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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3009840 No.3009840 [Reply] [Original]

Is getting into a Concept Art career more of a who you know rather than what you know?

>> No.3009847

Judging from her work which for the most part, isn't phenomenal, it could be the case. Granted, she has worked on an actual well known video game and seems to be decent when it comes to post production accessories work. https://www.artstation.com/artist/beccahallstedt

>> No.3009860

>more of a who you know rather than what you know
this applies to any business or job opportunity in life

>> No.3009864

Her texturing work seems in line and good but she has bee hired as a concept artists too. Ive interned with people at Guerrilla who do far better work that applied for the blizzard Internship and got no reply from them.

>> No.3009868

Her work is completely fucking solid for someone who is going to draw cartoony textures for wow, which is basically a legacy product run by the B-team at the moment.

>> No.3009874

Something tells me she's more texture and less concept. In which case anyone can do it; there's less competition, lower initial skill requirements for getting hired, and more jobs going.

If you just want to get hired by a big games company, you should look into being a 3D environment artist, or specifically lighting/texturing for that, or even one of the guys who deals with and organizes assets.

>> No.3009879


Protip: It's like that in most creative bussiness practices (actually in most normal jobs too).

It extends to stuff like graphic design, Chris Do from Futur in his last video told about it, that he basically grew his bussiness because one client recommended him to another, also through women. He said that they were his female friends, but it actually sounded a bit like he bedded women/his ex that were also creatives that helped him along the way.

He also got his first 2 jobs because of some Adobe competition that he won, so there's that also, because if wouldn't have something like that out of art school, he wouldn't have those clients.

Sooo...yeah. Good luck to all you autists that don't talk with other people, because not only fine artists rely on heavy networking, but every other creative.

>> No.3009995

Looking at her portfolio, shes talented and derserving of that job. I don't know how you cant see that.

>> No.3010016


1. She can mimic the look they want, so no need to train
2. Has no previous AAA+ experience, so she's cheap
3. Will probably get pregnant one day, so cheaper still
4. Lives close enough, so no relocation expense

What are you doing to make yourself the practical choice? Do you even know what means, "practical"?

>> No.3010054

nosebro is that you?

>> No.3010717

no, i dont draw gays.

>> No.3010731
File: 443 KB, 1280x800, EPSON005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LIFELESS concepturds

when will this industry die

>> No.3010748

>3. Will probably get pregnant one day, so cheaper still
That is the opposite of how pregnancy works in the workplace.

>> No.3010754

she seems to work extremely slow, how can that work in that business?

>> No.3010766

definitely gonna be lead halfling designer

>> No.3010777

She got hired - that's all that matters. Pick her apart all you want - she got the job.

Maybe your expectations of how fast people should work are, shall we say, flawed?

>> No.3010778

how small is your screen lmao

>> No.3010779


>Getting pregnant

>> No.3010780

im betting her work is better than 99% of people posting on IC's work, and she has experience working on other games, don't be jealous and work harder, or even if it is about who you know why don't you stop being basement dwellers and go outside and meet people

>> No.3010781

>two tabs of youtube playing at the same time
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.3010782

dmt dmt dmt, lol

>> No.3010785

im not shitting on her work, just comparing to my speed its really slow, especially for what is essentially monochromatic painting

>> No.3010789



Is average considered talented nowadays? Probably more to do with people skills and having a vagina.

>> No.3010827

Not everyone lives in California or the USA at all where they can just "go outside" and meet people who would be in any way relevant to an art career, you smartass.

>> No.3010832
File: 169 KB, 1280x742, tumblr_o84411lqzE1qcd77mo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing this reminds me of the concept art in the rewards section of Uncharted 4. All this spectacular art done by all the big names working at ND and then you go into the Epilogue concept art and there's this one piece from clearly an affirmative action hire. Not saying it's bad but it just didn't match at all with in the style that was established through all the loads of other detailed illustrations on there.

>> No.3010855

>this gets hired by blizzard now

This should get you hyped as fuck, they could be starting to hire from the beginner threads soon.

>> No.3010882

I've worked in game studios and they are literally full of neckbeard aspie types. They leap at the opportunity to hire a cute girl. I'm not kidding. It's a major factor in the hiring process..

>> No.3010884


Source: am cute girl. Get hired freelance, not in-house, no contact with any neckbeards. Small indie too, far off from AAA.

>> No.3010885

>am cute girl

>> No.3010892
File: 404 KB, 1064x1906, DSC_0241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't wanna be identifiable cause its 4chan though.

>> No.3010899

dont forget to dye your hair a bright neon color and mention youre genderfluid xenomorph trans

>> No.3010902

pretty cute, bit of chub, not very nice feet

looking good bb

>> No.3010915

someone repost i missed it

>> No.3010918

gt to respect a girls privacy

>> No.3010925

what is warosu

>> No.3010946

Do you have any idea what you're talking about or are you just spitting out random stuff?

>> No.3010950

no point in half assing. You can only be cute from the neck up. Neck down is called sexy.

>> No.3010955
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I don't know her, but she's dabbing, that honestly say it all.

>> No.3010957

yes they just wanted some THICC pussy

>> No.3011005

>People who create shitty tumblr """"art"""" are now getting hired by Blizzard

>> No.3011016

Her art is actually better than what blizzard concept artists did in the 90s.
And that were grown men.

>> No.3011025

When Blizzard needs artists to come up with breathtaking promotional material or innovative concept art, they hire the likes of Craig Mullins, Ruanjia, Mathias Verhasselt etc. When they need texture artists for WoW, they hire the cheapest they can get who still fulfill the minimum requirement. Not sure where the problem is. They operate like any other smart business. Why would they hire some overqualified, highly skilled artist to do texture work and junior concept art grunt work for a 13 year old game of theirs?

>> No.3011028

Pretty sure even /ic/ could do even better than Blizzard in the 90s. Wasn't that just some straight outta high school students fanboying over Games Workshop and Battle Chasers? It was a different time.

