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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 776 KB, 1440x1440, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3001265 No.3001265 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


>screenshot the image and post that instead

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

OLD THREAD: >>2998514

>> No.3001266
File: 587 KB, 600x900, 8a321f88701be02b0158dd465a562507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3001267
File: 72 KB, 499x640, 820bb81e0a3e071f7fc47681f71bb117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3001268
File: 109 KB, 730x950, f1e25bd5c3214e2766a406fcef0028cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3001269
File: 35 KB, 425x600, 91bf1d39f36a2e44aea8b5c628705292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3001270
File: 51 KB, 400x600, c67c6b94c083ab4c4cd2e3bac8df2506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3001271
File: 90 KB, 382x750, 5b50c4542f6e135fe100d322e6a52e60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3001276

I knew this would be used as the next thread image OP uses!

>> No.3001300
File: 60 KB, 807x953, construction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand that there are all sorts of way to do construction and that you should do whatever works best for you blah blah.

But I can not for the life of me come up with anything that makes sense. I feel like I have the general idea but it still does not help when I'm trying to fill out the actual body.

Would any kind anons show me how you would personally construct this figure? Maybe I could learn from how you are doing it.

>> No.3001306

probably should know how to sight properly before you start on construction, that's why your supposed to do that drawing with the left side of your brain book first.

>> No.3001312

thanks for the response but I own that book and have thoroughly gone through it and have done all the little exercises. Is there anything similar to that book? because im not able to grasp what it's teaching me then.

So I need to learn how to copy the outline of the figure onto paper before I learn construction?

Sorry for being so fucking dense.

>> No.3001317

Wow, is it the first time you put up more female references than male ones?

>> No.3001319

I haven't yet opened your drawing but I already see that you fucked proportions up. There is no need to hurry, just sit the fuck down, take time and measure everything. Also have you tried drawing basics shapes?

>> No.3001326
File: 738 KB, 676x1116, st basils cathedral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which atmosphere is better?

>> No.3001328

It's been 3 months since I started drawing. I feel like I shouldn't be drawing shapes anymore. I'm supposed to be passed that by now.

Why am I progressing so slowly...

I'll start back with shapes tonight when I get off work. I bought a book recently called "Perspective Made Easy" by Ernest Norling and I hope to pick up something valuable from reading it.

>> No.3001329

Top, clearly.

>> No.3001330
File: 255 KB, 650x487, loomis-skeleton-figure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Measure better. Among other things your ribs are way too low, shoulders too narrow, those hips are comically tiny, the legs are too short. With your stuff side by side there isn't really a good excuse for proportions to be that skewed. Take your time.

The actual construction method you used is fine, though I would recommend using cylinders rather than lines to show form and brush up on basic shapes in general. You want a shorthand for showing the direction things are facing and foreshortening, the simplest way to do that is using 3 dimensional shapes (you can easily tell which way a cylinder is facing, not so with a flat line).

Also if you want an example of an alternative mannekin the loomis one is decent, too.

>> No.3001331


>> No.3001333

>I feel like I shouldn't be drawing shapes anymore. I'm supposed to be passed that by now.

You're not applying your knowledge, then. Can I see any of your basic shapes exercises? Your drawing doesn't show any real awareness of forms except for a very tiny bit around the hips.

The reason people recommend you draw shapes is because they're incredibly useful in building form. You don't draw them and 'move on', you draw them and implement them into your mannekins.

>> No.3001335


Not him, but it's a more unified palette. On the bottom it's just kinda gaudy looking.

>> No.3001336
File: 265 KB, 706x1000, Boxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this what you mean by shape exercises?

I have some other stuff I can post but I won't unless requested.

>> No.3001340

I guess I do need to slow the fuck down then since that is being mentioned more than once. I did draw that in about 4-5 minutes.

>> No.3001342
File: 74 KB, 756x633, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the idea, did you do anything other than cubes? Have you tried drawing cross-contour lines around circles to make them appear spherical, for example? Also since you've got Norling's book, read up on vanishing points, it'll improve your cubes a lot.

Anyway, you'll notice your cubes look more three dimensional than basic squares, it's the same with other shapes, you want to use them instead of flat lines when building mannekins. Always try to think in 3d when drawing. When you don't have hard edges (IE cylinders, spheres) a cross contour line can still show the form. Drawing, for example, a wristwatch on an arm will immediately give an impression of the direction the arm is facing.

some super quick drawings to show you what I'm getting at.

>> No.3001343

What about these reference pics for comparison
dusk sky

blue sky

>> No.3001344
File: 543 KB, 2000x2200, foxyladylineart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a lineart but i am bad colouring (i must practice) and moreover i cant decide on a color palette.
posting here to give you an idea, fell free to redline it and tell me if something seems odd about it. if you want to try colouring it, i can give you an higher resolution one

>> No.3001345

>I I feel like I shouldn't be drawing shapes anymore.
Have you ever tried making any sort of composition from them?
>I'm supposed to be passed that by now.
Even under the supervision of an experienced artist sometimes it takes about half a year to get the basics more or less right.
>Why am I progressing so slowly...
Mate, human figure is the most complex thing you'll ever get to draw. Did you really expect to get it right after just 3 month of studying?

>> No.3001346

awww not the resized one. sorry.

>> No.3001347
File: 245 KB, 700x498, 30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck? That's not how you learn to draw basic shapes.

>> No.3001355
File: 130 KB, 1307x953, Untitled-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just you need to be able to measure things out before you worry about construction. like for example the old measuring using heads would show you the errors in your proportions here. but you should also be able to sight angles and what not, that's what the bulk of that betty edwards book is about.

>> No.3001356
File: 38 KB, 450x495, 1451354390800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that edit

>> No.3001360

It is hilarious but it's also a genuinely helpful learning experience to see shitty anatomy actually rendered.

t. beginner

Also can anyone recommend any of those 3D model posing programs? Or am I better off just using photo references?

>> No.3001363
File: 105 KB, 807x953, 1496138455439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3001366
File: 64 KB, 706x1000, New Canvas3212312313212313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>did you do anything other than cubes?

Yeah, I did some sphere exercises where you shade them in to make them appear 3D. Did some cylinder stuff too. Now that I think about it I don't recall ever doing cones.

But other than that It's been 70% cubes. I've probably drawn 700+ of those fuckers. I see drawing boxes mentioned here so much I felt like it must be really important.

Thank you for your time I really appreciate it and I will take your advice wholeheartedly. I feel a bit more chill now. I was getting extremely frustrated with myself.

>Have you ever tried making any sort of composition from them?

Sort of, pic related is some of the things I've done with shapes. But I don't see other people on here construct like that so I was just trying to mimic how they are doing it.

>Mate, human figure is the most complex thing you'll ever get to draw. Did you really expect to get it right after just 3 month of studying?

Not mastery. Of course not. But I was hoping my drawing would at least look like a 21 yo attempt instead of a 12 year olds drawing. I suppose I have unrealistic expectations for myself progression wise.


Geez, that's even more cringy to look at once you've properly measured it out for me. Thank you for the effort. I'll save it and use it as a reference next time. That is really useful to me!

>> No.3001367
File: 173 KB, 895x636, anomalocaris_2017_by_goldensargon-db8mzpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional Art(Watercolor Pencils), want to display the dinosaurs in the pre cambriam earth age. What do you think?

>> No.3001368

Drawing shapes is cool but you should really try drawing simple objects from life since most of those are basic shapes.

