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File: 79 KB, 1024x1207, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2964582 No.2964582 [Reply] [Original]

For general questions that don't deserve their own thread.

>> No.2964607

I'm new to charcoal, well new in general.
My only issue with the medium is that whenever I put down a mark with the stick it cuts into the paper, even if I go as soft as possible.

This crevice then leaves a flat white line because there is a difference in paper level. It is incredibly annoying. I see people in videos and they just do really black strokes then smudge and it's buttery smooth.

Do I have to round the edge of the charcoal stick? Is it the paper quality? It also doesn't seem to smudge as smoothly as I see in videos, but that's a smaller concern right now.
Help would be appreciated.

>> No.2964610
File: 84 KB, 1248x852, sauce infinite rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a PC. Should I keep drawing with my mouse? Cuz my drawings in MS Paint are pretty shitty.

>> No.2964625

What are some tips and tricks and do's and don'ts of making a meme page?

>> No.2964639

It really shouldn't be digging into the paper, no. What are you using?
As far as the smudging goes, compressed charcoal won't lift nearly as much as vine or willow.

>> No.2964641


>> No.2964645

Has anyone ever lost a Wacom pen nib in their urethra before?

>> No.2964764

Aha, that's why. I'm using compressed charcoal.

I'm using printer paper and the general pencil charcoal kit.

>> No.2964962

What brand of charcoal are you using? Try looking for General, it's the better of the affordable brands.

My teacher explained this to me because I had the same problem.

With cheaper charcoal brands sometimes they are made with fillers so they hold their shapes better and cut down on actual charcoal used in the product, so while one stick from th same pack might work beautifully, others will be so dense they do nothing but ruin paper. This happened to me with some charcoal I bought last minute at walmart (Forgot i was out until the night before class).

It can happen with charcoal pencils too.

>> No.2964964

No. If you can't draw with the mouse, just draw traditionally or buy a cheap wacom bamboo.
Step one

>> No.2964969

Wait not general. Their pencils are good not the sticks i'm a retard and haven't used charcoal in a few months. Tried to see what brand I use but i think the only ones i have left are in my car.

Their pencils are the tits, especially the white charcoal ones. I could draw with those forever.

>> No.2964988

How hard is it if you had to guess to animate someone playing a bass or a guitar.

>> No.2965030
File: 1.93 MB, 540x310, mio bass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just study people playing the guitar.
And learn to draw hands well.

>> No.2965041

You can fake it pretty well since only real guitarists/bassits will know how accurate the strumming is to the actual song, but any closeups like
This gif should be pinpoint accurate.
K-on's a good one for seeing how to stylize it for far off shots or character shots and how to do it for the closeups overall.

Understanding things like hand position for the instruments is a big key.

It's like when people animate knitting. Most people won't notice that the animation doesn't look like what knitting actually looks like, but people who knit will.
But likewise, people who knit will admire when the animation is done accurately. Same with the music.

>> No.2965110

Really frickin hard

Guitars are some of the hardest things I can think to draw due to being straight and manufactured, but with lots of curves and bevels. If you're an absolute master of perspective, the actual playing shouldn't be very hard because it's just studying and copying.

>> No.2965212
File: 3.56 MB, 2000x2046, latza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard having drawing tablets and other similar devices installe or plugged in on Windows can cause problems. I've got Huion 610 Pro and DualShock 4 drivers installed and my tablet seems to be acting funny. Should I completely uninstall both drivers and reinstall them?

>> No.2965215 [DELETED] 

Aaaaand I just remembered I've got some 3rd party DS3 drivers installed as well, not Malware-In-Joy though

>> No.2965297

How long -should- it take me to learn how to draw from life? Read drawing on the right side of the brain, do the exercises, and leap towards copying what I have laid out on my desk and work from there to drawing stuff outdoors on nice days?

>> No.2965329

those off brand tablets are notoriously a pain in the fucking ass to install.

Do this, because this is the only thing that worked for me when i had my huion to get it working
>Uninstall the huion driver
>restart computer
>install huion driver DO NOT PLUG IN THE TABLET
>restart computer
>once it's booted THEN plug in the tablet for the first time

It worked after I did all of this exactly. It didn't interfere with the wacom drivers from the bamboo i had been using. Every other combination I tried failed.

Hope it works for you too anon.

The off brands are okay if you have low money but honestly nothing on the market except the windows surface pro compares to wacom's lower end line.