>> No.3011051


omfg this bitch, this fucking whore got me banned on facebook group ten thousand hours, fucking transgender drawing fucking bbitch

>> No.3011052

>drawing tumblr shit

>drawing specially transcuck and gender fluid chaarcters


blizzard has literally gone to shit im glad their games are fucking shit now, cant wait for Bonfire studios to open with the old blizzard crew

>> No.3011141

It was crusty neckbeards straight outta the local tabletop store yeah

>> No.3011142


>> No.3011147
File: 167 KB, 460x750, 1496543255920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think her artwork is more than good enough for blizzard, it's hillarious how much she looks like that /ic/ guide to tumblr someone drew though

>> No.3011148

What happened? I'm in said group but avoid the comments for the most part.

>> No.3011150

>fucking transgender drawing fucking bbitch
Fucking lost it lmao

>> No.3011175

y'all a buncha butthurt motherfuckers

>> No.3011196

wait this is a tranny?

>> No.3011243

oh no she got in on the transgender diversity quota!

>> No.3011250

Who isn't, these days?

>> No.3011382

Wtf is this shit? Is blizzard so dead that this is what they hire?
Alex Jones was right.

>> No.3011392

She is literally better at art than most of the old blizzard art staff from the 90s.

>> No.3011412

Fucking saved this is getting posted on every piece of dogshit I see on that facebook group ten thousand hours

>> No.3011415

At what?

>> No.3011428

Are you fucking retarded?

If that is your opinion which i believe it fucking it is, it doesnt fucking matter because i believe you're talking about technical skill! her/its "own" designs are absolutely fucking gahbage wher as blizzard may not have had the technicals in the beginning but for it's time before the revolution of digital art it was a lot better than the socio-political shit being churned out now by fucking retards

>> No.3011432


A lot has changed in 20 years you young piece of shit. You may think 90s art sucked or looked crap, but it had an authenticity to it, a passion, not just some hobby shit, these guys drew the characters they wanted to bring to life because it was fun, not because they were trying to influence an agenda or in this case gender

>> No.3011436

ME you degenerate

>> No.3011464

the fact that her cancerous shit art actually got her a job makes me so fucking mad
what the fuck do i even work for
why do i study fundies, color, composition when some tumblr retard gets the job cause shes got pink hair and friends in the industry

i w a n t t o d i e

>> No.3011466

That looks like nosebro work.

>> No.3011474

For fuck's sake, they clearly didn't hire her for the pink haired tumblr portraits but for the decently drawn prop lineart and texture work that's everywhere on her Artstation, you overly dramatic mongoloid.

If you want to work for Blizzard drawing treasure chests and painting dirt and rock textures, then make a portfolio that showcases your ability to do so, like she did, and stop your pathetic bitching and whining. Also considering how fucking dumb you sound, I could bet that she actually has stronger fundies than you do.

>> No.3011490

I know that feel bro, gam dev here seen about 3 so called girls start a job here, no idea why they are hiring them pretty sure they sucked some major cock or some jews are doing this on purpose to fuck the industry

>> No.3011520

She went to my college, Columbia Chicago

Our school posted it on Twitter/Facebook. I don't know why she is getting attention at all.

>> No.3011524

she got a job as a texture artist, that's pretty much the vidya equivalent of getting hired as a cleanup or a flatter

>> No.3011545

>Are you fucking retarded?
No. I'm not.
Look up 90s blizzard concept art. I dare you.
Like actual blizzard concept art.

>> No.3011547

At everything.

Look up the original concept art for warcraft and starcraft. It looks like napoleon dynamite drew it.

Blizzard concept art already sucked in the 90s, you dunning kruger loser.

>> No.3011549

Oh yeah highschool scribbles inspired by warhammer, so full of passion.

>> No.3011554

better than fanart and gender swapping already existing characters you stupid bitch

and to this faget >>3011545
I have looked up Blizzard work their original shit is what wanted me to join their company not any more, all that passion has gone and been fucked out of them by retards like you and feminists, their original stuff was full of passion

warhammer wasnt even peaking when warcraft came out so to even try and say they copied warhammer literally shows your retardedness, you inane cuckold faget, grow some balls actually dont i rather fuck biches like you so you know whos boss

>> No.3011563

Delete this thread already and ban the cockmongler that opened it

>> No.3011564

>which for the most part, isn't phenomenal,

I faintly remember when Blizzard once was called tripple A quality.

>> No.3011572

Are you legitimately retarded? Look at her professional work she posts on her artstation. It's all drawing props and painting texures. Do you expect a triple A studio to hire fucking Craig Mullins to do the work of a glorified intern or something?

>> No.3011588

>it isn't going to be an art director (yet) so dont mind the garbage in your office billion dollar project team B
I guess you are legitimately retarded

>> No.3011592

becca is that you?

>> No.3011596

that's a lot of transgender elves

>> No.3011605

Not him, but you overglorify basic work.

No reason to pay extra for a really good artist when a lesser experience/skilled artist can do the job fine.

>> No.3011638

more than the so called blizzard scribbles from the 90s hey

>> No.3013227

What facebook group? I need to expand my shitposting horizons.

>> No.3013239


Most women will take lower pay to get paid maternity leave. It would be stupid to a pay a slut top dollar if she might be gone most of the year and to pay out when she is gone. Pay her just enough that she has to come back to the office.

>> No.3013243

I hire people to do the work
What the fuck do you do?

>> No.3013284

Some highlights of who she follows on twitter:


@ActualEPAFacts (#Resistance)
@AltForestService (#Resistance)
@RogueNASA (#Resistance)

Wow I had no idea how much identity politics has a strangle hold on the gaming industry. This girl is brainwashed to absolute stupid. The game art world is depressing and extremely closed minded, mob rule really. I'm glad I never went that route

>> No.3013287

Stop the fucking witch hunt you inbred pimple faced imbecile faggot.

