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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 288 KB, 620x1050, 10 years at an atelier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2974114 No.2974114 [Reply] [Original]

go to art school

>> No.2974181

Can I get some suggestions as to what schools I should shoot for?

>> No.2974278


>> No.2974598

one that doesnt leave you broke and in debt

>> No.2974600

Okay! :D

>> No.2974617
File: 6 KB, 258x232, Kangaroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to an atelier

>> No.2974625

shoot in*

>> No.2974838


Nothing wrong with going to an atelier, Proko just doesn't do cartoon stuff. Erik Gist went to the same place and the guy does amazing comic book work.

>> No.2974843

I am debating going back to art school so I can finish up my degree. I initially left because there was just too much going on, but I think I'm ready to return.

Yet, I really like taking classes I want to and working w/o having to worry about grades. I like working at my own pace and working as hard as I want to. I like the atelier I go to to take classes, but at the same time I hate being stuck with asshole teachers or ones I don't like.

So, I'm highly considering returning. Yet a part of me thinks I should just save my money and take a sabbatical from work so I can just draw comics and improve on my own.

I am kinda torn.

>> No.2974906

Work on your fundamentals and also your russian, I think the last thread about it said tuition for 4 months was around $1400, and its a better investment than the shit your poor body has to metabolise every time you're feeling peckish.

>> No.2976479

shoot up*

>> No.2977162

You know, this reminds me of a story I'd like to get off my chest about the arrogance of STEM people.

I was happily walking across campus towards our massive new shiny, glass walled multi-million dollar government funded cheme laboratory when I realized I need to take piss. And what would other building than the the Visual Art department happened to be the nearest? So I was walking through the old building noticing that even though they haven't seen funding for renovation in decades, they seem to have done a good job preserving and what they do have, it felt very cosy. The bathroom was kind of nice clean and the halls were quiet.

On my way out I happened to see an active lecture hall, the lecturer was quietly helping one student at the front while the rest worked so it seemed somewhat akin to a tutorial session. Everyone there seemed pretty relaxed and as if they actually had enough time to properly wash and get well dressed this morning, they put a clear effort into their appearance. I had a minute so I stopped to glance at some work the students were producing.

This experience made me realize 3 things:
>This lecture hall is filled with complete and utter fucking plebs.
>I could draw geometric shapes by hand better and more accurately after my 1st semester tech comm. class than half the hacks and idiots in this class who can barely draw a straight line.
>Our arrogance is completely justified, fuck these tards, arts should not be a real university degree in the 21st century, keep your hobbies outside academia.

>> No.2977170

STEM people suffer from Dunning Kruger syndrome, what else is new?

>> No.2977192

So the courses at the Repin school are not in English?

>> No.2977787

>parents say I have to go to college or they're giving me six months to find a job that can support an apartment
>I'm not good enough at art to get enough money
so what the fuck do I do
is going to art school worth it if only to give me more time to draw?

>> No.2978020

what do you think?

>> No.2978051

i don't know why do you think I'm asking

>> No.2978079

You should get good enough at art in six months and start doing commissions. That's a "job".

>> No.2978084

>I'm better at drawing than people who don't draw

Damn you sure told them m8.

>> No.2978096

I'm really struggling to understand what point you're trying to convey- are you saying that people who don't have drawing as their primary goal aren't good at it?

>> No.2978102

One that has a large number of students being hired in the field you want to work in, or having a large number of students who have gone on to make a name for themselves.

>> No.2978156

t. can't even solve a linear equation

>> No.2978165

It's the other way around, numbnuts. Read it over 5 more times so you can begin to understand what he wrote.

>> No.2978231

He's just trying to be funny

>> No.2980602

What about life drawing classes at my college?

>> No.2980607
File: 56 KB, 454x405, final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big papa proko

>> No.2980608
File: 87 KB, 511x511, final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
