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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2990468 No.2990468 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to get tired of art? I've commissioned a bunch of stuff over the last 2 years and I've loved everything the artists have done for me. But this last week I've been thinking that I've got what I can best describe as art fatigue. I just have lost all will to commission again, I still love art but I'm just tired?

>> No.2990477

Sounds like you are just tired of spending money on a bunch of art. If I bought pants every month after awhile I'd have so many pants I wouldn't know what to do anymore. Maybe you should just take a break.

>> No.2990478

Yes it's possible.
Do anything too much too often & you'll get bored, that's normal!
It's your brain suggesting you to take a break.

>> No.2990479 [DELETED] 

You get bored if you do too much too quick. After awhile you lose interest and just get tired.

>> No.2990484

How long of a break is good for the brain to reset?

Is there a way to not lose interest?

>> No.2990486

I deleted my post since the guy above me said the samething.

Space things out. You're burn out too quick if you do and want everything at once. Imagine playing a new video game for 2 week straight 12 hours a day (just an example), come week 3 you're gonna get bored of playing it so much and so often.

>> No.2990494

what do you do with the art you commission?

>> No.2990897

You're bored.

>> No.2990985

welcome to art block city baby

>> No.2990999

What type of art are you commissioning? I find that finding a new fandom, or art style/medium, is a good way to get rid of the fatigue.

>> No.2991004

Please don't be one of my regulars. I kinda need the money recently.

>> No.2991010 [DELETED] 


>> No.2991036 [DELETED] 


>> No.2991082 [DELETED] 

Poor guy :c

>> No.2991154 [DELETED] 

How do you get regulars?

>> No.2991231

How do you get tired of art? That makes no sense.

>> No.2991342

you got tired of fapping to your 2d hentai? try 3d

>> No.2991348

The rush of spending money on that particular thing is diminishing.

Go find something else to spend your money on.

>> No.2991351

Do you think the rush could be "rejuvenated" with a little break?

>> No.2991375

You can't always be riding highs.

I remember the first time I ever felt like something fun was dying out, I felt a sense of overwhelming panic. I think people just accept that some times it doesnt do anything for you but they stick around anyways because they have no reason to just 'drop' that thing. I also think constantly jumping around from hobby to hobby is very anxious.

Just take a moment to sit back and stare at the art you got or something.

>> No.2991385

Yeah I still can't tell if op means buying commissions or making commissions. But I'm yeah you can get tired of almost everything, even sex.

>> No.2991394
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>even sex

>> No.2991503

I lol'd.

>> No.2992283

I suggest you try taking a break before you burn yourself out.

>> No.2992467 [DELETED] 

Unrelated but client related; what do I do about and artist who keeps missing deadlines?

>> No.2992974

Is this some sort of humblebrag about how rich you are?
>Man I'm so tired of paying all these people to draw for me, I love what they've done for me but I'm so fatigued from spending all this money and doing fuckall else, anyone else know this feel???

>> No.2992979

Of course. That's why you need to balance work with life, to keep trickle charging the batteries, and once in a while, take a break. I am surrounded by art and design through work and my own art, but I also read, play guitar, game, ride bikes, work out, travel, all kinds of things, so I don't get cabin fever or burn out.

If you're not dependant on the commissions, take a break and work for yourself for a while. Call it a sabbatical. Take a trip somewhere you've never been recharge the creative batteries. Or just go unplug on a beach for a week.

>> No.2992982

Yes, even sex. When you get older, you'll understand.

>> No.2992994

Not sex, but I got bored of masturbating and looking at porn in general.

I prefer looking at artistic depictions of pretty people more.

>> No.2993160

I didn't get that feeling, you seem a little upset someone didn't commission you.

>> No.2994691

>good answers in a thread for once


>> No.2995176

How do you get bored of art?

>> No.2995241 [DELETED] 

Read the thread. Too much of a good thing can drain you pretty fast.

>> No.2995275

I'll be shat on for saying this but blame the artists. Assuming you've been working with different ones all these times, they must be boring you, their finished product isn't living up to expectations and isn't blowing you away.

Maybe you need to look long and hard for an outstanding artist.

>> No.2996808

As someone who's also spent a decent amount of money on commissions to have 88% of those artists I paid miss deadlines over and over again. I can tell you that will also make you get bored and have a falling out with art. I even spent 6 months looking and trying new artists, but they all miss deadlines by weeks sometimes.

>> No.2997192 [DELETED] 

I wou al

>> No.2997214

The thing with art is that you can draw vertually anything you want if your bored of one style you should try another.

>> No.2997413

Please explain.

>> No.2997830 [DELETED] 

I main problem is when you often over

>> No.2997844

If you're tired of art just look at completely different art

that's the great thing about art, there's so much of it

>> No.2998573

Try commissioning porn artists. I'm open for some commissions btw.

>> No.2998767

How do you guys know who to commission? I was thinking of looking up DeviantArt and finding someone that does the style I want and asking if they take commissions, but I don't know what to pay, what's a fair price? I'd like to have my wife and I drawn as characters in a couple of different styles, like one really kawaii, one calm like mushishi, one real comfy like fruits basket, and another really experimental like madoka magic girl.

I don't want to pay too much but I don't want to take advantage of anyone's situation either. What do you pay for commissions and where do you find the artists?

(email tarkaan at Gmail if you are an artist who does this pls)

>> No.2998775
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>I'd like to have my wife and I drawn as characters in a couple of different styles, like one really kawaii

>> No.2998806

Oh come on dude, love is nice and being in love is better. Being in love with your wife is the absolute top, and wanting her drawn with the peace sign on one hand and a daisy in the other with her arm around me with a toothpick in my teeth, well that would go down in fucking history.

>> No.2998820
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>> No.2998822

Oh be nice.

>> No.2999131

I'm only judging because I've never had a client ask to ever draw them or their partner. Just seems like an odd request for 4chan.