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3009340 No.3009340 [Reply] [Original]

Huion 1060 Plus - 82€
Huion H610 pro - 70€

Looking for a cheap tablet

>> No.3009418

Used a H610 before. It was good, but the socket broke.
Now I bought an UGEE M708 from aliexpress, and it works as good.

>> No.3009469

Why do people seem to prefer cheap wacoms (Wacom One M) to Huions and other off-brands? Is the feeling of wacom so much better? It's just the build quality/support?

>> No.3009481

Because the build is better. Pen is wireless and doesn't have to be recharged. The drivers are much less of a hassle. It has a better feel when drawing.
I had my intuos 4 since 2009 and it still works, I treated that thing like shit. It has dents and scratches from being thrown in my bagpack and not being taken care of.
I've upgraded since then but it's been close to a decade and it still works perfectly.
I've heard many people say these Chinese brands fail often.

>> No.3009486

I've got a huion h610.
At first I loved it. It costed me 50 € and it worked fine for me. But a year later I wish I bought a better one.
-Very usually it fails and I have to unplug and plug it again.
-I ended up not using the buttons on the side because It crushed Photoshop
-And the fucking noise: I can't paint anymore without earplugs because the contact with the surface makes a loud shhhhh on every brushstroke ,which is unbearable. I even feel sorry for the people around me.
-Also it accumulates a lot of dust. I don't know if it's the tablet's fault, but it gets a layer a dust in a matter of a couple hours

>> No.3009522

Is there any advantage to using a tablet over a mouse?

>> No.3009534

Well, Wacom build quality and feel is pretty damn good. I've had a few cheap tablets (not Huion tho) but after getting my Intuos 5 M I've never looked back. I've had it for... I dunno, 5 years now and it's still going strong. With the combination of Clip Studio Paint even inking is a breeze, everything is super precise and ultra responsive and now I can't go back to anything else.
How is this even a question... If you do any kind of visual art, get a friggin' tablet, even a cheap one is better then a mouse!

>> No.3009540

Mouse is just not precise, at all. Sure, you could try to train yourself to get used to it, but you're 100% better off using a tablet.

Why would you handicap yourself by using a mouse?

>> No.3009724
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I use an Ugee M1000L

Very cheap
Solid construction
Clicky buttons
I got it for free

Very loud clicky buttons
Driver support is close to non-existant

>> No.3009787

I tried both, ended up settling for the 610, but if I could choose again I'd go for the new 1060 plus.
It has a better build and the surface extending beyond the active area makes it feel bigger and more free for your hand. It's details, but I think it's worth the couple extra bucks. That's like, one less visit to McDonalds and you're fine.

The driver issues, true, but you only deal with that once, during installation. Huion pen does need a recharge, but only about 3-4 times a year. You charge your phone every other day, don't you?
The build quality perhaps, depends whether you keep it in your desk or carry it around for some reason.
Does it add up though to the great difference that makes people on forums shit all over the "cheap knock-off" chinese manufacturers?

For the price of the old 6 inch Wacom bamboo you can get the Q11k, a wireless 11 inch beauty packed with chink magic.

>> No.3009796

yay half the threads on the fist page hidden and tablet threads are coming back, what a time to be alive

>> No.3009842

i found a dude selling his intuos4 for $150 but these giant chink slavelabor tablets are tempting

>> No.3010373

you could get a giano for that, up to you if you want that much active area

>> No.3010379

are Chinktiqs any good?

>> No.3010396

>Cintiq 22HD (1080p and touch/tilt) = $1600
>Huion/XP-Pen 22'' (1080p, no touch/tilt) = $700-800
For that extra price you could rather upgrade your pc or buy a couple of extra monitors.

>> No.3010407

What is the main Chinese tablet monitor company? They all seem like the same company with different websites.

>> No.3010429

Huion seems to be the main one, Turcom/Monoprice/Ugee looks like rebrands.
XP-Pen is a different company.

>> No.3010435


>> No.3010442

are you serious?

>> No.3010446

My 610 is running for two years straight, not thinking to upgrade it.
I got myself a 4k monitor with decent colors and rather spend my shekels on upgradung my rig rather than Wacom tablet.

The cons: the usb socket got a bit loose, unplugs sometimes.
The drivers have to be launched manually before drawing

Having to recharge your pen once in a month is hardly an issue.

>> No.3010450

As long as Wacom/Huion PR dept. doesn't find out about this place it's OK.

The fuck are you on about

>> No.3010451

>inb4 D0 Y0u KnOW Wh3r3 Y0u ArE?!?!

>> No.3010456

>Cintiq 22HD (1080p and touch/tilt) = $1600

For that price you can buy a 32" 4k ips monitor for sharp crisp image, and still have money for cocaine and hookers.

Why would anybody ever buy a shitty 1080p panel when they have money?

Wacom are out of their minds, stop paying them, maybe tnen they'll step it up.

>> No.3010457

i do have the same problems with my intuos5 and i also use a batch file to start wacom service or win7 desktop will take ages to load

>> No.3010459

Well, that is exactly what I've been saying for ages. Wacom are out of their minds if they believe they can charge 1600 for a paperweight that overheats after one minute of 4k.

