

>> No.3017235

You really need to work on your rendering

>> No.3017242

why u never study perspective and proper construction
he said it was a sketch

>> No.3017319

I would say try to find a group, like discord or even here on /ic/ and do their challenges/proposed exercise and force yourself to finish every single one, you don't even have to post shit, just make sure you actually do it.

>> No.3017446

I really fucking like your style anon

>> No.3017456

Prompt poster here. I think you kind of got it, but I was probably a little vague. I meant victorian, more towards it's style, and methods of art, not really the culture. Fundamentals, being well rounded, not too heavy-handed. If you notice, your scene construction is incoherent, your choices of shades are a bit drastic and garish, and among other things, your comprehension of the subject matter is very poor, yo the point where you are figure drawing faces, instead of thinking of them in a 3d space. Also, even though it's a sketch, there are still certain things which require some precision, such as visual clarity of the overall setting, which is hard to decipher.

I know its a comfort zone anon, but i hope you can find the beauty in improving and growing, rather than adhering to certain bubble of comfort.

>> No.3017481
File: 1.93 MB, 2222x9999, progress 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art school student with no imagination here. am i a real artist if i can only copy photographs?

>> No.3017485

wow great stuff

> am i a real artist if i can only copy photographs?

No. Start illustrating right now!

>> No.3017490

That is basically saying, "I've drawn for years but just started taking it super duper seriously". So technically that isn't a start unless you bought a tablet and those were your very first drawings.

But I like your work. It is nice a colorful.

>> No.3017602

Showing how and what you see is more important than drawing from imagination in fine arts, but if you want to be an illustrator then imagination is important

>> No.3017608

I agree with him. Do you really want to see the drawings d/ic/ks made when they were six?

I could say I've been drawing all my life because I always liked it, but I never bothered learning. Some years I didn't draw at all. What kind of improvement would that show?

>> No.3017642
File: 2.00 MB, 2560x1920, 17-06-11-14-08-16-667_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'15, '16, '17, though theres roughly half a year between the last two

>> No.3017845

I don't do many photo studies.
I think what most helped me was the "dont shade with black", but rather i go towards a color. Usually blue or red and the opposit for the highlights.

Ow shit. I'm not. I didnt realise.

>> No.3017861

>Still looks better than Super

>> No.3017864

You got some fucking promise, dude.

Seriously, keep going.

>> No.3017914

You're not getting better. Learn anatomy, stop symbol drawing and mostly importantly stop being a faggot.

>> No.3017922

im so glad I know youre wrong

>> No.3017957

Not that bad but i wish kids would stop trying to be the next Ilya.

>> No.3017969

You and a lot of people here don't seem to understand that there's such a thing as deliberate practice.

>> No.3018160

Yeah but still. It's like a kid who boasts about being able to squat 3pl8 the first day in the gym but little did you know he actually played Football from middle to the end of high school.

>> No.3018963


u r never gona make it wit thoe values

>> No.3018965


hes not wrong, you havent made any progress in three years. why are you trying to tell him hes wrong when your work clearly shows you are spending too much time on league of legends?

>> No.3018967


if you could learn to paint with color and fix your anatomy, you'd be a dope artist judging by that last image

>> No.3019073

Anyone else here who has actually gone backwards?

>> No.3019213
File: 346 KB, 1986x1130, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

face shapes are more aesthetic now

>> No.3019223

Painfully generic fantasy work.

>> No.3019226

>'15, '16, '17
lol wat? they all look identical, especially the legs. *identical*. The face on the last one looks a miniscule bit better, but if I didn't know any better i'd say it was just because the artist switched from pen to pencil. Seriously dude, these look like drawings a 14 year old girl could have done all in one day. Not fucking 3 different years.

>> No.3019237
File: 94 KB, 601x508, wojak mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been drawing for 4 years
>still shit

Never gonna make it, lads.

>> No.3019240

it does look pretty but the head placement on the neck is whack and looks copy-pasted.

>> No.3019253

Thanks guys
thanks, I'm working on it, but I'm so bad at colors lol

>> No.3019292
File: 87 KB, 555x620, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the hell man? Do you want to be good at drawing your waifu or not? If yes, take your ass over to the beginner thread and btw read the bloody sticky.

