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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2985110 No.2985110 [Reply] [Original]

Questions that don't deserve their own thread

>> No.2985134

If I worked like a dog for two years drawing for at least three hours a day every day, do you think I would see incredible growth in those two years?

>> No.2985140

Depends how you define incredible.

If you actually draw everyday for 3hrs a day, you will see improvement when you look back at your old drawings.

>> No.2985142

Why does 90% of this board only care about digital drawing of anime?

>> No.2985144


I worked like my lazy ass dog (1hr/day) for two years and I still think I made decent progress. It depends a lot on your expectations. You probably won't be pro-tier.

>> No.2985147

It's like any other thing you work at. If you study hard, be critical with yourself and push out of your comfort zone you're going to make progress. The difference between incredible and average progress I feel depends on your natural born talent for observation, and an intuitive sense of forms/shapes/3D space.
3 hours a day seems like a normal amount of time to me though. I can easily draw through 5+ hours in a single day.

>> No.2985148

Takes 10k hours to master a skill. You arent even at 1k hours.

>> No.2985149

I just want to be able to draw what I want, have fun drawing with my friends, and someday make a children's book.

>> No.2985151

Woops. That last thought was sort of unfinished. I meant to say that if you actually enjoy the act of drawing and do it as a hobby, then you will barely feel 3 hours pass, and it'll be 4 a.m. Before you realize it

>> No.2985152

>have fun drawing with my friends

>> No.2985163


Good thing I never said I attained mastery then. I said "I think I made decent progress". I even said he probably wouldn't be pro-tier at 3 hours a day, so where did you get any sort of impression I was claiming to be a master artist at my pace?


Well at the 1hr a day I did, I'm at a point where I can generally feel comfortable drawing what I want and have fun with it. At 3hrs a day I expect you'd hit the point pretty quick as long as you don't meme yourself into the anxiety half of /ic/ has by taking it way too seriously.

>> No.2985166


>the 10k hours meme

Mastery can't only be quantified by 'hours in' and only a retard would take that silly guideline as gospel. The writer of the book that popularized it (a journalist) has been criticized for all sorts of fallacious reasoning and poorly sampled research.

>> No.2985177

Anyone dabbled with drawing the platonic shapes? was it worth it? what did you learn and what applications did it have?

>> No.2985186

>wants to believe he can achieve mastery in a few short years

>> No.2985190


>putting words in other people's mouth

I said 10k hours is a meme, not that it doesn't take a long time to achieve mastery. Someone who spent 10k hours doodling cocks and someone who spent it studying hard are going to have different outcomes. It's at best a very approximate ballpark and sure as shit not a rule. Stop being willfully stupid and think for a second, instead of taking some journalist's flawed research at face value.

>> No.2985242

Does anyone have a torrent of painting with light and color by dice tsutsumi?

>> No.2985282


>> No.2985290

>work like a dog
>3 hours a day
>incredible growth
just no, not gonna happen

If you have a full time job and a social life 3 hours a day is totally fine though. It will be enough for you to get better while enjoying art as a hobby.
Don't expect anything mind blowing, it won't happen unless you're really talented and practice really smart.

If you want to get good as in "to a professional level" in 2 years you'd need to put in a few more hours. (And still learn efficiently and practice hard. You'd need to constantly push yourself out of your comfort zone, which can be jarring. The hours alone mean nothing, it's wether you spent them with deliberate practice or not)

>> No.2985382
File: 137 KB, 500x667, 1494556496344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed a lot of the picture I've been looking at lately look like they've been done in a painterly style but still have linework in places. Why is this and how are things like it done?
Pic related is sorta an example.

>> No.2985398

What's the best resource for learning watercolours?

>> No.2985431

>do line work
>paint on separate layer

>> No.2985579

Well I mean it looks more like lines are added to some parts to better define things but aren't in others.
As opposed to having linework and coloring it in, or just lining everything. But its not really consistent either.

>> No.2985658
File: 62 KB, 640x378, IMG_1624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is art school talked down so much here yet I'm aware a good chunk (from my school) go to this board. Which I recently found out from a class I'm taking which showed previous student work in the school servers.

>> No.2985676

It's probably like when fat chicks talk shit about another girl that's losing weight and they call her anorexic. And invite her out to lunch at an all you can eat buffet. They try to tear down anyone who tries to get better.

But also if you're good at art and you can learn on your own (YouTube, etc..) then I don't see the point in getting a degree

>> No.2985685

Erasers exist

>> No.2986660

anyone know any books about drawing clothes or drapery in general?

>> No.2986662

Burne Hogarth

>> No.2986825

Anyone got links to resources on how to use line weight? I've been looking at how others do it but it would be nice to read up on actual theory of it.

Drawing drapery from head to toe by cliff young

>> No.2986902

If I set my image to LAB mode in Krita, and paint by using the standard HSV colour selector, will there be a difference in my colours at all? As in, will my colours have a wider range?

On a related note, I can't find an LAB colour slider in Krita. In photoshop, they do have sliders where you can vary red-green and yellow-blue. Does this matter? Do people who use LAB mode even select colours based on proportion of red or blue?

>> No.2987110

i saw an image posted here a few moths ago.
it was a hand drawn on onto a grey background with dark crosshatching in the shadows and white crosshatching in the light.

anyone have this image or alternately something else drawn well in this style.

>> No.2987150

When people say "draw for 3 hours/day" what does "draw" mean? like how do you use that time effectively

>> No.2987177

Are there any good videos/books about drawing fight scenes?

>> No.2987215

Yesterday someone messaged me to tell me that they really like the way I draw and they actually started a conversation. This has never happened before and I realized just how horrible I am at socializing. How do I get better at talking to others online (don't have this problem irl) so I can befriend other artists without seeming like a complete idiot?

>> No.2987530

Can someone please give me their opinions on this?

>> No.2987555


>> No.2987999

Can INTJ people learn drawing? Do they need a different learning approach than other people?

>> No.2988017

Mainly just because most art schools are overpriced or scam people. If you bring up something like Art Center generally the only criticism you'll get is the price of it.

>> No.2988366

Where can I get the Proko theme song (Extended Edition)?

>> No.2988394

how do i educate myself about quality blackboards? I have a budget of up to 800 for something stellar or 300$ for something mediocre. Are school level blackboards actually 2k? I don't feel like spending that much desu.

Long story short, black boards for artists, yes, no why?

>> No.2988400

How do I hide the pornographic pages in my sketchbook when showing it to someone?

>> No.2988409

That shit is pseudoscience senpai. Just learn the same way as everyone else.

>> No.2988412

Don't hide it just keep a sketchbook that's exclusive for porn.

>> No.2988424

but im retarded

>> No.2988434
File: 83 KB, 850x501, pixiv_render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows the logic, the physics behind the reddish edge around the cast shadow?
I've seen it in some paintings and it looks right, but I can't understand it.

>> No.2988598

i think its meant to be a [projected] subsurface scattering emulation. But im probably wrong.

>> No.2988628

Leave bookmarks on the prono pages and tell them to avoid them

>> No.2988812
File: 589 KB, 591x1772, finished_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I sell dakimakura prints?
I know there are online services that can sell t-shirts with your prints.
I also know that there are services that will print you a custom daki with whatever you like.
There also is stuff like this.

Is there a site where i can upload my print and hopefully get a share of their sales if they work?

>> No.2989186

make a tumblr for the commission of them. shill it everywhere on plebbit, instasham, dumblr, kikebook, 9fag, cuckchan, deviantshart

>> No.2989190

Can someone recommend a good book on clothing and drapery?

>> No.2989309

why does Miura take so long to release a new chapter?