>> No.3013288

You are fucking delusional

>> No.3013297



Are you really butthurt over the post itself or the fact that an art job in the field requires identity politics of a certain nature? Nobody is forcing you to torch the bitch, just making the observation that she has certain political leanings, prevalent in her work as well as her social media presence. Perhaps her politics is what helped her? Just saying is all

>> No.3013307

How about this girl is smart. She networked, and you know, interacted with other artists. Seriously, a big part of the art world is just showing up. Follow people you like, comment on work you like, go to events when you can. People will start to remember you.

>> No.3013328
File: 87 KB, 500x731, 16835726_10208040877527403_1309227439793375339_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about this girl is smart. She networked, and you know, interacted with other artists.

Oh! she "networked" all right, made sure she fitted the role she was going for, even dressed for the part

>> No.3013330

unfortunately that's a big part of getting the job. meeting and managing expectations

>> No.3013338

If it's so unfortunate then why put up with it?

>> No.3013342

uh, so people can exchange currency for goods and services doing a job they don't hate, as opposed to dying or working at mcdonald's

how is this a real question

>> No.3013343

Well duh. If your'e going to an interview at a financial firm you must have a conservative cut, and a full suit. If you go for an interview at vogue, you better believe you need to be fashion forward in your hair, make-up, and outfit. If your'e not making sure you fit the role you apply for, your'e playing the game wrong.

>> No.3013351

Well shit.

Alright lads, time to take up this tranny thing, dye our hair in ridiculous colors so we can get a job at a game company.

>> No.3013355

You're not looking close enough, platitudes aside...

How far are you willing to go to play the part? When the job is dependent more on what you contribute online, how prepared are you to fit the role? The industry is driven by social media, that stuff looks for things to pick at. So the question is not about are you good enough, but are you worthy enough to be included. You can fake the art but you can't fake the politics.

Now, if you had the ability to change the "game," how it's played, for everyone, would you do it? You think you're alone in that choice? You're all victims of the system, so game the system, right?

>> No.3013357

Gamergate literally told us these people were kissing each other's asses to climb up the ladder and hogging possitions for their friends turning the NA video game development industry into a high school clique.

Glad they were wrong.

>> No.3013370

Listen, no one likes all the bullshit. But this is the art world. Art has always been about social circles and politics. If you decide to do art, this is the world you're entering. I would love to change the game, but if you're applying for a position at a company, you're not a game changer.

In this video about video game portfolios from people in the industry, it's mentioned that they check your social media to see if you fit in with the company culture. Sadly, it is a factor, and it's probably what's leading to the stagnation in video games.


>> No.3013376

If gamergate thinks this is a new phenomenon, I don't know how they get up and tie their shoes in the morning with that level of intellect. It's always been this way.

>> No.3013416

>Listen, no one likes all the bullshit.

So why put up with it?

Here are things that don't support your doom and gloom perspective

1. Video game industry was built on a foundation of apolitical games. You couldn't tell what political affiliation a company had back then.

2. With the advent of MMO games the industry changes marketing strategies to appeal to identity politics. Interestingly this also about the same time a politically pushed ratings system was being implemented

3. When MMO games became the bread winner of large publicly traded game companies most if not all reflected a player base that was fairly conservative, they weren't extremely right or left, just conservative

4. When MMO's started publishing internationally the hit a strange wall with rating systems in other countries. Rating systems that were tied to tariffs.

5. And suddenly a vocal minority became the definitive voice of an entire player base. Since the start of this new movement more game companies have gone through restructuring then the history of the industry. Let that sink in.

So, you have a player base that historically has been conservative but now are suddenly buying things that represent a progressive view and the only explanation you have is that those who create the stuff are progressive and have always been. And if anyone from that conservative pool wants to join the creative makers they have to become progressive so they can make games for that large conservative customer base that is now progressive. And it's always been like that?

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."

>> No.3013443

You guys are misguided. I don't know where it all went wrong, but you all think of fame and money. The way of the pen isn't that petty. Money is just paper, being famous even a worthless faggot with a funny accent can be, mastering the art is what we all should seek.

>> No.3013456

Nepotism is not new but that ammount of tribalism and social power from people who aren't anywhere near close to CEO status is unprecedented.

At this rate janitors will be making companies do what they want in fear of bad PR.

>> No.3013461

>Since the start of this new movement more game companies have gone
AAA graphics and SJW pandering is literally bankrupting an industry that was forecast to beat spectator sports in revenue by the end of the decade.

Fucking gender politics robbed America billions of dollars.

>> No.3013477


How does a bankrupt industry keep hiring people?

>> No.3013479


Your work must be bad. I said it was a major factor, not the only factor. You still have to not completely suck.

>> No.3013486


game studios pop up like mushrooms and die like flies.

>> No.3013489

The dead feed off the living. If they're all going bankrupt then how do they keep popping up again? Who ever is fronting the money must know the mushroom and fly metaphor by now. Where's the money coming from to keep the progressive circus preforming?

Do you really love art are do you love the drama about art not reflecting anything about you?

>> No.3013496

You don't know anything about the videogame industry.

>> No.3013500

Wasn't the branch of Bioware that made the latest Mass Effect game pretty much gutted and the sequel canned?

Can't think of any other company that is quite as SJWy as Bioware. But I don't pay much attention to this stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a lot of SJW shit in the gaming industry and movie industry though, it makes sense. They are trying to appeal to the greatest number of people globally to make as much money as possible. If they loose some white male customers, no big deal. White people are not a majority globally. Not even monetarily anymore really, with China. China comes more into play for movies than games though it seems, for whatever reason. But anyway, if all you're about is SJWism then you'll likely lose more than white male customers as people get bored of the narrative and if the quality of the product doesn't receive as much attention as the attempts at pandering.

