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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 15 KB, 490x534, artist-clipart-art-clipart_14041387761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3002466 No.3002466 [Reply] [Original]

are there any social art sites that are less cancer than this place? or is this the best it gets?

>> No.3002468

If people here knew of better places, they'd be there and not here.

That said, I too am interested. More than critique, I want a good community for networking.

>> No.3002510

Forums are dead and social media is shit. If you get lucky you might find a good private discord group, but it will be hard to find as the public ones are shit.

>> No.3002514


>> No.3002534

There's Ribbit.
That's pretety much it. Conceptartforums is pretty much dead and you could probably find some forums on DA

>> No.3002537

Discord is literally the killer of any productivity, people over there keep most of the time playing their own little world of egos and little dramas than doing whatever they are supposed to be doing

And don't get me started on all the autistic plugins

>> No.3002538

10 year veteran here

The only thing making this place cancer is the influx of fags coming from those "less cancerous" places. This is the best you're gonna get because hugboxing does not exist here. You are going to get nothing but critiques and unsettling truths which will either drive you out completely or force you to become better and post again in hopes that some random nobody will see your value. There is nothing else, this is the closest thing you're going to get to next to an art school, I personally believe this place is better than an art school in some regards. Certainly taught me more than my fucking Graphics Design degree.

>> No.3002550
File: 30 KB, 600x458, ci09ah0uwaar-gj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck, i guess i'm staying put then

>> No.3002556

^ that.... ic is the best art school... and its not a scam to get your money so you can learn about bullshit modern art and not important stuff that will make you a better artist.

>> No.3002602

ic has .01% creativity

>> No.3002635

Then where are all the great artists this place is churning out then?

As for op, it seems like people have retreated to their respective fandoms to discuss art.

>> No.3002639

Sadly I agree. It used to be conceptart that was decent but that changed due to drama.

>> No.3002669

>You are going to get nothing but critiques and unsettling truths which will either drive you out completely or force you to become better and post again in hopes that some random nobody will see your value.
this is how I improved desu, came here with an ego when I was 16 now I'm 20 and I'm "good"

>> No.3002672

they are here they just lurk and laugh.

>> No.3003583

>Then where are all the great artists this place is churning out then?

"I came from 4chan" is your answer and how no one said this ever.
You'll never know and that's the value of this place. It doesn't care about credit, just like an artist shouldn't care.
When you have no reputation all you can do is tell the truth and troll and it's up to the person to acclimate themselves to the culture and distinguish the difference between the two. This is actually the true reason people "give up" here, they can't understand that concept.

>> No.3003587

It changed because they realized they could make money of "online schooling" rather than let artists figure it out among themselves in the forums.

>> No.3003596

obligatory post work

>> No.3003646

Not everyone posts their work. Hell, I've never once posted my shit on this board. Not even once. Never will either.

>> No.3003960

Would be an okay place if people who only know manga didn't comment on art they didn't understand.

Manga illustration only really needs one thread.

>> No.3003964

critiques from people who don't understand what they are talking about.

I am all for my work being harshly criticised btw...

It just needs to be from an educated person.

>> No.3004058

That's like saying you need a college degree in art to get a job doing it. You don't need to be educated to state an opinion and when it comes to art it's nothing but opinions. You do oil paintings? Chances are someone here also does them and is pretty fucking good at it and can tell whether your work is Bob Ross tier or Sargent tier.

People will pay for the dumbest shit and art has so many niches that there is no "expertise". Your "educated" person is merely a degree milled drone who agreed and did what 12-24 people told them to do. A truly educated person can learn the same shit on their own time by the resources provided here. The sticky alone has more information about drawing then you'll find anywhere else.

>> No.3004281

>when I was 16
mods - please retroactive ban for 2 yrs

>> No.3004368

>hugboxing does not exist

>> No.3004479

I've been lurking for a while now and I regularly see the blnd leading the blind, there's no hugboxing but this means absolutely nothing when the advice you get is plain wrong.

>> No.3004516

You do need to know what you are talking about.

You can't say a cubist painting is crap when you don't know what cubism is.

You can't say a impressionist painting is too loose and messy when you don't know what impressionism is.

You can't say traditional american tattoo looks too much like symbol drawing when you don;t know what traditional american tattoo is.

You can't critique someone anatomy drawings when you don't know anatomy yourself.

Not many people here that offer critique offer critique that's helpful because they are so poorly informed about art.