>> No.2989314

because its easy and no great artist soul required

>> No.2989337

I have been drawing for a year now and I can't see the flaws in my own drawings without someone else pointing them out. I used to be able to "reset" my brain by flipping the image in a mirror or coming back to it after a while but now I've reached this wall where those techniques don't work anymore. I still want to improve, how in the fuck did you get past this?

>> No.2989432

He's playing idolmaster

>> No.2989677

It could be the light scattering passing through the shirt, but the same sort of shadow is cast by the leg too.
It could also be a series of colored lights slightly offset from each other, but that doesn't seem likely.
It's probably some chromatic aberration memery.

>> No.2990006
File: 691 KB, 2000x1480, Charles-Barque-drawing-Course-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started putting more time and effort into my Bargue drawings and I think I am using terrible paper that isn't suitable for long, careful efforts.

What is good paper for graphite Bargue drawings? What do they use at ateliers?

>> No.2990054

Only one that I know and have used is Hogarth's dynamic wrinkles and drapery which is probably the top search result. It's got 9 sections each dedicated to a different wrinkle type.

>> No.2990058

Can you post an example of a piece you're having this problem with to see what kind of problems are in your drawings

>> No.2990206
File: 1.71 MB, 500x600, bae.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is GIMP and a wacom bamboo create tablet enough to make quality furry porn/ pin ups?

>> No.2990220

MS Paint and a $5 mouse is enough for that

>> No.2990222

yes, if you have a lot of money. No, because you should spend that cash for art lessons

>> No.2990229

Anyone here know anything about masssart? Im at a CC now and my adviser thinks i can get into risd but im a poor fag and if i go to mass art instead itll be cheaper. any thoughts?

>> No.2990231

How's Krita compared to Photoshop? I see a lot of people using it in tutorial videos.

>> No.2990254

It's not that the edge is red but that the inner shadow is so high intensity and blue that stands out. That would normally imply a strong reflecting blue light from below but we don't see any traces of that elsewhere. It's like he just took the blue shadow on top of the suit an applied it down there and ignored the natural bounce light.

I guess it made for a more stylish simple image.

>> No.2990521

need answer

>> No.2990665


It's funny you bring them up......

I know you fuckers are here show yourselves (and also be my friend fucking summer classes are empty as fuck)

>> No.2990684

Your halftone just kind of looks odd. Some of the circles are hard and others are soft, but there are hard lines elsewhere. I think one of the main issues is that it's very abrupt in terms of the introduction of the white and the sizes and spacing of the dots are a little inconsistent at the more purple end. I think you just didn't space things properly to get a good gradient. You should maybe try to make it more like this:
Where the circles at the beginning of the gradient are heavily overlapping instead of doing whatever waffle pattern you were doing before.
You could maybe get away with a more linear halftone, but because you've got this round shape--which I'm not sure whether or not it's a butt-- it may look like a more organic transition.

>> No.2990743

What is the consensus of drawing your friends in a sketchbook?
Like, for example, would you be creeped out if you stumbled upon a drawing of you in a friend's sketchbook of a selfie you took a while back?
I ask because I drew a pic of this girl I know (the photo is cool by itself anyway) and I'm kinda nervous it might come off as creepy if someone she knows looks in my sketchbook. There's nothing revealing, it's a simple portrait really.

>> No.2990756


This basically depends more on how creepy YOU are than how creepy your behavior is, which is sadly the case quite often for many things, and also why art won't get most of /ic/ laid no matter how good they get.

If you're generally charismatic it comes off as flattering, if you're awkward it comes off as creepy.

>> No.2990793
File: 420 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any tutorials, books, or videos that go a little beyond perspective and get into making background drawing really look good?

Man made objects and scenery always tend to be difficult for me, even when I start with the perspective and basic shapes.

>> No.2991240

why tumblrs are so fucking slow
are they hosting shit in australia or not?
i have to do my shit on tumblr (post crap,have to email verification)

>> No.2991320
File: 18 KB, 200x150, lights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading the perspective handbook and I'm at this specific rule:

>8. Lines through the image plane that intersect the extended line VS create image lines perpendicular to the horizon line.

I understood this, but then it says:

>Rule 8 explains why reflections from bodies of water always form a vertical smear directly under the light source (image, right): the reflections all lie along a line from the base of the light source to the station point, and therefore form a vertical line on the image plane.

What the fuck? I can't understand the water reflection part. Why are they all vertical?

>> No.2991341

How did you manage to draw the horizon line under the vehicle?

>> No.2991352
File: 82 KB, 599x717, 1468949331451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think there's any point to drawing anything original if you want to make a fanbase and you're not some master painter? I suppose the best course of action would be drawing fan-art of well established franchises.

>> No.2991515

Any idea how to save something as a jpg in CSP, without ending up with a file that's five times larger than if saved as a jpg in Photoshop? There are literally no options provided when saving a file.

>> No.2991521
File: 83 KB, 374x616, 199aa3d3a8114293b75199bf04d8e24d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i need to work on

>> No.2991537

are you scaling the image down before saving?

>> No.2991657

It isn't mine, I just figure I'd be happy even getting to that quality.

>> No.2991667

Idea is nice, execution is kinda bad, I'd do the following:
Put the stars in clusters and not evenly sprinkled, your eye needs some black space to rest. (Also take yoir time it loterally looks like you did them blindfolded, try to cross the lines in the middle)
The mountains on his back are nice concept, but try to line them up like real mountains in the distance would and make them clearer (use mountain refs)
Practice anatomy, thats some fucked up proportions and bad gesture, unfortunately thats not as easy a fix, but over time you will get better at drawing bodies as long as you keep up figure drawing regularly.

>> No.2991671

if i start lifting heavier dumbells will it affect my fingers in the long way?, i started lifting recently and my fingers are really sore and it's difficult making smooth lines and shit , but idk if its because i just started now

>> No.2991672

Drawing only fan art makes you no better than a celebrity impersonator. I guess it depends what you're in for, if you want to become a hireable professional you definitely need to have a impressive portfolio of your original work. If you want internet fame from a fleeting fan base of teenagers then only fan art is ok. The ideal imo is making fan art to bring in people, and working on good original content to keep them there.

>> No.2991706


>> No.2991725

I would just draw fan art and do the occasional original piece to pad your portfolio and show that you can design on your own. But honestly if the fan art is good, then most people won't care if you have a few pieces in your portfolio.

>> No.2991744

I hear that ic has a discord. Anyone who can share the invite link? And is there any other art related discord servers anyone would recommend?

>> No.2991750
File: 324 KB, 1600x894, 1495048701799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i learn to draw good pictures without any talent?
If yes, what is the best approach this?

>> No.2991771

Is this a good way to build up a visual library?

Study from reference(s), understanding the shapes that build up the subject, understanding the form. Using what I learned from studying the reference, draw the subject from imagination and take away and add things, simplify etc.

>> No.2991775


That's basically it, there's no magic trick for it really.

Just be careful not to fall for the meme a lot of people fall for and compulsively photostudy. It's useful as an occasional exercise to understand a subject, but on its own all it'll end up teaching you is how to copy a photo, not how to remember a subject. Make sure you do the rest, it's harder because it's making you think.

>> No.2991778

Yes, draw shit pictures until they aren't shit.

>> No.2991820

Still waiting after all these years... Someday they won't be shit, I want to believe...

>> No.2991849

Does anyone have a key for Designdoll?

I would have bought it if it was cheaper. $75 for that shit is way too much.