I've tried monoprice, huion, yiynova, and multiple wacoms and everytime i'll choose the wacom even my shitty bamboo (I think mine was defective because it had a few issues with tracking and lag that only that specific tablet had for me. all others were fine).

Plus they aren't a fucking headache to get working.
Years. People learn at different speeds but if you're truly studying you should be seeding improvement every week or every month.
That's assuming you're vigilant with a strict study schedule.

You get what you put into it. If you put in lot of genuine work, you'll get a lot out of it.

But remember to spread your wings and do creative drawings and exercises once in awhile too not just technical. Nothing worse than an artist who can only draw technically and can't breathe any life into anything they draw.

>> No.2965333
File: 1.13 MB, 2560x1920, 1493804121961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any good? Beginner here

>> No.2965363

>Uninstall the huion driver
>Windows Driver Package - Graphics Tablet (WinUsb) USBDevice (04/10/2014

>> No.2965376

Please don't give me a non-answer, you might as well have not said anything at all to me. What I'm asking about is directly related to the actual act of the "strict study schedule" you vapidly cite without actually going in any depth whatsoever about it.

I repeat:
If I do the exercises for drawing on the right side of the brain and -immediately- go to attempting still lives, will I be able to do that? Should I read other things and attempt additional exercises from those?

>> No.2965677
File: 105 KB, 1087x720, Angle Comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some traditional media questions.
Can someone give me the "quick rundown" of Glazing?
If I were to paint a watercolor/gouache/watered-down acrylic painting in black and white...could I go back over the values in a Local Color and it'll look "decent"? or will it just look like shit?

He's not wrong. And don't follow that book anon. Read Loomis, read Hampton, then Huston, then Robertson, then Bridgman, then Bargue.

I'm going to be honest with you. You can get so good just by drawing from life. Don't skimp out on the details, and be honest with your work. When you draw from life, you can constantly compare your drawing to actual reality and ask the question, "Does my drawing look exactly like what I'm looking at?" If not, then fix it. If so, then continue to make greatness.

It's worth understanding perspective, so check out "Perspective Made Easy" or "Perspective Drawing Handbook" (I prefer the latter, short and sweet.)

Learn about the sight-size method as it's super fucking easy as shit to make realistic drawings that are accurate as fuck. It just takes time and patience. From there, construction can be learned as you get more confident, and then begin drawing from imagination.

If anything, just utilize pic related and you'll be drawing in literal no time. Sorry for the shit drawings though, I was using paint and a vertical mouse to draw.

ANYWAY, also understand that everything you draw will be shit, and you will always hate your work, but that's the nature of the beast. You will improve if you have the drive, just keep drawing.

>> No.2965785

I didn't say he was wrong, did I? It's just not really a relevant answer for what I was aiming for. I'm willing to commit to it for years, all I'm asking about is what I should actually commit to.

>Read Loomis, read Hampton, then Huston, then Robertson, then Bridgman, then Bargue.
All of their books in order?

>> No.2965866
File: 136 KB, 720x720, carbodydesign.com Vehicles-Ballpoint-Pen-...-Scott-Robertson-720x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Find Scott Robertson, compare your drawings then download/buy his How to Draw book and proceed.

>> No.2965877
File: 20 KB, 326x236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does someone become good at drawing? Should I just start drawing everything I see or imagine until I'm good? Any resources I should be made aware of?

>> No.2965879

Just draw

>> No.2965882

Painting in B&W and then coloring it is mostly a digital thing. The real world equivalent is tinting photographs, with an airbrush. In real painting, you should spend the time to learn to establish values with colors, or working out the values seperately on paper with pencil, and interpret that while painting, translating the values into the hues you're using.

>> No.2965887

How do you know if something needs a strong hue shift or a weaker one?

>> No.2965908

Experience, or doing a critique with someone with experience.

One thing we were advised to do in college, with smaller works, was to xerox the painting, which would show you the values.

It's all experience, which leads to instinctual choices.

>> No.2965916
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It's not straightforward like digital, but yes, underpaintings and glazing are indeed things that people do. Each medium has its idiosyncrasies, you're not going to approach a watercolor with the same level of detail you could in an oil painting, for example. What exactly are you having trouble with?

>> No.2965917

>How does someone become good at drawing? Should I just start drawing everything I see or imagine until I'm good? Any resources I should be made aware of?

If you have an atelier near you, you can save a lot of time and level up relatively quickly.

But do not substitute this for drawing in your own time.