I'm not sure a few steaming piles of SJW garbage could dissuade the money men though, as the reason to cater to all types of people is sound, monetarily. Perhaps not artistically, but when have money men cared about that? Also, making a product that appeals to all sorts of people but isn't obnoxious with its pandering is probably too nuanced a concept for the bean counters to comprehend.

>> No.3013510

>this entire thread

People on /ic/ are so bitter and jaded they are jealous of a TEXTURE artist who was hired to do intern work by painting dirt and rock textures for a 15 year old video game. They also believe this artist wasn't hired on their merits of being able to paint rock and dirt textures but because she has pink hair.

Just let all of this sink in for a moment.

>> No.3013511
File: 2.89 MB, 200x200, jordanlaughing_zpsfa0b44e7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3013519
File: 24 KB, 446x500, FB,6684,72,eti-topkek-meyveli-40gr-24-lu-koli-biskuvi-kraker-urunleri-eti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3013534

>They are trying to appeal to the greatest number of people globally to make as much money as possible. If they loose some white male customers, no big deal. White people are not a majority globally.

That's not really how it works. In point of fact, white males may not be a global majority, but they are still a HUGE audience for certain media like video games. If alienating them somehow really appealed to, say, Chinese people, then maybe it'd be worth the trade... but inserting preachy SJW agendas into video games doesn't really appeal to anyone except a very small population of SJW activists who don't really buy a lot of games anyway.

SJW shit in games isn't about marketing a product to a particular audience. It's about brow-beating the audience to make them believe things that the developers want them to believe. And most people don't really want their video games to brow-beat them.

One of the top guys at Marvel recently came out and said that inserting SJW themes in comics was really hurting Marvel's bottom line according to all their marketing research - the SJWs attacked him until he apologized, but it doesn't make what he said less true. It's probably safe to say that SJW agitprop in video games is having a similarly deleterious effect on sales. Admitting that is a good way to get yourself attacked, though.

>> No.3013538
File: 30 KB, 600x400, 746cb4cf2106246816be6b3bfea704f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall niggas are beyond saving lmfao

>> No.3013547

Why are you even here?

>> No.3013601

>You can fake the art but you can't fake the politics.
Since you're so good at saying things without thinking them through, "faking the politics" should come naturally to you.

>> No.3013648

Wow, it's pathetic how jealous you are

>> No.3013661

Her character sketches are quite bad but all other concept work is professional level.

>> No.3013734

Loving every second of the butthurt because /ic/'s population of crusty neckbeards covered in cheeto dust who only draw "muh loomis inspired orc" fantasy dogshit straight outta napoleon dynamite to "make it" one day as a blizzard concept artist get upstaged by some tumblr weeb genderqueer teenage girl who embodies everything they hate.

>> No.3013738

hey there newfag, did you know there are actually a lot of grills on this board?

yea, I don't like it either

>> No.3013748

I guess the guys pissed about that girl making it are idiots drawing muddy "merc_wip" bullshit all day without a trace of originality and thinking the big boys over at blizzard will duck their dick for drawing completely bland and unimaginative garbage.

>> No.3013755

You know people like you are why this is a thing right?

>> No.3013770
File: 144 KB, 894x1025, mech_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gonna say that to my face when I'm in my power armor?

>> No.3013774

That image encapsulates /ic/'s struggle so well.
>wants to be creative
>not a spec of creativity in their bones
>lazy as well

>> No.3013874
File: 56 KB, 600x728, tmp_15681-obamam-lol-y-u-mad-tho-862699253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry moar

>> No.3013909

Her skill is over almost all on /ic/. Above most of the newly graduate artists and she has a huge quantity of work posted which means she's active learning and keeps productive and consistent.

She's not a lead concept artists. She's a texture artist.

Completely deserves her spot imo.

>> No.3013967

I'm a senior of a large AAA project. Not a concept artist.
Following this thread there seems to be plenty of misconceptions.

>The industry is driven by social media, that stuff looks for things to pick at. So the question is not about are you good enough, but are you worthy enough to be included.
No the industry in not driven by social media. It's driven by money.

There is a lot of pondering to SJW and other trending social media, but that is done on a marketing level and has nothing to do with the recruiting process. When I read through portfolios and do interviews we rarely even consider gender, social media or politics, unless we predict there will be a problem.

You could argue that there's too many fat/sjw women among game artists. But using this logic we also have a surplus of fat men with anime figurines on their desk, dreaming of some Japanese girlfriend. You do find a lot of social outcasts that turns to games and art it's how it always have been.

>AAA graphics and SJW pandering is literally bankrupting an industry that was forecast to beat spectator sports in revenue by the end of the decade.
I have stock in two of the major game companies in the world. Both are up by over 500% since when I got them. The game industry as a whole is not going down today by any means.

I give you that the industry is due for a bursting bubble soon. But if you want to blame SJWs or AAA graphics you'd better find some arguments and evidence.

>unfortunately that's a big part of getting the job. meeting and managing expectations
If you want to work in the industry I think this is the most solid point. We hire people and interns that show up for work, that suck up to managers, that delivers on time and that doesn't case any problem.

>> No.3013968

post your work

>> No.3014005

how long before she's accusing a white male of having stare-raped her?

I bet blizzard's human resources are full of SJW's too.

you want a job at these multi million trillion companies now? be commie cuck, trans hermaphrodite hyper non binary squared pro aids and pro late term abortion vegan and you'll get one, also try not to be a white straight male.

>> No.3014021

Fuck Obama and his ugly husband.

>> No.3014102

>I'm a senior of a large AAA project.
No, you're not. No professional of the industry would say such contradictory and retarded drivel.

>It's driven by money.
Money is a medium to get shit done. Social media is used today to solicit money. Social media reveals where the money is at, it drives the industry. Marketing 101.

>There is a lot of pondering to SJW and other trending social media, but that is done on a marketing level and has nothing to do with the recruiting process.
That recruiting process is done through the same venues the marketing ponders. Every game company picks from pools that reflect who they market to. It would be stupid to hire talent that does not any way reflect the audience they will be creating for.