>> No.3019362

Thanks for the solid crit. I'm constantly battling faces and composition. It's funny that there wasnt a high amount of complexity in the drawing, but I struggled to go beyond just a figure floating in space. I thought it was pretty challenging.

>victorian, more towards it's style, and methods of art, not really the culture
Ahhh - I missed it. I had Tess of the durbervilles, and jekyl and Hyde stuck in my head. Do you have any Victorian art pieces / artists that you would recommend to study? I only studied lit in school...

I've never completed a full drawing end to end with a background, rendering etc. I'll add it to the todo list.

>perspective and construction
I'll add these to the list too. I've been trying to do more imagination drawings recently, but I probably drifted too far off the main road.

I hate reading books and watching videos. I just find pictures I like and copy them - but this doesn't get you very far. I buy a lot of new tools which encourage me to draw and practice. I think logging a lot of mileage is the most important.

>> No.3019546
File: 228 KB, 648x409, Capture d’écran 2016-10-09 à 04.01.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3019551

that's right to left isn't it
isn't it

>> No.3019587
File: 214 KB, 986x740, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3019608
File: 250 KB, 1170x2047, DBC05r3VYAAyM5V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me anon

>> No.3019654

you're not symbol drawing anymore, but you still suck

>> No.3019675


>> No.3019677

>that line confidence building up and being really good on the most recent one
Good work, anon.

>> No.3019680

nah i made progress

>> No.3019681

edgy >>3019226

>> No.3019684

Why did you quit?

>> No.3019689


>> No.3019696


Pushed myself too hard and burned the fuck out while making no progress which discouraged the shit out of me. I never said "I quit" but I basically stopped aside from a doodle here and there.

>> No.3019737

stay in denial. you're not getting anywhere.

>> No.3020399

Holy fuck this is terrible lmao

>> No.3020406

Jesus christ, get over yourself, you are complete shit, and you're one of the most Dunning-Krueger fucks ive seen on this board.

>> No.3020446

Not all of similar style and medium, but productive to study, and learn from nonetheless;


Just research older artists. Not only look at their pieces, but maybe learning some things about them can be helpful, and also interesting.

For instance, it is theorized that the reason for Rene Magritte painting lovers covered in white cloth is because his mother died from drowning, and her body was likely found with her white dress covering her face.

>> No.3021100

I am in love with you

>> No.3021496

these are really good

>> No.3021538
File: 228 KB, 1100x629, stagnation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to say. It's all my fault for not focusing on anything, instead of practicing I've mostly just drawn shitty fanart. Don't do what I did.

>> No.3021612

Study anatomy and try doing different poses, You're not going to improve at the rate you're going

>> No.3021639

>tries construction once

>> No.3021643


>>3019654's right, but that's bretty gud progress for 6-7 months from beginner to scrub.

>> No.3021692

These look flat as fuck. Learn how to shade if you don't want to challenge yourself any other way. I can't tell you not to draw the same image year in year out with no progress but you could at least try to perfect that 1 image.

>> No.3021695
File: 584 KB, 600x1583, improvement2011-2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get off my ass and make more finished drawings. Starting to get back into digital this year.

No studies in this

>> No.3021701
File: 769 KB, 1193x840, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im starting to get somewhere

>> No.3021702
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, painting38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full res

>> No.3021704
File: 1.96 MB, 1920x1080, painting37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3021708

your rendering is much better but your composition is still at absolute beginner level

>> No.3021710

I dont even know what those words mean, and yes, I am very much a beginner.

>> No.3021732

I love your work.

>> No.3021735

I like your drawing, anon. Keep working.

>> No.3021765

not really.

>> No.3021789

I like it.

>> No.3021792

What do you mean?

>> No.3021809 [DELETED] 
File: 762 KB, 3000x1000, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3022181

Don't listen to buttmad I HATE ANIME!!! faggots, you have definitely improved quite a bit. The image on the left is nice, but the image on the right is the only one I'd bother making harddrive space for.