Vases, cups, chairs, boxes, etc

>> No.3001369

Try this

>> No.3001370


>> No.3001372

That's a pretty rad anomalocaris my friend.

>> No.3001377

I meant something like DesignDoll where you can create a basic model with the proportions you're looking for and be able to pose them as you want.

>> No.3001380

why are you even going balls deep into detail when the rest of your comp isn't evne thought out yet lmao

unless there's some hidden sketch layer we aren't seeing

>> No.3001390

it's always been a habit for me

>> No.3001392

>I've probably drawn 700+ of those fuckers.
And none of them were correct. Next time pay attention to the perspective now that you have a book about it.

I don't know how helpful it will be, given that you won't probably understand a single word, but here is a great series of videos about basic shapes. I suggest that you just scroll through his videos with sound turned off just to get the feeling of what approximately you have to do with shapes. Measure, compare, analyse.

>> No.3001420

Thanks for the link. I'll check out the video.

On the bright side even though none of the cubes may have been correct it really helped make drawing with a tablet feel much more natural after all that time spent.

>> No.3001428

no. welcome to beg

>> No.3001431
File: 66 KB, 485x533, 1484456598809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draws 700 boxes in three months
>all incorrectly
>produces nightmare monster when trying to construct a human
>gets told to draw more boxes
>in Russian

Fucking /beg/, man.

>> No.3001433

If it weren't for her broken back and really thin (and narrow) torso, I'd say, "Fuck off out of /beg/." But you've done really good job of fucking up this one thing, so you can stay here for the time being. Even though it is ridiculously easy to fix it. By the way, I'm not sure, but is this a scan or fully digital piece?

>> No.3001438

is there any advantage to drawing geometric shapes from imagination over just doing life drawing

>> No.3001442

Here are some shapes from imagination >>3001336
It's completely fucking useless.

>> No.3001444

I'll stick to drawing cups and bowls then

>> No.3001461


Just because one anon does it wrong doesn't mean it's useless. If you can't draw a cube from imagination, you don't know perspective. If you don't know perspective, your observation drawings are probably going to be wonky anyway (and even if they're good, it's an exercise in copying rather than understanding if you can't replicate perspective from imagination). If you can't conjure a shape from imagination, how are you supposed to simplify the forms of your subject? Using shapes you don't even know how to draw?

The correct answer is "do both".

>> No.3001481

>If you can't draw a cube from imagination, you don't know perspective.
And drawing from imagination won't help you in this case. Otherwise if you do know the perspective and can draw various shapes from imagination, you don't have to sit like an autist and do something that you already know how to do in hopes that you'll somehow become better. Like, at what? Your lines will be straighter?

>> No.3001486
File: 191 KB, 1000x1030, 1489309343703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbqh shitting down a lot of boxes quickly might be a good way to improve lines

>> No.3001489


>Beginner shitting on other beginner...


>> No.3001494
File: 100 KB, 1561x519, 1485832563662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beginner shitting on beginners telling other beginners how to begin getting shit on by another beginner

>> No.3001495

Thats how you progress retardo. Repetition.

>> No.3001498

Why am I autistic and try to draw everything so small like paper is made out of fucking gold

>> No.3001500

Why do you feel the need to post here about your life drama instead of your blog? Draw bigger.

>> No.3001502

be glad he's not making his own threads

>> No.3001504

That's what /beg/ is for

>> No.3001507

to be fair, /beg/ is here for people to dump their dumb questions into

>> No.3001519

Hello /beg/, do you have any tutorials on how to gesture drawing that is not done by a good artist ?

Everytime I watch a video the dude draw a stickfigure, then I close my eyes for a sec and BOOM it's a fucking piece of art like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvjB0rj6yAc..

>> No.3001546

Should you finish your painting in grey scale then add colours, or work in colours from the beginning?

>> No.3001554

It took me quite some time to parse this, I even wanted to ask which would be the intended meaning.

t. non-native

Whatever works for you, mate.
I have colored a really good monochrome piece, and it was really good when colored.
Now I draw and paint my own pictures, and I find it increasingly harder to can into good contrast.

>> No.3001558
File: 55 KB, 640x522, IMG_2953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 3 of practice. How are my cubes?

>> No.3001560
File: 756 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also my warmup

>> No.3001574
File: 161 KB, 1555x843, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the left i made a traced line art then stole colors from the photo

on the right i tried to jump right in and block in shapes and guess colors

>> No.3001595

i'll try to fix it somehow, color it maybe and post results. i scanned a sketch and traced it digitally

>> No.3001637


>It's completely fucking useless
>links to person who doesn't know how to do it as evidence it's useless
>o-of course I meant AFTER you actually know how to do it!

>> No.3001640

some of the cubes are still too distorted. This might sound humiliating but use a 3d modeler or a rubik's cube and draw from reference instead of trying to bullshit it.You'll improve faster

>> No.3001645

did anyone even bother to make a comment?

>> No.3001653

He was doing it for 3 months. He made over 700 of those. Did it help? It's useless BEFORE you actually know how to do it. It's useless AFTER you actually know how to do it. It's just fucking useless.

>> No.3001656



>> No.3001657
File: 49 KB, 736x520, krenzstuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bridgman and Krenz says hi.

>> No.3001665

>watch Feng Zhu
>he never draws a single cube

Fuck off.

>> No.3001668
File: 66 KB, 425x536, foxyladyfix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dammmn is this any better? she still looks weird

>> No.3001673
File: 59 KB, 243x331, Based on that girl from that They Bleed Pixels changed her to be a cyclops because why not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How shit is it and what do I need to improve?

>> No.3001684

I hope you're memeing. If you think the point of drawing cubes is so you can draw the most beautiful cubes ever, you're ngmi.

Also, Feng Zhu is a designer. I'm sure he's a great artist, but that's not the point of his videos. If you're watching Feng Zhu to learn art fundamentals, you're ngmi.

>> No.3001686

When you say distorted do you mean they are too long?

>> No.3001691

He means inverted perspective.

>> No.3001693
File: 727 KB, 889x884, 2017-05-30 18_30_30-CLIP STUDIO PAINT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am trying my best with this portrait but i just can't pinpoint all my mistakes? (im not trying to do full realism with amazing details btw)
please help, i know it looks messed up. :c

>> No.3001698
File: 824 KB, 849x889, 2017-05-30 18_38_11-CLIP STUDIO PAINT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with reference

>> No.3001705
File: 137 KB, 753x557, 1491484685246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clashed perspectives so that you could occlude the arm and hand, which makes me think the rest of the outfit is there to hide anatomical flaws. In that case go back to grinding anatomy.
The head looks pretty rigid too, like it was done separately and pasted in. If you knew gesture you wouldn't have it so lateral, but you'll have to redo the hair to conform with gravity if you tilt the head.
And don't fucking post in /beg/ with a signature; you put a signature on your work when it isn't shit.

>> No.3001706

Yes, the problem here is that some of the sides on the cubes that are facing away from you appear bigger because you wobbled your lines too much and made them diverge instead of converge. Also they look more like rectangular boxes than cubes because you are not compressing the sides of the cube enough
http://www.homeschoolmath.net/interactives/3D_shapes.php 3D shape simulator. Select cube and make it transparent. Zoom in so that the shape takes up the whole screen and get out some pencil or paper and start drawing. If you have 2 monitors you can have your drawing program on the other screen. There's also this tetrahedron shape that's also helpful to draw noses. It's not required but you can also draw a couple of those pryamid shapes to help you.

