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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 61 KB, 520x717, las-105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2988088 No.2988088 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
Last Thread>>2981233

>> No.2988089

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The original developer of the site has taken a leave for quite a while, originally due to medical reasons. Progress on the site is almost non-existant at this point. You can try contacting him at @LavaFlake or emailing him at lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>Your streak will go back to 0 and you will have to start again. No other penalties.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>There is no week system anymore, instead new users are given "streaks" based on the number of consecutive days you can submit without getting eliminated. (token losses do not reset your streak)

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.
there. kick rocks.

>> No.2988090

I have hope for the new LAS ;w;

>> No.2988091

This is a list of anons who stream once every blue moon, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.

VSOCK: twitch channel: professorsugoi




Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


Please compliment or give crits to your fellow lassies if you have time to spare, even if it's only one person at a time.
Lassies like to feed on mentions and attentions.


>> No.2988116

Say something about 1 (one) lassie

>> No.2988121

I suck

>> No.2988122


a shitting dog

>> No.2988125

I'm gonna make it

>> No.2988128


>> No.2988147

Fucking a man.

>> No.2988152


>> No.2988154

Good thread so far lads

>> No.2988158

>haven't drawn anything since last year
>decide to start drawing serious for 10 hours a day and post something in las tomorrow
>wake up sick, unable to do any task without a terrible pain in my head

>> No.2988180

you can start tomorrow ;)

>> No.2988187

Only if he swears.

>going from nothing to 10 hours a day without a gradual ramp up
You'll blow out your hand, wrist, and arm before you get the chance to burn out.

>> No.2988188

shoo shoo gains goblin

>> No.2988192
File: 74 KB, 681x628, gains goblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2988200

Why do you post this anon?
You are ruining my gains.

>> No.2988202

If I want to make marks on a piece of paper should I use a material that distributes across a surface when pressure from a tool holding it is applied to the paper?

>> No.2988204

>he can't simply will the paper to change color in the precise patterns he wishes to impress on it
Confirmed not gonna make it

>> No.2988364

>The page always seems to have a horizontal scroll bar, but there is just empty space on the sides.
>Also, you have a stray header tag on line 36 when viewing the source of the page.

I took care of the stray tag, thanks for identifying it. As for the horizontal bar, I thought I had fixed it, at least at my screen resolution. If you don't mind could you tell me what your screen resolution is?

>> No.2988381

Challenge idea!

- only hard round brush
- no layers
- no undo
- no blending brushes
- no filters
- no selections
- no liquify

- you can use hard round brush with opacity\size dynamics and, lets say, scatter
- you can use different blending modes of the brush
- you should make somewhat finished picture, at least with colors and lights

- bonus: maximum brush economy
- bonus: do a gif with progress
- extra bonus: do it with mspaint

>> No.2988420

What if I never do digital to begin with?

>> No.2988425

I don't know why you put it like it's a challenge. I must be in the small minority that doesn't do any of those other things.

>> No.2988427

I have a 1366x768 laptop screen, I just noticed that if I stretch the page beyond my screen size it does disappear.
Anyway, it's nice to see you're actively working on it and taking feedback.

>> No.2988439

Ha, that's odd, I'll see if It's an element or the margin extending beyond the page that is causing it for your resolution. And thanks, I love hearing from you guys what you want to see and what changes should be made as I go.

>> No.2988571

Well, technically you can participate, but it's rather for digital art. Obviously.

You wanna say you never undo, never use layers and do artwork (line sketches doesn't count). Who the hell are you?

>> No.2988601
File: 365 KB, 400x328, 1323196231860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew, that was close

>> No.2988603
File: 27 KB, 504x415, reece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't steal my gains if I never had any

>> No.2988606
File: 153 KB, 663x1024, 1494992816238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2988621


I like doing that! It's why my art looks bad.

>> No.2988622

Where is Susi?

>> No.2988625

Susipari? In the discord probs

>> No.2988642
File: 497 KB, 1400x854, flawless fluff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Saucy, hope to see you again in July 2018.
The last flawless to lose a token was Tom, on March 13th.

And congrats to Fluffable the Flawless. <3

Some of you might remember I made a gif months ago, showing the order and what dates each flawless fell. I can make another one of those tonight if people are interested.

>> No.2988643

Is Fluffy really a grill?.

>> No.2988646

fluff is a cute girl in our hearts!

>> No.2988647

Yes please

>> No.2988648
File: 718 KB, 1600x925, 13 remain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the updated weekwunner pic. The last week one to fall was Soroneir on March 20th.

13 week ones now remain.

Idk, but I feel like the thousand yard stare is accurate at least.

>> No.2988650

Fuck, didn't think I'd live to see the day where we'd have a flawless winner. Congrats fluff.

Looks like now people are looking at non day 1 flawlesses
>tfw drew everyday but sacrificed my token a couple times just for fun
I-I coulda been flawless
Looks like naf is a monster killing everyone around him.

>> No.2988653

>Looks like naf is a monster killing everyone around him.
hang in there human bean!!

>> No.2988660

Who are the non day 1 flawlesses anyways?

>> No.2988662

Good luck with the challenge, everyone.

>> No.2988667

I only remember jmgn was one for a long while, until he was not, don't really think there are any others

>> No.2988673

>day 500 tomorrow
how far we've come

>> No.2988674

Th-thanks guys. I'm kinda bummed Saucy didn't stick around a couple more days to hit 500 with me, but I just hope he gets through whatever's going on and comes back.
>inb4 I miss the deadline tonight or tomorrow fucking around

Cath is day 2, Kirikae is day 4, and Whizzard is day 10. Those are all the flawless still in the week system

>> No.2988679

When are you going to go pro Fluff

>> No.2988680

Shimoneta is such a great anime, I guess I lose today.