>> No.3022209


>> No.3022218

>Making chicken for Adam Jensen while dressed up as a medieval wench.

nailed it

>> No.3022227

dog fan

mountain man

not really stagnation, and not nearly enough work to judge. Both are in a pretty sketchy stage but thaats not a bad thing

>> No.3022236
File: 495 KB, 799x600, a rock too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought of making a proper collage but I genuinely had trouble finding stuff past sketch stages and it all looks the same.

>> No.3022731

>Putting less detail and calling it better
Cut the bob Ross shit and learn to draw

>> No.3022739

Do you ever properly finish things?
Because if you don't, you should start doing it now to guarantee some improvement

>> No.3023484
File: 1.37 MB, 1970x900, k01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not perfect (and painting is a bit out of my comfort zone), but I feel like I've made at least a little improvement.

>> No.3023498

You made no improvement, in fact is looks much worse.

>> No.3023504


Do you have the vocabulary skills to elaborate?

>> No.3023660

Everything is just as wonky as the previous one, no improvement in perspective and colors at all. (little hint: stop using air brush the way you do)
I would say you started touching the meaning of values which is good but the composition is boring compared to the old one.
Overall not really much improvement. Just because you went for a more 'realistic'style doesnt mean you executioned it well.

>> No.3023684

That's a week of progress dude, try harder

>> No.3023998

Anyone got rinfag's

>> No.3024009

no improvement. just switched from lineart to painting. You draw once a month, don't you?

>> No.3024040
File: 41 KB, 625x415, anyway-how-is-your-sex-life-2-26287-1432750113-7_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3024095
File: 85 KB, 225x364, VegetaShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you anon. Here's another.

>> No.3024142

it lost its boldness, highlights are a good thing, and so is black.

>> No.3024153

I literally hate this person. Not only cause their art is lazy as fuck, but they also draw big-titted Steve Rogers (Captain america) and claims he is a TRANS BOY. As in FTM. Why would a trans man be showing off his fucking tits? also, they make everyone purposefully ugly and fat and poc on purpose. Cause Muh Representashion

>> No.3024190
File: 47 KB, 318x319, OverpaintIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your understanding of values became a lot better but you sacrificed some of those bold differences. Your edges were also the same everywhere, I suggest looking up istebrak on youtube for more info on that.
I made an overpaint to show you what I mean.

>> No.3024221

that looks great anon! i disagree with the other critiques, everything looks fine.

>> No.3024338

great progress!

>> No.3024347


>> No.3024374

Rendering is the detail to bring it to life. Composition is how it's constructed. Ie: dynamic angles, positioning, structure, perspective relativity.

>> No.3024399

These are cool dude, a lot of /ic/ is obsessed with retarded shit like anime and porn tho. I like that you aren't trapped in one style

>> No.3024408 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 1127x685, sadness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day one absolute greenhorn to art here

will spending thousands of hours into mastering art get me a gf/bf at last?

>> No.3024410

fuck, wrong thread.

>> No.3024411

People saying you have not improved are probably too inexperienced to judge the effort of a painting.

I think you show improvement for clearly going out of your comfort zone in some areas. You challenged yourself by not relying on outlines and your placement of values is much more deliberate.

Use the areas you struggled in in this painting and use it to guide your studies. Keep trying to draw hands too.

>> No.3024680


>> No.3024782

Escher could only copy photographs.
Start by selecting better photographs to copy, and then see if you can do something clever with them.

>> No.3024815

>switched from ballpoint pen to pencil
That's KIND OF progress, I guess? I mean, you need a certain baseline level of self-awareness to realize that the tool you're using is shit and that there's a better tool right where you can reach it. Most species of monkey wouldn't have figured that out.

>> No.3027087


>> No.3027094


>> No.3027098

how did you improve that much from 2015-2016? tell us what you did pls

>> No.3027130

damn son. good job

>> No.3027284
File: 2.04 MB, 5386x8143, collage of progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a collage of noticeable pieces I have done

>> No.3027288
File: 2.37 MB, 2000x3024, collage of progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad forgot to resize

>> No.3027295

The right looks worse than the left.

>> No.3027328

how often do you draw?