>> No.2991889


>> No.2991895

there are 3 discords as far as I know , 2 of them dead and only one really active but is 99% bloggposting

>> No.2992017
File: 38 KB, 1024x768, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What desktop drawing software is closest to ProCreate (in terms of brush settings like pic related and options like stabilization)? I just got a Surface Pro and looking for recommendations. Sai is displayed weird (super tint, can't see shit) and currently installing Photoshop CS5.

>> No.2992022

Which one is the blog posting one? That sounds fun.

>> No.2992113

has anyone done matt kohrs perspective sketching course? what do you think about it? Im going through it because scott robbertson was too confusing and frustrating for me. After I finish part 1-2 ill try to go back. will this help??

>> No.2992294
File: 711 KB, 735x980, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much would someone who draws like this make?

>> No.2992339

Whic cinematography book, that is easily pirateable, good for learning basic shots? I want to try doing comics

>> No.2992362

Depends - how established is the artist, how much of a budget does the company have, what's the time it would take to make it, what are your rates, etc. She made this for an app, so who knows - $500-$1000? An illustration like that is worth a few grand to a medium to large sized publishing house, for a book cover - and a full buyout of rights. Who knows? She may have a deal with the app maker for these.

>> No.2992554

If i start drawing steven universe genderqueen bi dualkin porn or what the fuck on tumblr will androgynous young girls fawn over me?

>> No.2992575

no because your heart has to be into it

>> No.2992579

I really badly want to get back into figure drawing so am starting from scratch.

My main problem currently with gesture drawing is that I need to draw with my arm more- but I'm currently limited to a drawing tablet that is 10 x 6.25. Any tips or guidance by tablet users? I don't mind putting in the work. I'd just go get a sketch pad but also wonder if that's not the right way to go as I'm just trying to build fundamentals for digital sculpting.

If my end goal is digital sculpting should I just ignore drawing? (they techniques used are totally different, wrist work in zbrush is expected).

>> No.2992661

I've been told by many that a good way to advance in art is studing the works of master artists.
But, what exactly do I need to do? I mean,
do I simply copy the piece?
Do I copy the piece and analyse what the artist did? (how do I analyse? What shuold be the thought process?)
Do I look at a piece and try to learn the 'theme' of the piece and copy that?
Is it enough to do a single piece from an artist, or shold I work on more?

Hopefuly my question isn't too dumb.

>> No.2992683

Identify what you wanna study and improve. e.g. Perspective. Find some photos and paintings that emphasize perspective. Whether you want it to be humans/animals/buildings. Look at it, draw the vanishing point(s) , do all the perspective guides, and recreate the artwork. Then start making up your own pictures.

Identify your weak spot.
Find good examples of it.
Break it down into easy to understand parts.
Recreate it.
Then make your own.

>> No.2992722
File: 861 KB, 1057x1600, 1333141235861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an idea of what japanese artists are using to achieve this 'grainy' soft-like texture for skin?

It doesn't seem to react like the noise filter in PS, and I don't think its just paper texture.

>> No.2992727

it has that texture because it probably is an actual scan

>> No.2992776

Yeah aren't those just pages from books that somebody actually scanned and uploaded? Have you tried scanning in some different types of paper and putting it over your art?
Corel painter also has canvas/paper textures built in to it

>> No.2992777

Stop worrying about drawing from the shoulder, it's over-emphasized here as a shitty meme. 10x6 is too small of an area to have any control drawing that way. If you want to work on shoulder drawing, do what they do in figure drawing class - get a big pad of paper, and draw big.

Sculpture DOES need drawing. Michelangelo learned the human form by drawing and painting it, and did studies on paper before starting his marbles. If anything, learning to draw the muscle groups and shapes will help you identify and sculpt them. And, if you're having problems with a pose, it's a lot easier to sketch it than to spend hours rebuilding the form (even with how quickly one can work in zbrush)

Best case scenario: sign up for a figure drawing class at a local college or community college or adult education center. Working from live models is the best way to learn figure drawing.

>> No.2992780
File: 21 KB, 501x407, lightshadow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I'm dumb, but can this lighting work?
I drew a girl and I wanted to light the top half of her, but also have a long late afternoon shadow.

>> No.2992788

>do I simply copy the piece?
That would be a start. It's very common to see people copying paintings in museums, especially in Europe.
>Do I copy the piece and analyse what the artist did? (how do I analyse? What shuold be the thought process?)
"How did he" is all you need. "How did he handle the lighting", "How did he handle the sky", etc.
>Do I look at a piece and try to learn the 'theme' of the piece and copy that?
No, you should look first at how he/she put it all together. The theme isn't the goal here, learning to paint is. You should be looking at how they handled color, brushstrokes, glazing, etc. How did they do textures? How did they do skin? What's the composition? What's the color composition?
>Is it enough to do a single piece from an artist, or shold I work on more?
One is not enough. Or none - not everyone does this. It's one way to learn. There is no ONE way to do anything - it's trying different things to learn. You, as a beginner, will look at the painting and be so overwhelmed you won't recognize anything, but little by little, you'll learn, and over time, you'll get fluent enough to deconstruct a painting easily, and learn from it.

Just try it. Don't put a lot of expectation into it, this is just study. Even if the painting sucks, you can still learn from it. It's important to either get very good copies of the painting you want to copy, like a poster, or have access to the real deal. Painting from web images honestly is denying yourself a lot of the things to be discovered, like brushstrokes.

>> No.2992791
File: 255 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20170524_144210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The walls shadow would cover the legs of the girl's shadow

Play around with a desk lamp and figurines to help you out with this kind of stuff

>> No.2992793

right, thank you! I totally forgot about the wall's shadow
that's a good tip, I was trying to google image a reference (too used to digital reference) when paper and a lamp would've sufficed

>> No.2992795

Her shadow would be mixed with the shadow of the large object. The light source would have to be lower, because if you imagine the light rays from the indicated light source now, the shadow from the object would go past her head. You could play around with gradations - shadows are darkest close to the pbject casting it, so you could overlay the shadow from the object, fading out towards the left, with her shadow, which would start out darkest at her feet, and start fading towards her head. Would make sense, too, because if this is supposed to be sun down/sun up, the light is weaker then, so the shadows won't be as dark as noon. If it's an artificial light source, that won't apply.

>> No.2992817
File: 43 KB, 651x407, lightsha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you very much for your help,
the shadow gradient was another thing I didn't consider.
I've made some changes to the idea based on what you and the other anon said, and it already feels a lot better.

>> No.2992891

Someone has to know the answer to this fairly simple question?

>> No.2992902

For graphite, fine grade art papers or bristol is best. Hot press, for a perfectly smooth finish.

>> No.2992907

Krita is fine as a budget/free app to get started with. Photoshop is a professional tool, you don't NEED it to get started, but it's nice to have. Most of Photoshop's toolset is for editing/adjusting photos (thus, the name).

>> No.2992912

Secondary and tertiary light sources. It's not wizarding or obscure science. He's indicating a soft red light source, on top of the main source. It's just a fill light. (Key light: main light, Fill Light: secondary light source.) Look into stage lighting if you really want to get into lighting, most stage lighting is 3 light points - key, fill, background. Key is white, fill are blue and yellow. The eye can't focus on yellow and blue at the same time, so it makes the eye constantly refocus, and that jitter creates volume, or "pop". It's what makes 3D work, with the red/blue lenses. The eye can't focus on red and blue at the same time.

That's why he chose red for this image - the red creates a jitter in the eye, and an optical illusion of volume.

>> No.2992914

Nope, it's basic stage lighting, using primaries to create an illusion of depth. The background blue and blues in the cool shadows create a jitter in the eye with the red, because the eye can't focus on red and blue at the same time.

It's called Chromostereopsis. I just had to look it up, I know how it works, but I can never remember that word.