>> No.3001707


Again, one guy not getting it doesn't magically make it useless, but you're going to believe whatever you like anyway.

The fact is that if you're learning basic perspective, drawing cubes and other shapes from imagination is one of the most straightforward exercises you can do to effectively hammer in the knowledge. It's also got high utility for later imagination drawing since it's the fundamental basis for drawing mannekins. You don't need to do an entire life study to train perspective, even if life studies are also useful.

Like I said, do both. Or well, you can do whatever the fuck you want, but I'd just like to remind everyone else not to listen to you.

>> No.3001708

Are you retarded? I'm not even the guy, I'm just impressed by your brain. What part of practicing drawing cubes in the RIGHT perspective can't you understand? I'm really curious.

>> No.3001712


>What part of practicing drawing cubes in the RIGHT perspective can't you understand?

I understand it just fine, you insufferable fuckwit. I'm disagreeing with you. Drawing shapes from imagination isn't useless. It's not useless before you know how to do it, because it's how you learn how to fucking do it. It's not useless after you know how to do it, because then you can fucking do it, which is a foundational building block for virtually all other imagination drawing.

>> No.3001713

oh thanks, great input. you can tell e whatever but i like my signature and i put it where i want.
thanks anyway

>> No.3001720

It's not useless before you know how to do it only if you are doing it using a guideline, that's the point. That guy was just drawing random cubes that probably don't even have equal proportions. He needs to build his library by doing them right.

Also I don't agree that's useless after you know how to do it either.

>> No.3001727


>> No.3001728
File: 561 KB, 817x887, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The colors are surprisingly close. Even if you color picked it from the photo you still did a good job blending and placing them. However I think what's bothering me is that the reference has the dude tilting his head to the right slightly where your's is stiff and very straight. Also his expression isn't as strong as the reference photo,tell him to say cheese.

>> No.3001730


I think we agree that the guy in question was practicing ineffectively, I'm not saying "just wing it and maybe you'll get lucky". Plotting a perspective line and vanishing points from memory is still constructing from imagination. I'm saying doing both that as well as observational drawings are useful learning tools. Doing a study means a lot of time spent rendering, however, which isn't much use if you just want to grind out basic perspective and simple construction.

Anyway sorry I got short with you, I think we just misunderstood one another.

>> No.3001732
File: 128 KB, 2100x1500, AOTLOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone buying this body language? Worth fleshing out?

>> No.3001733
File: 317 KB, 817x887, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, it's inverted my bad

>> No.3001736

holy fuck, long time no see robot-anon. You've improved a lot holy shit

>> No.3001738

I'm not buying the body, let alone the language. Read the sticky, it tells you all the fundamentals you need to learn to make a pic like that.

>> No.3001740

Curve her body more.

>> No.3001743

Thank you!! Color picking just never seems to work with me... but i did mix and blend my swatches with colorpicking for the skin :) didn't notice the tilt once again thank you anon, really needed that.

>> No.3001754

Right, one thing to note about the human body is that it almost always angles, even if it's slight. Body parts have gravity and for someone to be perfectly straight all the time, you have to expend a lot of energy. All of you anons try this: Go into the mirror and make your body as stiff as possible in front of a full mirror for 10 seconds. Then relax and see how your body sags to different sides. I think I already said this in >>3001014

>> No.3001762
File: 66 KB, 960x1280, a_gaggle_of_anatomically_broken_men_and_a_woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miniature minute gestures wheee

>> No.3001777

how do you draw black people without it turning into a racist caricature?

>> No.3001789

The first step is to stop being neurotic about accusations of racism, the second step is to use real black people as reference.

>> No.3001793


A single accusation of racism and your professional career is over, m8. Welcome to 2017.

>> No.3001794

I found some good skin tones someone used in one of the shitty draw my OC threads >>2997761 but as for drawing them, I suppose for drawing them just look at black people. Compare them to generic heads like Loomis or Bridgman and try to draw those differences. Don't worry about becoming caricatured, those drawings intentionally overemphasize those differences, so as long as you keep it reasonable you should be fine

>> No.3001795

Even if they're minute gestures, try to do them larger. You won't learn anything useful from super small gestures

>> No.3001801
File: 33 KB, 500x500, wtfking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're (god forbid) a white straight male then you're basically walking on a tightrope. If you're a black woman you're basically fucking indestructible, also bonus fag points if you're lesbian or transgender.

>> No.3001803
File: 38 KB, 490x290, backtoPol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ was right again

>> No.3001804

On the internet, nobody knows that you're actually a nazi who was sent forward in time 70 years using super secret Hitler technology.

>> No.3001805
File: 168 KB, 800x1067, portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a better likeness?

>> No.3001806
File: 234 KB, 960x1280, reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3001813

Im getting back into drawing again after 7 long years. Wanting a cheaper end tablet to start on. What should I get wanting to spend 100$ or less?

>> No.3001815

I drew this, can anyone tell me what they think?

>> No.3001821
File: 184 KB, 1000x1200, nil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3001822

>draw a monkey
>remove most of the hair
>shrink the brain


>> No.3001832

You just don't draw them. Why the fuck would you even be interested in such thing?

>> No.3001834

Itsashit. Stop symbol drawing, then study a real human and see how hard you've fucked up.

Genuinely terrifying.

>> No.3001836

fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.3001837

jesus what the fuck is this

>> No.3001839
File: 89 KB, 600x632, loomized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3001847
File: 80 KB, 889x500, 1492499116400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling the d/ic/k for the second time

>> No.3001886
File: 64 KB, 498x715, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how you do gestures? Never tried it before.

>> No.3001890

>symbol drawing

what isnt fucking symbol drawing then? Theirs details and it looks like a human being.

do I have to be super realistic to not be called symbol

>> No.3001897

>it looks like a human being
no it does not
>theirs details
no THERE'S not

You drew what you THINK are details and what you THINK a human being looks like. That's symbol drawing.
Why didn't you do the stravinsky exercise in the sticky? Oh yeah, because you didn't read the fucking sticky.

>> No.3001901
File: 261 KB, 800x1092, 1496174339156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried realism, but I still don't quite have it. I drew contours and borders as I saw them, but it still looks wrong. What can i fix in this photo?

>> No.3001906

know what, its physically impossible for you to tell me that THAT DOESNT LOOK HUMAN, so you are either a troll or there is a collective of shitters in this board.

either way, fuck you.

>> No.3001907

That's called symbol drawing. Fix your seeing equipment.

>> No.3001914

Dude, he's just a shitposter, why you even bother.

>> No.3001916

I read Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, but I'm still symbol drawing.
What should I do, read it again? Are there other books that compliment DOTRSOTB?

>> No.3001925

before I reply to this bait, give me one reason im a shitposter or else, you are just shitposting yourself.

>> No.3001928

see? no reply, just a reply to make me look like a shitposter. Nothing new and pretty sad.

>> No.3001932
File: 739 KB, 969x732, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have found Krenz cubes and cranial proportions to be a great figure construction learning tool. About 90% of typical poses can be ball-parked using them.

(see example, yes I know the cubes are isometric and lack vanishing points but I wanted to strip it down to the bare essentials of 3d planes and proportions)

>> No.3001935
File: 93 KB, 576x324, back.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, it's good to see that some anons are finally starting to listen.