>> No.2988681

the secret flawless, hidden in plain sight

>> No.2988687

Maybe by day 5000 I'll be at that level

>> No.2988692

>Shimoneta is such a great anime
I don't even know where to begin with this

>> No.2988697
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1495226535492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you go through everything you have drawn and realize how much you suck

>> No.2988712

I have a LAS folder, realization hits every day.

>> No.2988719

It's a good thing anon. You're growing out of your own work and becoming disillusioned to it.

>> No.2988727

>tfw compare your work to other lassies sometimes and have no clue how they where they get

>> No.2988731

Congratulations, Fluff!

>> No.2988733

P-please give names
P-please be me

>> No.2988734

should we do an image with the four week 1 flawless?

>> No.2988735

>and have no clue how they where they get
what in the god damn does that even mean

no, the flawless meme is over

>> No.2988737

>how they where they get

>> No.2988741

>how they where they get

>> No.2988745

>when they figure out you're bad at english too

>> No.2988746
File: 876 KB, 1400x854, flawlessanimated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, here's a gif of the flawless decline, with dates and names too. I can do this for the week1 pic too, if that ever ends.

For easier reading of the timeline, here:

>January -
>February -
>March - VitaminNeko, FmMood, aimai
>April - 7, Aestro
>May - DanielM, EyeSeeUK, Eldrick, w
>June -
>July - JerryBreem, Cyan, Anon313
>August - Alm0nde
>September - Soroneir
>October - Lokki, Santi
>November - Rad, Yotsuyu
>December -

>January -
>February -
>March - Choob, Tom
>April -
>May - Saucy

>> No.2988754

I want new las, so I can finaly take part in fresh new memes instead of ghostposting

>> No.2988757

Is it just a coincidence that all of these people are good artists now?

>> No.2988761


>> No.2988763

No idea who VitaminNeko, 7, DanielM, and EyeSeeUK even are.

>> No.2988770

I remember vitaminneko, doesn't he draw some nice gestures and wasn't he in the streams talking with lava back in the day?

And 7, wasn't he doing a comic or something?

I can't recall if it was danielm or tom that drew the comic strip when Eldrick the Redeemed first died

EyeSeeUK, he went under my radar :(

>> No.2988777
File: 1.99 MB, 540x290, fluffable.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did it all go so wrong

http://lavaflake.com/draw/active.php is the easy way to look at people's stuff, you might recognize some pics from old draw threads depending on how new you are.

Neko was one of the regular streamers, he left LAS and stopped streaming but still posts.

>> No.2988779

mmm, I really like neko

>> No.2988787

I don't know If I want to stay in the challenge
30 days is a heck of a commitment

>> No.2988793

The RPG challenge gonna be a.... real challenge. It is so far out of my comfort zone but I am excited to push myself. :D Best of luck to ye who dares to excel.

>> No.2988804
File: 15 KB, 240x251, pixelated top kek face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it just a coincidence that all of these people are good artists now?

>> No.2988805

Dare ye cross that threshold and forego everything you have learned? RPG illustrator I am not.

>> No.2988810

Some of them are okay/intermediate (I could probably get an entry level job) tier. Others are close to where they started. Then there are at least three that are somewhere near industry professional level.

>> No.2988813

Do we update every day for the challenge, or do we just dump them all at the end?

>> No.2988820


I think the idea was to release something each day. I figure not a full on illustration, but at least something.

My plan is to work at maybe three things per day - realease a WIP here and there then update when I am good and ready and just keep that going until everything is done.

>> No.2988824

I need the names of
>could probably get an entry level job
>industry professional level
for research

>> No.2988841

>industry professional level
If we're talking about LAS as a whole, think Barkode and people like him. I would put someone like Papa next to him, Mathias if he really applied himself to doing things along the lines of illustration and character design.

Entry-intermediate level jobs... it's hard to say, I've seen people around Rad's level get a few jobs here and there. Leo could definitely get an intermediate job, he just has the right aesthetic sense and I can easily see him getting to the point where he is doing great things.

>> No.2988848
File: 369 KB, 676x1000, 1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2988852


>> No.2988857


>> No.2988862

i think that's bookmarkanon

>> No.2988865




>> No.2988883

fug I shouldn't have joined the rpg challenge

>> No.2988893

Same. I'm probably gonna get shit for being bland.

>> No.2988898


I feel you, but to hell with it.
These challenges are more than just making something pretty. It's not enough to update to LAS everyday, studies don't mean shit if there is no application.
Challenges are the best way to do just that.

>> No.2988900

It's ok, we'll embarrass ourselves together.

>> No.2988905

Thanks, anon. I look forward to our mutual humiliation.

>> No.2988906

I juined it just in case, I probably won't be able to commit to it, but who knows. It's not like anything happens when you FAIL

>> No.2988914

okay lassies I think I figured out why contestant repeat themself in the challenge. I just need to reload the challenge page after joining.

>tfw you can keep doing this till LAS is destroyed

>> No.2988918

oh fug

lava really fugged up

>> No.2988923

Do i really gotta draw some ugly ass self insert

>> No.2988925

>and then there were infinite seffys

>> No.2988928
File: 70 KB, 750x708, OksjTZJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I keep hitting reload to see what gonna happen lassies?