>> No.2992955

Any smooth paper that has a little tooth to it and is substantial enough to take a lot of layers. Considering these are just studies, you probably don't want to spend a bunch of money on 100% cotton Arches or whatever, so get the cheapest pad of bristol vellum or similar paper that you can find.

>> No.2992969
File: 96 KB, 621x768, dqFQw5dDBFpHxOHWA8S6CBrGlfS1j0TIcCmyaMJPkJA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some tips to remember how to show the differences between an Asian eye and a Westerners eye? So far I can only think the Lacrimal caruncle is more downwards on asian eyes

>> No.2992984


>> No.2993187
File: 114 KB, 667x1000, 1491076597987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect thread

I've been drawing for a year and have discovered that every drawing process starts out with total shit, erasing lines 50? times to get them somewhere near correct, then as I render, I have to correct again and again, erasing areas totally and redrawing many times. This goes on from start to finish.

My golden rule is that there isn't a shitty sketch that won't be decent in the end if I just grind at it.

The question:

I want to paint. But does painting allow for this style of working? I can't see how you can "erase" paint sections over and over without making a mess. Also, the time factor. How the hell am I supposed to paint alla prima if I use hours and hours to get anywhere with the picture?

>> No.2993206

You can scrape oil paint off and repaint a section. But it is probably a good idea to draw/paint large quantities of simplified unfinished things so that you can figure out how to make things look good without so much massaging things around. Things generally look better when they aren't overlabored anyway IMHO.

>> No.2993214

sounds alright. My drawings suffer from lots of half-erased lines and smudges. I guess experience is crucial.

>> No.2993229

"Epicanthic folds"

>> No.2993230

holy shit, who is that woman

>> No.2993245

I have two kinda related questions.
1) How much should you practice drawing?
I started about a week ago and so far only managed to draw 6 shitty sketches (following the "Drawing on the Right Brain" book), and I feel that that is nowhere near enough to ever see progress
2) How in the fuck do you become / stay motivated to draw?
I've never really drawn in my life and find it hard as fuck to force myself to draw the next exercise in the book every other day or so.
And seeing how shit my everything looks, the desire to just burn it all and call it quits increases incessantly

>> No.2993256

1)4-5 hours a day is passable assuming you're constantly thinking about your art, what's missing and how to improve it and reading the appropiate theory to do so.
2)That feeling doesn't go away even when you can produce relatively decent stuff, willpower yourself into it, or give up. The ocasional breakthrough will give you a nice dopamine shot that hopefully will carry you till your next breakthrough.

>> No.2993433

1) Personally i feel you should draw as long as you want but i would do atleast 4 hours a day but really just make sure how you feel that day if you feel bad just do what you can.
2) I learned the best way to stay motivated is focus all your thoughts on art as long as you can or look at the art the inspires you and let it inspire you, really does help atleast for me. Somethimes though it cant be helped and you might have to play the waiting game.

Overall just do what YOU want to do make yourself the person you want to be.

>> No.2993435

Some chinese model who does super lewd shoots.

>> No.2993606

What are your guy's thoughts on starting a web comic if you are a beginner? I see a lot of webcomics that aren't necessarily the best art but have a respectable following. Should I wait till I get gud or learn and get better as I make them?

>> No.2993608

It's not completely unreasonable. It's short sighted in that if you put the hours in, there's no guarantee for talent. You'll just have 10k hours of talentless work.

I look at it this way - most college programs get a student from amatuer to entry level in two years of intensive study. They're not masters yet, but good enough to start working professionally. Most masters took at least a decade before completing work that was considered their best or most important. Art isn't something that will just happen in a couple months, it can take some people a lifetime to truly master it.

If you worked at art at full time hours, 8 hours a day, for 5 days a week (reasonable, if you look at it like a full load of college art courses), 10k hours is 5 years. That's not unreasonable for someone to go from start to being a competent artist.

That fits fairly well with the old apprentice/journeyman/craftsman system - 3-6 years as an apprentice (school), and then 3-4 years as a journeyman, working professionally, before submitting for craftsman status.

>> No.2993610

>As in, will my colours have a wider range?
Possibly, but your eye will never notice the difference. It's literally nothing to worry about.

>> No.2993612

I'll go ahead and say it - if you have to force yourself to draw, I have doubts you'll ever get anywhere with it.

I'm an artist. I've drawn my whole life. To me, life is about finding MORE time to draw, I've rarely had to force myself to do it, i do it whenever I can.

I get that you might want to be able to do it, but if you don't love just doing it, I don't see how you'll get far.

>> No.2993743

in my opinion when you walk into a sketch just go nuts and frame the entire image in a fucking fit of the most passionate (light)strokes you can produce the best images ive ever produced started as some of the worst sketches ive ever produced if your too careful and spend too much time framing one side of the image before the other, it will result in subtle imbalances and youll wonder why it wasnt as awesome as that first thing

>> No.2993749
File: 22 KB, 137x100, whatomg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I don't have a comfortable place to work. I recently moved home and got a new computer desk. My tablet barely fits on the desk because my monitor has a huge base and I have to completely remove my keyboard for it to sit properly. I have no surfaces in the house to draw on paper or in sketch books. Been trying to convince my parents to get me a foldable desk by it's like pulling teeth to get them to commit to anything. Doesn't help my depression has sucked my motiavtion to do anything. I just want to get drawing again. What do?

>> No.2993780

I think I get what you're saying. focus on the whole thing at first, composition and framing, right?

Sounds like good advice, I tend to start with one thing and it turns out another thing ends up halfway out of frame etc. I'll remember this.

>> No.2993800
File: 135 KB, 375x500, real anime footage 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be a really basic ass question
Is there something in particular I should study (as in books etc) if I need to get better at 'poses', aside from studying photos? What I mean by poses is that I feel like I know enough about anatomy, but when I actually try to draw a person in a certain position (like sitting for example) I'm stumped. Do I just need to expand my visual library?

>> No.2993806

Yea, I was kinda worried about that. My problem is that I'm having a real hard time enjoying things I'm not good at.
Some people enjoy doing stuff even if the end results are bad, I just get frustrated when I'm not good at something.
Though I hope I might get some results if I manage to improve a bit by forcing myself to continue early on; that way maybe the prospect of actual improvement will help me get motivated

>> No.2994133

What's that tool called he begins using at 1:00?

>> No.2994136

Life drawing helps a ton, especially if you can draw people in parks, coffee shops, subways, etc. Even quick gestures, especially for people in motion will help.

I'd also suggest acting out poses yourself, in front of a large mirror too if possible. Pay attention to where things line up, what muscles are tense and which ones are relaxed, where your weight is distributed, etc.

>> No.2994970

will drawing cars improve my perspective??

>> No.2995302

Can I make a thread for (constructively) criticising our favorite artists or would it be considered rude to post their artwork and criticise them without their knowledge?

>> No.2995638

>can I be rude on 4chan
obviously go for it
It wouldn't even be rude tho

>> No.2995642

I think it's a brush with a water tank (used for watercolour) that he filled with ink
I could be wrong tho
also if I'm right, the guy is fucking up his brush by doing that

>> No.2995649

ddrawing comics will make you improve a lot very quickly, but draw like 10-20 pages before posting any of them, there's nothing sadder than a webcomic with only 5 pages because the artist gave up

>> No.2995956

What's the best source to learn gesture/figure drawing? YouTube videos just aren't detailed enough

>> No.2996075

The best source to learn gesture/figure drawing is by drawing gesture and figures. Gesture and figure drawings are mostly referencing drawing humans. Humans exist in the real world and so do you. You can use those other humans, like in a figure drawing class, as a reference to lean from. In the sticky there are also books recommended. I've personally always liked Michael Hampton's book on figure drawing to see some nice ways of abstracting those complex shapes.

