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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2992176 No.2992176 [Reply] [Original]

Just wondering how many of you have friends who also do art.

I used to have artist friends and it motivated me to draw a lot. One of them was better than me and they motivated me a ton to actually improve. The other was worse but it was fun drawing with them so i drew a lot even if it was small doodles.

Now i got no friends and just draw randomly.
I'm not saying i want friends or anything!... cause I eventually get bored and stop talking to people. Or avoid them and then wonder why no one is talking with me. Dont want to end up like tetsu now...

Anywho pic unrelated... just type of things I like to draw... but fail at.

>> No.2992215

I don't know who tetsu is.

My situation is pretty similar to yours. Used to have artsy friends now i don't really.

I made two good friends when I briefly went to art school but we had different majors so we don't overlap in interests very much.

I'd love to have new artist friends but a lot of artists kinda only give a fuck about themselves. I've been used as "free publicity" so to speak (i.e. just a friend to reblog shit or whatever) too many times to want to give a fuck about making friends again.

>> No.2992238


hmm luckily I haven't met those type of artists that only become friends to drive their popularity.

Also I've only been to community college and didn't have a chance to make friends in the art classes I took so I never had any irl friends who were into art.

Tetsu is a artist who recently died cause he was socially awkward af and just cause his girlfriend didnt want to put up with his obsessiveness and wanted to focus on her art primarily he off'd himself.

But honestly having friends who are into art is so nice. I tried joining the discords before but i dono i feel like my personality is way diff than most people on /ic/.

it's hard to find a good place to make art friends.

>> No.2992271

had 1-2 one classmate and one underclassman, first one drew furry things the other person drew cartoon mostly which i liked since it leaned towards anime sometimes. Haven't met any artist since. I only hope to befriend an anime artist someday.

>> No.2992527

Report this shitty feels thread
>Do u haev frends autists?
Yea I do 2 people actually one is very close but hows that related to productivity or anything how am I supposed to get better at drawing by discussing this?

>its not liek i care about frends or anything cuz i'm too speciaul for relationshipz
Get outta here

>> No.2992648



>> No.2992650

I've had a lot online, but didn't have many serious artist friends until college.

>> No.2992651

Idk, imo if you wanna get good, it's a good idea to network with other artists, especially those more skilled and experienced than you, as they'll point you in the right direction.

God forbid anyone take half the "critique" given on this board with more than a MASSIVE grain of salt.

>> No.2992657

I've made friends in art classes or outside of class, but unfortunately no one at my school is all that great. I'd probably be the best at my school, and that's pretty sad. Our school isn't very art focused, as most of the money is funneled into sports programs.

Usually the excuse I see in my art friends is "muh style". Half the time it's animu and the other half is "realistic" (with nothing but symbol drawing).

One friend of mine really inspired me to get better, and I keep in touch sometimes. Her art is miles ahead of mine, but I'm still working on getting better.

>> No.2992664

Not really. I've got a couple of friendly acquaintances online, but no IRL art friends.

I really wish I had some.

I think I've gotten one or two pieces of gift art.

>> No.2992686

>I haven't met those type of artists that only become friends to drive their popularity.

Those people are everywhere.

>> No.2992690


Hmm... Are you sure they are friends then or you are being unreasonable.

If they are just friends to drive their popularity I'd think it's unfeasible to interact and maintain relationships with all these popularity engines.

Maybe they just excited about their art and thought you were too and hoped you'd just share their art?

I always shared my friends art. Because it was good and I loved it

>> No.2992692

I have previously, they were all a pain in the ass. Maybe just my shit luck

>> No.2992733

I have an art friend, I always try to promote his art on my tumblr and instagram since I have a much bigger following.

Does he ever help me out? no.
He meets a lot of other artists in real life but would never get the idea of maybe inviting me to their meetings too.

fuck him.

>> No.2992832

jesus wtf.

have ya talked to him about that?
I've only had female artist friends so far.

>> No.2992909

nah what's the point, he would probably make fun of me and tell me to go find my own art friends

he would usually rub it into my face how they had so much fun drawing with each other going to live figure drawing sessions together, recommending clients and shit....