>> No.3005152
File: 124 KB, 575x773, liefeld_cap[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now you're just breaking it down into specific styles and how you have to know the ins and outs of each and every single one. What is the difference between a peer review book telling me this vs a teacher? The answer is that there is no difference because a teacher is just a peer reviewed educator that teaches from a book. They don't even have to have a career doing art. All they need is a masters and certifications to teach in a school, you wonder why the quality of college is going down over the years?
Pic related by the way. It should look completely correct to you unless you took anatomy classes and draw comics for a living, then it should magically look incorrect.

You might as well just not even receive critiques and call out "muh style" to every work posted here. /ic/ generally hates that shit because they know the person behind it draws for fun and not to get better.

Spoiler alert, the degree mills are bound you wrong advice too. Unless you're willing to shell out $80,000+ you're going to end up in highschool art class again. There's a reason it's a meme around here.

How can an anonymous users hug box another one?

>> No.3005162

Go to http://www.crimsondaggers.com/ , register, introduce yourself and use the forums there if /ic/ ever gets tiresome. It seems like a great place.

Anecdotally I saw advice being given in much more prolific quantities and in superior formats to here at times. Some members will take the time to make instructional videos regarding your work.

It is structured in such a way that you have your own archetypical thread that is equivocal as a "sketchbook" thread, where you can post your work and recieve feedback on an easily archived basis.

The only flaw I've found so far is that it might even be a slower forum than this image board

>> No.3005171

All forums, crimsondags,CA,massive black, cghub they're all dead.

>> No.3005177

Networking, on 4chan? Never happen, too many people, myself included, will never post personal information on this site. It's just common sense.
Keep in mind, too, that very often people have their internet presence reviewed by employers, and 4chan links will not be viewed as a positive.

>> No.3005181

This is probably the most accurate. Ever since the rise of the YouTube millionaires, everyone is trying to make their fortunes there - and talk about "not giving up my secrets" in forums, which is laughable.

>> No.3005207

Ah...no. Not in all cases. Yes, self taught artists can happen, but most of the greats and somewhat greats studied under other artists. It's just more efficient, and you get a collective knowledgebase passed onto you from being in a school or atlelier or whatever you choose as your training.
I answer questions here for really basic things, like how to mix glazes, where to find paper, how to use art supplies, that is exactly what you would learn in an art course. Sure, some would figure it out eventually, but if you attend an art program for a degree, you get it all early - and stuff you'd never find online. It's even more focused for specialties like illustration, design, industrial design, art history - it's a wealth of knowledge, and I laugh when I see the tryhards here piss all over it - and then see them fuck up giving bad advice.
I see a lot of people here with an aim to be a conceptual artist. That's at LEAST 90% of the classes for an illustration degree. It was considered a given you had mastery of at least one medium before being accepted into my program, because the teachers were not going to teach technique - we dealt purely with composition, concept, color theory, and execution. Things a concept artist would need to be trained in. Yet we have people here who think grinding Loomis and cubes for 10 years will give you that training, and it's laughably pathetic.
I went to college where Betty Edwards taught. I saw her take non artists and have them turning out decent art in one semester - yet the try hards here have taken her book, and taken the complete wrong message from them, and focused on entirely the wrong thing. I suspect they're bad at art, and things take them forever to learn, so they demand it of others. And yes, there are people who are just bad at art, always will be. It's sad, I'd love for everyone to be able to do it, but that's not realistic nor reasonable. And sadly, I think some of them have been bullying people here for years.

>> No.3005217

Dude, you're talking out of your ass. Every single one of my art professors worked as an artist - I even saw several of them when they did shows in galleries. My art history teacher did research and wrote books.
And, none of them taught from books. Loomis? Never heard of it until I was long graduated from college. My teachers were working artists - my second semester illustration teacher was a world know illustrator who was known for doing covers for magazines like The New Yorker, and the 4th semester teacher was one of the art directors for the NFL.
Schools like the Art Academy, yes, they're a joke. They're babysitters for rich, lazy suburban edgelords. But serious art programs at good schools are completely different. You're one of the tryhards who shits on education, probably because you can't be arsed to get off your ass and go to one, so you think you have it all figured out from ancient books like Loomis. You have no clue was a school studio environment is like, and you have no clue as to the wealth of information your books don't impart, because I answer simple questions art classes would answer every fucking day here. How the fuck would you know if the quality of colleges have gone down? You've never been to one!

>> No.3005251

Holy shit this. People underestimate the value of a teacher and mentor. As long as you listen and apply yourself, a teacher can accelerate your learning process, and this isn't just for art. I also think people underestimate going to class and being surrounding by like-minded people everyday and networking. That mindset can give you a huge boost in how you work.