>> No.3001951

You need more experience with watercolor. You did okay with the creature, but the background is grade school work. You need to learn washes, how to control them, and research what the environment would actually look like, not just a grade school "blue for sky and brown for dirt" approach. Did they live in murky water? Did they live in shallow water, where more blue would be refracted into the water, or was it deeper and saltier, so it's more green? Did they live in a sandy environment, or rocky?

BTW, there were no dinosaurs in the pre-Cambrian age. Dinosaurs appeared in the Triassic period, many epochs later. The creature you painted existed during the Cambrian age, so I don't understand what you're trying to do here.

This kind of work is called biological illustration. To work professionally doing it, you need strong scientific knowledge as well as art - degrees are very challenging for this reason, the research is as important as the artwork. This includes being accurate as to what a creature is, and what age it was alive during.

>> No.3001954

I'm getting into colors at the moment. So is brown always a 'warm' color? Greens, blues, and purples don't seem to make brown at all.

>> No.3001956

That's pretty common with beginner artists - it's all about confidence. You make things small, because you're not confident of your skill.

Draw bigger. Force yourself. It gets easier the more you do it.

>> No.3001958

Im going to give up drawing, thanks /ic! At least your good for something!

another one loses interest.

>> No.3001964


Bait man...

>> No.3001965
File: 267 KB, 1600x1016, raw umber wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red/orange and green mixes to brown. More green will make it a cooler brown. More red will make it a warmer brown.

Example: chart of variations from raw umber.

You might want to get a book on color theory for artists.

>> No.3001975
File: 98 KB, 893x917, 1496177570557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same guy who drew >>3001901 here.
I tried again for realism, and suddenly I produced the most non-symbol drawn thing I've ever made. What just happened?

>> No.3001977
File: 1.20 MB, 1300x2120, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3001978

You're improving. Good job, now you should go watch a video about how to draw realistic faces, or maybe read Loomis's book on heads and hands. Teaches you how to draw realistic faces within a week.

>> No.3001984


Hey, are you using references? You might want to study individual features. Pay attention to what you're drawing. Lips are not like that, can you see how wrong they are? Make a drawing of the lips. Try to understand every curve behind it, how the muscles are probably working... Take your time, get it right, not "less than acceptable". Same goes for eyes, eyebrows and noses. Eventually you'll "click" and stop symbol drawing!

If you just want to copy a face, then you definitely NEED to draw them upside down, your brain is really screwing your efforts!

Always be critic of your work, anon. Good luck!

>> No.3001985

Eyebrows do not grow out from the middle like that. DRAW WHAT YOU SEE, not what you think is there.

>> No.3001986
File: 192 KB, 1500x2000, constr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I go again not actually reading and learning anything from actual people who know what they're talking about. I just can't read books so I'm just trying to reinvent the wheel by trying to figure out perspective and construction all by myself.
lol I wish I could read

>> No.3001994

That's terrible anon

>> No.3001998


>> No.3002001

Yeah i'm kinda tired right now. I was kinda busy doing something else. Still, I think the concept of curving the body is the important idea here.

>> No.3002008
File: 136 KB, 1006x1072, purple mage paintover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice! You used my picture lol

So here's how this one is turning out. Cleaned it up, rendered it further. Now I'm just adding fishing touches and figuring out what to do with the background. I'm pretty crap with backgrounds. Any suggestions?

>> No.3002012

Tired or not it's really bad, almost worse than the original. You really need to work on construction and perspective.

>> No.3002018

Where do I go for critique that's not from other beginners?

>> No.3002019


>> No.3002030

Your lack of skill at anatomy is apparent - it's all over the place. It makes looking at the figure awkward, because too much isn't in the right place. Her left shoulder is disjointed and too forward. Her neck is entirely too thick. Her shoulder on the right is out of the socket. Her right leg has the thigh at an angle, but the leg locked straight, which is impossible. Her hips are impossible. Her thumb on the left had starts on her wrist.

Your lighting is flawed, as well - you have too much black in the painting, and not enough warm and cool colors for her skin tones. You have a bright light source on her left arm, but this isn't present at all on her left leg. Her face is fuzzy and oout of focus. You have 4 light sources in the painting - one coming from the right, one coming from the left, and one coming in straight at her face, but each part of her body has a different light source. She has no knee. Her right foot is malformed. Her arms are different thicknesses. Her hair is too blocky, it doesn't feel like hair. Her hair has no light source. Her hands are too different sizes.

All you're doing is fumbling around with what you think should be there, with no experience or knowledge to decide. This is an okay attempt, but it distinctly shows the areas where you need the most work - lighting, and anatomy.

I don't see any point in continuing with this painting, until you put some serious work into the fundamentals.

>> No.3002047

>All you're doing is fumbling around with what you think should be there, with no experience or knowledge to decide.

Hey, well this is literally the first character painting I've done. So there is a lot of fumbling. I know I lack in fundamentals especially figure drawing but I just wanted to try to make one of these to see how much I can do. It was good practice.

I appreciate the critique and all your points about anatomy and lighting are valid and I'll keep them in mind. I like this painting a lot so I'm gonna finish it, but I'll get right back to practicing the fundamentals after that.

>> No.3002050

Recommend me good books about perspective, manga and coloring with pencils or ink, markers. I need to diversify my knowledge before going further

>> No.3002056


>> No.3002063

It's really good that you did this anon, this way you know where you stand and what you need to improve on.

>> No.3002065

I'm not >>3002030 but maybe try and fix the mistakes they mentioned using simple line work? Just so you learn even more from the whole experience?

>> No.3002076

I am (you), and I think that's a great idea. Putting more mistakes on top of mistakes won't get you anywhere.

>> No.3002080

does beg have a discord?

>> No.3002081
File: 40 KB, 800x514, 890786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cups and bowls are made of geometric shapes. In fact everything when simplified are made of geometric shapes.

Observe then break it down into simple geometric shapes. It's easy to see the perspective and plane shift.

>It's completely fucking useless.

If you do it the wrong way. And keep doing it for months thinking it's going to fix itself. That's why you always ask for advice when you're not improving.

>> No.3002083

Yeah, it definitely gave me a good idea of what I lack and how to progress.

I think I'll try that. Thanks!

>> No.3002088


>I just can't read books

>reinvent the wheel

You do know videos exist... Right?

>> No.3002093


I imagine it would look slightly better if she was a centaur.

>> No.3002098

thanks for reminding me

>> No.3002107
File: 646 KB, 2000x1214, 1466319067041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do more studies, either of real life or the manga (LATE CHAPTERS) /anime, and then try again.

>I'm just trying to reinvent the wheel by trying to figure out perspective and construction all by myself.
A time before Loomis existed, you know. They didn't need it and neither will you.

You're a living example of why your own box meme is so shit, you dunning-kruger redline ragetard. How much time did you waste sketching superfluous boxes for construction (and it's still fucked) when you can just fucking fire down the shapes?
Hell, the original gesture was better than yours, but what can you do when everything's a fucking box, I suppose.
Construction only helps you draw. It's not the god damn drawing.

>> No.3002110
File: 701 KB, 765x1000, hdfhgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3002114

It's really not about learning geometric shapes so you can literally use them as building blocks like that. It's more of a general bounding volume to give you an idea how light and perspective will generally affect the object.

>> No.3002117
File: 84 KB, 750x1000, constr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this alright? I'm really having trouble with those legs. Doesn't help that the pose is fucked either.