>You could argue that there's too many fat/sjw women among game artists.
Who is arguing that strawman? The only real argument here is that the small progressive ideologies in the gaming industry simply do not reflect the large conservative gamer base. There are not enough fat/sjw in the world to even represent 2% of this audience, yet some are allowed more directorial control then anyone else. AND NOBODY IS ASKING QUESTIONS!

>> No.3014114

Actually as a junior concept artist (currently working for a LA mobile game start-up as a freelancer for $210 a day), I agree with all of what he said?

The sheer volume of start-ups is a sign of maybe not a bubble, but of a lot of dreams that will turn into mud someday.

Also, ATVI is def one of your stock holdings. I bought it at $5.5 a share in 2010. It's at $60. Is that a 1000% increase? I can't do math.

>> No.3014115

>I give you that the industry is due for a bursting bubble soon
So what's the plan for when it does?

>> No.3014126


You have to have confidence in what you do and communicate. I have that issue myself, but technical skill isn't enough.

The girl rightfully earned her place because she never considered herself to be "low" with talking to "big" people. In fact, famous people and corporations like it when they receive praise because they have low self-esteem themselves.

All of you guys should just be yourself and work with what you like. No one cares about moral highground. Don't shitpost here, just talk with other folks.

>> No.3014132


Above 1000%, so yeah.

>> No.3014139
File: 107 KB, 643x1038, tweets about networking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know which is more cringing, the indirect accusation of sexism or the avoidance of general education classes

>> No.3014146

This is just normal talk you autist.

>> No.3014150

Small group of guys in mom's basement working on low budget games that are fun and have balls. Like the early days of Id or Turbine.

>> No.3014151

That sounds great, can't wait for all of this to blow over then.

>> No.3014152

She's better than 90% of /ic/, so I don't see the problem.

>> No.3014153

normal for naive childern, yes

>> No.3014157
File: 503 KB, 1920x2646, becca-hallstedt-windmillcurrent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's about as mediocre as anyone can get

>> No.3014161

naive child that has a job they actually like

>> No.3014176

Happy for her but makes me cringe a little when I see that working at companies like this are still art goals for a lot of folk. Then again I'm an old fart, used up and spat out of the industry a long time ago, time to take my jaded behind back to bed.

>> No.3014181

you're the reason no one respects artists.

>> No.3014182
File: 158 KB, 691x980, comment working on violent games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drawing gore affects people's mind, you guys

>> No.3014185

Yeah, it does. It's up to you to take those jobs too, so you won't always know what you're getting into before having done it. That's life.

>> No.3014227 [DELETED] 


I quess you wanna a you, huh?
Here you go,


>> No.3014326

>championing technical skill over spirit
metzen's 90's art shits on this noname hack any day of the week

>> No.3014336

holy shit twitter is so fucking bad, why do people use this fucking trash (beyond to make 600 reply threads on /v/ using screencaps)

>> No.3014337

>If they loose some white male customers, no big deal. White people are not a majority globally.
This just goes to show how retarded americans are with their stupid racism.
White people are the mayority in almost every city that has a large middle class population. And among the POC population, the mayority are against this SJW bullshit.

Only american niggers care more about representation than quality. Chinese and mexicans are not gonna buy a shit game just because the main character looks like them. And american blacks don't buy that shit either, they just whine about it.

>> No.3014351
File: 878 KB, 1812x1074, town_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People here don't understand what concept art is. The shit you see on people's portfolios or released by companies is not concept art, it's promo art. Most concept art is done with efficiency and with communication in mind. In fact, communication is the most important attribute for a concept artist. When you see a piece of concept art you aren't seeing the incredibly large dev process to get to that point. All the meetings, conversations, emails, photos, sketches, thumbnails, variations, paintovers, notes, and more.

The work seen by the public is rendered and refined after the fact.

She's better than you, that's for sure. She's really good.

>> No.3014360
File: 125 KB, 554x720, tumblr_oh5q3dPP4B1rla36eo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Industry concept/junior AD here, this entire thread is depressing as all hell. You need to stop flinging shit needlessly if you want to get into the industry.

>>3013967 made a lot of good points, hopefully I can be more specific in terms of concept.

You've pointed out the correct things for the wrong reasons. Yes, it can be about who you know - because who you know will tell other people that you're reliable, that you can match styles, that you can follow direction, that you're a pleasure to work with. You have no idea how much more of an impact these qualities make on a production running smoothly than the artist being a Sargent-protege. On choosing artists for a project, I would gladly take just half of those qualities over Ruan-Jia levels of beauty any day.

I need someone I can depend on 90% of the time to push the project forward and solve arising problems. Someone I can work with. They're rare.

I'm not at Naughty Dog, but you're looking at it from a very narrow perspective. Look at Arenanet; they have so many artists with so many differing styles, not just Theo.

Concept art is about solving problems, not about being Eytan Zana.

I'd even argue that this solves a harder problem than most of Eytan's online work - though he has production stuff that's very useful that no one really sees.

Nah, concept artists on the Warcraft team always texture and sometimes model their own concepts. Ever play the game and notice that the textures are definitely held in check with the world? That's why. It's very smart considering their art direction.

His points are legit; even if you don't agree, the industry is as varied as people are.

Also, a recruiter may bring in someone for whatever diversity/inclusive reasonings they may have, but it's simple logic for a director/lead to vote no if they don't feel it'll fit the bill. Directors and leads just want people that can push the project forward.

>> No.3014363

t.Becca Hallstedt

>> No.3014382

How does this work than, when it comes to the work environment, professionalism aside, I understand many work places have their own forms of stresses and handles of it. However art communities whether professional or not have shown that there are many that lean towards appeasing the agenda more than anything else. Another hindsight many contradictions are involved in the statement of that anon that claimed >>3013967 the industry is only about making money, if that was the case, the marketing team wouldn't be so gun ho on ideas that don't fit many consumers. Result though are usually shown, when everything is said and done, and when things don't turn out the way they hoped, they usually double down on it. This isn't only in gaming, either, the /tv/ industry is also suffering in the same regards because people aren't cashing in on what they're selling.

