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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 373 KB, 1400x1461, Cammy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2966702 No.2966702 [Reply] [Original]

d/ic/ks you miss

>> No.2966704
File: 277 KB, 800x640, 1492415911144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2966707
File: 346 KB, 1656x979, 1365118665699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2966708

all of these involve little girls. gj pedos

>> No.2966711

Agent Melon
Nazi loli rape guy

>> No.2966719


>you drew a young girl
>the only reason to do it is sexual attraction

so what about the muscle dude, is he gay too? If I draw a granny in a non sexual way, am I still a granny fucker? If so, is drawing grannys illegal? If not, stop giving a shit faggot, Chris Hanson hasn't been a popular meme in 10 years

>> No.2966739

well i don't know about the second guy but the first one is obviously prurient and everyone knows teal line guy draws gross child porn

>> No.2966750

This isn't a d/ic/k, is it. I thought we covered and traced their blog already.

>> No.2966756

Are you on medication for that schizophrenia? Do you live with any other mental difficulties besides being unable to tell the difference between real life and lines on a page?

>> No.2966771

two different people, but i don't see how that's relevant. the dude said gj pedos. if it's drawings of little girls or photos of little girls, you're still a pedo, it's not as bad maybe, because you're not hurting anyone, but that doesn't change what you are.

>> No.2966776

>obviously prurient

First drawing is Cammy from SF, second drawing only shows a girl with clothes, one half constructed, female adult bodies, male adult bodies, shinji, a cat and some faces. Third one is bananas. How in the hell is that children pornography? Dude, you're only harming the problem, making false accusations on anything as soon as you can can only reduce the credibility of people that are against pedophilia, and thus making actual sexual predators get even more immunity or get less attention.

>> No.2966777
File: 492 KB, 1000x898, tumblr_oofrandyzd1sl6pc8o1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2966778

myself during the time I was still drawing.

>> No.2966783

Fucking disgusting. Kill urself my man.

>> No.2966784
File: 1.11 MB, 1598x2412, the-hard-lesson-1884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>drawing a child makes you a pedo

You're only a pedo when you're sexually attracted to children, drawing them doesn't necessarily involve sexuality. I draw a lot of dudes nekkid and that doesn't make me gay.

Oooor just go around the world trying to convince that pic related is CP and that Bouguereau was a pedophile and see how you do in life. Go ahead. I don't give a shit.

>> No.2966786
File: 1.38 MB, 1000x5697, Mikufag non stop Rape adventures chapter 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to this faggot

>> No.2966799

That redline dude.

>> No.2966803

if that picture had another little picture next to it showing how her panties are riding up into her vag then i think there'd be a good case for the boogs being a pedo, like the op.

>> No.2966808
File: 181 KB, 424x600, 1493125401349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mikufag non stop rape adventures

>> No.2966809

Banned for non-stop self shilling and calling everyone a nigger lover

>> No.2966813


>> No.2966815

no Im not talking about maldraw, im talking about that eternal beg evading faggot mikufag
some of his shitposts here resembles him but i havent seen his works in ages

>> No.2966819

he made 3 chapters of it the last one had him fucked by all of the memes

>> No.2966825

i remember a guy called mikufag, wasn't he just a beginner guy who drew anime girls in blue, did he become a pest after i left?

>> No.2966827

pedos BTFO

>> No.2966828

hes been in /ic/ for ages talking shit about le loomis and his works never improved

>> No.2966833

In 2015 he was fun on /pol/, what happened?

>> No.2966837

Reply to

>> No.2966847

Mikufag is always fun tho. The shitter always RPing a loli that talks shit about art but a shitter himself.

>> No.2966856
File: 107 KB, 750x750, 1489275949866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fag
Jesus Christ create pixiv you double nigger

>> No.2966857
File: 290 KB, 1982x1173, 1388452889023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the guy who draw dirty pair fanart

>> No.2966867

yeah those dirty pair pictures were really great

>> No.2966872

I never left. I just don't post much.

>> No.2966876
File: 14 KB, 605x453, IMG-20160224-WA0002__605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post a newish picture pls, for funs, ill post one too, so you don't feel put upon, here you go

>> No.2966882

>double nigger
>create pixiv
I wonder why he doesn't listen to gentlemen like you.

>> No.2966891
File: 165 KB, 1000x1250, How_I_Learned_To_Love_The_Financial_Repercussions_Of_The_Erotic_Springroll_Rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's beautiful, anon.