>> No.3002123
File: 58 KB, 1693x619, croco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate this croco

>> No.3002126
File: 38 KB, 606x582, action pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im getting in on this

redline me

>> No.3002127

You only seriously messed up the shins. Make them just a bit longer than the thigh.

>> No.3002131
File: 100 KB, 261x252, when you see a loomis and your face sinks back into your skull to avoid it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3002132

That's some arima dodge tier shit. Can I get a motion line or something so I can decipher what the fuck is going on?

>> No.3002138
File: 110 KB, 261x320, 1477435146162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3002140

This is also terrible anon.

>> No.3002163

t. box fetishist

>> No.3002167
File: 147 KB, 1330x754, color practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, sketched and color picked by eye. ended up with this wikihow tier picture

>> No.3002204

I'm the same guy that said the box person was terrible, your both terrible and in no position to be red lining or giving advice.

>> No.3002207

I've been reading Keys to Drawing and Drawing on the Right side of the brain, and even though those books help clear out some of the symbol drawing, i have a question.

Do those books help to draw from imagination at all? It feels like they help with copying from reality, but how am i supposed to draw from imagination without using symbols?

>> No.3002216

All your imaginations should be based on things from reall life. Anime style is an appropriation of Disney style who got that style from drawing from life. All art comes from life.

Let's say you imagined a crocodile like alien, you have to at least know how to draw a crocodile if you wanted to make any successful attempts at drawing this creature you imagined.

The more you draw from life and fill your head with real things you know how to draw, the easier it will be to draw from imagination becuase your imagination will just combinations of the real stuff you have filled your mental library with.

>> No.3002219
File: 1.07 MB, 2400x1788, face study 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3002235

Basically, if they're teaching you how to draw from life, that will indirectly make drawing from imagination easier, even though that is it's own skill.

>> No.3002238

Leave him alone

>> No.3002291


Random google image.

> It's more of a general bounding volume to give you an idea how light and perspective will generally affect the object.

That's why I wrote It's makes it so you can see perspective and plane shifts easier. How lights react is depending on the plane shifts.

>> No.3002296
File: 105 KB, 746x1252, Kendoubn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed some shit you told me already
Now roast me again

>> No.3002319
File: 365 KB, 1000x627, frick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left side's a picture of my attempt at construction
right side's a scan of when I called it quits

>> No.3002351
File: 85 KB, 611x666, shapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew shapes of two figures on my desk today

>> No.3002356

You clearly went into this not knowing what you were doing and not trying to improve. This is a great example of how drawing in the hopes of improving (rather than actively trying to improve) doesn't work.

>> No.3002362
File: 667 KB, 1728x1752, Self Portrait_Hand_(053017).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a thing, possibly, maybe, I don't know...

>> No.3002400

Try more aggressive shadows (darker values in general). Pay attention to the forehead and nose bridge. Also check how the colors blend in the hairline. Last but not least, the "flat" areas either lack shadows or highlights. You "just" need to analyze it. Keep up the good work! It's a nice study, you'll learn a lot!

>> No.3002403
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critique this please.

>> No.3002408
File: 269 KB, 703x999, Epson_05252017204049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys ive been drawing for 1 year now, here is a basic sketch I did

>> No.3002413

Why do you have that shit on your desk?

>> No.3002440
File: 2.74 MB, 1204x1604, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting right side up

>> No.3002441
File: 57 KB, 720x1280, whyaremyfiguressoboring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, i'd like some advice on how to make my figures less boring, hand overall anything wrong with pic related really.
One thing i'm having trouble with is how to properly alternate curve and sharp lines. I tend to use way too much curves, so i tried to sharpen shoulders, but they don't feel feminine nor right, and the flank cut, but that may be just plain wrong.
Any critique is appreciated, thank you

>> No.3002472
File: 176 KB, 796x769, ss (2017-05-30 at 09.23.42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, symmetrical portrait type poses tend to be pretty boring. I won't go into the topic too much because I'm still in the process of learning as well but I recommend reading a book. This is page 26 of Hampton and there are a few pages after this that delve more into the topic. You can find the artbook thread here >>2999582

>> No.3002473
File: 577 KB, 2263x2000, 1485880500424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a full body thing because nobody likes disembodied heads
goosed the limbs real bad but I only got 2 days of anatomy and didn't even get started on hands and feet

>> No.3002490

Drop stylization entirely for now. It'll only screw you up and make you learn patterns, instead of actual form understanding.

Come back to stylization when you really know what you're drawing. You're aggressively simplifying forms right now, not out of style, but out of lack of knowledge. Stylization will just prolong that period.

>> No.3002497

Left is already breddy gud, right is just even better.

>> No.3002513
File: 232 KB, 1550x1500, IMG_20161104_140149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe rotate the hand out so it looks like she is supporting her body weight leaning back like that

>> No.3002516

How are you so good?

>> No.3002518

That much improvement in only a month? What were you studying?

>> No.3002523

a wall

>> No.3002535

And who told you that? Post work
okay but that's not even a critique
I am divinely inspired by god above to produce nothing but anime smut
would you like my blog as well
3/4 anime heads, 1/8 being burnt out, 1/8 anime bodies
I read exactly 8 pages into part one of drawing the head and hands before dropping it
kek I got told I was on a plateau about 2 weeks in, look how that turned out

Now is there anything anyone can tell me that isn't regurgitated shit, isn't a book club invitation and isn't wow blog??? cause I'm about done with this meme hole

>> No.3002544
File: 204 KB, 943x746, dudes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3002548

Move on to the drawthread.

>> No.3002566

Bumping so you criticize my shit

>> No.3002595

>inb4 bait
Not sure how you don't realized you're getting memed on or if I'm the one getting memed on.

Anyways, somehow you got worse over the course of that month. Proportion-wise the left looks acceptable for a beginner apart from stylized head size, plus there's some bad perspective on the foot. The right side looks like she got some new clothes and became anorexic. Just because you "learned" to do some extra details doesn't mean that you've improved.

Not sure what you did here but there appears to be one breast and the other one is MIA, must have disappeared with the rest of the body mass.
Kneecaps are just straight up facing the wrong way or are misshapen and the one on the right leg is too long.
At least her right arm kept its mass over the month, but the left arm did not fare as well. Diameter too small and too short compared to the other one. Looks like there was an attempt at drawing an armpit, as well some random line that I can't make sense of.
For ants, really. You've got some lines present to mark the pelvis(probably) that are misplaced.
Right upper arm is thicker than the legs from the top of the kneecaps down.

How about you work on your fundamentals first before you go off about how you spent a month studying "anime" body parts. At the very least you should at least understand the basic shapes that a human body consists of before putting cloth over of it. Your work makes it seems like you're hiding parts of the body you don't know how to draw.

The collar looks alright in both.

>> No.3002601
File: 10 KB, 161x250, 1444596425664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the fucking delusion holy shit

i knew this board is bad but what the fuck is wrong with you people in this thread? beginners enjoy fucking up other beginners? i don't see how you get off to promoting non-progress and shitty artwork

anyway >>3002473 if you're reading this get off this board right now if you're serious about art, fake praise does nothing for you (unless you're content with drawing like a 10 year old for your whole life)

actually a little heated

>> No.3002603

The legs are from a different perspective than the torso.

>> No.3002606

Pu the figure into a pose. This is where gesture comes into play. You start with an idea, an emotion, or activity, and build off that. Put the character into a motion that's part of their context or personality.