>> No.2988929

He should use this as inspiration for part of the challenge

>> No.2988931

>It's not like anything happens when you FAIL
You're right. I should've joined
I think I'm gonna attempt some just in case

Cute shit nessiefynn

>> No.2988932
File: 364 KB, 540x300, 1492523877467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2988936
File: 65 KB, 720x540, 1495316693900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe if Im doing it enough times Lava will come back and fix this???

>> No.2988938

>site breaks down
>lava doesn't bother
>ruined it for everyone else
you go, faggot

>> No.2988940

half of these people are still here though. seems stupid to continue pushing this meme.

>> No.2988943

I guess I gotta stop now lmao

>> No.2988944

Do it

Take her down

>> No.2988945

im still pretty garbage

>> No.2988948

why dont you save some money for an art course / class

i think it would worth it

>> No.2988950

no art schools/ ataliers near me. also poor.

>> No.2988953

like, how do you even go to an art course? how can i know its a good art course and not just hacks who make you buy paint and paper to trick you like they do normies? if i knew how to get a private tutor i would try him for 3 days a week

>> No.2988964

I want to have dinner with that Shibe

>> No.2988965

im personally wondering what goes through his head. i KNOW he lurks here but why not interact?

>> No.2988966

Seffy should have to do one extra drawing for every time he entered that challenge.

>> No.2988967

How do I send you money

>> No.2988968


>> No.2988970

>i KNOW he lurks here

>> No.2988972

never give personal info here non, its not good.

>> No.2988974

>im personally wondering what goes through his head

>Look at all these plebs
>I'm glad I'm a worthless NEET who stay at home
>My wrists hurt
>My spine hurts
>Why am I so much better than everyone else?
>I'm going to become pro in 2 weeks, 3 days, 6 hours, 34 minutes, and 15 seconds

>> No.2988975

Lava had a rough life :(

>> No.2988980

He deserves the roughest life
I wish 1000 years of pain upon him and his ancestors

>> No.2988981


>> No.2989009

I missed the deadline again

I don't know if I can really do this anymore.

>> No.2989014

You can do it, I believe in you. You've made it this far!

>> No.2989035

What matters in the long run isn't how many times you failed but how many times you tried again.

>> No.2989047

I wonder what kind of philosophy the w1s follow and especially the flawless.

>> No.2989067

>none of the flawless is good.
>there are good lassies in flawed w1ers

what does this mean?

>> No.2989070

>Have I drawn today?
>If not, Draw
>Submit drawing

>> No.2989122

ive been drawing for a few hours and my mind went to sleep so i closed without saving, is there a way to get the image back?

>> No.2989123

What program

>> No.2989126

cs 6 it was not a crash, i closed it. am i doomed?

>> No.2989158

Go back to paper and pencil, digital art is doomed. Everything is procedural.

>> No.2989212

You gotta save a lot on digital. I've been doing mostly traditional for the past couple months and decided to do a study the other day. Ended up taking 3-4 hours and then photoshop fucking crashed on me near the end. Didn't even save anything, luckily it was a crash so it saved some of my progress. But yeah, you gotta save like every 5 minutes or your playing a dangerous game.

>> No.2989258

>especially the flawless
There are plenty more ways to fail than just not posting, otherwise this clown >>2989067 would have nothing to say. I maintain my streak even though tokens are a thing because I've invested a lot of time and discipline into it. Before LAS I drew sporadically for a year, and before that I spent 4 years saying "I wanted to practice today but didn't", so drawing for 499 days straight is a massive victory for me. That said, I've got a lot of respect for the w1s who didn't quit after losing a token, and perhaps even more for the ones who got eliminated but are still here and drawing. I hope that if and when I fuck up I'll do the same as them.

>> No.2989342

fuck why did I join the rpg challenge? This is gonna be such a fucking shit show.

>> No.2989753

You can ask a Lassie to stream now. Who would it be?

>> No.2989761


>> No.2989825


>> No.2989830
File: 232 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-00702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2989831


>> No.2989887

Let's not force it anymore this should be the last thread. Stop pretending that things are the same, its over.

-Farewell LAS

>> No.2989888

n-no, please, don't leave, don't leave ;_;

>> No.2989890

When you think about it, it's impressive that LAS isn't dead yet. It could have been at any moment, but here it is still going strong.

>> No.2989891

some things can take a surprisingly long time to die, and when you think they should be dead it turns out they're still trucking along albeit at a fraction of their former glory

>> No.2989900

>nicnac makes a new LAS
>everyone stops uploading one day
>lava's notices he's alone
>removes the website for good

>> No.2989901

I wonder how long it'll take Lava to notice everyone's finally fucked off

>> No.2989908

More likely is that many will upload to both until one of them dies from the server side like with w's DED. It takes almost no time to post to additional sites once the image has been uploaded somewhere.

>> No.2989911

>yfw Lava's life time guarantee policy is what keeps LAS alive

>> No.2989916

true true

>> No.2989920

These threads suck ass since Saucy left, please come back Sauce-man.

>> No.2989923

They seem the same, if anything, slightly better, to be honest.

>> No.2989927

We're actually talking for once though.

>> No.2989928

>everyone's finally fucked off
I'm staying with LAS until it dies
not in the mood to jump on a LAS 2.0

>> No.2989933

If new LAS will have the option for critique there'll be zero hesitation.

>> No.2989934

thats ok, each to their own, we can't force you :)

>> No.2989936

>not being a drawslut and jumping on both
I intend to be day 1 on whatever comes next for extra meme power.

>> No.2989939

A bunch of forced comments to make it look like things are okay, we all know the truth though. Saucy must return..

>> No.2989941


>> No.2989943

You can critique on LAS too though, you just have to fail the tribunal.