I also drew him a birthday present two years ago I really put a lot of effort in, yet in the meantime he drew a portrait of every fucking friend we share except of me of course

tl;dr: art friends are fucking shit

>> No.2992915

No. I'd love to have one, but I'm too awful at socializing.

>> No.2992986

that picture is the most on point thing I have seen posted.

I don't understand a bit of this other than the white part. I'm the white kitty from space.

But I don't get the orange stuff, or really the space stuff.

Someone needs to tell me what is going on already.

>> No.2992993

Whats a good way to make art friends?

>> No.2993004

My best friend is an artist too
He thinks I draw better than him and I think he draws better than me
We definitly helped each other improve a lot
but it can be different for some people, we have an artsy friend who's younger, so obviously he's not as good as us
but always comparing himself to us made him lose all of his motivation
he still draws but it always seems like he always hates it
it really stopped his progress, I don't think he has any chance of making it now

>> No.2993008


if he is such a dick why stay friends with that fucker?

I haven't met anyone like that luckily but the artist friend i did have which was better than me was friends with someone like that. He would berate her art and say how he is better than her and shit but he was god awful. Like his art was literally repulsive and had no redeeming quality.

but she still stayed friends with him... i dont get that sorta stuff. I dono if being alone or being friends with people like that is better... i think alone is better than that hell.

>> No.2993015

The grapefruit is a smile c:
I wanted to post a friendly looking picture. and a grapefruit smile is happy no matter how unhappy you actually are.

that's rough. Yea seeing people who are better than you can either be motivation or kills you.

when I had the art friend who was better than me I would keep drawing just to improve a little so I could be closer to her level.

Also out of the 2 of us I was the ass. I'd be critical of art and would say when someones art would suck. She however liked everything pretty much and would only agree a piece sucked if i pointed out what was bad about someones art.

>> No.2993016

yo his tattoo skills are crazy good.

>> No.2993059
File: 48 KB, 619x679, Sakimichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not saying i want friends or anything!...


I've got my eyes on you, do anything Normalfaggish and I'll reee so hard that Robots will be looking at you funny in no time.

> 4chan, where people apologize for having friends

>> No.2993072

I don't even have friends.

>> No.2993096
File: 217 KB, 800x600, D-D-Daaamn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm your friend whether your like it or not anon
so cut this shit out or ill give you hugs and love you

>> No.2993104


same here bro.

It's hard to even make them and then eventually ima drift apart from them cause im shitty at keeping friends. I just stop talking with them eventually.

>> No.2993112
File: 5 KB, 256x197, Loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's weird, I don't find you in my list of friends.

>> No.2993195

Sometimes I orbit around art groups in my area. i cant seem get in close because of my autism

>> No.2993228

Whenever I made friends it was when i was streaming and they would talk to me. I'd ask if they drew aswell and if their art was atleast decent I'd keep talking and asking questions and eventually would be like hey wanna be friends?

but it's not a good way to find friends since it depends on acutally getting lucky enough to have someone good come into your art streams.

>> No.2993646

Gave me a good idea. Cheers.
How can i find ur streams? Friend hehe

>> No.2993710

Being part of a project or a small community can work too. Even more so if they're an equally introverted and work focused bunch. You don't need to be full on friends.

>> No.2993782

Is he even your friend lol

>> No.2993795
File: 242 KB, 400x299, ayyyyye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im always there anon
trust me
trust me
trust me
just trust me anon
trust me please......
trust me-seriouslydoit!
I have a right to get my dick sucked just like anyone else, #black dicks matter

>> No.2993906

I have a very talented friend who is better than me but she doesn't draw at all. I want to get better so I keep working but the gap is still too big even if she stops drawing.

>> No.2993913

You sound like a desperate, clingy fag. I wouldn't bring you along either if that's the way you are

>> No.2993967

there needs to be a like button on here...

>> No.2994106

Yeah he's insanely good. He's technically a friend of a a friend, but I wanna get some ink done by him. He's also validated my art progress, says he's impressed by how quickly I'm growing, so that's nice.