>> No.3002607

Why do you give a shit? People told him what to do and he isn't doing it. Lost causes are lost causes so people resort to memeing him

If he can't realize he's shit at this point he was never going to make it anyway. I kinda find it enjoying to watch people think they're getting better when they aren't. In a humorous/pitying way

>> No.3002623

Not the guy you replied to but I think you're going to have to elaborate on this a little bit. If my understanding of forms is right, then when the leg moves from a neutral position (ie. in the same perspective as the torso) to another position, the leg being in a different perspective should make sense, right?

>> No.3002638
File: 477 KB, 489x579, ink and.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dang i fucked the jaw especially, i always make square jaws narrower for some reason

>> No.3002656
File: 546 KB, 1006x1167, lady007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting sketch from last thread

>> No.3002660

oh wow thats bad what have i done

>> No.3002715

Ignore that samefag. He likes the taste of his own dick.

>> No.3002727
File: 2.90 MB, 290x189, 1495360594573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek.... Turned out exactly as predicted. You're stuck in a loop.

>> No.3002737

A question for everyone: Assuming you're able to devote a decent amount of time to practice on a regular basis, how long should it take to get from a beginner level to something passable? I feel like I'm not seeing a lot of improvement, and I'm not sure if I'm just being impatient or if there's something wrong with how I'm practicing.

>> No.3002755

It's hard to say. Many of the better artists here on /ic/ started very young and got serious later on. You could choose to count all those years or only focus on the latter. If you ask them, they might tell you that it's easy to improve and it only took them a year or two to get to a decent place.

Other people start much later and have no background in art. Some of them grasp things easily and move quickly, others will stay stuck at the beginning and will take them a while to grasp even the basic parts.

So it depends on how you are, how easily you can grasp art. Realistically, you can compare it to other line of work, it shouldn't take more than a couple years (with serious, dedicated, and smart study) to become a decent artist. Longer if you don't have much aptitude in it or are not practicing correctly.

A more practical answer is that you can breakdown your practice to see what is effective and what isn't. Create a map on how you should proceed, jotting down all the necessary steps to get to your destination. If you want to figure draw for example, there is a process.

If you're stuck, ask yourself what needs work, what areas need improvement, how are you moving along the map, and so on. Post your work here and at other places and ask people.

If you're reasonable about how you approach art and improving in it, then you should expect to see steady progress. If you're stuck, there is always an answer to what the next step is. Especially as a beginner, there already exists many maps for you to choose. Look at them, see the similarities, create your own map. Get organized, study, practice smart, practice a lot, and don't waste time.

>> No.3002780
File: 615 KB, 1000x1174, 20170531_065643 ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit? Sorry for some of the smudges, I was a bit benzo'd out.

>> No.3002783

Hey, yours isn't bad but I think you actually misread the angle of the head.

I'm >>3002780 and it seems to me like her head isnt completely turned, and that if the hair weren't covering it, you'd be able to see a part of the other eye and cheek. However your construction has her head completely perpendicular to the viewpoint.

>> No.3002789
File: 267 KB, 535x729, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on one layer because i live a dangerous life

>> No.3002790

Yeah, looking at her chin and lower portion of the face makes it clear. I even made not of that when I was constructing the chin but I still fricked it. I messed up the direction of the vertical tilt as well. Basically my entire study was an approximation that I called quits on after I didn't want to work on it anymore.

In regards to yours >>3002780, I feel your placement of the facial features is much closer than mine and you did a good job of giving the hair detail. Although the top of her head looks a little sloppily done.

You've done a good job of capturing the correct angle of the neck, but it looks like you were a little afraid of making her face sharper as well.

>> No.3002794

Bump for critics

>> No.3002800
File: 453 KB, 487x537, Neusel Wentul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup lads, just getting into art, critique?

>> No.3002801

read the sticky

>> No.3002812
File: 504 KB, 1800x1200, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an attempt at >>3001270, construction, sketching, line art, and rendering shown. Any critique is appreciated.

Alright, that's good to know. I think I've just been getting impatient. I've only been studying formally for a couple months, and until recently, I wasn't comfortable coming here for critique. If it usually takes a year or two (at least), I probably shouldn't feel so hopeless, though I do think I need to take my practice in a different direction. Thank you very much.

>> No.3002813

My bad

>> No.3002814

not bad

>> No.3002821
File: 393 KB, 1000x2000, 1474466401800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NB left was real fluke of a piece at the time whereas right was as 3am death march in order to capitalize on meme potential (it paid off)

>I'm the one getting memed on.
You're a meme
> Just because you "learned" to do some extra details doesn't mean that you've improved.
Define improvement then
>anatomical errors
I said as much myself
>work on your fundamentals
I did for all of 2 days
>Your work makes it seems like you're hiding parts of the body you don't know how to draw.
That's literally the entire left piece which is why it looks kind of passable
>no work
what a valid opinion, post work

>unless you're content with drawing like a 10 year old for your whole life
oh of course who isn't
>get off this board right now
great advice actually

alright but that's not a critique

>> No.3002834
File: 292 KB, 1000x543, my shitty ass work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reeeeee post your work

It's not like posting my work is going to change anything. If anything it's just going to make your more uppity.

>reeeeeee you're not even that good so you're not allowed to critique me

I'm a beginner as well, and I was just giving you a critique just like you asked. But instead you're deflecting everything I said, and I doubt seeing my work is going to change that. I'll indulge you and post my shitty work from the past two days but you've gotta approach this whole art endeavor with a better attitude.

this is also me

>> No.3002879

Man, just take your time and it'll be fine. If you ever look back on your old work while you're still learning you'll probably realize that you've made leaps and bounds in the time since.

I take huge breaks from drawing during the fall and winter semesters and despite this being my third summer on /ic/ I still consider myself a beginner. But even if I still suck, I suck a hell of a lot less than I did when I started out.

If you need convincing I'll post an example of what I drew when I started drawing in 2014 versus some of this shit I have in this thread.

>> No.3002885
File: 378 KB, 1280x903, 1280px-John_Everett_Millais_-_Isabella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I need color theory in my first semester of art school? I'm going to Italy so it's not 40k a year pls dont go up in arms.

I'm a complete noobie, I'm taking some foundational courses this summer then beginner in fall.

Do these classes look fine? Do i even need color theory first semester?

Fundamentals of Art and Design: Color Theory
Florence Sketchbook - Beginning
Foundation Oil Painting
Principles of Drawing and Composition

>> No.3002898

Probably a massive step backwards from my last attempt, but all of a sudden I feel like I can draw from a wider field of concepts

>> No.3002899
File: 314 KB, 860x837, IMG_20170530_141751_416-860x837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no

>> No.3002919

Stop pushing your inadequacies on me you heathen. I have the same attitude to art as I did to weightlifting, and I didn't need some fucking lightweight prattling in my ear to improve that.

>> No.3002921

stop replying to trolls and bait, use that time to draw instead

>> No.3002925

Draw it again.
But that's pretty good anon.

>> No.3002928
File: 82 KB, 1130x1689, Homeless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like you're really learning good head structure. Have you done full body gestures yet?
>pic related is my newest thing
/beg/ how do I git gud

>> No.3002938

Were would someone who's starting out and is primarily interested in drawing landscapes begin?

>> No.3002939

I don't want to use pencil and paper, am I fucked?

>> No.3002941

Thumbnails and learn speedpaints. Get good at composition of tone and shape.
Also study from life and reference a lot.

>> No.3002942

OK /beg/ I'm jumping back in the trenches.