>> No.2965985

Yeah I have no issue with the kit's pencils but the early part when I use a stick tp block out the first volumes leaves so many marks and does not smudge and ruins everything that comes later. I will have to buy separate charcoal sticks of vine or willow then.

Thanks !

>> No.2966067

Commit to drawing from life, from imagination, and from what you like.

You could read Huston first. Loomis is tried and true, but you can get in a rut quite quickly. Hampton is good to start with too. Hogarth might be approachable after you've got the ropes. Robinson after you learn to be confident with a pencil or pen so you can start drawing hard surface stuff in perspective. Maybe even get Pecks atlas of anatomy book and then hit up Bridgman. Don't worry about bridgman until later in your artistic career.
The idea is to get a good understanding of form, light, perspective, and then anatomy as strong as you can. As long as you get books that touch on these, you'll be fine.

You kinda just have to start somewhere, and make it a habit to draw each day.

>> No.2966330
File: 139 KB, 1000x750, IMG_20170504_162501_res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of those three is the least boring compositionally? I know that the one of the right has better lines.

>> No.2966357

Bottom right, no question.

>> No.2966360

Ok my fellow anons, its time to kick my ass into gear! I'm quitting the neet life and getting a job. So, what is your guy's advice on getting an art related job? I love doing concept art and such so is there any kind of jobs like that? What is the best art related job out there and how do I go about it? I hate doing advertising work so no info or recommendations on that please.

>> No.2966363

Best art related job is being a storyboarder.

>> No.2966379

Really? Ok I'll check into it. I was thinking that too for a little bit. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.2966420

What's the best book/course about perspective?

I'm doing Aguri's program, I need a good book to replace Erik Olson's lessons.

>> No.2966431

Erik Olson is the best course.
The book version is perspective made easy.

>> No.2966919

top left or bottom right

>> No.2967440

anyone got resources on drawing hair? I'm not looking for photo-realism but more how to create forms and hairstyles that actually look like what its meant to be.

I know you're meant to kind of simply it then get more detailed but complex or long hair styles totally confuse me on how you're meant to draw it unless you resort to contour drawing.

>> No.2967445
File: 199 KB, 527x412, 1398000975105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you guys go back and improve your old drawings? if not do you just draw a replicate or just leave it in the past and focus on what's next?

Also any books you anons would suggest regarding comics? paneling, story, and everything in between is fine.

>> No.2967485

Is it more effective to just do everything on one layer...?

>> No.2967489

>My post didn't show up
Can anyone recommend videos showing an artist's process from a-z? sped up or not.

>> No.2967490

I've never redrawn any of my old art because I don't see the need to redo pieces I've already done. I'd try to put a year or two of time difference if you were to do it, though, just to keep yourself from redrawing your art over and over again.

As for books on comics you really should read
>Scott McCloud's Making Comics
>Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics
>Will Eisner's Comics and Sequential Art

>> No.2967511

>Painting in B&W and then coloring it is mostly a digital thing
What is grisaille?

>> No.2967542

Is it worth doing those draw 1000 boxes exercises to learn perspective? Or is it better to just keep drawing still life?

>> No.2967547

Both. mix it up.
Draw your still life first as boxes every now and then.

>> No.2967727

I'm doing composition studies rn with fanart and I was wondering if there is at any point, that a composition can go "too far" and feel pretentious.

I just felt like all the compositions/thumbnails I've done are just that and I'm losing my mind and couldn't go straight into construction phase.

>> No.2967728

Forgot to add that I'm doing illustrations btw.

>> No.2967766

why don't you actually try doing composition studies from things that aren't mediocre as hell?

movies, photographs, old masters, real life. there's so much to choose from yet you go for fanart

>> No.2967779

So I recently picked up a wacom intous medium cause my small died.
I'm having trouble using gesture commands on it, like it only rotates in 1 direction and its pretty finicky all around. The pen seems to work fine however, its just a little jaring considering how much better the small worked with those.
Is there some hidden option or technique i'm missing?

>> No.2968285
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which looks better?

>> No.2968294


>> No.2968345

I started drawing like 7-8 years ago from being influenced by anime/manga stuff. Today, I've been told that I'm good at drawing, but I have trouble finding ways to improve. Does this mean I should drop the japanese art for a bit and focus more on still lifes and other realistic forms - or should I just revaluate what I'm doing wrong instead?

>> No.2968358
File: 7 KB, 299x168, SSKuGoB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anybody offer some advice on drawing noses and eyes, and maybe also some good ways to keep proportions consistent?

