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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 4 KB, 400x400, 0JJA5gP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2986720 No.2986720 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else dabbling in pixel art?

Seems indie developers are willing to pay through the nose, and the time investment is minimal.

>> No.2986724

i would be interested to dapple in it. go on.. exlpain me everything you know about it please.

>> No.2986728

It's really just digital painting, blocking out colors and highlights on a small scale with no AA and then adding some AA by hand, it actually takes less time than digital painting and people pay way more at low to moderate skill level than any other digital artist might make.

>> No.2986730
File: 2 KB, 200x200, Dz3PK9u-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got paid $48 for this peice. No animation.

Not joking.

Took 1 hour.

>> No.2986736
File: 3 KB, 208x256, gMbFGbO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hour and a half time investment.

>Not even good

>> No.2986778

>time investment is minimal

>> No.2986795

>Is a bad artist

>> No.2987074

Look at a game like Pokemon mystery dungeon. Theres 10's of thousands of sprite animations... Thats just for the mons alone. No wonder they copped out and went the 3d route, artist probs all died in their chairs.

>> No.2987083
File: 354 KB, 266x242, tumblr_okec4aLrrr1st4oayo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good pixelart takes just as much time as good painted art, alternating ditheringstyles to get textures down, pushing pixels to get small nuances in character animations etc

>> No.2987099

Even though this is objectively the best kind of pixel, it isn't in vogue with indie developers.

Seriously, they want crap art.

>> No.2987107

Are these commissions or game assets?

>> No.2987109

best best software to make pixel art?

>> No.2987114

Where do I find people to pay me for this?

>> No.2987122

Game assets.
Pyxel edit for tile sets, let's you live tile.

Aesprite for animation, free but has a clunky interface. All the usual animation stuff is here, onion skin etc.

Paint.net for editing/color correction. Just an all around good editor with tons of plugins.

Also, I use Spriter to help me keyframe. Free animation tool with pixel art mode.

>> No.2987123

I started pixelling around 04-05. I like it for art's sake rather than game assets, so I only really do commissions if I'm hard up for cash, which hasn't been the case for a few years. I've worked on a few no-name indie games and one animated short, but mostly I pixel for myself.
pixel art forums, other art sites, or being a known entity in the world of pixel art.
aseprite seems really popular right now. promotion is also top-tier from what I've heard, I use grafx2 because it's free, but aseprite is probably better for animations.

>> No.2987124

Pixel art forums usually have a jobs board.

>> No.2987136
File: 59 KB, 880x784, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the best program lads

>> No.2987151

If you need an all around program (although it really should be a process in 3-4) then I recommend Pyxel edit or Graphicsgale. Both are not free.

>> No.2987153

Pretty sure indies would kill for that kind of art, they just couldn't afford it

>> No.2987154

aseprite is great for animation and it's updated regularly

>> No.2987156

read the thread faggot

>> No.2987234

anybody know any good color palettes?
I've been making a game by myself for some time now and I just realized everything clashes and looks disgusting colorwise.
So i really want go in and change my sprites by editing their colors to be more consistent

>> No.2987252

I usually build my palletes.

Are you familiar with color ramping?

Use this:

>> No.2987262

interesting, thanks!

now if only i knew a faster way of changing colors on a sprite instead of going in and changing every pixel by hand

>> No.2987270

Replace color is an option in a lot of programs.

I was making a palette but gave up, want to learn more about it first. Currently using dawnbringer 16, kinda challenging with the limited amount of colours.

>> No.2987279
File: 20 KB, 154x202, nEbB4Ew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly hink every artist should learn to make a pallette. I know it is difficult, but the results are always good.

>> No.2987295

Yeah I want to eventually but I'm working in baby steps.
Graphic designer who is both a beginner game dev and also working on drawing and digital painting so my workflow might not be all too logical.

>> No.2988249


>> No.2989402
File: 1.11 MB, 2336x4160, IMG-20170521-WA0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture because phoneposter
Uninspired and unoriginal but you gotta start somewhere

>> No.2989444


is there any real reason not to just use PS?