I haven't touched fundies with real gusto in three years. Three years ago I worked fundies three hours a day, five days a week and after just a few months I improved dramatically. It was all Scroto, just charcoal quicksketch drawings on newsprint from reference. Then I got too ambitious and diversified my learning too quickly, burning myself out while making no progress.

I'm dedicating myself to six months of nothing but fundies, and I'm making this post here to plant my faggot flag.

>> No.3002943

A lot of people don't want to. As long as you spend your first year or so on traditional learning your fundamentals you can switch to digital permanently and continute your study there. (if you want. Going out and sketching things in public is useful since life drawing trumps digital studies mostly).

>> No.3002945

Nah learn 3D :^)

>> No.3002946

Sorry but this post really doesn't mean much too me

>> No.3002950
File: 520 KB, 1400x656, markus-luotero-thumbnails-2017-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with thumbnails. With them you develop good composition on an artwork. You also learn value and tone, so work in black and white. Use different shapes and environments such as a jungle, or a cave, or a city. Use real life photos or other artworks for inspiration.

>> No.3002952
File: 369 KB, 1920x1038, rafal-banasiak-stream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you move into colour and atmosphere. You need to learn how to render shapes and materials. Learn how to paint bricks, trees etc. There are tons of speedpaints or tutorials out there.
Remember to make a moodboard of a piece. Moodboards are a collection of images that show your colours, themes and style of the artwork you're working on.
Did you get all that?

>> No.3002965

Not that anon, but why all these CG landscapes look so shit compared to classics? I mean, I don't expect all of them to be William Turner or Isaac Levitan tier, but none of the modern digital artists even comes close. What, artschools back then were stricter?

>> No.3002973

It's probably just the artists I chose. People had more time back then as well. Production nowadays requires you to spit out work as fast as possible.

>> No.3002977
File: 528 KB, 860x837, 1496221808746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, be able into jaws and ears already.

Are you bullshitting us here or what? GTFO out of /beg/ in any case.

>> No.3002986

>It's probably just the artists I chose.
Nah, they all are literally the same. I guess you are right about the reasons.

>> No.3002989

Thanks, I got it I think. What's a speedpaint?
And where would you start, like right at the beginning? I mean as it is I wouldn't know how to start with a thumbnail.

>> No.3003001
File: 2.65 MB, 5312x2988, 20170531_090002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are one minute gestures supposed to look like shit? I don't even finish them in time.

>> No.3003005


>> No.3003008
File: 107 KB, 1263x771, redline11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My advice would be to have her swing with her whole body. Wind her up like a clockwork spring by having her twist at her waist.

>> No.3003017

>telling me to get out of /beg/
>they're all the same
Might also be because it's industry standard, or it is a modern trend.
Watch speedpaints of environments onlines. Good luck and keep posting on /beg/

>> No.3003023

Although, upon another look, I'd say that your hobo's nose is at a slightly wrong angle (it's facing the viewer while his face is turned a bit to the left), but I don't think it's something anyone would really care about, and it doesn't warrant your asking for critique here.

>> No.3003032

I see, thanks. I just didn't think I was good enough, plus I've always found /beg/ comfy. Are you saying this as a beginner or are you at discord "level"?

>> No.3003043

IDK what is a discord level. I guess I'm something in-between a beginner and intermediate, but I'm definitely far below your level.

>> No.3003049

I thought there was an /ic/ discord and made a joke. Perhaps I was mistaken. Post art, you're probably better than what you think you are.

>> No.3003051
File: 64 KB, 600x736, 56wt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I realized sooner that I wanted to be an artist. I was miles ahead of anyone I knew when I was like 10-16. Now I'm just alright.

>> No.3003058

Alright is still better than most. Sit down and start drawing boi.

>> No.3003101

It's more likely that I'm shittier than I think. Some people like and bookmark my works on pixiv (and I'm pretty sure I owe this to my colorings), one guy says that I'll get to Kuvshinov's level in two months, some politely point out my flaws and redline, many prefer to ignore me, and many others trash me mercilessly. Right now I'm depressed and experiencing an unfamiliar state of hangover, so I don't want any more critique, sorry.

>> No.3003109
File: 114 KB, 967x848, color picking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been practicing the color picking game and I have gotten a lot better at seeing saturation and brightness, but my hue is usually off by a lot. I have trouble telling the difference between red-pink and magenta-pink, also redness to orangeness of skin tones.

How do I know if my monitor is even set up properly? I could be learning how to perceive slightly off colors. What about photos vs real life? I read from james gurney that cameras desaturate and darken darks

>> No.3003113
File: 578 KB, 866x362, figures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this. how accurate do i need this colors to be?

>> No.3003118
File: 54 KB, 541x768, midday in the otskerts of moscow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People used to go outside and study landscapes, now they sit inside and study photographs. THe brilliance of classic landscapes comes entirely from colour and light.

>> No.3003120
File: 201 KB, 1800x1128, andes of ecuador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3003126

i cant afford to go to the andes though

>> No.3003128

You can find beauty everywhere if you find hard enough.
Yes, even in the sewers.

>> No.3003132

Do you guys think it will be useful to go to the art gallery?

>> No.3003136

You can afford going to the outskirts of Moscow though.

>> No.3003137

The landscape doesn't matter, its the sun the matters. The sun works pretty much the same way where ever you are. Even if you live in a metropolitan shithole you can still paint a cityscape with beautiful colours.

Yes. Painting do look differently in real life then from google images. Bring a small sketch book, I guarantee you'll get the urge to try to study them. Assuming you don't go to a modern art gallery lol

>> No.3003150

>modern art gallery
I don't think we have those here.

>> No.3003158

I don't know about going to an art gallery, but going to art museums has been useful for me in the past. Especially the art museums that also display the sketches of the artists. I get a lot of ideas from there.

>> No.3003160
File: 85 KB, 750x1000, runner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so hard to draw poses from memory? Like I literally don't know what running looks like.

>> No.3003161

>art museums
Is there a difference?

>> No.3003164

As far as my vocabulary goes, a gallery is more a place where they try to sell you the art and a museum is a place where they just display the art. English is my second language.

>> No.3003175

I think it's the staight back and the shoulders right above the hips that make it look like he's more jogging than running. It might be fun to try to exaggerate the pose more. Perhaps look at that autistic naruto run, they pretend to be fast.

>> No.3003184

i could be wrong but i think a gallery is by one particular artist showing their latest works or series etc with the possibility of selling. an art museum is just like any other museum, a large collection of works that have been accumulated and organized by certain genres and such for display

>> No.3003188

In my mind a solo exhibition is by one particular artist showing their latest works or series etc with the possibility of selling and an art gallery can host these solo exhibitions.

>> No.3003202
File: 1.57 MB, 2048x1536, sorry for the size, smallest i could on the phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demn its hard to go back to drawing after years of fucking off.

>> No.3003254

A gallery is a place that depending on it's quality, both sell and exhibit art pieces.
It's almost never focuses on one artist and again, depending on the quality of the gallery, it might present a"themed" exhibit (can't think on a better word), or it might just show the newest pieces of the artists they patron.
Probably the biggest difference between a good quality gallery and a museum is that you need to pay to enter a museum, while visiting a gallery is free.

>> No.3003257

how do i make a nice and smooth well-sized tonal bar?

>> No.3003274

Huh I had dumb moment thinking I could make gesture drawings out of nowhere without first familiarizing myself with it by using reference. How dumb is that /beg/?!

