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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 402 KB, 1600x1127, IMG_5395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2985310 No.2985310 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me Shadman's fanbase.

>> No.2985315


>> No.2985319

well most pedophiles were sexualised at a young age. so like when they were 8 or something they were molested, or for some other reason they had very strong/trauma-related sexual stimuli involving children, either themselves or others. so as they grow older and puberty kicks instead of developing normally they are conditioned to associate sex with children. of course there are other reasons why pedos target children but usually it's the early sexualisation thing.

>> No.2985323

What the fuck is going on with the anatomy in that image? JEEZUS CHRIST.

>> No.2985325

Teenangers and perverted gamers

>> No.2985328

I would venture a guess and say his core fanbase is under 17. Look at his comment sections or if you want to get sick his Discord. Only middle schoolers act that way.

>> No.2985330

Or manchildren. Some of them have disposal income enough to give him money.

>> No.2985332
File: 118 KB, 641x1120, IMG_5396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least his fans are smart enough not to give him $400 a month.

>> No.2985333

Holy fuck, $400 for just a single pinup drawn by Shadman? If anyone ever signs up for this they should be shot.

>> No.2985339

Chances are he gets another artist to draw it for him anyway. I doubt Shadman would do the pinup himself.

>> No.2985359

The thing with porn is that it doesn't matter if it's good art, it's whether or not it makes you hard

>> No.2985373

He draws ugly art and all of his fetishes are with pedo stuff. What does that tell you.

>> No.2985378

The jealously in this thread is off the charts.

>> No.2985381

>Dumb pedophile

>> No.2985386

Shadman has no sense of aesthetics

>> No.2985387

Why is there a gnome feeling the inside of a girl's ass? What does it mean? Why did someone draw this?

>> No.2985396

i'm teenangers and i cofirm this

>> No.2985459

Its fan art for a horror indie game.

The main character is a little girl in a raincoat and she is pursued by large deformed humans

>> No.2985488

would it be a deal breaker for you if a girl you were interested in turned out to be a huge shadman fan?

>> No.2985515

no, she'd probably give me a rimjob on the first date

>> No.2985534

being a pervert isn't the problem. lack of taste and inability to recognise bad drawings is more what i'd be worried about.

>> No.2985587



>> No.2985689

There aren't people who would give Shadman $400 a month?

>> No.2985692

If you had to define cancer is one picture, that would be it.

>> No.2985728

12 year olds that have just discovered that people draw illegal things that are hot, but haven't quite discovered someone that does it well

>> No.2985922 [DELETED] 


>> No.2985924

Neck yourself retard, I hope the new janitors nuke cancer like this.

>> No.2986145

The only people I ever met who like shadman just like him for his edgy shit and not his actual porn.

>> No.2986444

What's the point in that.

>> No.2986448

You people are fucking idiots.

You are a bunch of low-rent fuck sticks who ought to be murdered in front of your children

>> No.2986456

Looks good enough to fap to; superior art to over half of other 'fan art' you can see on places like r34.paheal, simply because there's so much awfulness and people have even worse taste than liking Shad.

Plus, he does a few fetishes- and art with characters that noone else does.

>> No.2986677

You're a real nice guy eh?

>> No.2986683

>to be murdered in front of your children

but I don't even have a wife/gf

>> No.2986790

You are a fucking loser.

>> No.2986805
File: 678 KB, 480x320, 1486841497514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2987036

This guy has it right. Shadman doesn't have the most technical ability, but many people here could learn A LOT from him. He does art quite well on a meta level.

a) He does art of many different characters. It's genuinely impressive how many different franchises he's done over the years. This gives you more exposure than you think. I used to play a semi-obscure indie game 4 years ago, I used to go on the forums all the time, I remember seeing posts about Shadman's art there because he did one of the characters from that game. Stuff like that gives you exposure from all over.

b) He has a very consistent upload schedule. Well, he used to be consistent, nowadays his upload schedule has been messy. That keeps people visiting. He uploaded something new every other day, you can only do that if you're very dedicated to drawing and not too concerned about getting every piece perfect. For a porn artist this is especially important, someone who uploads once or twice a month isn't going to be nearly as popular as Shadman. You honestly have to give the guy a lot of credit for this, he's done a massive amount of work over all these years.

c) He engages a lot with his fanbase, and has a pretty huge network all the way back from the Newgrounds days. Just look at his twitter. He's a the Chad of the art world, to be desu. He responds to his fans' comments, he uploads speedpaints/commentaries on YouTube, he's active on Twitter, he listens to popular requests fairly often. You should do the same.


>> No.2987045


d) He caters to plenty of fetishes. Foot fetish, dickgirls (what he's most famous for), bestiality, loli/shota, BDSM, rape, bukkake, incest, common stuff. You don't have to do this, but you know, if you draw a couple of horsefucking pictures every now and then, horsefuckers will subscribe to your art. Those kind of people are very dedicated to artists that they like. You can take advantage of that. He doesn't stick to one fetish for too long, but he does all of them, and that means that his fanbase consists of not only futanari lovers, but animal-lovers, pedophiles, armpit fetishists, all of whom he satisfies every now and then.

e) He does comics and interesting scenarios (little girl getting ambushed and raped by a pack of dogs, dickgirl raping another dickgirl, mother and son having sex, etc), not just boring pinups. People love comics, because people love stories. You should tell stories with your art, a naked hottie on a white background isn't as appealing as naked hottie doing something that captures the viewer's interest, even if she's less well-drawn. His Incestibles comic was insanely popular, it was a pretty ridiculous little story, but it worked. People went crazy over that. Nobody's saying you have to be a great writer, but you can make up for a lack of technical skill in other ways.