>> No.2989446

I know that stump, harvest moon?

>> No.2989450

No idea, made it myself with no examples but there's only so much you can so in this style. Thinking of removing the dithering, nothing else in the tilesets has it.

>> No.2991232
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, heir-to-the-horde-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot for a very early showcase demo for the pixelheaven convention coming friday.

>> No.2991258
File: 11 KB, 128x128, onetwo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew some animations for the game I've been developing, but that's about it. I don't really enjoy making pixel art myself, it gets very tedious.

>> No.2991265

It gets really confusing really fast for me, doesn't help I think in a grid which makes adding stuff annoying, like the yurt in the image above. Shadow is wonky as shit.

>> No.2991286

Are there resources, guides to get started from the I don't know what you are reallly talking about, can't understand a term(so the most beginner level ever) but I am interested point ? Beally basic stuff to get started

>> No.2991289

Wayofthepixel/pixelation forum has good beginner guides.

>> No.2991294
File: 16 KB, 171x147, 1442011151011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, looks like your job just became a meme.


>> No.2991295

The tent's in a completely different perspective to everything else

>> No.2991299

Yeah, supposed to be orthographic and ended up with this, tried for two days but no idea how to make an object like that in that view. Need to go back to drawing table for that after the convention.

>> No.2992020
File: 25 KB, 400x600, Emily Cactus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a pretty big fan of pixelart/animation with Aesprite.

Haven't really gotten too many pixel commissions but Its fun to dabble with from time to time.

>> No.2992023
File: 23 KB, 200x200, tumblr_oc2b9rv93p1t29tkto1_250_by_eziekbby-daeg3dn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2992025
File: 85 KB, 300x300, frost_witch_by_eziekbby-da39org.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2992071
File: 24 KB, 1064x710, orbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sort of turned into pixel art

>> No.2992086

How long and how difficult is it to get into pixel art professionally? I currently work as a freelance illustrator and have done minor asset work and animating for games, but not pixel art specifically.

I don't make much money on illustration right now though, would learning pixel art and building a small portfolio for it be a viable option?

Could I learn the basics of pixel art and the programs needed within a couple months?

>> No.2992228
File: 521 KB, 830x1088, perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After looking at some tilesets this is my take on the perspective of a tent.
It's quite problematic that there doesn't seem to be a single right use of this projection.
For example Zelda games also show the back part of roofs af half tiles, where as other games hide the back of roofs completely.
Both look good, even though the same camera is uses so one of them should be "wrong".

>> No.2992341

unironically kill yourself

>> No.2992342

>Pixel art forums usually have a jobs board.
can i just apply a shit resolution to some normal work and be paid for it? alternately can i just run it through some program? alternately can i just trace over my normal work with the pixel style?

>> No.2992374

Once the resolution becomes big enough why would you still call it pixel art?

>> No.2992487

>that perspective
>that proportions
Be careful with that.

>> No.2992496

Resolution is irrelevant. It's about the method not the scale.

>> No.2992498

No, those are all shit ideas that yield a shit product unless you clean up the result with lots of pixel pushing.

>> No.2992502

Yes, provided that you know the fundamentals of art. Good pixel art is 90% fundies 10% pixel tech

>> No.2992530

So you have to use a brush that only change one pixel at a time unlike a typical one that changes multiple? I mean zoom close enough in at any digital image and it becomes pixel art. How can people know if the artist cheated and used a more advanced brush?

>> No.2992532

Why is it cheating? Pixeling is just like digital painting, you still block in large chunks then eventually touch them up at single pixel levels. See the tree in OP. If the end result is pixelart who cares about how it was made?

>> No.2992536

>Why is it cheating?

Eh? I don't think it is. That was what the question was about. I think something like the image I was talking about stops being pixel art simply because you can no longer see the pixels.

>> No.2992546

Well yeah if it becomes blurry shit because it's just zoomed in stuff that wasn't made as pixel art it's just not, but if you touch it up and it looks okay it still is.
If you we're talking about the metal slug sprite, you clearly still see pixels, even some higher resolutions will still show them.

