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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2966307 No.2966307[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


"I only make fun of sycra's art because I love him" Bull fucking shit. Just admit you're an asshole and you love seeing sycra struggle.

>> No.2966314

you are actively making /ic/ a worse place to discuss art

>> No.2966315

no one cares sycra

>> No.2966316

Please kill yourself.

I dont give a fuck about sycra and his problems. Ive got my own. His artstyle is cancer.

>> No.2966327

I'm 23 minutes in and I have no idea why would anyone wanna listen to the whole thing. It's just a couple people talking over one another on trash microphones about some pseudo-psychological bullshit.

Sinix produces quality art and free learning resources, I don't see a reason to be "sick" of him.

>> No.2966329

Fuck off Sycra.

>> No.2966331

all memes aside sycra is a great teacher

totally not syca or his friend

>> No.2966341

As far as free youtube resources go, he's still one of the better ones imo. Plus even with his retarded style, he still has a better grasp of the fundamentals than most people and makes sure that the audience knows its all about those fundamentals.

>> No.2966344


... And?

>> No.2966345

no one gives a shit about your shitty artist drama

>> No.2966350

>Not understanding banter


>> No.2966417

sycra is cringe he's not a good host. this podcast sounds like art school dropouts bullying sinix

>> No.2966419

Please kill yourself.

>> No.2966425

they're just mad salty some normie(sinix) is better than them.

>> No.2966426

meanwhile on sinix's channel https://youtu.be/hDK-PGgvWC0

>> No.2966582

why do art peeple sound like they are about to cry?

>> No.2966596


No food, smelly old clothes and lack of sun combo doesn't help pain tolerance to blisters from painting, fucked up wrists, warped spines, poisoned lungs and destroyed eyes from toxic paint fumes.

Add to this that every second artist is skeleton mode manlet, every third is bald and every fifth dumpster dives.

>> No.2966601

what a high quality thread

>> No.2966630

literally who?

>> No.2966728

Jesus Flavia and co doing this bullshit psycho analyzing.

>> No.2966749


Pretty sure she has her masters in psychology.

>> No.2966758

Sinix is based, Sycra is a pleb.

>> No.2966894

Why should anybody care about your problems? We all have a fucking sob story.

Friends shit on eachother sometimes, it's just what they do.

>> No.2966954

Wow do they seem passive aggressive against Sinix I wonder were its coming from. It seems like Sycra is taking out his frustration about where he is at with his art and putting it on Sinix. I also think that sycra has stopped doing art as a daily thing.

>> No.2967290
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Man, these podcasts are so fucking shit. I only listened to the first one, not even the whole thing because I just couldn't get through all that shit.

I thought it was going to be like his speedsketch/speedpainting series, but no drawing just talking? and for what, like one and a half hour? meaningless.

with all these said, he does whatever the fuck he wants, but I still miss the occasional tutorials. to me it seems like he just keeps tripping in his head about something. He's trying to analyze the shit out of everything I guess.

>> No.2967297

rip robo doge

>> No.2967311

I skipped around and it's mostly shit. Also those guys are usually buddy buddy but they were weirdly antagonistic with Sinix at the start about that talent thing. Everyone aside from Sinix seems super depressed and unhappy with their art so I guess there just channeling all of it onto Sinix? idk.

Oh and /ic/ got a shout at like an hour or something in, don't remember the exact time stamp. Sycra was whining about how Sinix told him people were making fun of him on here and how it hurt his feelings or something. He also talked about how no artist he admires likes his art.

Anyways, these are pretty boring. Unless you're a sycra super fan and wanna know everything about the dude's live/views there's really no point in listening. No art knowledge to be gained and not really that entertaining either..

>> No.2967346

That's an awful lot of projection on your part. From my experience, most younger atrists don't even work with real paint anymore and almost everyone seems to have some kind of physical hobby to offset extended periods of sitting.

>> No.2967400

why wouldn't you make fun of sycra? seeing him drawing for more than 10 years but still produce shit work, makes you not only lose respect for him but also feel disgusted.

>> No.2967449

post your art.
i think the styles cute. never heard of him til now.