Drawing things in perspective has the potential to help you improve your skills in drawing things in perspective. Cars are a nice thing to draw in perspective.

>> No.2996404

https://www.amazon.com/Pentel-Fude-Brush-Extra-XFL2F/dp/B000UF5690/ref=pd_sim_229_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B000UF5690&pd_rd_r=9WGKZH1KH4XZDAXW4NNG&pd_rd_w=AQNs3&pd_rd_wg=hUx4d&psc=1&refRID=9WGKZH1KH4XZDAXW4NNG seems to be something like this, but probably a better one.

>> No.2996406
File: 33 KB, 600x513, 10-digital-painting-mistakes-11-contrast-8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened between the two steps in this image? Like, how did the colours blur so smoothly from 5 large sections, and how do I replicate that in any drawing app?

>> No.2996410
File: 61 KB, 457x776, 2017-05-27 01_42_23-practice155.tif - Photos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Addendum to this, I did read somewhere to use the blur tool but it looks like I lost my glasses when I tried it.

>> No.2996424

not blur, smudge. but you have to set the brush up right, most people would do it by using the eyedropper and a soft brush for smooth transitions. hopefully someone can point you to a tutorial because it's probably a bit complex to work out on your own.

>> No.2996446

>set brush to 30-50% opacity
>set brush to 20-40% flow
>eyedrop colour

>> No.2996503
File: 188 KB, 600x503, 38d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I installed Photoshop CC 18.0 to try it, but if feels a lot slower and bloated than CS6, even on my brand new PC.
Is it worth it? Does CC have any important new features or can I roll back to CS6?

>> No.2996542

weird. what's your specs?

>> No.2996544

I'm trying to find an artist that has been posted here quite a lot, he does these cartoon girls with tree trunk legs, reminds me of the astroboy style.

>> No.2996549

In digital painting, is it better to start with colors, or make a grayscale image first and then color it with a color blending mode or something?

>> No.2996618

i7 6700 + GTX 950 with 8GB of RAM
Whatever, I uninstalled CC and went back to CS6. Still, it's really weird.

>> No.2996627


Good stuff.

>> No.2996714


>> No.2996876

Question from a lvl 1 noob,

how do i go about drawing what i see when copy images from google images is much more enticing. the stuff around me is usually dull and i can't fully see the forms of the object.

Also, what's the best book for a beginner who admires technical drawings as opposed to gestures and humans?

Was looking into Scott Robertson but i was not really picking up what he was teaching.

>> No.2996877

They just have super, super thin linework. Then they recolour it from black to match the tone of the colours inside the lines.

>> No.2996884

is nofap a meme? i feel more motivated and concentrated after a good fap/fuck

>> No.2996896

Where can i buy quality criteriums? (gift for my mother)

>> No.2996907

>a one-day bicycle race on a circuit road course.

>> No.2996911

What are the best brands for archival-quality bristol vellum? I've been using my Faber-Castell on Strathmore's 300 series for a few months and I figure that I should move on to better quality paper, especially for my commissions. Should I use their 500 series pads?

>> No.2996915

It works for some people, doesn't mean it has to work for you. Do what makes you better!

>> No.2996931

Are there any books or online resources similar to Fun With a Pencil for learning form construction or is Loomis all there is?

>> No.2996963
File: 35 KB, 564x564, 5f50f440fdb49ffbbc3f07aaa1dd0287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what brush settings this is? Or have a download pack of the brushes?

>> No.2996996

Do screen and tablet size actually affect the quality of how I draw? I have trouble with long lines when doing line art, but I don't know if I'm just trying to make up an excuse.

>> No.2997025
File: 34 KB, 800x800, criterium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean that kind of pencils (sorry i'm french)

>> No.2997246

Form construction is a fundamental art thing and is therefor found in a lot of art books. Just scroll through a few of the recommended ones in the sticky and you'll find artists talking about constructing all sorts of things.

The best advice I can give to a lvl 1 noob is to mainly have fun with art, have fun and don't worry too much about studying too hard. You won't pick up Scott Robertson as a beginner, you won't pick up what any art book from sticky will tell you, because you are a beginner. That's fine. Draw what you like, try to find what you're doing wrong, see how other artist do it, imitate them as they found the fix you need.

>> No.2997330

You can use your full arm motion more with a larger screen, and having more space dedicated to the drawing instead of the UI is nicer too. However, it's more of a luxury because you can always zoom in super close + use some light line stabilization to correct for smaller hardware. It's really only a problem if you're using something tiny like a phone.

>> No.2997392

What are good sites to use to get maximum exposure for nsfw artworks and such?

>> No.2997535

Get the 500 - it's 100% linen, and acid free. You can definitely spend more, and go for custom papers, but Strathmore 500 is fine. 300 is a mix of linen and wood pulp - it's good stuff, but not archival.

>> No.2997596
File: 96 KB, 648x1038, serveimage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go from a sketch to a finished image like this?

>> No.2997611

Thanks anon!

>> No.2997615

>lineart/clean drawing
>base colours
>add shadows
>add highlights

>> No.2997618

I think he was referring to the ''sketch'' to '' lineart'' step.

>> No.2997620

This layers are your friend

>> No.2997622

Thanks my dude

>> No.2997675

why do you care? with digital you can ctrl+z as much as needed until you get the perfect line, obviously using your arm and stuff is helpful too

>> No.2997676

also to get that effect in the end merge all layers, duplicate and blur slightly and lower opacity

>> No.2997687
File: 38 KB, 426x341, 1495476525097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i go about organizing my productive time drawing?
im pretty much a night owl, i try to draw the whole day, but when i actually start drawing its already late night, even tho i spent most of my time trying to draw something with no success.
I have to wake up early pretty much everyday so drawing all night and sleeping all day is not possible for me except on weekends and if really wanna git gud i cant only draw on weekends
send help

>> No.2997706

I guess u need gesture, it looks like you skipped directly into anatomy, do some quick 30/45 second sketches on tons of pictures looking for gestures, look at vilppu for guidance or even proko has a good video on gesture, you can also study animators and how they exaggerate, if none of that helps, try to look up a video of a movement you want and study it frame by frame to get the feeling of what happens before and after and getting it all captured in the pose

>> No.2997923

Whats it like to work for something like MtG?
Are you given a prompt of a scene or do they just thrown the cards details at you and make your own interpretation?

>> No.2997946

Is getting good at drawing just a bit of knowledge and a lot of practice?

>> No.2997952

Actually, to clarify I refer to "knowledge" as reading art books and "practice" as things like copying other artists and drawing from life

>> No.2998075

I think in drawing both categories are tightly linked, like unusually so. You will find that the knowledge in a Loomis book is very straight forward, but after putting in lots of practice and getting significantly better, you read it a second time and it is like a completely different book with deeper knowledge. Same thing will happen after 1 or two years when you read it a 3rd and 4th time.
Practicing 'reveals' the knowledge that is in the books, it is like you level up and new words appear in your book. What I am saying is that without any practice it is impossible to really understand everything with pure intellect, even though it seems so basic and easy to understand.

>> No.2998091


It's both. That said if you had to choose one over the other it'd be practice > knowledge. At least knowledge from instruction, you should be acquiring knowledge from what you observe while you practice too.

Think of knowledge as a multiplier. Let's say for simplicity's sake (I know it isn't this simple) that reading a book on the subject makes your practice on that subject 1.25x more effective (up to a certain point. Reading 10 perspective books won't magically increase this 10x).