>> No.3005499

post work pls

>> No.3005515
File: 6 KB, 300x168, CryMoar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a piece, just for you:

>> No.3005520

i said it as a joke, but i genuinely want to see the skill you learned from art school.

>> No.3005528

I will never post anything personal on 4chan. Sorry. I've been working professionally as an artist, illustrator and designer for over 25 years, I have plenty I could post, but my name and work will never be linked here. Sorry.

And that's my standard response to any tryhard here who tries to 'win" arguements with the "post your work" when they're losing an argument, or have no arguement. So, expect that kind of thing for that joke, yanow?

>> No.3005532

sure, i just wanted to know as a person whos doing this as a hobby trying to improve in my spare time.

>> No.3005550
File: 26 KB, 160x160, f533f7efc00996b728b9f8ca375640d5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off i did go to an art college albeit not a FZD or CalArts tier one. I can't really compare my experience to yours, but I did have a few teachers who were notable and I did learn a bit about color and design. However it wasn't anything that I couldn't have learned by myself. In fact I had already learned most of what I was taught from my own time and research on the internet, mainly from here and ConceptArt.org before they learned stupid people will pay for knowledge that's already there.
It takes more skill and work to do the shit yourself (when done correctly) so for you to call anyone lazy for not buying into the "go 2 college" meme. What is your degree worth when everyone is going out to get one, especially in a field so broad and with specializations?

If you and people like you are posting their knowledge on a website like this, doesn't that mean your defeating your own argument about people here being poorly informed?

>> No.3005555

Not at all, I've posted a mere fraction of a fraction of what I learned - if I wanted to do that, and had the time, I'd monetize it on a blog with patreon or YouTube.

On top of that, you have to be realistic. A general MfA will count as a basic degree, to get in the door at a lot of companies, because a bachelors is the new high school diploma. A specialized degree is even more important in design and illustration. Sure, if you're self taught, and a raging talent with an awesome portfolio, you could get hired, but the vast majority of people won't be that guy, so getting a degree is helpful for getting ANY job these days.
And, college gives you 4 years to explore mediums and techniques with little to no risk in terms of economics or employment, and that time is invaluable to a lot of people. Once real life kicks in, it's a lot harder to get a sculpture studio together to try carving marble, or casting bronze, or whatever.
And, school is what you make of it. If you just show up, do the bare minimum, don't talk to anyone, and leave as soon as possible, you won't get much out of it. Hanging in the studio working outside of class was a BIG part of my time in school, comparing notes, watching others, talking about art, and talking to teachers who'd wander through.

Do you NEED school? In a lot of ways, yes. Some might now - most will - but only if they put something into it.

I called that dude lazy, because my feeling is the people here who rant the most about school are exactly that - to lazy to be motivated to get into a school, and do the work, when they'd just rather download a Loomis and sneer at art students.

>> No.3006993

What you are saying is basically like saying

>It doesn't matter if a someone who knows how cars work or somebody who doesn't know anything abut cars tries to fix my car.

You absolutley do not need a formal education in art to understand it.

However the people here absolutely don't understand shit all about art.

>You might as well just not even receive critiques and call out "muh style"

I am all for critiques.. from people who know what they are talking about that is. I don't want the blind leading the blind.

>> No.3006994


>You are going to get nothing but critiques and unsettling truths

90% of what /ic/ considers critique is brainless unconstructive shit-flinging. /ic/ mistakes being a cunt for being 'tough but honest' and usually forget the actual important part, which is actually offering critique.

>> No.3006995 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 1000x1000, belin-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example most of /ic/ would say this is symbol drawing shit because they don't understand the style of traditional american tattoo.

>> No.3006999
File: 68 KB, 500x500, tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example most of /ic/ would say this is symbol drawing shit because they don't understand the style of traditional american tattoo.

>> No.3007000
File: 377 KB, 1000x645, impressionism-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people here would say this is bob ross tier and the paint is too clumpy without even knowing what impressionism is or what impasto is.

>> No.3007001


>> No.3007002
File: 118 KB, 599x400, post_impressionism_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people here would say this is symbol drawing because all they know is fucking manga.

>> No.3007004 [DELETED] 

yes it's finally here the day of retribution is upon this board

>> No.3007005
File: 57 KB, 360x450, the scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people on /ic/ would look at something like this and say it needs loomis because all they understand is fucking manga.

>> No.3007006
File: 2.80 MB, 1280x720, jackson pollock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people here would say this Jackson Pollock painting is just meaningless blobs of paint with no skill involved without even knowing what abstract expressionism is.

>> No.3007008

Nice try but that's not a pollock.

>> No.3007010
File: 763 KB, 1280x720, apron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You caught me.