>> No.2967450

i do. if ic got their bitchiness out more maybe people would be less uptight. a containment thread would work too

>> No.2967481

Are you confusing Sinix with Sycra? Because Sycra's style is literally the opposite of cute. Like, from a purely objective shape language perspective. Extremely sharp and angular shapes are the opposite of what any decent designer would use if he was going for cute.

>> No.2967493
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Lol, never would have guessed that something from ic actually reached Sycra.

Yeah, same, I also think that it's not worth listening, plus from what little I heard from these podcasts, they seem so stuck up? Especially the girl, I mean.. I don't know it may be just me being judgemental without proof, but I find her pretty stuck up and overall annoying.

>> No.2967494

>muh personal grudge thread

>> No.2967635
File: 684 KB, 1920x1080, ahri___league_of_legends_fan_splash_by_knockwurst-d8kc0p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you guys think of KNKL (Kienan Lafferty)

>> No.2967638

i looked at his channel so unless he posts other peoples art on his channel, yes, i think its cute

post your work then anonkun

>> No.2967640

cheesy but nice guy with great attitude
rn his mindset and positivity are more valuable to me than his actual art tutorials, but I have learnt a fair bit from him (hue shifts, construction, work process)

>> No.2967641

the pic you posted is good but i hate something about it...i cant place what though

besides the weird tits

>> No.2967649

That hand looks pretty weird too.

>> No.2967660

create thread about him for shitposting

>> No.2967702

sycra is shit and always has been shit. Him being bitter and passive-aggressive like this makes me smile because I know he's sliding more and more down hill. He hates himself and where he is. I can't blame him, a decade of trying and he has just gone in the wrong direction of style over substance

sinix is decent but uses a strange style for the most part. The real cool stuff he does is when he focuses more on painting rather than misproportioned faces, just like sycra. The biggest difference between them (aside from sinix not being locked in a style and not progressing for 10 years like sycra) is that sinix is happy with his life for the most part. His job is teaching children art, and he gets to inspire a bunch of people every day. Even when he needed to take a few weeks off when his friend was fucking murdered, he didn't sound nearly as depressed as sycra sounds on a daily basis.

Sinix is an every man sorta guy, who is living happily because he invested his time and talent soundly. Sycra will never have that because he never did invest his time right and he feels resentment at others for it

at least they aren't bobmeatbag. I love the one podcast where he's acting all pissy and bitter at people doing fanart or taking challenges because he spent half a year recovering from a video game related accident. Bob is /ourguy/ in the worst way possible

>> No.2967704

>Even when he needed to take a few weeks off when his friend was fucking murdered,

>> No.2967706

>skip to about an hour in
>sycra is whining and almost crying because 4 chan bullied him
>sinix is laughing

kek I like sinix

>> No.2967711

brace for feels

>> No.2967752

>Can't even make a tribute to a dead friend without fishing for likes and asking for funds to the friends family.

It's like most average social media primadonna have abandoned their dignity as a part of the job description.

>> No.2967753

does anyone know what her wife looks like?

>> No.2967758

Sinix is kind of an asshole in that he's basically like some dude you'd find off 4chan. He's just sarcastic and used to people having a crude sense of humor and he just goes with it instead of letting it get to him.
So I can see why normies and snowflakes might not like being around him.

>> No.2967761

I'd probably get along with him fine.

>> No.2967820

>"I'm completely unrelated stranger but I know better how you should made tribute to your dead friend"
>"my rules"
>muh meta social media

>> No.2967961

I think everybody makes fun of Sycra's art behind his back, they just don't say it to his face. Any time another youtuber mentions Sycra, they never fail to mention his "pointy chin" style with a kind of tone that makes you think they're definitely mocking him, even if they say how much they respect his work.

With Sycra's popularity, the push back he gets on his style is warranted. He's teaching people and charging money for it, so naturally people want to test his skill. What he's showing with his current style are terrible design choices that any artist would find revolting.

Sycra is trying to sabotage his own art by doing things he knows is not good. He's doing it for attention basically and to enforce his "poor me" attitude. If people pick on him for his art, then he can just blame his lack of confidence and skill on bullying rather than accepting that he's just not improving and not as skilled as he wants to be.