>> No.3014403

ten thousand hours

>> No.3014417

>concept artists on the Warcraft team always texture and sometimes model their own concepts.

Hey, I'm >>3014114
I have my current eyes set on a mobile game studio, but within my lifetime I'd love to work with Blizzard.

Would you advise me to learn about texturing?

>> No.3014419
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>> No.3014447

>His points are legit; even if you don't agree, the industry is as varied as people are.

She has nothing to back up her points and she contradict herself, just like you're doing now.

If it was various, to reflect the industry and its people, we wouldn't have so much bankruptcy or continuous reshuffling. And if it was various, SJWism wouldn't have such a voice in a industry where the majority of the audience ($customer$) are repulsed by it.

So either the industry is grossly misrepresentative of it's audience or it's actually varied but everyone is really just progressive.

>> No.3014456

Kinda makes me want to open a studio with only center to right people to see if there's any measurable difference in product quality, marketing and PR management.

>> No.3014472 [DELETED] 

Too bad you're on 4chan instead of making a business plan and getting investors.

>> No.3014542
File: 125 KB, 1024x768, p2_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3014564

or you could open studio, stay away from idealogies, and concentrate making quality games, maybe even actually look at people's portfolio instead of thier web-presence?

>> No.3014566

you went full retard son.

>> No.3014573

Want to know the best part about posting on here? I'm better, more qualified, and more experienced than everyone else here.

Well, mostly. There are a few artists I know that post on here that are really good but they agree with me on pretty much everything art related.

>> No.3014579

you don't say anything about the art, your entire gamsutra posts are platitudes. In one post you complain about how game schools don't teach art like art schools, and then qualify yourself of that judgment because you took a product design class. You say nothing else about doing the art, nothing about the art, just platitudes.

>> No.3014586

>You've pointed out the correct things for the wrong reasons. Yes, it can be about who you know - because who you know will tell other people that you're reliable, that you can match styles, that you can follow direction, that you're a pleasure to work with. You have no idea how much more of an impact these qualities make on a production running smoothly than the artist being a Sargent-protege. On choosing artists for a project, I would gladly take just half of those qualities over Ruan-Jia levels of beauty any day.
>I need someone I can depend on 90% of the time to push the project forward and solve arising problems. Someone I can work with. They're rare.

this right here is 100% truth for alot of jobs

>> No.3014594

>80s/90s anime
Hold on one god darn minute!
Don't you dare put the blame on that era of anime guy who made that image

>> No.3014608

So to get a job one should assimilate with the sjw-art crowd in order to score creditiblity and to do so by copying and posting regularly

Is it really so simple, that one only needs to play along and be just gud enuf?!?!

>> No.3014615


welcome to life its just like Highschool

>> No.3014628

I think keeping your personal politics out of the workplace, and not acting like you need to win every argument as you would on 4chan, is part of being "professional". That doesn't mean assimilating, just contributing to the civility of a place where you would expect civility in return.

>> No.3014635

In order to get a job you just don't have to be a raving autist for fucks sake.

There are plenty of nerdy looking straight white dudes with jobs in concept art, they just have to have the social skills to be able to reach outside their comfort zone, amass a portfolio, perhaps garner a small fanbase on a site like Tumblr or Deviantart or Reddit, and the social grace to not act like screeching autists when they see a SJW in the wild. It's not that fucking hard dude.

>> No.3014636
File: 23 KB, 381x371, brenda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think keeping your personal politics out of the workplace


>> No.3014645

do you really fucking think I am becca? Do you really, really fucking think that?

Holy shit you are the dumbest mother fucker.

>> No.3014653

nice damage control there Brenda
we know it's you, senpai

>> No.3014724

>avoidance of GE
That's a good thing if you want to be an artist, though. Studying for your Calculus and Anthropology tests is a fucking waste of time when you could be drawing or painting instead. Anything that you need to know in order to function in the real world you already learned in high school.

>> No.3014733
File: 66 KB, 500x624, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jace you stupid nigger.

>> No.3014750


>> No.3014781

>SJWism wouldn't have such a voice in a industry where the majority of the audience ($customer$) are repulsed by it.
I've never met a person in real life who actually gives a shit either way, or who even knows about this entire "controversy." You need to remember that just because everyone on 4chan is a raging autist doesn't mean that the vast number of dudebro normies who buy and play AAA titles are, too.

>> No.3014788
File: 419 KB, 1280x1096, tumblr_opse2h7xGC1usnmaqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I understand everything that you're asking/saying, but it's not that the industry is only about making money. It is, however, run by money. There's a very important distinction.

The other part of it is that making video games is ultimately a labor of love regardless of how much shit can get thrown in between the gears; and that video games are an art form. Just like painting, it's all subjective; there isn't much besides the basics that you can suggest will always make a painting amazing 100% of the time without being able to pull up thousands of other amazing paintings that have done the exact opposite. Directors are just painters trying their best to make a good picture to the best of their ability under the circumstances they have.

The reasons why some studios go under or reshuffle, and others stay afloat, are often so varied and ridiculous that I'd hesitate to use such things as any sort of reliable metric. I've seen studios stay afloat because of daddy's money, and studios almost go under because of unintended copyright infringement that ended up in the laps of a particularly aggressive company. It always boils down to lack of funds, but how we got there is the interesting part.

As well, SJWism doesn't really... have a very loud voice in the industry. This is coming from someone who doesn't use twitter, and has worked in quite a few studios. Maybe it feels different if you have twitter.

If someone disrupts the studio swimming along smoothly and happily then they better be absolutely essential or they're getting fired very soon. Doesn't matter if it's some lady screaming about SJW stuff or some asshat artist who thinks he's better than everyone because of his backwards internet community. You provide what the AD asks for as best as you can, be a cool person in general, and you'll be just fine.