>> No.3007012

Jackson pollocks work is not famous because of the skill it takes.

Almost anybody could do a painting just like pollock.

It is famous because it reached a was avangarde, something that had never been seen before and he reached a large audience with it.

Anybody can do a drip painting but only Pollock can be the first.

>> No.3007054

>social media is shit

only if your art is shit I'm rolling in commissions off of ig (get into popular galleries and make prints and you'll skyrocket)

>> No.3007060


Not the point I made at all, but you gave a good talking point when referencing car work.

If you don't know anything about fixing cars you can google the answer and learn for yourself. Then you will know. No it doesn't matter who fixes the damn car because as longs as they both do the same fucking thing you're gonna get the same result. Now the guy who fixes cars for a living obviously knows a little bit more about fixing cars so he'll do things that you perhaps wouldn't, he may put thread compound on so that the bolts don't rust together, grease a few parts and it'll be easier for him BECAUSE he does it so much and is accustom to doing it. What do you think happens when a new model of car rolls into the shop and no one has a fucking clue how to fix the problem with it? Answer is that they research the car, find out what makes it tick and then apply the knowledge they have to fix it. Or maybe they just hire a specialist to come in who knows more about that model of car.

Car Model: Art style
Mechanic: Artist
Specialist: Anime artist

All car models have the same shit with bells and whistles attached and that's kinda how art styles are, you just have to figure out what different paths the particular model has them laid out in.

>However the people here absolutely don't understand shit all about art.

What is there to understand exactly? If a human created it with a purpose and imagination then it's fucking art. Hell it doesn't even need to be explained that well pretty much everything made by a human is fucking art.

>> No.3007070
File: 735 KB, 2000x1000, o-BUSH-MISSION-ACCOMPLISHED-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr is pretty nice, but you're not going to find any discussion worth joining on there. It's more like a good pairing to ic as a portfolio to the outside world.

Reddit is just a shit hug box.

Now ic itself is pretty much random, but there is potential to find useful information that can contribute to your growth as an artist. Finding that information in a sea of garbage is the real trick. Because of that, it is most effective to know your fundamentals and have your own outside knowledge of what good advice is. That's why the sticky exists.

Now as far as the content on the board itself, there is going to be a lot of the blind leading the blind, but that is what learning as peers is going to look like. The best artists aren't going to be posting advice because they are busy doing work and teaching themselves, because the best advice readily available on this board is there to teach you how to teach yourself.

Now as far as this board being shit goes... It is shit. The people here are shit. You are shit. There is shit advice and shit work, but that being said. This being an anonymous image board keeps this place from becoming a hug box.

>> No.3007101

Because the only things you know are the very basics of Manga.

It's like only knowing the basics of carburetors and nothing else about technolgy that mixes air and fuel inside an internal combustion engine and then trying to comment on electronic fuel injection systems when you only know about carburetors.

You should know what you are talking about when making a statement about something.

>> No.3007215

Good job it's only something you found on tumblr, and not any real adult work, eh?!

>> No.3007220

In fact, here it is


>> No.3007364
File: 19 KB, 400x320, IYyucIx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been working professionally as an artist, illustrator and designer for over 25 years
>Still posting on /ic/

>> No.3007378

This is a load of crap. Up to early post-impressionism, people will easily discern a good painting from a bad one without having to know its ins and outs. The burden of communication is still on the artist, like it should be. The focus simply changed to light and color because of new scientific discoveries and the fact that people could do plein-air so easily due to paint tubes.

You can see that impressionists and even a few early post-impressionists were genuinely trying to innovate, but the movement was taken over by a buffer of hacks who couldn't cut it with decent paintings. These folks took advantage of the shifting of tides and invented pretentious 'movements' that could not be criticized because 'you just don't get them'.

/ic/ has shit taste, they crit with their dicks, they're not really interested in beauty and art, but dismissing the criticism of anyone who isn't an art historian is pretentious as fuck.

I bet you literally shit on canvases

>> No.3007392

Not him but plenty of pros come here anon, they just won't post art. No one wants to be associated with this board or get the attention of /ic/ on them.

>> No.3007529

Oh I see you're the "deeper meaning" type. Well I find it odd how you're claiming I don't know what I'm talking about when there is nothing to talk about. Yeah Manga is art, I don't draw it so I don't know what point you were making with that.

You tell me what art is, I'm curious to how much you've complicated such a basic concept.

>> No.3007749

And people here would say it's crap because it's not photo realism.

What's your point?

>> No.3007750

Also I might ad you don't have to be an art historian to not be a retarded amateur manga kid like /ic/ is full of.