>> No.2989973

Dont worry, there will be an option to critique on your pieces and on others who would like critiques.

Site URL: draweveryday.ueuo.com
DEDAlpha Update:

Ive been using a free hosting software and now that more traffic has been coming though it has reclassified my site as 'Big Site(inline ads)' and I presume that 90% of you guys use ad blockers. seeing as I do not want to infringe on terms of service Im heading out to buy the hosting and domain today, so it is official now. LAS may be at its dying breath, but DED will be born anew in good time. For those of you who had used the previous DED site by w I'm going to be keeping the site somewhat reflective of the way that w put features and content into his site(I really like his). Hold onto your seats lassies, we are almost there.

>> No.2989978
File: 118 KB, 884x900, a5c176abb1224dc6ca584e096ad97f75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2989989

you dont have to keep posting link when theres literally nothing for people to do on the site yet.

>also free hosting with ads laughinggirls.jpg

>> No.2990004


>> No.2990094

How're those heros coming all lasses?

>> No.2990099

how do you know that?

>> No.2990100

scrapped af

>> No.2990101

working on it

>> No.2990110

I might take a few days to plan things out before starting the actual drawings. I have a week vacation coming up, so plenty of time to catch up.

>> No.2990111

Not started

>> No.2990121


The hero was easy to draw, though I think I'm gonna redesign her as I go. It's the villain that's giving me trouble ;-;

>> No.2990122

I-I'm sorry, the challenge didn't ask for a heroine.. You're eliminated I'm afraid.

>> No.2990135

Are we really expected to draw ourselves as the hero? That's dumb but I don't want to be the only one not doing it.

>> No.2990137

Naf says it's a general guideline and you can bend it around however you see fit. I probably won't draw myself, I don't think it's a big deal.

>> No.2990141

yeah no way im drawing my stupid self
if i wanted to play a self insert id go outside

>> No.2990146

Who was the best of the best in Lassie history?

>> No.2990148


>> No.2990150


>> No.2990160

Particle was the only good, yet not overrated lassie. F

>> No.2990161


>> No.2990191

Not good.
My imagination is broken.

>> No.2990197
File: 98 KB, 1300x957, senior-man-smart-phone-portrait-giving-thumb-up-35077971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yo NicNac, if you put a PP Donate button up there I'll send you a few $ for your troubles.

The Sign In wasn't build yet, any idea when the kick off is yet? I have to admit I mostly use LAS as a tool to discipline myself more, so I don't read this thread too often.

I think it's really cool that you are doing this. Thanks bro.

>> No.2990208

he could make a patreon as a tipjar like everyone does these days

>> No.2990230

jesus christ how the fuck did you manage to make a bootstrap ugly???

>> No.2990245

why am I so ugly ;_;

>> No.2990248

he just has no sense and barely knows any rule of graphic design and front end coding.

>> No.2990249

I drew something different yesterday and was at the hospital today. Gonna start now but I might not make it. However, we have 30 days, so I guess it doesn't matter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.2990250

I'm not doing it. I already saw someone upload and say they weren't either.

>> No.2990253


>> No.2990255

And Lava does right?

>> No.2990259

current LAS is literally based on a bootstrap theme so its a yes.

It's not the best theme but it still looks professional and work well on all device.


>> No.2990262

>tfw beautiful

>> No.2990263

>Tfw see artists who are really good at drawing/painting but are also super beautiful and charismatic
Some people have everything...

>> No.2990264

man you guys only know how to complain

>> No.2990265
File: 393 KB, 395x599, 1459390748887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw five hours
>Drop two ideas because they ended up looking absolutely horrendous
>Haven't eaten anything today and i feel like shit

>> No.2990266

yo, a couple of threads ago some people linked a bunch of cool pixiv artist pages but I can't seem to find it. Could enough of you guys help me out?

>> No.2990267


>> No.2990272


>> No.2990280

Fuck man, this challenge is challenging, no matter what I draw, nothing looks right or good.
I'm going to pull through, I try to make something original but in the end I feel like my skills are lacking way too much to do this sort of thing.

>> No.2990283

How can I be you?

I made myself a bunch of meals just to avoid doing stuff, I'm not even hungry. Drawn for some hours but nothing presentable.

>> No.2990284

Yea, I thought many won't want to draw themselves, I know I don't, so I put (yourself) in brackets in the list. You can make anything the hero anon.

>> No.2990286

awesome! Thanks a lot anon.

>> No.2990290

well now I have a dumb rpg idea, I hope you're happy

>> No.2990317
File: 296 KB, 634x576, 1495458966444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night, babes.

>> No.2990318

I'm not gonna be in time to finish my character :(

>> No.2990325

I just started, I don't think I'll finish by the deadline either. However, this is pretty fun. Just coming up with cool ideas I mean. I haven't done this in a long time, I probably wont be able to execute it as well as I want but just thinking up cool shit is super fun.

>> No.2990326

>all heroes are generic white guys

>> No.2990329
File: 97 KB, 428x377, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your hero is transparent because you're lazy

>> No.2990331

Just wait until i draw my hero

>> No.2990332

happy day 500 fellow LAS oldfags

>> No.2990336

only a few of them are white guys tho

>> No.2990349

>tfw changing my character now cause I got self conscious
pretty much all of them are white dudes except for the shiba. Not that it matters tho

>> No.2990352


>> No.2990355

damn I thought you died

>> No.2990361

So far we got
Seffy's shiba
Vusta's bugs
Nessiefynn's angel
As the heroes who aren't white dudes so far (though that's a little hard to say definitely, with how many heroes don't even have their skin colored in yet)

>> No.2990366

Imagine how Choob feels, reminds me of the time he said he was stopping for his New Years resolution..It was a lie.