>> No.3010463

I was thinking the other day, do Cintiqs/Pen monitors even make sense? Obviously the point is simulate drawing, but is the Cintiq's approach too literal?

>> No.3010469

You san watch your hand/tip of the pen
That is supposed to help you be accurate.

Although getting used to the tablet eliminated the need for that. Sycra says he had a bunch of cintiqs and just doesnt need them because he got used to the tablets so much he's more comfotable with them.

>> No.3010485

I wonder if there will ever be a another option for drawing inputs. Like some type of Wiimote thing that has depth/pressure sensitivity. This would take getting use to, and would feel a lot like spray painting or something, but at least it would be it's own thing instead of simulating something else. The digital art world should eventually try to move away from pretend pens.

>> No.3010682


they have something like that with VR, it has potential

>> No.3010684

this looks really fun + nice music

>> No.3010703


Has someone tested the new huion Q11K ? I want to buy one but there is not enough reviews yet

NotVenusAngelic has one and it seems very nice, is like a intuos pro medium but without the extra not very useful things that drive the price up

>> No.3010705

Goro Fujita has been experimenting with 3d painting on VR. Interesting stuff.

>> No.3010707

I was tempted to get one but I pussied out. I will wait for XP-Pen to release Star 06 to decide if I go for it or the Q11K.

>> No.3010714


I forget the link


Also the huions are compatible with Sai 2 ?

>> No.3010745

is she trying to speak with a japanese accent?

>> No.3010775

How's the Intuos Draw for a beginner?

>> No.3010966

I think so. It's cringy as fuck.

>> No.3011847


She is semi-autistic and pretend to be a anime girl or something... it looks fun


Same girl

>> No.3011911

Own both a bamboo and monoprice/huion tablet
Wacom's pen is far superior, but I've actually gotten much more fond of the off-brand. The texture of it has a little more friction, which made the transition from digital easier. It could just be my personal preference though.
Because the Wacom is small though, it's more portable.

>> No.3011918

Any recommendations for a tablet screen cleaner?

>> No.3012390
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Huion 1060 just came in, put my old Intuos Small on top for comparison
This thing is fucking huge

>> No.3013091


Please do a review, fampai

How does compare to wacom ?

>> No.3013195

Where the fuck are you seeing it for that price everywhere has at least $1800

>> No.3013203

Yeah it's like 2300 minimum in Australia so I'm gonna get the huion one instead and save a lot of fucking money.

>could literally buy two and a new desk for less than the price of cintiq
Where do they get off charging that much?

>> No.3013226

Honestly for me, it's because the drivers for these non-wacom tablets are fucking atrocious. Seriously ruins the experience for me having to wrangle it into playing nice with setting presets. It's a real shame too, the hardware is REALLY nice.

>> No.3013245

I never had a problem with huion drivers they just don't play nice with wacom ones.

>> No.3013708
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Same shit but bigger, it's a tablet
Can use my shoulders more so no more forearm pain
Buttons are clicky/responsive, but I don't know how to change the shortcuts on them (by default bound to random shit like zoom, different brushes, etc.)
Pen is lighter than wacom's, tablet surface feels a bit better
Driver install was ezpz (W7SP1)
Arrived 10 days from purchase, from eBay

Pictures don't do it justice, this thing is huge in person

>> No.3013716

The drivers have a little thing in the tray click to open that you can change the keybinds from there. If it's not in the tray usually typing tablet driver into the search bar finds it.

>> No.3013720 [DELETED] 


>> No.3013750

Has anyone degraded from screen tablet to a desk tablet?
Basically around half a year ago I bought Huion gt 190. The screen quality is extremely bad. It is not showing black at all, messes up colors etc. I am thinking about buying huion 1060 sine and don't really have that much money right now

>> No.3013760

is it under warranty

>> No.3013764

I don't get why would anyone want a smaller tablet with fewer quick buttons. I bought a Huion WH1409 for 160 euros and it's almost as large as A3 paper and has 12 quick buttons, just enough that you don't need to use a keyboard.

>> No.3013767

Probably non warranty case

>> No.3013965
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Looking to buy a new iPad Pro for drawing, and was wondering: is a white or a black bezel better for drawing?

>> No.3013979

It doesn't make a difference for me. You can flip procreate's color theme to be light or dark to standout or blend into the bezel.

I have always liked the black more than their fancy gold and rose gold variants. The screen vanishes into the black bezel when the iPad is off.

>> No.3014138

Ok thanks, in that case I guess it's up to personal preference.

>> No.3014160

this tbqh. i have a h610 pro. the socket is frail, needs unplugging and plugging often, and has broken on me a couple of times. the buttons work for me and i prefer using them to the keyboard. the buttons and the surface are both awfully loud though.
it's still great for the price and i'm happy with it.

>> No.3014172

Someone's selling a used Cintiq 21ux for 125 bucks online, which is like a ten year old model. Probably not buying it, but I am somewhat curious. Does that thing still hold up today?

>> No.3014916

just got a giano to replace my failing h610 of a few years
holy shit this thing is fucking massive, feels pretty sturdy too
haven't tried wireless yet but wired works like a dream