>> No.2992562

>zoom close enough in at any digital image and it becomes pixel art.
Not true, pixel art is characterized by intentional pixel placement, not just being able to see the little squares that make up a given image

>> No.2992566

Most golden era pixel art was shown on CRT screens that obscured the actual pixels.

>> No.2992630
File: 51 KB, 751x500, Deviljho-Sprite-KOF-XIII-JLM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.

>> No.2992731

Is that made from the pico8 palette

>> No.2993414

Photoshop is just plain shit for pixel art in general and anyone who defends is is just an Adobe shill.
Tools like Asesprite also offer you quicker animation settings, while dealing with PS animation takes way more time to do.

>> No.2993638

This, aseprite for animating and pyxeledit for tilesets and objects. Photoshop for pixeling feels weird and is a hassle.

>> No.2993682

Pixelart was originally the result of technical limitations. Now it's turned into a cargo-cult, and a style for the lazy.

>wanting to do pixel art for money & because it's less work
Why not get a regular job then?

>> No.2993699

You can say the same about every artstyle that isn't hyperphotorealistic painting though.

>> No.2994373

What ever happened to the pixel art threads? Did they die down?

>> No.2994391

what the hell is that even

>> No.2994540

You sound like you have no clue about art in general, so you don't need to worry about getting commissioned.

>> No.2994687

Pretty much. They used to be fairly active, but the old one with the Zelda pic died and no one bothered to make a new one.

>> No.2994699

just go into blender, make the object, and look at it with an ortho camera at 45 degree angle

there's no shame in doing that for complex 3D shapes. in the past they'd study models

>> No.2994702

>pretty good at pixel art from playing and studying literally thousands of old school games and hoarding references
>done a few commissions on reddit and earned about $150 in total
>had to quit because my wrist fucking hurts like hell now and I don't want to permanently damage my drawing hand

are tablets feasible for pixel art? it just seems so awkward to try to place single pixels with a tablet. I've only used borrowed tablets from my university and they're not very precise, I usually use them for sketching and then clean-up with the mouse

>> No.2994712

1. no
2. do hand exercises

>> No.2994738
File: 4 KB, 280x37, sprite_playerrun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to only do pixel art but it got really tedious
now I'm starting to learn actual life drawing technique and I can't really get back into it again

>> No.2994923

Yeah that sounds like a good idea, thanks anon

I use a cintiq for pixel work and find it to be much easier and more natural than using a mouse. I do all my design work on tablets pretty much, even premiere and after effects. In my experience it's screentablet > mouse > screenless tablet.

>> No.2994935

Tablet > mouse for pixel art. half the time you're sketching or painting and not pushing individual pixels, and I've found pixel pushing is about as easy with a stylus as with a mouse.

>> No.2995291

How exactly does one become decent at pixel art?

>> No.2995479

I do pixel stuff on a cintiq, never had much to complain about
by becoming a decent ARTIST first

learn to draw

>> No.2995512
File: 16 KB, 311x253, 1401849740286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any programs that allow me to work with non squared pixels?
Old machines rarely outputted a 4:3 resolution so pixel art was made with that in mind

>> No.2995520

These threads always have the same question about programs.
But what about books? Are there books about pixel art or just online tutorials?

>> No.2995523

this isn't true at fucking all, you don't need to be a good artist to make good pixel art. it's all about manipulation and creativity

>> No.2995526

no books

>> No.2995536

>you don't need to be a good artist, you just need to be a good artist

>> No.2995548
File: 20 KB, 306x306, noyedpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2995648




>> No.2995724

post your work

>> No.2996381

Is there any reason to switch from Microsoft Paint to something else?

>> No.2996387

you don't have to, but there are nice pixel art programs that are definitely better than mspaint.exe

>> No.2996744

yes. customizable keyboard shortcuts, real palette control options, .gif support, animation tools, tile mode, wide pixel mode, etc etc