>> No.2990368

Must've taken a few days off to make people think he was Saucy, that's what I did.

>> No.2990375

What's a better site than imgur to use for the RPG challenge? I want to have all my drawings for each day in one place without having to re upload everything for every image update.

>> No.2990376

you could make an album on imgur

>> No.2990380

he was incredibly quiet lately, so it's probably some other shitposter picking up on a dead meme

>> No.2990389

its okay to make the main hero generic
it makes other characters stand out
at least thats what togashi did

>> No.2990392

Do you really think people on here are skilled enough to do that?

>> No.2990396

you dont even need to be skilled to design characters, just being creative

>> No.2990439

Is it still the first day of the RPG challenge? I hope I'm not falling behind.

>> No.2990442

Day 2 just started.

>> No.2990470

;__; I didn't think it'd be this hard. I've already fallen behind, I don't think I'm gonna make it.

>> No.2990474


You listen to me motherfucker, we're all going to make it!
You hear?! You just have to try, and when that is not good enough, try again. You have a whole list to go down and it was not stated that the numbers are the order you have to do them in - if you're having a hard time you have 30 things to choose from.

>> No.2990482

Why does it matter whether they are white or not?
If it is a boring design it's a boring design.

>> No.2990483

Being white makes them more relatable. Imagine if the hero was some other ethnicity.

>> No.2990487

White heroes are easier to familiarize in a fantasy setting due to tolkien lore. If you don't want to make a white person then don't, it's as simple as that.
If you're making yourself and you just so happen to be white, I don't think anyone should be knocked for it.

>> No.2990502

>draw for 7 hours
>still feel like i got nothing done
>feel too sick for vidya now

ill suffer with you anon

>> No.2990514

I need to draw white people, its my excuse for my characters looking bland and generic.

>> No.2990520

They're only ever bland and generic if you suck. I think you're covered any way about it.

>> No.2990525

That was my point, I camouflage my arty suckiness behind blue eyes.

>> No.2990539

>Not making your RPG character a cute girl

>> No.2990541

Fine, I'll turn my character into a cute girl just for you.

>> No.2990562

>Wanting us to create a main character in one day
>Something people take several months and multiple variations to do
fuck you Naf

>> No.2990564

thank you!

>> No.2990569

They only take several months to perfect it, you just need to pump out one design in a day, they could probably pump out 16 in that amount of time.

>> No.2990629

I'm gonna turn the partner/sidekick into a cute girl so I can pretend I have a gf.

>> No.2990635

>Brother asks me to help make him a drawing for homework
>I end up going overboard and it looks far above what a 4th grade should be able to do
>I have to start "helping" him with all of his art related work now
>now some kids in class like looking at the drawings
>he comes back every day with a new request
>"draw my OC fighting goku or one punch man or whoever else"
>can't say no or else my parents will get angry at me and fuck with me for not helping my brother
>requests keep getting bolder and more time consuming
>my skills are still shit so I feel awful every time I finish one of those
>also feel weird cause I'm an adult who is drawing shitty animu pictures for little kids to wow over, can't get much sadder than that

H-how do I escape this hell? I have a couple neighbors that go to that school and I don't want people to associate me with cringy deviant art tier animu trash. SAVE MEEEEE!

>> No.2990638

This is why you never do free drawings.
Of course, this may help hook you up with some people and get a job. Congratulations.

>> No.2990674

It's got to stop somewhere. It's cool that you do stuff like this for your little brother, but don't him take it for granted.
Have him do your chores or something or try to teach him how to do it himself.

>> No.2990697

Get him used to being a filthy weeb now by charging him for commissions, either with money or favors. Also
>an adult who is drawing shitty animu pictures for little kids to wow over
isn't much different than drawing shitty animu pictures for manchildren to fap or wow over

>> No.2990700

It's completely different. It has to be.

>> No.2990725


>> No.2990738

He has to come straight and admit that you drew the drawings.

>> No.2990951

Just say no.

>brother asks me to draw him something for an assignment
>says he told everyone I can draw well
>I tell him I don't want to
>he insists
>annoys me all day
>I end up drawing something quick
>he comes back from school and the first thing he does is tell me they didn't like my drawing and didn't use it
>with a smile on his face

Asshole he did it just to mess with me

>> No.2990958

Glad Seffy could join the challenge like 15 times.

>> No.2990998


>> No.2991045

Same goes for final boss.
I just think of it as the alpha designs.

>> No.2991096

Which Lasso do you think is the wimpiest? I think I could hold Choob down with one arm while choking out his boyfriend LampBlacked with my drawing hand.

>> No.2991099

Hypothetically, Calm down Fagmo's

>> No.2991109

the fuck?

>> No.2991112

HAHHA calm down, Choob is all about free speech. I said hypothetical.

>> No.2991116

daily reminder to hide and report choobposter

>> No.2991124

o.m.g. call the cops, he said choke out Lampblack.

>> No.2991163


>> No.2991164


>> No.2991168
File: 75 KB, 300x300, sdfm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2991169

Dog & man, now post fuck & shit.

>> No.2991188


>> No.2991211
File: 78 KB, 720x576, 1366623952071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is... Is gains goblin gone?

>> No.2991221

>tfw frantically hitting f5 waiting for lassies to update their RPG challenges

>> No.2991224

He starved to death :/

>> No.2991225

I'm still at work ;_;

>> No.2991249

Dude I just got home from work.
I still have to eat and hopefully I have two hours spare time before I must go to bed again.