You can read all the books in the world and if you don't practice you'll get nowhere. If you read the book and practice 0 hours you'll still be sitting at virtually 0 in terms of skill. If you practice 20 hours and read 0 books you'll be at 20. If you practice 20 hours and read the book, you'll be at 25, better off than both the other scenarios. You're less likely to waste time reinventing the wheel or hammering in the same rookie mistakes, but you've still actually trained the skill rather than just reading about how to train the skill.

Like I said, trying to measure progress in units is a fool's game, but for simplicity's sake I think it's a useful abstraction.

>> No.2998386
File: 1.04 MB, 1343x645, 1495966496490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can the japs do it?

>> No.2998390

You could probably just ask something along the lines of "Hey would you mind if I draw one of your selfies for practice?" and then show her the next day.

>> No.2998394

By getting nuked twice

>> No.2998889
File: 150 KB, 701x1024, mecha___icarus_by_meganerid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some reference sites for technical drawings?

I enjoy drawing mechas and machines with a lot of parts. I also admire the drawings in ikea manuals.

Where's the best place to find something like that?

>> No.2999363

How to best finish and refine soft edges when rendering in clip studio?

Right now I'm doing something like:
* Flat colors
* Block in values with a hard round brush, squint and confirm that it looks OK
* Run blend tool along edges that need to be softened
* repeat a few, use color pick and small soft brush if necessary to correct stuff

It works OK but I feel like I might be doing something retarded. Is using the blend tool a bad habit? The blending tutorial earlier in the thread suggested using a soft flat brush to pull colors back and forth, is this something people actually do?

>> No.2999683
File: 131 KB, 1200x1200, 7108zyYza2L._SL1200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of a light box, what is the best to get for ones money? I'm looking at not breaking $100 if possible.

>> No.3000038

What's the Loomis equivalent for drawing enviroments and backgrounds?

>> No.3000083

I got one of the huion led lightboxes in a3 for around 80$ a year ago and it's really good so far. it gets a bit warm after some time, but you can adjust the lighting and you can even trace through a 300gsm water color paper.
I've seen lightboxes from other brands with the exact same design so there's a chance you might find them even cheaper.

>> No.3000093

cool, thank you

>> No.3000123

He literally tells you in the description and even has an amazon link

>> No.3000388

The cheapest is a window, during the day.

>> No.3000401

I think I hate drawing. Everytime I put a line on the canvas I die inside a little. Should I just stop?

>> No.3000413

You might just be depressed. Putting too much presure on yourself.

Get rid of negative people + exercise + diet + see sunshine daily + IRL social contact daily + meds if needed. Any addiction is worth fighting (caffeine, sugar, porn, weed, ...)

Source: hated drawing for a few years, got out of abusive environment and onto meds and into healthy life routine and am better. Spending more than 2 consecutive days on 4chan make me feel lethargic.

>> No.3000415
File: 273 KB, 980x980, bdb263ae06b85f5d2004151edfadcc49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google Images. I just google shit like hvac, mechanical joints, integrated circuits, computer parts, ...

>> No.3000423

>You might just be depressed
I don't think I am. I'm pretty happy when I do other stuff throughout the day. But when I see the ugly ass lines I mutter I just can't fucking deal with it.

>> No.3000457
File: 121 KB, 500x500, 1404284093296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is drawing cute girls in your own unique style a good way to make money? I'm already deep in to grinding fundamentals and it's getting pretty boring. I see a lot of these particularly in anime style. I was thinking of doing mainly watercolor pictures of girls based in realism but with some cartoony aspects. would really like to get some input.

>> No.3000461


would i look stupid if i went to a life drawing session with a 9x12 sketchbook and a pencil

>> No.3000526


She uploaded some of her brushes and settings some time ago. Try and look for them on her facebook.

>> No.3000567

The teacher will tell you first day what to bring. I've take a lot of figure drawing, and I've never drawn on the first day. 6x9 is too small - you'll need 18x24 or bigger.

>> No.3000705

How bad do you think a pause hinder your drawings.

Always loved to do it, since a child, mother wanted me to be an engineer, Finished the carreer bearly being capable.
During the entire carreer always tried to keep drawing, but alot of the time had to stop because projects.

Finish and hate everything, almost that I try to get back to drawing I feel like I do super crap, and slowly stop doing it and then stop for months, and trying to go back make me suffer.

Im not a competent Engineer like my mother wanted and im not a comptetent Artist like I wanted.

Feel bad.... oh wait... this was supposed to be just a simple question right?

How much you think hand memory suffer for not keep drawing...

>> No.3000765

You're asking about Mechanical pencils in general? If so, just search mechanical pencil on Amazon or wherever. There's also a thread about them

>> No.3000769

I feel that muscle memory is pretty strong. Assuming you weren't crap at drawing before you should get warmed up pretty quickly maybe a few days or week. I've never taken a break from drawing though, that doesn't make sense really.

Also you fucked up with that whole college career man. If you go around trying to please everybody but your own damn self, you'll be living a sad and unfulfilling life. Take your life where you want it to go. The best choice isn't always the easy choice

>> No.3000795

I would say im pretty bad, I mean, sure friends and people around me say that I know how to draw, but in reality they dont know nothing, non of them draw or interest about that kind of stuff.

So they dont know much better.

I live with my mother and trained by her to do her wishes, so I had to study " a real thing".
I even thought on Picking "architecture" just because I had the idea that they do drawings, but it was to expensive. Luckly i didnt.

And maybe If I knew about "Graphic dessign" that title could sound like "a real job" to her.

>> No.3000797

Also another question, Its there such a thing as "to much drawing non stop"?

Because some times I sit and dedicate my time to it, and then I get to a point where I feel The drawings are getting Uglier, and Im not sure if its just because Im trying harder positions, or Im getting "tired" and need to rest few hours.

Maybe I was rushing it and being sloppy...

>> No.3001007

I'm going to be opening up to commissions for the first time very soon. Does anyone have any tips? Best way to set up a PayPal? Good SFW audiences to shoot for?

I'm a pretty upper-mid tier artist as of right now, but I'm scared I won't get many people asking for work. I don't have a legit "portfolio" though I can whip one up in a week or so.

Should I advertise myself as a Freelance X Artist? Or should I advertise myself as just a X Artist who does commissions on the side? X being Illustrator/concept artist/portrait artist/designer/whatever artist type you can think of.

Is it good to have a wait-list? Should I do every commission on a weekly basis? Is there a good way to format how to take on commissions?

Any advice would be awesome.

>> No.3001019
File: 73 KB, 662x530, refffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would a kind soul be willing to use photoshop or something to rotate this slightly so that it's level? I want to use it for a background reference. thank you so much

>> No.3001028

Bump 4 dis because I was about to ask the same thing.

All i know is that you should use an invoice. http://prokopetz.tumblr.com/post/90756246967/rattlecat-shrineheart-okay-decided-to-whip

Here's a little more help.

I'm not sure about which account to use,but I've seen that one should use the personal account instead of a business one.

>> No.3001069

you can do that shit in paint or even that in-browser editor.

>> No.3001081

I'm mentally retarded then because I don't know how to rotate images at an angle in paint.

>> No.3001083

nvm pixlr would probably work

>> No.3001091

Personally, I don't think I could ever draw too much. I have so much fun doing it that I've spent a few slow days at work doing nothing else for 6 hours and staying up very late practicing. If you feel like you're burning yourself out and getting worse then just take a break and pick it back up when you feel recharged.
Luckily, I'm in a position where I've got my job in a teaching lab at a college, and drawing is more of a hobby that I've been trying to perfect since as long as I can remember. I wish I could tell you some awesome firsthand inspirational success story. For me, I love both illustration and doing lab work. I just chose the more lucrative career and pursue art as a spare time type of thing. if what you truly want to do is be an artist, support your passion anyway possible and don't be afraid to leave what you're doing to jump on the next opportunity that comes your way. I'm assuming you are a single dude with no kids and no house payments. Don't bog yourself down with that stuff if you don't have to dawg

>> No.3001093

Bob ross

>> No.3001103


You can get tired and sloppy, yes. If you're not used to drawing for long stretches, you'll get fatigued after a few hours pretty easily.