>> No.2994130

he's my "art" """"friend"""" so we don't hang out much and usually just talk about drawing

I definitely won't ever do him a favor again and rather do some art trades wih complete strangers on the internet

>> No.2994580

b my art friend :3

>> No.2994591
File: 2.36 MB, 3552x2000, WP_20170513_09_56_01_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a guy that posted this on 4chan in here

>> No.2994786

i had one when i was 12
he was really good
he stopped and joined the football team and became psuedo popular and now he's just a faggot
in all honestly you don't need friends until you git gud

>> No.2994866

Sorry for super late reply!
I haven't streamed for the longest desu...
BUT!! if you want to be friends sure.
Here look at my art. It's meh desu but if you still want to be friends
msg me on this tumblr and we can exchange skype or discords

eff that guy yo! let's be friends instead!

Probably true. However it can be pretty lonely by yourself.

>> No.2994890

>However it can be pretty lonely by yourself.

no it doesnt
if you have good friends in real life you're never lonely doing your own hobbies. like i don't fit in with anybody in the art world because theyre all gay and cringeworthy and liberal and awful at life in general but i still love drawing and i dont get lonely doing it

>> No.2994902

Oh yeah def. but i don't have any friends anymore lol

and having friends who weren't interested in art just made me do other things beside art.

>> No.2994971

I go to a big name art school and I have almost no actual friends there. I only really have acquaintances there. Sure they compliment my art and all that but my work and personality lacks the "hipness" that appeals to them. It doesn't help that my school is utterly cucked by SJW bullshit brainwashing. One of the main heads of illustration and fine art fucking praised Carroll Dunham's (Lena Dunham's degenerate father) work of all people. A lot of people are sympathize with that sort of overly-liberal view of art as a result. I came into school thinking that I'd be making all sorts of artist friends there but it really wasn't the case. I now prefer being around my non-artist friends.

>> No.2995186

The only art friend I have is the most important thing in my life.

>> No.2995947

Have some discord friends but i haven't shown myself in a while so it's a bit awkward.

>> No.2996000

I had one art friend but shes quit now almost entirely. She'd ask for my criticism and I'd try to be constructive, but she would say stuff like "that's just my style" and thought fundies were too much work. I made a lot of progress over the last couple years too and could tell it discouraged her. She would get jelly and say "YOU drew that?" It was like she wanted me to not git gud either.
I feel shitty about it still. Don't know if I should persue new art friends.

>> No.2996032

You too buddy ;3

>> No.2996257

the art friend who was worse than me was exactly like that. she even wanted to get into animation but she wouldnt improve past her meh art style. and if i critiqued it she'd be like thats my style!

however she'd always say she was inspired or encouraged when we drew together. but eventually she felt that i didnt like drawing with her as much cause i didnt like her style. It was half true desu other half was she became fucking obsessive over a certain music genre when she hated it at first and i introduced it to her...

>> No.2996276
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, awww that was a good art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but they're all untalented SJW's that aren't interested in true ART

>> No.2996284

Its better to have rivals. For me its hard to make art friends because I think artists are really sensitive people and are SJWs who enjoy safe humor

>> No.2996308

Once you get out of school/college there is no way back, there's no way to get new friends. They won't stick anymore.

Hold the few you have close, boys, because it's either them or fucking your brain up until your tulpa talks to you.

>> No.2996383


This. Its good to have competition but once you get out into the real world you'll realize it's even better to have a good close support system to get you the tough times. No one makes it alone.

>> No.2996395

I have a few art friends. We bounce ideas off each other and we get very competitive.
Especially the two I'm with regularly. One is working on very nice abstract charcoal pieces. Idk how he does it without it looking forced. Abstract just doesn't work for me.

>> No.2996402

sauce on pic?

>> No.2997696
File: 41 KB, 480x640, FB_IMG_1492525556042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't take drawing too seriously. One moved to programming

>> No.2997712

same. Im doing programming right now but i can't pass calculus... why do i need calculus to major in programming...

>> No.2997790
File: 140 KB, 1280x853, TrumpBoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your new world order is falling isn't it.

>> No.2997795

I used to but then they all ruined my life and now I have no friends lel

To be honest most artists I've met have bad mental issues.

>> No.2997809

How did they ruin your life?
I highly doubt they count of monte cristo'd you.
You sure it wasn't something you did?

and i won't disagree with that. Both of my art friends had issues one was a sexless anxiety prone baby and the other one was a neet redneck.

>> No.2999593 [DELETED] 

source on girl?