>> No.2966897

lurk moar, loser.

>> No.2966898
File: 80 KB, 889x500, 1492499116400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need Loomis and Vilppu to draw like you?

>> No.2966908

This faggot could be Mikufag, looks like the same loli LARPer posts he always do

>> No.2966909

I haven't really used either, but I would suggest spending at least half your time focusing on fundamentals and practise.
I've been thinking of doing it myself and maybe spending 6 months to a year going over my fundamentals, as I feel I've plateaued pretty hard for not focusing enough on them.

>> No.2966914
File: 596 KB, 1245x2157, cia000263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's Cammy from Street Fighter who is not a little girl
>Cammy has blue eyes, long blonde platted pigtails with a small forelock, and a scar on her left cheek. She has a muscular body and is known for her signature outfit, a green thong leotard.

>In Cannon Spike, Cammy is 21 years old and wearing an outfit similar to her SSFII incarnation, except she has kneepads and inline skates, as well as two sub-machine guns.


>> No.2966916

reaching bruv, if you want to draw lolis more power to you, but don't be a baby about it someone will draw you!

>> No.2966928


I'm not sure I got what you mean with that, but a 21 year old character is hardly a Loli in my book. You can keep the pedo witch hunt meme if you like, but you only take credibility out of people that really expose cases of abuse involving real adults with real children.

>> No.2966937
File: 966 KB, 1300x1616, 1475454216289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2966941

thdark still shills here.
check the spt

>> No.2966955

what the fuck malaysia

>> No.2966958
File: 7 KB, 137x221, 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2966965


if you have a point, make it with arguments

>chibi flat cammy with a diaper

this is not a fetish thread

>> No.2966971

So even after being forcefully injected with the collective sperm of /ic/'s best Mikufaggot still couldn't draw for shit.
rly makes u think

>> No.2966991

Top tier linework.

>> No.2966998

There's no weight though

>> No.2967003

kys, cancer.

>> No.2967196
File: 112 KB, 1043x793, 1493748339174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MFW that's my drawing.

>> No.2967199
File: 108 KB, 418x366, 1492524598761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me your art now

>> No.2967234

You draw like a old friend of mine. Then it turned out when she joked about being a redneck she wasn't joking... Or her twitter got hacked but i doubt it. And yet she still had yellow fever.

>> No.2967237


>can't handle the bants

>> No.2967240

yeah post progress

>> No.2967243
File: 1.42 MB, 1056x1364, Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 07.44.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are direct copies of plates from Intai Kaibo Kara Manabu Character Design No Egakikata.

>> No.2967291

Every good artist who ever comes here, leaves.

>> No.2967315

Can we see it? I really want to see it

>> No.2967323

I'll be leaving too once i make it c;

>> No.2967328

Fortunately, no one will care

>> No.2967331

I hope so. bet!

>> No.2967344
File: 2.45 MB, 1600x2000, tamara_by_ambiguityart-db4l6tg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already made it but I like to spite beginner and intermediate artists alike with my presence.

>> No.2967406

if you're the artist this was linked to I really liked your Byun Jungha study. Tips on how to do studies. I too want to just draw cute korean girls.

>> No.2967413

What ever happened to guy?

>> No.2967460

Is there a download for this?

>> No.2967465


>> No.2967474

It's on sad panda/e-hentai. Despite being primarily for porn, there are a ton of art books posted up on there. Title is [Kotaro Iwasaki × Kaneda workshop] Jintai Kaibo Zu Kara Manabu Character Dessin No Egaki Kata

>> No.2967476 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 267x42, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking spam
also it's on my 16gb archive too

>> No.2967477


>> No.2967487

Are any of these "how to draw anime/manga" books actually good?

>> No.2967496

Stop spoonfeeding tumblr/reddit. Because of you they coming here again and again. Next time he will ask you how to use torrents

>> No.2967497
File: 5 KB, 419x249, 1pdon6r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna answer that that's 1337 top secret

>> No.2967538

Get rekt faggot.

>> No.2967541



>> No.2967545

so good. blog?

>> No.2967615

I miss that retarded dude. Others:

brazilian guy

>> No.2967616
File: 1.08 MB, 1091x4000, comicmore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he moved on to other stuff.

>> No.2967689


anyone have any of this guy's drawings? my interest is piqued

>> No.2967767

like giving up art?