>> No.2991253

Naf you're amazing. You don't even need to learn colour theory, your understanding of literally everything else is near infallible

>> No.2991260

Another 5 hour until I get to update mine. Timezones and all. It's still day 2 right or should I hurry up?

>> No.2991262

Just how is Naf able to do this? Was he raised in some way? Does he view the world differently than us?

>> No.2991267

gains goblin... gains goblin had a rough life :(

>> No.2991323

Which heros did you guys like?

>> No.2991328


>> No.2991331

Not mine.

>> No.2991339

Maybe mine

>> No.2991343

Idk what I expected...

>> No.2991349

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.2991382

Which hero would be your waifu

>> No.2991386

Tbh the op pic is probably a more interesting hero than most of the submissions

>> No.2991389

Your mom

>> No.2991491

you're mome you're mome

>> No.2991570

Shit, my villain looks like straight out plagiarism, give me ideas to change it.

>> No.2991573

a long beard

>> No.2991577

Ironically, that would make it a practically 1 to 1 copy

>> No.2991579


>> No.2991585
File: 18 KB, 503x399, Crq0FmEWYAAb1ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night lassers.

>> No.2991587

Good night

>> No.2991594

Good night.
I'm really struggling and forcing myself to draw but I am too tired to think of how I'm going to change my challenge submission when I need to draw something different with only one submission slot.

>> No.2991602

don't do this, it actually creates mustard gas in your joints and kills you

>> No.2991604

I'm trying and it's not working. You lied to me, anon ;~;

>> No.2991606

A lot of people would be happy for such an easy method, anon. But it don't work like that.

>> No.2991614

im so tired.... and i havent even started yet....

>> No.2991616

What are you waiting for?

>> No.2991618

We've all been there pal.

>> No.2991627

Good luck anon, I feel ya

>> No.2991669
File: 18 KB, 284x339, 1479272399638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking gains goblin got me

>> No.2991670
File: 422 KB, 512x512, 1480687247737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about falling for that Schoolism bait because of the discount.

Which of the classes are the best?

>> No.2991674

me too
im going to pretend its just me being exhausted

>> No.2991677

Depends on what you want to do.

>> No.2991678



>> No.2991702

He just stole all of my sketchbooks now cause his friends wanna see more of my work. It's apparently a "thing" now and it's getting outta hand. fug

>> No.2991708

Kill the pretender.

>> No.2991711

What a brat

>> No.2991712

I think he's letting them know that it's my stuff, it's still really annoying though.

>> No.2991717

Okay honestly, you make your brother sound like a really big idiot. If this is truly his character you need to intervene before the world ends up with another grown up idiot.

Steal some of his stuff in return. And burn it. Most important part is stay level headed.

>> No.2991777
File: 58 KB, 400x320, 1420675003851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm falling behind

>> No.2991780


>> No.2991784
File: 142 KB, 504x669, 1494713451935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are times when I regret taking up this challenge.
I feel like rather than investing so much time on the things that have me stuck, in the meantime I should be going down the list of things that I can do.

I'm going to do just that.

>> No.2991787

Can't you do both?

>> No.2991789


>> No.2991791

As long as you're thinking of ideas and planning you should be fine falling behind by a few days. You are doing at least that much, right anon?

>> No.2991793

It's a matter of time investment as opposed to simply putting one down for the other.
I can do both, but one will inherently take much longer than the other.

>> No.2991796

10/24 villains or so.
When do we gas the ngmi's?

>> No.2991798
File: 29 KB, 480x342, media_d5562690-2b4c-11e5-b236-2916713ca3fb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2991801



>> No.2991823


>> No.2991824

>complaining on day 2 of 30
The anons saying it's too much must not have been around for drill sergeant AAphk's trails-of-tears, or the white-knuckled gauntlets that were the animation challenges. I bet they don't even know about Santi and his cheating placeholder submissions so he wouldn't have a red box in the challenge list.

>> No.2991826

pls no bully new recruits :(

>> No.2991916

What about Choob tracing 99% of his submissions? do they know about that?

>> No.2991923

I considered taking the challenge because being a challenge, it'd take me outside of my comfort zone and touch on design, world building.

But the longer I thought about it, the more I realised how different it was to the areas that I want to be good at. So it's not a high priority area for me.

>> No.2991924

Did anybody like my submission?

>> No.2991925

What do you want to be good at?

>> No.2991929


Yeah i enjoyed when that guy fisted your ass

>> No.2991930

Just illustration really, not so much concept.

>> No.2991932

he shitposts more whenever theres terror attacks, probably hates the racists being proved right again

>> No.2991933

Monotoneink, Headake, fluff, Aruvee, Finlayheathi. tabascoshrimp, what happened?

>> No.2991936

My regular submissions the last two days have been challenge-related, I just haven't put them in an imgur album or something yet.

>> No.2991946

How do we make it as illustrators, anon?

>> No.2991960

I dont mind racists, I've yet to meet one in person though, I doubt I ever will.

>> No.2991970

It still pretty important if you want to be an illustrator. Coming up with things on the fly and going through the design process will always be apart of the job.

>> No.2991978

don't worry I'll post the link on the 30th day just to prevent red box dont worry ; )

>> No.2992003

Someone pls give their opinions on the heroes. I gotta know how I did

>> No.2992010

This is the first time i check one of these threads,why cant i join the rpg challenge?

>> No.2992018

There is a time to sign up. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it in the meantime.

>> No.2992033

Entry was open for like 3 days and now it's closed. You can't enter a challenge once it begins.