>> No.3001124

then google it retard ;)) instead of bitching about it on 4chan where we know u can google shit

>> No.3001273

What is objectively the most difficult thing to draw?

>> No.3001295
File: 463 KB, 1358x636, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any apps like this that I can use offline? This one is a site

>> No.3001359

Twitch streaming with OBS - how do I capture Photoshop only without having to capture my whole monitor?

>> No.3001662
File: 99 KB, 700x1050, Photoset_26_129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me to identify the muscle - see next post

>> No.3001663
File: 164 KB, 263x370, 2017-05-30_19-01-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3001714
File: 8 KB, 640x640, noris pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anything wrong with drawing with these bad boys?

>> No.3001717


no tools just rules

>> No.3001719
File: 36 KB, 600x350, 1112musclesoftheabdomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please use google next time.

>> No.3001725

Yes. They only go up to 2b. I think the Tradition are 90% as good as the Lumographs, just worse wood and shitty quality control so you may get some poorly centered leads. Honestly, pencils are cheap enough that you don't have to be using school supplies even if you're /beg/.

>> No.3001744

Serratus anterior

>> No.3001747

Sorry, I was thinking it's much higher, thanks

>> No.3001842

I plan on doing digital art.

However, I am wondering if I should learn to draw with pencil and paper, or with the tablet?

>> No.3001844
File: 135 KB, 500x701, 1461407010913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what can a ULV processor handle? I'm considering a new laptop that has an i5/i7u and wondering if it'd be able to take the workload.
Typical job is 15-20 layers in PS with 15 tabs in FF

Art isn't something your gonna get better at just by pushing hours into it, you need to learn how you learn and be constantly evaluating your work to see an improvement
A better question is why should you care

>> No.3001852

Doesn't matter

>> No.3001857
File: 133 KB, 960x640, demo3_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me the purpose of drawing like this? I understand it's advanced perspective but it just seems needlessly convoluted to me. Especially since my goal is to do comic art.

>> No.3001863

This one's easy.
Every time you mirror a curve, you visualize where it's gonna land - your brain does that whether you like it or not - and then, when you actually mirror it, you'll always find your estimate was a bit off, and then you go "ah, so that's how it ought to be", all the while your hand is going over that line, sinking deeper into the space that is your paper.
And you learn from it. You gain a little more awareness of space from each mirroring or ellipse construction or whatever, and your next visualization will always be a little more precise than the one before.

This way of thinking will stay with you even when you're just loosely sketching anime.

>> No.3001869

The purpose of this type of drawing is to guarantee accurate foreshortening and rotation of objects in space.

This very important in concept art and industrial design as it allows you to draw an object, no matter how complex from any angle accurately in space.

Also "Uncomfortable", the artist who drew this, said THIS particular image isn't the best example of that since he didn't use cubes to measure it's proportions.

It also takes away a lot of the approximation issues some people may struggle with in perspective drawing.

Now for comic art, whether you need to draw like this or not depend entirely on whether you have a looser, stylised or more realistic or just consistent style.

For some artists like Krenz Cushart, EVERYTHING INCLUDING HUMAN FIGURES is drawn in a way similar to this but for someone like say, Peter Han, it's a little looser.

So for more accuracy and realism, this may be helpful.

>> No.3001877

Are you saying that you're not already drawing?

>> No.3002162

Right now I'm learning to draw traditionally so I can draw better on a tablet. I don't know if this is a good idea, but a lot of great digital artists learnt traditionally, so that's my logic

>> No.3002739 [DELETED] 


>> No.3002741

In the Sources box right click then add "window capture" and select photoshop.

>> No.3002744

um lick my nuts friend

>> No.3002798

Bumping this question

>> No.3002912
File: 4 KB, 200x112, 9i0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so im new to digital drawing and using fire alpaca atm. Is there any way to have a digital art or sketchbook of some sort? Where you can just flip a page and have it all together?


>> No.3003316

Who's the artist? I'd like the brushes as well.

>> No.3003455

You can also build your own library, with a camera. I have an entry level Nikon DSLR, a D3200, that I used to take shots of stuff I'm studying, for reference - textures, trees, buildings, water, whatever. I can spend a day easily in a zoo, shooting animals for later reference, along with sketching in my book.

Libraries need books in them. The best way to put books in your mental library is to go look at stuff. Photos is one way. Real life is another. Research is research, you need to do it, until you're comfortable with the subject. If you're gonna paint crashing waves on the beach, and live near one - go look at it! Take pictures, make exploratory sketches. If not, photos will have to do - not to copy, but to figure out how crashing waves work. Half of being an artist is deconstructing how the world works, so you can translate it to another medium.

>> No.3003460

Best software for drawing pads?

>> No.3003585
File: 350 KB, 617x498, PAPRIKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I replicate this art style in photoshop, or do I need to learn to use illustrator?

>> No.3003647


it looks like it was actually done in a program like photoshop. There is some texturing in this picdture that would be very hard to do in illustrator.

>> No.3003695

Why does Illya have a dedicated thread on /wg/?

>> No.3003718
File: 532 KB, 1000x700, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I render figures? I'm not sure if its my technique or something but the rendering always looks shit.

>> No.3003736

Because he is secretly a jew

>> No.3003748

I'm so jealous at other people's skills and success that everytime I start drawing, I give up on it a minute afterwards and just doodle unfinished stuff. It feels like I'm a failure and that I'll never draw anything good.

What's a good way to combat my depression, /ic/?

>> No.3003752

Don't make having other people's skill your goal. Put the bar lower where it's actually attainable in a smaller timeframe. Like doing 10 gesture drawing every night for a week. If you complete the week, you'll feel good about having reached that. "I want to draw like that person" or "I want to draw something good" are very bad goals and made you feel bad, like it has done for you.

>> No.3003755

is "I want to draw something cute" a good goal?

>> No.3003759

If you already know how to draw something cute, yes.
If you don't know how to draw something cute, no.

>> No.3003763

Is "do a shit ton of boxes, circles, and triangles" a good goal for the week for a /beg/?

>> No.3003766

If you have a clear and attainable definition of a shitton, sure. It doesn't sound like much fun though

>> No.3003767

There is no fun in the journey of trying to draw something cute.

>> No.3004204
File: 175 KB, 600x800, shepard_fairey_natural_springs_print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any specific name for the style with limited color palettes and simplfied forms or whatever you'd called this?
I'm really just looking for art similar to this but I can't think of a good way to describe it.

>> No.3004221

Posterization. It's from the process of removing gradiations from photos, to reproduce them with screen printing, for movie posters, and printing in 2 or 3 colors.

>> No.3004224

Alright thanks.

>> No.3004245

Not a question, I'm just passed that my followers never pay attention to my posts even though I have over 1000 of them. I don't give a shit about fame, I just want enough people to comment on my shit to make it feel worthwhile to post it.
I'm on a be doing art anyway, I just hate my followers and don't honk it's worth it to show people my art when they obviously don't give two fucks.

>> No.3004262

You can't really force people to engage with your art. When people don't have something nice to say they often will not say anything at all. Guess your only choice is to get better so people want to comment.