>> No.3027343

It changes depending on school workload but I would roughly say 5 hours a day

>> No.3027359

>5 hours a day
lol no you don't. 5 hours a day is a lot. way too much to still be at the same level with portraits. your progress looks like someone who might draw 30 minutes per day and skip weekends.

that game controller is nice though

>> No.3027598
File: 2.85 MB, 1482x3126, Prgress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From sept last year to now. I think drawing on paper made me better but it might be in my head.

>> No.3027646
File: 9 KB, 215x235, 19060175_1630045857006264_5205361522447578720_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short answer: still lives, painting a lot and learning to spend more time on pieces.

if you want to see EXACTLY how I did I just uploaded all my drawings and paintingsI've made since I started.

>> No.3027657
File: 1.22 MB, 3976x2736, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From absolute shit to less shit.

>> No.3027675

No comments? Everyone dead?

>> No.3027679

Get gud son.

>> No.3027723


>> No.3027727
File: 1.38 MB, 2000x1701, aaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to do mega autistic (like off the fucking scale autism) markiplier art and now i make slightly less autistic shit
i wanna start doing commissions here if anyone's interested

>> No.3027731

Yep, quite the change desu

It used to have a weird faux anime phase where I didn't know any human proportions. But thankfully that ended, I can post some of those autistic pics if anyone wants (prob not)

>> No.3027816
File: 3.33 MB, 1000x3641, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only put in similar works, though it's not like I have a lot of pieces anyway.

Looking at my progress idk if i improved all that much.. pretty disappointed in myself now lmao. Also definitely want to use more color.

>> No.3027844
File: 88 KB, 400x399, limited_palette_cow__1_by_debbie_grayson_lincoln_cows__animals__0e94f7cb1f4df75874e15cbde3d95078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your paintings all have these purple smears everywhere. You need to be more thoughtful about how you use color. Color doesn't just show up randomly.

Try to make a painting with a predetermined color scheme, or do some single light source studies.

>> No.3027894

For sure, I began to realize that around 2017. Will work on controlling my color palette better; I do love having really colorful pieces though.

>> No.3027900

>I do love having really colorful pieces though.
I look like a dumbass, realized I didn't post any of my colorful stuff.

>> No.3027907

Post the Nico please

>> No.3027916

the drawings on paper are lacking contrast when comparing to the digital ones, do yourself a favor and buy charcoal or better pencils (different types from hard to soft).
It's hard to see if the paper you are using is good or bad, but keep in mind that using good paper is important too. And take better photos of your work as well.
You have some good drawings, and some that aren't really as good, but it's all a matter of practice. Keep it up!

>> No.3027937


>> No.3027954

looks like a sheet thrown over an orgy.

>> No.3027956

I see what you mean, thanks anon. Just ordered a pencil set.

>> No.3027963

detail doesn't matter in this case, his background drawing stills are more refined anyway.

>> No.3028963

I'd post my progress here, but I don't want it to become a repeating joke on /ic/, so let me say this instead:

This level of progress is normal for anybody who just draws every now and then for fun without caring to ever improve. I'm pretty much the same. If you take a look at my art now and that from 10 years ago, there's obvious improvement, but there's barely any visible if you go year by year.

>> No.3028973
File: 1.15 MB, 5775x4805, Mini progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress from late 2015 -> early 2017, am doing mainly studies now.

>> No.3029639


You can't really judge progress from a drawing like that because after a certain point it's just an exercise in replicating a specific style.

>> No.3029683

>that Arya

Great progress dude

>> No.3029969
File: 575 KB, 3500x3151, Some progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys to keep the motivation or to get more, in my specific case i like to search for a LOT of reference material, somehow it inspires me but it doesnot last as much as i would like it to

>> No.3030096

I like viewing my favorite artists or artists who are around my age but miles ahead of me. Keeps me reminded that I can achieve their level if I just keep practicing, studying, and applying that knowledge.

Also, motivation can only get you so far sometimes. Sometimes you just need to for a habit. Take breaks when you draw like stretching, but don't spend 30 minutes looking at reference images and only 10 studying.

Considering you're a beginner, you can't expect much out of 10 days of practice. Learn to construct faces as you're still symbol drawing, read the sticky, and visit the beginner thread.

Good luck

>> No.3031010
File: 1.30 MB, 1652x4700, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the progress has been made during the last 8 months