>> No.2992035

Ah sorry- I don't see myself making a real career out of illustrating; it's something I want to be good at though. I do get what you mean; being able to come up with fresh, cohesive ideas and put them to paper/canvas is important.

If I'm honest, I also say it's not high priority, because I'm still focusing on basic things like colour and composition, trying to improve on those.

>> No.2992037

Naf: Solid. I like the idea of the Western theme. I like that you gave us a male and female version.
Tekky: It's alright. The pose is nice, but I wish you just gave us a good, clean look at the character. I do like the design though, It's not overly busy.
McDaddy: Not much to go off of, but it's alright. Is the guitar, or whatever that is, his weapon? That would be interesting.
rorg: It's a bit generic. Maybe that's on purpose? Maybe when we get deeper into the challenge, you'll be able to expand on this character. I noticed you've uploaded your villain and she's much more interesting visually.
mintkat: not much to go off of. She's a cute anime girl. I'd like to see a cleaner, finished picture. The animal shapeshifting idea is promising.
Leo516: I like this! The proportions and cartoon style really make yours stand out among everyone elses hero characters. I really like the contrasting shapes and sizes between all the characters. Interested to see what else you do.
Nessie: It's a cute anime girl. I don't really know what to say. I don't love it, but I don't hate it. The sock villain is great though.
bandit: The hero character is a bit generic, but I like that you gave us 4 different costume variations. I like where you're going with your world building. It's whimsical and it's made me want to learn more. The isometric room design is really great.
Pernix: Not much to go on, but it's promising. Your villain has some interesting shapes going on with it's horns. I'd like to see finished versions of your hero and villain.
Carl: The animal is interesting. Your hero, however, isn't. He's a bit generic. More of an NPC townsperson than a hero.
Beanhead: He's sort of interesting. Don't really have much else to say. Please work harder.
Dickbutt: She's cute. I can't tell what you're going for though. Is it modern? Fantasy? Curious to see more.
Almonde: Another generic white guy. Really, it's alright. I want to see what you do with the other prompts.

>> No.2992038

Yeah I'm kinda similar to you, I'm focusing on learning anatomy atm before moving on to some other basic stuff but I decided to join the challenge anyway cause it sounded like fun. I think this challenge is probably helpful for almost everyone if you have the time, it makes you think up something new from the ground up and apply your skills to make something.

>> No.2992041

>I think this challenge is probably helpful for almost everyone if you have the time, it makes you think up something new from the ground up and apply your skills to make something.
Definitely agree with you there, yea time and commitment was an issue personally.
Props to everyone participating btw, I've been through them all, and it's interesting to see how people respond to a generic prompt

>> No.2992042

HumanBean: I don't know if there's reasons for all the details, but it seems a bit cluttered. A robot arm covered in stickers, red rings around the other arm, chains and keys, stripes, a glowing eye. It's all a bit much. With that said, I'd take overly detailed over another generic white guy in a shirt.
Seffy: Shibe is cute.
Kirikae: It's a pretty basic design, but I see that's what you were going for. I hope you can get pretty creative when it comes to drawing a later version of this character.
VuSta: pretty boring heroes to be honest. I like your villain bug though. More designs like that please.

>> No.2992053

I've been unmotivated, though I have posted sketches of the first two days in my regular submissions. I hope to finish them soon.

>> No.2992055

>tfw getting called out isn't taboo anymore

>> No.2992082

tekky here, thanks for the tip, Ill make sure to draw a clean shot of the MC tomorrow. I had an idea to draw all three of the characters in what I would think, in my head at least, make for an interesting composition.

>> No.2992084

Everyone knows because you guys can't shut up about Choob.

>> No.2992091

My wisdom teeth just crumbled out of my mouth. My end is near lassies. See you on the other side.

>> No.2992093

How does that even happen?

>> No.2992096

Humanbean here, I couldn't come up with any ideas at the start so I started brainstorming but then I ended up with too many ideas and went overboard. I'll try to streamline my stuff in the future, thanks for the advice.

>> No.2992097

my man, I had one of my teeth pulled out cause the interior had gotten some bad infection, I bled like a motherfucker. I brushed twice a day beforehand, but now Im paranoid and brushing, flossing and using mouth rinse like a madman.

Make sure to take care of your dental health too lassies, that shit is no joke damn. Expensive as fuck too.

>> No.2992098

Not enough loomis

>> No.2992101

McDaddyO here, and yeah - this was a bit of a placeholder entry. T
here are a lot of things that I plan to clean up with this character and things that later on I will end up adding to. I want a bit of wiggle room for when there are new items involved.

If nothing else I would like to draw attention to the the flute and sword. They are used in tandum, a shameless Scaramouche ripoff BABE! But also yes, that is a lute on his back, with which he uses to buff parties.

>> No.2992106

It's even worse when you realize it's affected by how you grew up and what you were fed, nutrition and such. Might have been already screwed over at this point in life.

>> No.2992116

nah man you can turn it around, since then my mouth is the healthiest its probably been, besides the missing tooth. At first when I started to floss I'd bleed a bit, but now I barely bleed, and if I do its from rough flossing. My teeth aren't sensitive to cold food as much either, and I actually smile more confidently now. My moms side of the family suffers from some kind of gum disease thats hereditary, or something like that, but it wont stop me from being on top of my dental health now. It goes a long way just to brush after eating, I carry a little dental travel pack with me if I know Im gonna eat something that'll get stuck in between my teeth.

>> No.2992159

Man, good thing I don't and never will have wisdom teeth.