>> No.2968418

Never before, but now that I'm selling prints I go back and fix things I notice afterwards before sending them off to the printers. I don't want to commit to selling things that I know can be easily improved.

>> No.2968425

How well do you profit from prints? Is it actually worth going out and doing? Trips look expensive. I have no idea how artists who do prints can pay it all off.

>> No.2968590

You're not the only one. The touch feature on the Intuos Pro is shit and doesn't work properly at all. You're better off just turning touch off.

>> No.2968654

Actually I'm just starting out, so this year's Fanime and AX will be my first cons I'm selling at. There's a lot more info on this in the /cgl Artist Alley threads, but you can make some pretty good money if you already have a decent online fanbase or are just have really good prints.

My 11x17 inch prints cost me about 80 cents each (on good quality paper) and I can sell them at $15 per (standard AA price for this size). Of course prints are highly competitive but I'm confident the ones I'm selling would be amongst the best for that specific fandom. I also have a sizable online fanbase already (25k+)

Some of the veteran /cgl artists can make 1-2k profit per con (after covering all the costs) although its not exclusively from prints.

>> No.2969244

I'm looking for a drawing tablet in the $150 or under range. Currently considering the Huion WH1409. Anyone have any experience with that, or a better recommendation?

>> No.2969254

What should I do? The one reason I took up drawing was so I can make cute girls, but apparently I have to start drawing realistically before I get into that area. But I fear that once I've gone through something like that I won't be able to draw what I want.

>> No.2969258

just draw cute girls if you literally only want to draw cute girls

>> No.2969269

Drawing realistically before is a meme.

Just draw cute girls, seek for improvement by fixing your mistakes.

>> No.2969292

Do both at the same time. Don't give up drawing what you want, but understanding human anatomy and proportions will help make your anime girls look better.
You might not be drawing what you want to be drawing right now, but you might be doin something way better than what you planned on going for as well.

>> No.2969306

>Do I have to round the edge of the charcoal stick?

Also, there are different grades of charcoal. Get some softer stuff.

The quality of the charcoal matters, too - the good stuff doesn't have harder chunks in it - the poor grade stuff does.

>> No.2969313

I went to the college where Betty Edwards taught, while writing the first Drawing On The Right Side of The Brain. (She was really cool, talked to her in the studio many times). Her classes followed the books, so yes, it's okay to use her book as a guide, and following along with it. The goal of her book was to get non-artists drawing - so they could leave class, and keep going doing whatever they chose to do.

Can you do it? Who knows? Give it a try. There are no "right" or "wrong" with learning - there's no official steps you have to take, if you want to try still life now, go for it. It won't harm you at all, the worst that will happen is you might produce a poor drawing.

We have no idea how fast you learn, if you have any talent, or if you're just not cut out for art. Can you do something? Go try it - it's the only way to know. Art students don't take one class a semester, they take 3,4, sometimes 5 classes, and learn different mediums at the same time. Stop worrying, and just fucking TRY it. Stop listening to the elitists here who think they have it figured out, and try to force people into ridiculous standards and regimens.

TRY IT. That's your new motto.

>> No.2969315

Completely new.

Do I get a sketchpad and some pencils? I want to be able to draw cute girls with ink eventually, similarly to Eijima Eiri. I love the way she draws hands.

Already did my picasso upside down. Starting with keys.

>> No.2969318

Depends on your portfolio. Good paying conceptual artist jobs generally have the best of the best applying, so your competition is going to be pretty fucking stiff.

Outside of gaming, jobs paying for actuall drawing and painting are rare. Good luck. I was smart, and learned design along with art, and have worked professionally as an art director and senior designer for a long time - and my art skills do come in handy. But if you're going to have a ridiculous attitude of no advertising...well, I suppose an art supply store, or craft store might be hiring, for minimum wage.

>> No.2969320

Good luck with that. Storyboard gigs are all about who you know in the industry - if they don't hire on recommendation, they hire out of art schools. Like CalArts. Random neet off the street? Good luck.

>> No.2969322

Just draw. Studying is useless without a basis to work off of. Try to emulate her works by linework and style.

>> No.2969323

Yep, you got it. Don't worry too much about the quality of your sketchpad/pencils right now, just get busy putting in the mileage to improve your art. If you want to draw cute girls I'd advise doing figure/gesture studies once you feel comfortable.

>> No.2969324

An obscure form of painting that was in fashion hundreds of years ago, and not the same as what we're talking about.

