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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 33 KB, 670x377, IMG_5351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2980911 No.2980911 [Reply] [Original]

>pay upfront 90%
>artist misses deadline

>> No.2980912

why even bother withholding 10%?

>> No.2980925
File: 217 KB, 670x377, CEE LO GOLD®.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like how topical this thread is. I've actually fronted my artist well over 100% but I haven't set deadlines or anything like that. I have faith in him, or at least faith in the fact that he doesn't want to potentially give up on thousands of dollars worth of work. He comes across as a decent enough guy and his work is pretty phenomenal so I'm pinning everything on him for now.

>> No.2980934

Never pay in full, NEVER. Most artists lose all will to draw your commission if you'd already paid them.

>> No.2980987
File: 187 KB, 825x886, OBEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely right.

However I'm pretty confident he understands the situation. Yeah he could dog me and walk away with what I've given him so far and it would absolutely leave me crushed for a week or so, but in the end he'd be hurting himself way more than he would be hurting me. I have everything I could ever want, at this point in my life money has pretty much lost its meaning to me and I'm more than happy to give every last disposable dollar I have to a (fellow) artist, particularly one that isn't doing so well financially. Apart from that, I'm the most trustworthy and agreeable nigga on earth-a model client if I do say so myself (of course without anonymity on my side I couldn't just SAY something like that, but it's 100% true)

Would you dog someone over $500 if you knew they were willing to throw down tens of thousands (albeit slowly)?

That said, I sometimes underestimate how unfunny and un-charismatic I am. That and how dumb my project probably sounds to anyone that isn't fucking retarded, so who knows, really!


>> No.2980991

Awaken my masters

>> No.2980993


Now I have to ask what you commissioned for $500.

>> No.2980996


>> No.2981009
File: 518 KB, 600x890, donk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've given him about $550 in cash as well as a special gift-and there's a hell of a lot more where that came from.

It's pretty open ended, I've been commissioning assets for a game project. I basically hired him as a character designer for the most part. I'm relying on his superlative skill with industrial design and general draftsmanship to supplement my own design sensibilities and my own...uh...'draftsmanship' to push ideas forward.


>> No.2981015

commission me dude. money means a lot to my broke ass

>> No.2981031 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 500x498, le phone number man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry buddy, unless my current artist gives me reason to believe it's over I'm sticking with him for the time being. Admittedly I haven't heard from him in a little over a week though, I hope he's alright!

If you want to post your portfolio for networking purposes be my guest; I'm all about bringing my fellow pr/ic/ks up if not now then later, but I don't have any reason to believe this guy's abandoned my project as of yet-and I certainly can't afford two artists at the same time unfortunately.

>> No.2981034
File: 138 KB, 463x634, come on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry buddy, unless my current artist gives me reason to believe it's over I'm sticking with him for the time being. Admittedly I haven't heard from him in a little over a week though, I hope he's alright!

If you want to post your portfolio for networking purposes be my guest; I'm all about bringing my fellow pr/ic/ks up if not now then later, but I don't have any reason to believe this guy's abandoned my project as of yet-and I certainly can't afford two artists at the same time unfortunately.


>> No.2981036


I assumed you were paying $500 for a single illustration.

$500 is too little for character design for an entire game. This tells me you underestimate the amount of work involved. The fact that artist took this job tells me he's an amateur who is likely to flake.

>> No.2981046
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 1348943218191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$500 for an entire game

What? You goof. That's not how it is at all.

>> No.2981147

>anything over 50%
Fucking retards.

>> No.2981708

Well I guess never pay in full.

>> No.2981716

I pay in full to most artists and I get my drawing.

>> No.2981728

Like anything else I suppose it's an individual thing I guess. It's still probably not a good idea most of the time for a variety of reasons.

>> No.2981731

Does paying up front lose potential customers?