Personally? No. The WoW team can be a bit rough at times. Just improve your skills, join the cinematics team instead.

>> No.3014790

you live in a closet, wtf would you know?

>> No.3014796
File: 189 KB, 567x850, 1472702323010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Yes, it can be about who you know - because who you know will tell other people that you're reliable, that you can match styles, that you can follow direction, that you're a pleasure to work with. You have no idea how much more of an impact these qualities make on a production running smoothly than the artist being a Sargent-protege. On choosing artists for a project, I would gladly take just half of those qualities over Ruan-Jia levels of beauty any day.

Isn't it pretty retarded to hire people off of stuff you can only know by hiring them?

>e.q. Before we let you sit on this chair, you have to prove you can sit on this chair by sitting on this chair.

>that you can match styles, that you can follow direction,
What does matching styles and direction have anything to do with who i know? Why can't this be in the artwork?

You fuckers have no actual good reason. It's just a clique isn't it?
Pick a guy who Bob and Janet like regardless of skill so they can have fun.
Nobody actually gives a shit about the game... it's just an after school club for manchildren, isn't it?
Fill quotas and look like you're working? Only 10% of you actually do the work and the other 90% just sit on their ass?

I need more details.

>> No.3014809

since video games were introduced to the college curriculum there have been many many many associations formed for the expressed purpose of putting pogressive idealogies into the video gaming industry. State by state, independent studios with similar progressive ideaologies have formed large coalitions. Video Game Journalism on its face makes it clear-- identity politics is the new mode of play

you don't know shit, you probably don't even a working plan for retirement

>> No.3014816

>What does matching styles and direction have anything to do with who i know? Why can't this be in the artwork?
Not that poster, but having people vouch for you means a lot. They're putting their reputation on the line for you.

It isn't just "hire this guy because he's my buddy." It's more "hire this guy because I've known him and his work for a long time, and I know he can meet our requirements." If a bunch of people with comparable portfolios are fighting for the same position, having recommendations from someone already on the team is going to tip the scales.

>> No.3014837
File: 120 KB, 750x723, 1496629014034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then is the only way to get in the industry as an "unknown" through indie games?
It seems like there's no reason why anyone who isn't "known" would be hired,

Is having people vouch for you, the new diploma?

>> No.3014858
File: 52 KB, 736x736, tumblr_nxk0cyC1Xi1r1wnoho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiring someone on is a big deal, it is of immense benefit to the studio knowing that we didn't just hire a ticking time bomb of emotions. Yes, you'll only truly know when you've worked with them for a few months, but I'm not sure how else I can explain why a recommendation is helpful besides the fact that someone in the studio thought well enough of you to have you hired on their word.

Also, why can't it be in the artwork? Maybe someone's portfolio was all done under mentorship by some industry bigshot and they can't actually make decisions on their own. Maybe they just copy some obscure artist left and right. Maybe they spent three months on one piece and pass it off as having been done in four days. Portfolios can be deceiving.

Nothing is worth more than a good portfolio backed by someone who can affirm your worth to the project and studio.


I solve problems through concept art at companies that make video games. I have never seen anyone hired on for any reason aside from the fact that at the time, we thought they could move the project forward.

If the project does not move forward, the studio will not make money. If the studio does not make money, it goes under.

Identity politics is nice to know about and all, and if the higher-ups catch wind and decide to make the MC female then sure, go for it. In the end, I still go to work and talk art with my AD, my leads and my coworkers.
This'll be my last post. It's kind of staggering seeing just how far removed a lot of y'alls thoughts are on the industry, but if you're really lost then please just think it through. You will be hired on if you can help solve the problems that are keeping the project from moving forward.

Get off twitter, stop getting upset at people on the internet. That's not important. Make work that shows that you can be useful to a project; make work that you can be proud of. Send it around, and someone will have need of you. Best of luck.

>> No.3014864

>I solve problems through concept art
No you don't. You watch twitch streams and shitpost here. You never held a real job in your life.

A poseur is all you are, toots

>> No.3014886

If you apply for a job that requires you to work well in a team environment (i.e. every mid to large game development studio), but you have no networking and social skills at all, then that's on you. If you have the social skills but not the reputation, then you need to start at the bottom and build it.

Or, you could be so good and so unique that studios absolutely want you and only you and you're not competing with anyone else because you have an inimitable style. Just stop complaining about perceived nepotism before you've even begun your career. This business is too big for there to be many charity cases.

>> No.3014894

And in order to keep it you have to drink the kool aid.
Take a look at comic books. Marvel is having to hire tumblr retards nowadays because they were forced to disengage many of their best artists because their existance offended SJWs, and they've lost many of their best writers because working in this enviroment will literally make you sick.

I will believe this "just be nice" bullshit when I start seeing militant progressists get fired for harassing the colleagues and even the fucking target audience (which theyd o often). But that shit just doesn't happen because american entertainment industries are all overtaken by leftard cultists.

>> No.3015000

What do you design for this company?

>> No.3015075

Thank you :)

Creatures and characters. Got lucky. First time doing creatures/characters too, more work in props/environments/illustration. Just got contacted for a theme park project, super excited for that. Fingers crossed!

>> No.3015087

it only takes one person to make a job a miserable soul wrenching experience for everyone involved.

even if they're some sort of amazing wonder-child in their profession, is that one person's job ever really worth it negatively affecting the performance of, say, five other people?

if i have to choose between the mystery hire and the confirmed reliable hire, and they're both similar in skill, id get the reliable dude every time.

even discarding the whole team dynamic angle, i've known a lot of friends and not-friends who were incredible artists but had HUGE hidden personal issues that would affect their work and their work output. sometimes you can't divine that kind of thing from a portfolio or an interview. having to go through the whole trouble of firing someone is just not worth it.