>> No.2969326

1000's of boxes won't teach you perspective. Learning perspective will. It's not the same thing.

>> No.2969329

>tells anon that's wrong
>doesn't tell him how to fix it except with a general vague answer
Might as well not have said anything at all.

>> No.2969332

I can't teach the entirely of perspective in one post. It's a fairly large subject, that telling him to study perspective is enough. So shove it it deep, sideways, m'kay?

>> No.2969347

Thank you very much. I'm hoping to be good enough to move on to massive drawings and paintings one day (in a while, when I'm better)

one step at a time it is.

>> No.2969435


okay I will do this anons, thank you for the help

>> No.2969482

Just remember, its easy for people to go to extremes.
But what you end up being good at drawing is what you draw.
But fundamentals do apply to all art. To get amazing at cute girls, you need to understand their bone structure. You don't need to be able to map out the human body's muscles from imagination, but knowing the curves is a necessity.

>> No.2969485

yes that makes sense when you put it that way, I will keep those words in mind. I thank you very much for the advice, I will put it to good use

>> No.2969794
File: 166 KB, 351x292, gesture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing the ctrl+paint digital sketching series and he asks you to do 50 gesture drawings without really explaining how to do one. I think it's more about learning digital pen control rather than doing a proper gesture drawing, but I'd still rather do them properly. This was my first attempt at trying to copy what he was doing in the demos, does it qualify as a gesture?

>> No.2970165

okay it's come to my attention that reading books might help me become a better artist HOWEVER what the hell do people mean by read the book..?

Like logically i don't think you absorb the knowledge just by reading the books and a ton of times they are filled with dumb fluff stories and shit.

like for example keys to drawing should i be reading it all? should i be just looking at the pictures and related exercises and do those?

Should I be reading and stopping at the exercises and doing them then and there? Chapter by chapter? or get thru the whole thing skimming and then go back and do the exercises? I never had a good art teacher so it's all new to me. Even in school i wasn't taught how to study very well. I just bullshitted thru school... but i don't want to bullshit my art.

Thanks anons.

>> No.2970168

Read to understand.

>> No.2970172

I understand things very quickly. Perspective, edges, forms and values. But actually using these things in my work. yeah understanding is not enough.

>> No.2970174

You don't understand if you don't know how to use. What you need is to draw more.

>> No.2970408


>> No.2970411

any tips on gouache?

>> No.2970438

- skim through the book to get a conceptual roadmap of where it's going
- then go through, read a chapter all the way through in detail
- do the exercises
- note what problems you have, what confuses you, what you don't know how to do
- reread those parts of the chapter
- repeat the exercises, note new problems, etc
- reread those parts of the chapter
- keep doing exercises and rereading until you totally get it
- repeat for each chapter
- you can skip around sometimes, like maybe only getting one chapter up to 75% and moving on if you get bored, as long as you know to go back and study that chapter if you want to get it up to 100%

>> No.2970440

So this might sound like a dumb question, but I'm just going to go ahead and ask it.

I'm just starting out, should I use a pencil or a pen? What's the merits of each?

>> No.2970470

Alright, I'm an amateur level artist and I want to start grinding and studying a bit more seriously. My worst fields are definitely construction, anatomy, and perspective, especially when I try to do multiple at once. I've been studying Hampton and figure drawing lately, and I feel it's been helpful, but I want to go further.

Basically, what books/exercises/regimens would you recommend if I want to learn how to better draw figures in perspective/foreshortening from imagination?

>> No.2970602

this was exactly what i wanted to know! thanks so much anon

>> No.2970649

I'm using this sketchbook with paper that has some weight to it, I don't know how to describe it but it is a sturdier than normal printer paper. I'm trying to find out what it is because I'm going to run out of pages soon and I'd have to replace it, the thing is I got it a while ago and I forgot what the teacher said when he gave it to me. Any body have a rough idea or guess? I don't mind shaving off a few bucks from my wallet trying out different papers just to find what I'm talking about. Or could this be the same paper used in your common sketch book? If so what is it called?

>> No.2970755


>> No.2970757

It's probably Bristol.

>> No.2970763
File: 128 KB, 1156x2048, 617318755226376918-account_id=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2970764

i made a skeleton today

>> No.2970765

Guache takes practice. We had to use it for the illustration classes I took in college, and have used it ever since. Once you get a hang of it, it's a great medium.

