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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2971868 No.2971868 [Reply] [Original]

>Wake up
>Stay in bed with my eyes closed
>I can create characters, stories, draw, paint, compose, animate, all in my head.
>Open eyes and lurk the internet for 15 minutes
>Creativity absolutely gone

How the fuck does this works?
What's your process for creative thinking /ic/?
I can't visualize while I'm awake.

>> No.2972035

Don't break your flow by browsing internet you fool

>> No.2973044

keep a sketchbook by the bed, i do it. make some drawing every time a new good idea comes up

>> No.2973058

When I wake up really inspired I don't browse the internet for that exact reason.

>> No.2973269

I ride my bike to school for about an hour every day and that hour is the time 90% of all my creative ideas arise. It has something to do with hormones pumping into your brain combined with the repetitive motion that lets you focus on that wondrous place that is the inside of your head.

Try sports, cycling or a scooter, if not that you can run or exercise at home, it all makes your brain fresh as new along with some nice sense of accomplishment.


>> No.2973643

Eat breakfast after waking up, don't browse the internet. Also, try avoiding coffee if you have trouble keeping your mind focused.

>> No.2973650

What do you do while eating breakfast if not browsing the internet? The very idea of eating something while at home, without browsing the internet is preposterous to me. Guess I'm already too far gone.

>> No.2973654

>What do you do while eating breakfast if not browsing the internet?
Practice mindfulness.

>> No.2973695

Masturbate. In all seriousness though, nothing. I just enjoy the food and think about stuff.

>> No.2973700

I just start with some shitty mindless drawing and see where it takes me. I couldn't think of anything to draw yesterday so I started by drawing K-ons and Spiderman and then when I got into my zone that led to some of my own creations.

>> No.2975543


I know that feel Anon, everytime I got to sleep or I am about to wake up, my mind is on another level in terms of capacity to come up with ideas, songs or concept art. It's like things just flow and fall into place on their own without any effort, but then I wake up and that ability is no longer there.

I think it might have something to do with frontal cortex activity and the lowering of inhibitions, when you go to sleep the prefrontal cortex loses activity, so you become much more chaotic and uncontrolled, more creative.

I guess that's why some people claim alcohol, weed and LSD help them with creativity, I dunno.

>> No.2975545


You could experiment with taking Melatonin during the day, it might work.

>> No.2975576

If I have a neat idea I sketch/write it down to flesh out later. No matter how crap it is, just got to put it on paper

>> No.2975821

How did you manage to fall asleep on LSD, Theodore?

>> No.2977665


Some people like me, have strange sleep disorders so sleeping comes with bizarre states of semi conciousness, like lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis and night terrors. I've awaken from sleep, seeing everything in wavy pastel colours that expand from the inside out, while bioluminescent jellyfishes fly around my room.

What's most shocking of all, is the speed at which the brain can generate hyper realistic images or come up with songs, it doesn't feel that different from LSD in some sense, yet it is over as soon as I am completely awake.

>> No.2978065

do you realize how dumb that sounds? sorry, i was going to give some good advice but you sound less like someone who wants help and more like someone who wants attention/pity.

until you're willing to admit that your behaviors are wrong and are seek real change, you deserve the hell you've built for yourself.