>> No.3015244

Toxic. This is why I left my last job, we had one dick pissing off an entire team and the company founders let him do it because he was the genius that worked with them at their first company. I think a lot of people stuck around there because it was their first industry job or their alternative was freelance.

>> No.3015252

This, so much this. It's not worth having someone who is amazing if they ruin the team dynamic. One bad person can lead to you losing people either mentally, or physically, and that can wreck havoc in niche industries.

Cultural fit is very important. But I will say that it doesn't mean that you need to hire people who look like you, talk like you, or think like you. Many different people exist within a culture, but they still must find a way to socialize and coexist within that culture.

That is why I think it's important for people in creative industries to develop a social media presence. It gives people a chance to get to know you, and can help with determining cultural fit. Of course this can also completely backfire on you lol, so you should always tweet with caution.

>> No.3015311

And this is why you'll never make it.

>> No.3015326

As a female who's been in this industry for well over a decade... I've never experienced sexism. Well, maybe I have and didn't recognize it because I'm too busy crushing it.

>> No.3015338

or maybe your not an oversensitive bitch like other people, who just enjoys getting her shit done and forming comradery between co workers. Also you might not waste time getting pissed off at offensive jokes, that were meant for you to joke back with.

>> No.3015434

Nice one, and same story with me they hired me to do a character just cuz they liked my portrait studies then they liked my work and made me do some environments and creatures for them as well lol

>> No.3015600

I'm glad you are posting. gives me hope.

>> No.3015629

I don't know. It's probably not that.
I don't want a gold banner for not being sensitive, which I admit I am not.

I work well with any team but I'm not interested in forming comradely over tasteless child like humor either.

I think since I've always been the type of woman who runs the play ground for lack of better words, people probably simply didn't have the audacity to make sexist jokes in my presence. I can only assume since I've never noticed it in over a decade, if they did, it must have been out of earshot every time or I was too busy to notice.

>> No.3015721

You know, I don't believe females suffer from any sort of sexism in this field at all.

except... females at game studios tend to pick up a large amount of orbiters.

There is a lot of sexual harassment though. Mostly from a bunch of autistic nerds with no social skills that don't know any better.

>> No.3015824

Coorporate experience?
Ten years working at some scrappy studio with a bunch of inexperienced nerds would put you face to face with sexism and just a lack of tact in general. But the bigger corporate studios have very strict protocol, even leaning over a female colleague is enough to get you fired.

>> No.3015828

True what's shown in the screenshot is pretty tumblr/shit tier, but if you look further into her gallery she's pretty good with backgrounds and some creature designs.

>> No.3015897

FYI: No one in this thread is a professional working in the VG business. How do I know? Because the way you all write.The quality of them tells me that not one of you have any experience writing.

In a professional environment email would be the primary means of communication. A director can't hover over every desk, so email is used to establish direction. These emails require a proficient ability to communicate effectively.

Everyone in this thread claiming to be a professional have horrible communication skills. All of you don't make sense. The carelessness in your writings gives little reason for anyone to consider whatever you have to say.


>> No.3015975

Uh. Yea ok buddy.
-Signed, Professional working in the VG industry.

>> No.3015996

I work in the videogame industry, and we've given up email for sub-dermal transcendent communication via inserting our cocks into each others' anuses long ago.

>> No.3016050

Body: ngtmi

>> No.3016070
File: 321 KB, 800x518, PainterReward_Taberet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've worked for Maxis.
Most of my emails were gibberish. Things like "Guys this dress is mad fucking tight. It's mad because I left in the dryer for too long."

>> No.3016072

also why do I pretend that this board isn't all fake.

I guess I'm just lonely and board and just want to talk to someone.

>> No.3016136

Stop using Maria's photos when you talk about yourself. We all know you're a pathetic ugly fat fuck. You don't even get to call yourself a woman. You're disgusting.

>> No.3016145

come back when you actually do some real concept art work

>> No.3016151

some jealous butthurt going on.

>> No.3016154

btw, what's your name?

Tell me so my cult can go kill you.

>> No.3016171


>> No.3016173

who's this girl supposed to be?

>> No.3016175

hows the aids, herpes, and syphilis?

>> No.3016176

you tell me

>> No.3016178
File: 134 KB, 998x796, TNAF_DaveMa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes a good artist. I just wanted a picture along with my post and chose one from random on my desktop. Just happened to be her.

Though, it's neat she got her hair colored after me.

A lot of people have recently. You would have to be either living under a rock or being a dick to not notice how many people have been dying their hair white recently. Look at all these musicians and actors now. Paramore, Katy Perry, The naked and famous, Highly Suspect and more.

All for me.

it's super fucking rad.

White Cat forreeevvveerrrrr

>> No.3016182

Well, since I didn't know I had any of it I would say it's going... ok?

Seriously. How do I NEVER have any breakouts if I have the mouth herps? The others remain silent for a very long time so that makes sense.

It's super shitty that no one fucking told me I had these things. Vicki told me that she was tested after our relationship and said that she was clean. Iris said she was tested too. So why would I think I had anything? There was no reason for me to believe so...

Until Renren told me she lied about having an STD.

Then finding out my entire life was a fucking lie.

Ugh. I don't know what to feel right now. On one hand, the entire world revolves around me. On the other, I'm fucked. On the third, you guys keep on lying to me for some fucking reason.

>> No.3016188

enjoy your aids then

>> No.3016193

if I have aids that also means I have billions of dollars.

as well, Outer Heaven. A house filled with beautiful women that share the same disease. To be my lady friends.

That would be awesommmeeee.

I can't wait for this to be over. Though, I kinda suspect it's going to go on forever.

>> No.3016468

>even leaning over a female colleague is enough to get you fired.
Or get you laid.

>> No.3016595

If you really wanna be an artist in the video game industry you should become a modeller instead.

>> No.3017847

and both those tabs are two of his only bookmarks??

>> No.3017962

What the fuck is this thread