>> No.2967770

i love this his work

>> No.2967944

holy shit i had no idea firez was this much of a fuckup

>> No.2968024

>To be missed by /ic/ all you have to do is make half assed drawing of cute anime girls
Too many dumb horny teenagers on this board ffs.

>> No.2968087

Judging from this picture I don't think anyone miss this artist.

>> No.2968103

hi firez

>> No.2968108

even I can do better than that

>> No.2968112

you're not that good though, so what?

>> No.2968159

the difference between you and him is that he actually did it, if you can better or not is besides the point

>> No.2968447

Well I know I actually did it and didn't solely do it on anonymous board that caters to shut-ins, the fact that I have professional recognition and this guy only appears to have garnished praise here is besides the point

>> No.2968466

Your claims are dubious, considering you're trying reaaallly hard to prove yourself on an anonymous tanzanian big-game hunting forum

>> No.2968472

who cares? You don't need lineweight to do good linework.

>> No.2968486

Prove what? To whom? The really dubious thing here is you. All I'm sayin is that recognition from anons can't compete with actual irl recognition. Your post recognizes that by telling about the futility of posting here. Why should I try reaaally hard when you're doing it for me? The guy is a nobody, and even I can do better.

Thank you btw

>> No.2968541
File: 862 KB, 900x1157, 1424944441047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do drawfags from other boards count ?

>> No.2968608

I love being a functional human being, even if it's conversing on the internet.
I don't care about being an edgy cunt like you guys.

>> No.2968622

Do they have a blog?

>> No.2968624

whos that

>> No.2968629

why are you still posting

>> No.2968659

i wish he would post more

>> No.2968673

This dude is a fucking legend, I feel the spirit of drawing overtake me whenever I see his stuff

>> No.2968687

>People namedropping d/ic/ks you got no idea who is and who gets praised in a fashion very uncharacteristic for /ic/ while the art is just generic and bland.
The thread.

This is just a group self promotion thread, right?

>> No.2968697

For me the d/ic/ks I like aren't because they're the best. Its because they did something worth praising. For example teal dude actually went out of his way to give detailed critiques. That is something this board severely lacks even though its supposed to be a critiquing board.

Or that one dude who draws giant lolis stepping on cities (who's still around), dude got gud and even has an art job now. All for the sake of drawing giant lolis stepping on cities. I can respect that.

>> No.2968839

Most of these fags are quite well known

>> No.2968842

>teal will never crit your work again.
>teal will always fear being doxed in this board
too good for us.

>> No.2968845

whaaat? tdark is always in the art style threads.

>> No.2969059

who is this? diathorn?

>> No.2969121

why are you?

>> No.2969124

no they're not.
you have know idea who they really are
and therefore you know next to nothing about how well they're known

>> No.2969697


>> No.2971109


99,9% of /ic/ is too newfaggy to even know these people

we old

>> No.2971361

only because they made a few doodles that you kids beat your dick off to.
You have no idea what they are actually like.
You don't know of their personalities.
You don't miss the artists, you just miss their drawings of naked anime girls.

>> No.2971363

Are you okay

>> No.2971376


>> No.2971403
File: 240 KB, 560x315, 0000000000198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucker

>> No.2971423

>on /ic/

>> No.2971477

Admirable selflessness.

Depressing and inspiring, I love it.
Thanks anon.

>> No.2971491
File: 94 KB, 1024x460, 8b03ff79e6f17bb85b4f836f05b6b975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seem to remember Wakkawa posting here. Now he spends most of his time being a major bummer.

>> No.2971776

Nobody, cause I don't want to admit anyone on this board is good.

>> No.2971786

that picture is really fucking hot and I would love to find out whether there's more

>> No.2971791

Isnt this diathorn s artwork

>> No.2971798
File: 458 KB, 800x999, 1491008768635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man I can't believe I didn't realize there was all this stuff on there until now. Will be a great help

>> No.2971823

looks like she got fished out of a vat of lubricant

>> No.2974121
File: 2.18 MB, 2560x1383, artgermboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this guy once. Wonder how s/he's doing with the progress

>> No.2975522

good point

>> No.2975535

the characters backstory dosnt matter sometimes, if the character is drawn having traits commonly found in children you can pretty much make the case the artist is a pedo, I would say expecially if the character is an adult that was drawn in a way that makes it resemble a child...