I respect Shadman. His art isn't good if you analyze it critically, he doesn't have much technical ability, he makes lots of mistakes, but he genuinely loves drawing, he engages a lot with his fanbase, and he knows how to sell himself. You should also work out, get some abs, and show them off. The ladies will love that.

>> No.2987079

>when u had an itchy asshole all day and get home to your raincoat hole scratching midget

>> No.2987080

People ITT sure are jealous as fuck.

>> No.2987158

It's not that people like Shiin, Shadman and Transmorpher D.D.S. are insanely awful artists, it's that we're all just jealous of how much money they get.
Obviously the money they make is a measure of their skill as an artist, not for the fact that they just churn out low quality garbage consistently, appeal to a broad fetish and general masses in the porn community put quantity over quality.
I'm sure if they decided to something other then porn that they'd be just as, if not more, successful then they already are.

>> No.2988133

But Shad is an amazing artist.

>> No.2988212

When did Shad start to focus more on YouTube art? The last couple of months all he's drawn are memes, and internet celebrity.

Is he really trying to pander to underage kids that watch YouTube all day?

>> No.2988213

He realized that it's easier to find kids to molest when you pander to them.

>> No.2988219
File: 302 KB, 500x376, tumblr_mcrevledOr1qcyr71.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. It creeps me out that he's now focused on YouTube drama. Seems like he is after a younger fanbase.

>> No.2988312

How is that creepy?

>> No.2988379

Targeting younger kids with porn or art of YouTubers that's creepy as fuck. Also, Shad is pretty much a pedo himself in real life.

>> No.2988382

>expecting anything from the shadmeister

>> No.2988388

>you will never have a fanbase with 12-17 year old girls lusting after your dick

The only thing I envy about Shadman desu

>> No.2988392

The guy us mentally ill. He needs to take a long look at what hes doing and how he interacts with people.

He talks about kids fucking dogs on his twitch channel and somehow hes partnered there? He also uses an embeded twitch player on his websites front page to inflate his viewcount by 1-2k.
His loli/paedo video on youtube way back should've been the point where he got hitback. Or maybe that thing where he drew someones daughter? (Famous you tuber?). How this guy is acceptable but tom preston isn't when they are two very opposite sides of the same fucked up coin is beyond me

>> No.2988401
File: 60 KB, 743x684, DAP6l3pUAAAqFZz.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a sick person then if that's what you envy.

I find it low taste and depressing that Shadman feels the need to start fight with "famous" Streamers or YouTubers. He really is trying to squeeze that person for attention and more fans. It's bizarre.

>> No.2988441

If I followed /ic/'s recommendations would I become as good as him in 6 months?

I'm a beginner skill wise.

>> No.2988479
File: 63 KB, 604x453, 1483709859283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't have much issues with that. It is flawed, but not terrible enough to ruin the pose.
What annoys me is the type of porn he does. It isn't interesting, he is always drawing the same crap with the same gimmicks like the fucking painted nails and bland color pallets.

>> No.2988645

Same crap? He doesn't really do anything the same.

>> No.2988821


>> No.2989508
File: 772 KB, 1000x1604, IMG_5438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's come to this huh

>> No.2989509

>stooping that low
just how much money is he making

>> No.2989526

Considering he's asking for a $400 Patreon tier for just a simple pinup. I assume he's begging for money. No one has yet to bite on the $400 per month thankfully. And if honestly doubt he'd even follow through with a pinup per month from all I heard about him dodging on his last Patreon.

>> No.2989672

You are exaggerating everything about him.

>> No.2989710

I have a question for those who think that shadman make stuff for pedophiles : Are you American ?
I'll explain later I just want to know

>> No.2989802

Well considering that he pretty much is a pedophile.

>> No.2989860


His style never changes (or evolves) His annoying gimmicks like oversized heads and asses, the beauty marks he adds all over his drawings.
Even the poses he draws. Most of the times is the same shit. Ass upfront, normally with some sort of anal fetish (here is a rimjob)

His porn, his imagination gets stale and boring.
He is far from being a great porn artist, or a great artist in general. But I don't think he is bad.

He just has poor imagination or artistic vision

>> No.2989932

Someone sounds jealous.

>> No.2990092

This is pretty amazing.

>> No.2990096 [DELETED] 

Shadman is a great artist, fuck the haters.

>> No.2990134


I am jealous. Not of his work no. I don't find it appealing and I'm happy with the stuff I'm currently doing. I don't think shadman is a good artist and I will never look at him as inspiration for anything.

I am however jealous of his popularity and the fact that he is making money with the subpar art he does.
If anything, it is also encouraging. He is the proof that you don't need to be good, just slightly above the average to be successful.

All you need to do is draw porn of popular franchises.
Just don't expect to get a real job as a illustrator, storyboard, concept artist or animator in any big studio if your portfolio resembles shad's

>> No.2990170


>> No.2990308
File: 29 KB, 500x500, OKHandEmoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I kinda like these

>> No.2990320

a really anatomy incorrect bad drawing from a dude who suffers from fluctuating art skills?
seriously though shadman has that issue and it bothers me to no end
why can't he stay consistent?

>> No.2990418


>> No.2990552

Is that pic dsp or destiny? Or someone else?

>> No.2990553

he updates very frequently

>> No.2990895


>> No.2991018

Who is DSP and why is Shad starting shit with him?