>> No.2981907

Depends on the artist. I'm very timely on my commissions with clients thanks to threads like these, and cause I wanna retain them. Finding good clients is hard, and word of mouth is always great. It's much easier to retain a client, than it is to find a new one. I don't take myself too seriously, but I take my work VERY seriously. This os my livelihood.

Also, the more you pay, the better job I do.

Simple as.

>> No.2981925

Not really, I can bang out a character design fairly quick. For that price I'd do it too desu. Pays for half my living expenses for what's essentually 3ish days of work.

Plus, character design is what I enjoy the most too.

>> No.2981927

>pay upfront 90%
>artist misses deadline
>no contract
>no terms for missed deadlines
>gets burned

This is fine.

>> No.2981932

Easy, just commission again. This'll scare them so bad that you'll get a discount.

>> No.2981935

Standard practice is a contract, with terms, 50% up front, and the rest payable upon completion and delivery of work.

But you can keep spending money pretending you're a game dev, with no contracts all you want. But don't expect anyone to take you seriously, when you act unprofessionally.

And, before you start sniveling about how cool you are (no, we believe you, really), contracts protect both parties, and keep situations like this from occurring in the first place.

>> No.2981937

What's the main contract most people use?

>> No.2981939

What would a contract even do? Say you're commissioning an artist $300 or whatever and they no-show. Are you going to hire a lawyer, fly in a plane to his home state/province or country and sue him? lmoa

>> No.2981955

Hire a lawyer, have one written up. If you can throw $500 away to pretend to be a game developer, you can spend a couple hundred for a lawyer to write you a basic contract.

You do have a lawyer, correct? I can't imagine someone going into game dev without a lawyer you can call for issues and services.

>> No.2981960
File: 13 KB, 480x360, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A contract isn't shit unless you're willing to put in the work and pay the money to enforce it. In the case of art commissions between people who might be thousands of miles away it's an unenforceable formality pitting one person's words against anothers, but you can go on wasting your time playing grown up if you want.

>> No.2981963

Yes, you can do exactly that. Contracts make it a lot easier to sue. Happens every day. Having to fly to where the artists lives? Npt necessarily, often jurisdiction is where the person paying lives. But you'd know that, if you had clue one how business and contract law works.

If contracts were so worthless, nobody would use them. The vast majority of people in business use them, how funny do you think it is now?

Just for laying out the specifics of copyright and usage alone, most if not all people want a contract in place between two parties. But you keep laughing, ignorance will get you far in life. No, really.

>> No.2981964

Oh, look, Mr. Wellachtshually showed up.

>> No.2981989

i never fuck with peoples money, it builds trust and its free advertisement. whats wrong with these people?

>> No.2982104
File: 139 KB, 600x404, kill me fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the context of intangible digital art commissions of a few hundred dollars each between parties potentially thousands of miles away the idea of lawyers being involved is flat out silly. While not an issue for me, holistically speaking many such commissions these days involve the creation of content that's against any reputable payment gateway's terms of service to begin with.

>if you don't draw male anthropomorphic insect-people going apeshit on one another's gaping corn holes with their massive, veiny winger-dingers as I'd requested in exchange for the $125 I'd erstwhile sent you I'm going to spend $500 minimum on a lawyer and countless hours of what would otherwise be my free time to sue your balls off...somehow!

I will concede that what I'd done is not something that someone should just go and do under typical circumstances-if any (not that I intentionally implied otherwise), but the phony pageantry of a contract that extends beyond the "gentlemen's agreement" being involved in such middling individual exchanges is wholly unnecessary so long as the service provider's reputation is alright. I had my reasons for doing what I did, they're my own and I don't have any regrets as far as that goes. However yes, pretty much 100% of the time you want to pay a little up front and a little later, it's common sense.

>> No.2982127

>phony pageantry of a contract

Good luck in business - you'll need every scrap you can get.

>> No.2982207
File: 22 KB, 324x324, le basketball man face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y...you too!

>> No.2982325

Artists have the emotional integrity of children