>> No.2992173

seconding this, if you can spare 30 mins for las, you can spare 10 mins in the name of dental health
it'll be worth it int he long run

>> No.2992198

I agree. I' m quite unhappy with my stuff so far. Hopefuly I can fix it up over the weekend.

Thanks for the feedback!

>> No.2992417

I'm spending more time writing lore for this shit than actually designing anything. Send help.

>> No.2992438


I feel that. I took a day to flesh this shit out.

>> No.2992456

You need to type with a capital letter at the start of your sentence and act slightly schizophrenic/type too much/make no sense whatsoever to emulate my writing style, or people will know you're a phoney

>> No.2992542

When where tier lists coming out?

>> No.2992547

end of may, a week to go maybe

>> No.2992553

Who makes the tier list?

>> No.2992559

Tier list makes me nervous =(... I dunno if I can bear seeing how horriblly others perceive my stuff.

>> No.2992560

Didn't give name or posted work.

>> No.2992564

some random unknown

>> No.2992643
File: 14 KB, 250x188, 541[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only just started working on my villain

>> No.2992783
File: 46 KB, 300x367, 1484252644811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's promising
I don't see myself finishing most of the concepts unless I really like them, haven't had much time to draw and probably won't for a while, school is a bitch.

>> No.2992806

Pernix a cute

>> No.2992895
File: 74 KB, 774x613, labba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the misterious poster on Lava's blog?

>> No.2992908

"The hero he needs but doesn't deserve" fits quite perfectly.

>> No.2992920

That was me. He never replied. Lava is a fucking faggot.

>> No.2992932

Same here, work is eating up all my time, was away from 7 till 21 today and still have to make my drawings.

How does everyone else keep it up?

>> No.2992934

I think he projects a hard exterior but maybe he's really just a little ball of jelly on the inside, lashing out against others and shoving them away so he'll never get hit back. He used to post on CA alongside las but then someone else told him something similar to what you said, "stop scribbling around with lines, do something different, etc" and then lava just stopped posting all together. He seems kinda fragile

>> No.2992936


>> No.2992937

I thought that was already a given

>> No.2992943

Has LAS not succeeded though? Not a single artist is left standing still because of the fierce competition.

>> No.2992952

It's a success in the sense that people are still using it. It remains to be seen whether it leads to anyone gitting gud who wasn't already close or on track.

>> No.2992953

There's no way not drawing 30 minutes a day would be better though. Even Jerry is improving with the little time he has.

>> No.2992954

little by little, our little jellybean is making it :')

>> No.2992957
File: 86 KB, 654x133, 827d080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want jerry to make it

>> No.2992958

>tfw when he finally reaches pro level they'll see his autistic rants and blacklist him from everywhere
>the jerry will be forced to become a gay furry artist like his hero, jmgn
Jerry had a rough life

>> No.2992960





>> No.2992996
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, 1488493047625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2992999

Choob algorithm.

>> No.2993001

D-do you like my villain lassies?

>> No.2993009
File: 72 KB, 415x317, 1480942706784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck. I have been drawing like shit couple of days. I haven't had this feeling in like 4 months and suddenly everything feels fucking impossible.

Fucking gains goblin

>> No.2993014

I feel the same.
Nothing works out anymore, is it a disease?

>> No.2993023

>tfw didn't shoo shoo the gains goblin

>> No.2993027
File: 47 KB, 398x356, 1489777998721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it's true, i didn't do the shoo-shoo posting either.
Fuck man, I never thought these pictures had any effect on real life.

>> No.2993031



>> No.2993035

I give up on the RPG challenge. I'm too much of a perfectionist to continue.

>> No.2993038


>> No.2993039
File: 8 KB, 262x263, Kermut HAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too much of a perfectionist

>> No.2993041

You're not gonna make it with that attitude. It doesn't have to be perfect or even good, but if you can't even spitball ideas and sketch them out, you're in trouble.

>> No.2993050

It's too late anon, the damage hasn't been done
I didn't know you joined the challenge lava

>> No.2993055

>in LAS

No such thing. We show our mistakes and lack of knowledge every single day.

Goblin got me too, but it's getting better now.

>> No.2993067

I gave up topic hell for the challenge.
But I didn't realise that the challenge was just topic hell in disguise.

>> No.2993071


>> No.2993075
File: 156 KB, 436x399, dude kaiju lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>topic hell: draw this specific thing
>rpg challenge: draw this specific thing
I always knew /ic/ was retarded, but not to this level.

>> No.2993105

Shit, I read the first sentence and got excited. We'll see how long you last when the topics don't mesh with the RPG list.

>> No.2993140

What happens if Choob never gets good?

>> No.2993147

That is exactly what the choob apologists want you see. Every time someone shitposts choob they are trying to encourage him to improve. His supporters want him to stagnate so that they can surpass him. It's selfish really.

>> No.2993155

Thanks for doing these crits. I agree that my mc is pretty "meh," I'm gonna try to rework her design over the course of the challenge.

>> No.2993156

He has supporters?

>> No.2993199


>> No.2993242

27th to the 31st

>> No.2993624

People joining the challenge, whining when it's a challenge. Get your shit together.

>> No.2993648

I just like to exaggerate and complain in the threads because I have nothing better to do and it's the best way to get people talking about the challenge. If I ask an honest question than I just get a barrage of shitposts like "you're mom" or "choob" so I find it best to shitpost my way into a discussion. The challenge ain't too bad, I'm sure most people are just exaggerating.

>> No.2993659
File: 27 KB, 236x354, a72ddf3c9ee01266929e7e2a7123aa7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mew thread >>2993650