>> No.3004285

You're stuck somewhere in mediocrity land where people don't really feel that much either way about your art. Either suck it up and draw fanart if you want validation so bad, or break through it eventually by getting really good.

>> No.3004287

Your values are shit, as in the separation between light and shadow areas are all messy and unclear. Draw in shadows with a brushpen to force yourself to separate light and shadow areas clearly.

>> No.3004293
File: 838 KB, 2048x1546, 1973554_571180596316312_2062255280018788986_o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to connect as many shadow shapes together into one big shape (if possible).
Then, with the side of your pencil, create an even tone that's a good shade tone. The key is to keep it consistent, even if you hatch.
Emphasize the core shadow and keep it soft, and don't forget light falloff...aka the light side goes more towards a half tone the further you get from a light source. Shadows, however stay fairly consistent unless you have multiple light sources.

A good rule of thumb is if you can squint your eyes and make out the light and dark side clearly, then that's a good separation of values

Pic related is Steve Huston.

>> No.3004296

Are you telling any kind of narrative(s) or character interaction with whatever you post? That kind of stuff is somewhere near the top for what people immediately respond to

>> No.3004507

If anybody here reads artbooks, how many pages a day do you read?

>> No.3004701

I'm trying to sign up for CGpeers, but every time I try and register it come up
> Couldn't proceed with registration
>(Error: 0xE4000006)

What do? I've googled but can't find anything solution.

>> No.3004702

are /beg/ threads actually helpful? I never see much critque and it could just be the blind leading the blind, no?

>> No.3004764

Only if you you do deliberate, deep practice, and not watching youtube while scribbling shit on notepad.

>> No.3004771

Does the act of drawing from imagination itself improve art skill? Can it count as practice?

>> No.3004806
File: 154 KB, 858x878, Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 1.05.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a brush pack but for some reason the brushes arent appearing completely as they should. I've tried fiddling with the settings but it's not working. Pic related is how it comes out vs how it's supposed to look like. I tried resetting and then loading them again.

>> No.3004808

How the fuck do I actually study? I just draw stuff I see in the art books but I have no idea what the mumbo jumbo the artists say mean

>> No.3004811

what program

>> No.3004812

Photoshop CS6.

>> No.3004824


Check in the 'Brushes' window if any settings are locked (note the little lock icon behind each setting). If those settings are locked, they stay the same for every brush.

As long as all settings are unlocked, they will change according to the brush you pick.

>> No.3004885

Paperclip the pages together.

>> No.3004891

Just torrent a Paint Tool Sai crack and then buy an Adobe CC licence (for Photoshop) when you have money.

>> No.3005113

what resolution are you on?
brushes tend to change when resolution changes, most of the time its because you're working either too small or too large

>> No.3005491

Yes, because most people have a window angled 45deg downwards in their house

Or i guess you could find a skylight and draw on that on the roof

>> No.3005504
File: 1.49 MB, 1892x1430, Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 11.57.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. As default it comes out like that and when I mess with it to try and make it match the image, it doesn't match.

The brushes have their own individual default sizes so I don't think resolution is the problem. A lot of the others work fine, it's just a select few.

I made a snap testing them all in order.

>> No.3005526

You would have better luck asking Kyle directly than posting here. But my best guess would be that the texture of the brushes shown in the example either rely on flow of the brushes or they vary by pressure / tilt sensitivity of your tablet. It looks like a pretty big difference, though.

>> No.3005680

Ah, an artificial requirement, because you're butthurt over my comment, for some odd reason.

We used to do it college, if all the light boards were in use - just tape our paper up on a window. It worked fine. If you only need to do it once in a while, it works.

Why you're being pissy about it beyond me...are you just an asshole by nature?

>> No.3005682

Check a couple of things:

On the brush palette, change the spacing value, and see if that opens up the brush like the examples.

Also, check the values for scatter and count, on the scatter tab.

You also might want to try different values of flow, to get a softer version, like the examples.

>> No.3005683


You will see "noticeable" growth.

If you aim for "incredible" you will fail, because your expectations will be too high.

>> No.3005977
File: 785 KB, 2536x1480, Screen Shot 2017-06-02 at 11.43.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First-time photoshop user here –– how do I get my brush to be opaque? Adobe recommended deleting my settings but I can't seem to find those either.

>> No.3006031

Turn off transfer option in brush settings.

>> No.3006034
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1478714863872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I wanted to make my own pen nibs for a bamboo, this would do?

>> No.3006077

Thank ye kindly anon.

>> No.3006208

is bridgman good for beginners? he seems more illustrative than hampton and loomis

>> No.3006211

No, bridgeman is too complicated for beginners. Hampton is much more basic.

>> No.3006403
File: 73 KB, 392x277, 1475976683279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sell out and make some money drawing fur fag shit. What are the best places to go? I know tumblr and deviantart but are the other sites you recommend?

>> No.3006427

Turn of transfer function.

Protip - while in brush mode, 1-0 on the keyboard will change the opacity of the brush, 1 = 10%, 2 = 20%, etc.

>> No.3006432


5 nibs on Amazon are $2.99, dummy.


>> No.3006450

fuck off, wacom shill.

>> No.3006510

Fuck off, when I'm saving you money and hassle?

What an ungrateful little shit you are. Let me guess, you're 15, too lazy to get a job so you can't order nibs, so you shoplifted that stuff, right?

That's the only thing that could excuse your assholishness and calling me a "shill" when i'm trying to save you time and cash.

So fuck off, kid. Use that cord to go trim a couple lawns and earn the money for new nibs.

Should have known it was a kid, anyone who can't scrape together $3 is a loser, or a kid.

>> No.3006513

No shit you can also use uncooked spaghetti if you feel like going full thirdworld

>> No.3006524
File: 58 KB, 480x480, 1485603849937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ approved sai brushes? I need to switch to clip studio but I don't know where to pirate it

>> No.3006579


godspeed, you brave soul

>> No.3006713
File: 6 KB, 140x50, 418c3cad2d4babba961c91c4198d8818fe6020be3d7c183f3e42997fe4e1eb73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-does anybody have the full Proko videos for figure drawing? :c

>> No.3006788

what did loomis mean when all figure action should be based on the distribution of the weight of the body? ive been studying this book and this is the only one so far that i dont get

>> No.3006827

The gestures we're trying to capture are full body gestures, so what he's saying is to keep in mind and incorporate the feeling of the weight of the body shifting with the movement. If you're showing a dancer moving, you want to plant one or both feet planted on the ground, and the whole body moving through the gesture - the position of the arms, the shoulders, the spine, the hips, the legs. It's all intertwined, and one part moving will affect the rest. Like, if a subject reaches back to throw a ball, the shoulders and hips will move with it, and the person will have their weight on one foot. In other words, don't move just one limb, move the whole body. As we move, our center of mass moves. We shift weight from one foot to another, or from the hips if sitting, and the position of the body all follows from that.

It's your job to capture that in the gesture, because our minds will recognize the gesture more accurately.

>> No.3006908
File: 213 KB, 800x1135, Sun Ken Rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get to this level? Study his work and fundamentals for a few years?

>> No.3007338
File: 31 KB, 900x604, red-pencil-tip-photo-researchers-inc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK do you sharpen a pencil to make it as sharp as possible? No matter how hard I push my pencil in my pencil sharpener, it never becomes sharper than pic related.

>> No.3007388

Knife and sandpaper

>> No.3007873


>> No.3008990 [DELETED] 
File: 856 KB, 917x1400, 61142396_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love drawing and I have always just used a No. 2 pencil and paper. However, I want to start drawing with a more serious kit.

Is there a "drawing kit" of the essential tools someone can recommend for me? Preferably bought from Amazon.

>> No.3009002

New thread: >>3008998