Good thing it was only 15 minutes of confusion I'd hate to lose more than that when I could have used it for some practice!

>> No.3003281

>/beg/inner almost reaches enlightenment but snaps himself out of it before he could ascend to the next plane of existence

>> No.3003288
File: 184 KB, 750x1000, runner2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to try harder to make my drawings not look so flat.

>> No.3003290

but anon even if I tried my hardest what I'd make would be something taken out of a horror movie

this, but I had to pay for to get in an art gallery too.

>> No.3003305

In these cases you never know before you try. And it, in fact, might work.

>> No.3003309

>but I had to pay for to get in an art gallery too.
What gallery was it!? The whole point of galleries is that it allows broken ass art students to expose themselves to current art made by local artists. Also, demanding payment for looking at art from potential costumers (fat chance, but still) is copmpletely bonkers!

>> No.3003341

Sounds like another recipe for burnout. Just take it easy man. There is time and energy for studies. Then chill and draw for fun, then go back into serious practice, rinse repeat.

>> No.3003393


You do. Part of that means not doing a flat side angle and including a bit more foreshortening. A little foreshortening goes a long way towards giving a drawing more depth.

>> No.3003403

dont leave /beg/ render-whore.
you leave instead

>> No.3003409

Do you need it? Yes.

Will it kill you not to take it, right away? No.

Will it benefit you? Yes.

It's fine.

>> No.3003414

Most of them are done as concept art, which is more about capturing mood and environment than a finished piece. The guys who are doing classic landscapes are the matte guys, they're doing paintings (used to be oil/acrylic, now digital) that are optically mixed with live footage.
If you want to do classic landscapes, study classics. Study oil technique. Translate that to digital.

>> No.3003421

I get bored practicing on my own so I made an online comic jam platform: www.striptogether.co

>> No.3003422

You might be color blind in those hues. It's pretty common for artists to find a slight color blindness.

Your monitor needs to be calibrated, if you want accuracy. But you need to define accuracy, in terms of what the intended output is. If you're setting up to print accurately what's on your screen to a high end inkjet, that's a different scenario than just setting up your screen to neutralize the greys and set your gamma correctly.

If you just want your screen more accurate, you'll need a colorimeter, like the ColorMonki Display:

Note - you need to use a colorimeter every time the ambient light changes in your working environment, and every session you start working. Doing it once, and then working in a room where the ambient light changes all day from sunlight, you've wasted your time.

>> No.3003430

You don't need to be 100% accurate, but you do need to be close. You aren't even close. You painted her all brown, because that's what you think is there, you didn't look at what's really there. Look at the ground, you painted it as grey, because your brain expects the generic "grey is ground" cliche - but the photo shows she's on sand and gravel that's reflecting blues and greens. It's right there in front of you, and you could be picking colors out with the app. Her skin is a mixture of umbers and siennas and oranges and pinks and reflected green and blue from the environments, and you used ONE shade of brown.

You don't need a more accurate screen, you need to LOOK at what you're painting and see the color right in front of you.

>> No.3003432
File: 2.47 MB, 200x200, 1383110646608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark orange is just brown
>dark yellow is just green

>> No.3003435

I've been drawing geometric shapes and weird organic blobs for a while now. How do I transition from that into actually drawing humans?

>> No.3003448

I thought so. Do I need to bring more weight and lineart? I was trying to study how to render a face of a man while giving a story.
Maybe next time I'll post less rendered stuff.

>> No.3003451

>If you want to do classic landscapes, study classics. Study oil technique. Translate that to digital.
Why I never saw anyone doing this?

>> No.3003457

People still do. It is still practiced.

>> No.3003463

Because it's not a popular subject in the digital world, people want pictures of superheros, not lakes and valleys and mountains. Some subjects will always be popular in traditional media. Mostly because someone looking for a landscape wants something to hang on the wall, that isn't an ink jet of a Photoshop file.

I paint landscapes in watercolor and oil. I do it, knowing my market, if I tried to sell them is extremely limited. But it's fine - I paint them for me.

>> No.3003470
File: 126 KB, 1472x916, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhh... my own little tropical paradise

>> No.3003471
File: 330 KB, 609x1000, Epson_05202017155308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys could anyone give me feedback on this? I'm not sure what I need to work on to "level up" my art because I still feel like a beginner (it's only been a year though)

>> No.3003480

"Beware of the devastating influence of North American comic books.

…or any other art that displays immediate, dazzling or hypnotic power on its surface. It’s easy to be seduced away from the development of your own style; you risk becoming just another clone of your hero. Study them like crazy, if you want... but the work of most of the current lot of popular superhero artists will fall by the wayside in a few short years, as it just doesn’t have the depth or layers to sustain any amount of serious interest with anyone whose tastes have matured."

>> No.3003488

Don't worry about me, I like and have no problem with superhero art, but I was never a comic book guy. My career (published artist) has been my own style, in a specific genre, where I carved out my own space.

>> No.3003490

What you show here is a rough draft. The next step is to render the forms more accurately, and render the forms with texture and light. You need to up the level of accuracy and detail.

>> No.3003491
File: 30 KB, 262x152, racist_loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you people keep pushing a certified racist as some kind of god? I thought this was /ic/, not /pol/?

>> No.3003494

>certified racist
Whew, didn't know they gave certifications for that. Do I have to take a class or something?

>> No.3003498

No, just be white.

>> No.3003505
File: 220 KB, 758x719, 14962463821942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threw together a few suggestions. Hopefully of some help.

>> No.3003509

>all whites are racists
that's a pretty racist thing to say.

>> No.3003510

>Like I literally don't know what running looks like.
act it out dude! and for running i'm pretty sure the torso should be leaning forward and not straight like you have it

>> No.3003512

By starting drawing humans right now. It's that simple. You try to incorporate those geometric shapes and weird organic blobs into your humans to give them form.

>> No.3003514

Minorities should be drawn with white facial features and to ideal white proportions and their skin slightly tinted to indicate that they might be ethnic

Portraying them accurately is racist

>> No.3003541

Is that supposed to be proof Loomis was racist? Because those are the proper terms used in Anthropology. You're confusing the scientific use with the derogatory connotations. He lived in the early 20th century, and used the best scientific terms he knew to use. Take your self-righteous witch hunt elsewhere.

Actual racism.

>> No.3003548

Spoken like a true racist. There's only one race - the human race. Science confirms.

>> No.3003561

>Science confirms

That doesn't mean much. With the advent of genetic sequencing they don't even use the term "species" anymore because it's way too ambiguous. In real scientific journals, everything is a reference sequenced genome, divergence from a known sequenced genome, or the name of a proprietary line of model animal/plant/bacteria/plasmid/whatever.

That doesn't mean that a human and a tree are the same thing. In fact, it's the exact opposite. We're extremely quantitative of just how different the two are. Same applies to human individuals and races.

>> No.3003566

Samefag race troll.

>> No.3003577
File: 67 KB, 259x399, hitler_loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story, Hitler

>> No.3003649

I seem to struggle a lot making my shading flow naturally. It always looks like the strokes are very clearly differentiated (I use a HB pencil). Any exercises on how to improve on this? Any protip, no matter how stupid it sounds to make the strokes less noticeable?

>> No.3003652
File: 64 KB, 1385x654, skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on colour picking skin tones.
my colours always feel unnatural to me

>> No.3003669




>> No.3003679

thanks, the pose definitely looks a lot less awkward

>> No.3004148

nice :)