>> No.2967978

Who fucking cares. I really like both of those mother fuckers. Especially Sinix because he's actually pretty good at what he's doing...

Don't get into these kinds of things. PS4 VS XBox-whatever VS Nintendo...

I don't fucking care. Don't waste your time on shit that has nothing to do with you...

>> No.2967992


Oh neat he has gunpla videos thanks for sharing

>> No.2968004

I'm not going to listen to the whole podcast because Sycra grates on me, but I find Sinix to be a lot more charismatic and generally fun to listen to. He doesn't take himself too seriously. Sycra is too much of a tryhard and keeps shooting himself in the foot.

>> No.2968006

>and asking for funds to the friends family.

what exactly is wrong with this, you turbo-autist?

>> No.2968313
File: 89 KB, 942x440, Prince Avalanche OLD MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I hate Sycra's style I still appreciate the concepts he shows on Youtube. Also everyone on /ic/ needs to hear this 1:19:38
"...Especially younger people, they're looking for bandwagons to jump on. So they're less about compiling and finding the balance and finding the synthesis of knowledge, they're just trying to be 'I'm team Sinix', 'I'm team Loomis', 'I'm team whatever'. It's more about identifying with someone...''
There is no one way, just watch for patterns, learn from everyone, follow no one, and work like hell.

>> No.2968381

lel whats the timestamp

>> No.2968435

lol, what's that accident all about?

>> No.2968671

The problem isn't that sycra can't teach or that he's a bad guy. A lot of the things he does teach are completely correct.
Nowdays though, it seems he's doing more crying about his life than teaching anything.

>> No.2968682

and you're a disgusting faggot

>> No.2968688

/ic/ had a rough life :(

>> No.2968690

>Even when he needed to take a few weeks off when his friend was fucking murdered

what happened?

>> No.2968724

> Trying to hear the quote
> fucked up audio everywhere

amateur hour at it's finest

>> No.2968753

Forget the murdered friend, what the fuck is a video game related accident and how in sweet hell does it fuck you up so bad you need 6 months to recover?

>> No.2968757

No, go fuck yourself. Pointy faggot art loving cuck lmao die please.

>> No.2968774

Our boy bobmeatbag was playing darkest dungeon(?) and ended up ruining his wrists so much that he couldn't draw.

>> No.2968823


>> No.2968829

he's not taking care of himself properly from what it sounds like. Wrist injuries happen a lot to gamers, artists, and anyone else that uses their hands a lot.

That's why it's important to take breaks and do hand exercises, it'll decrease injury to yourself. If you draw or play games 10+ hours straight you're begging to get hurt

>> No.2968843

are we sure that "video game related accident" is not a euphemism for jerking off too much?

>> No.2969139

the sycralogical podcast is just a bunch of people who thinks they can draw giving tips and tricks to people who cant draw. especially bob and sycra and flavia. these 3 cant draw but they think they are good.

sinix can draw i like him.

>> No.2969145

agree! its the victim mindset, its like the black lives matter crap. instead of doing self-improvement to gain people's recognition, you bitch about how you are suffering because others fuck you up.

>> No.2969165

I wanna be friends with sinix.

>> No.2969198

>getting this upset at people having different tastes than you

You're the kind of person that freaks out about people liking vanilla because YOU like chocolate. Grow up you jelly faggot

>> No.2969211

email him a picture of your dick

>> No.2969494

so guys is it true that ill never be relaly good because i dont have an aptittude for drawing

>> No.2969545

>Lol, never would have guessed that something from ic actually reached Sycra.

lol yeah he is the guy that told me not to take harsh crits too hard and replace the harsh stuff with just the advice part of the crit.
guess he isn't listening to his own advice.

>> No.2969546

the only thing i learned from him was i needed to draw more and draw every day. maybe like one or 2 other things.

>> No.2969547

lol yeah we should have a bitch about artists we hate thread,maybe that would take care of it.

>> No.2970360


let's not turn this into a racebait thread plz