You can use guache like watercolor, and do washes and such - and you can also use it like acrylics, and work opaquely. You can go back in and blend and lift off paint, and work it. The big reason why illustrators use it is you can get brighter colors than with watercolors, you don't have to use watercolor paper (I use hot press illustration board or bristol), and it photographs really, really well. Some paints become translucent in strobe light, like white, so if you need to overpaint a watercolor with white, buy a tube of china white guache.

But - it's very delicate. It scratches easily, and you don't want to spray fixative on it. One sneeze can ruin a painting. It can be very frustrating at first to get used to how it handles. It's also expensive, if you buy the good stuff. If you airbrush, it's the perfect medium.

I love it because of how quickly you can work, and how bright the colors are. Back when I did t-shirts for bands, I'd use guache to get the brightest colors. The downside is, those paintings have not aged well. You need to store guache paintings in a dark container if you want them to last. The reds definitely faded over time.

>> No.2970767

Pen is a different medium and approach - it's painting, if you're doing washes, and all crosshatching if you're doing line work. Pencil isn't as limited, in terms of creating subtle variations of value.

Learn both, though. Each is great. One of my life drawing classes had a week were we had to switch from pencil/charcoal to ink - doing gesture drawing with a brush is a blast!

>> No.2970768

I know when people draw faces (especially from imagination) the artist tends to unintentionally make it look like themselves.

The question I'm asking is that if you draw the opposite sex face, is it possible to draw a face that bears resemblance of the artist? Just the opposite sex?

>> No.2970772

I guess so, sure. I know a lot of people think that DaVinci made the Mona Lisa look a little like himself. I don't see it, but who knows?

>> No.2970988

how do i draw cute naked anime girls

>> No.2970994


>> No.2971003
File: 14 KB, 800x800, cutenakedanimegirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i just did it is she cute?

>> No.2971008

She is. Good job. Anything you would improve?

>> No.2971010

ya i'd probably give her a vagina but i'm not sure what one looks like

>> No.2971011

There's google.

>> No.2971014

ill just ask my sister

>> No.2971032

she said no

>> No.2971055
File: 247 KB, 471x444, Guts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna learn how to draw comics and manga in general really well. What are some top tier books or programmes that can teach me how to do this?

>> No.2971069

If I use my drawing tablet to play Overwatch, will I become a better artist without having to draw?

>> No.2971074

when i first got my tablet i did use it instead of my mouse for a while and i think i did get used to it a lot quicker than i would have otherwise. if you want to play an FPS with it you need to switch it to mouse mode. because usually a tablet uses absolute coordinates and not relative positions like a mouse. and there's a rhythm game called 'osu!' that is designed just for the use of a tablet, and i think that would be helpful.

i actually use my tablet as a mouse all the time now. one bad habit not to get into when you're using it all the time is that you shouldn't rest the side of your hand on the surface, as you may start to feel that you want to do that when you're drawing too, and it's not good for drawing.

>> No.2971082

Resting your hand on the tablet is fine. They even sell those 2 finger gloves designed for tablets to keep oils and stuff off the surface.

Personally I incline my tablet anyways so there's not really anything to rest my hand on, though.

>> No.2971087

agree to disagree, i think it's fine if you're doing 3d modelling or CAD or something, not for drawing, where you need to be expressive, not just accurate.

>> No.2971101

>What are some top tier books or programs
it doesn't work like that
lol, you failed before you even started
only tip is :
and read loads of manga from an artistic viewpoint

>> No.2971209
File: 133 KB, 307x475, 1514213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts about this book? Feeling pretty dumb trying to figure out what he is writing about, would be totally lost without James Gurney talking about it in his blog.

>> No.2971532
File: 117 KB, 396x691, 1490582760593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can draw from reference competently but have the toughest time drawing anything from imagination. I assume the answer is obvious; keep working on construction, anatomy and perspective. What do you anons suggest?

>> No.2971552

How the hell do I create my own Loomis face? When I try to my mind just blanks out and I can't draw the basic shapes needed for the full face, I've just been copying what he's done in his book

>> No.2971559

Just keep chugging, man. Drawing from reference can be a bit of a crutch, it gives you good results if you can copy things well, but it doesn't require you to know how the actual forms of the objects work. Force yourself to draw from imagination. One thing that might be helpful to you is playing with stylization, because once you start deviating from reality the less you can rely on references to make your art look good, you'll be forced to think more about construction and shape design.

>> No.2971890

Please help, I am really in pain after drawing on my computer monitor an drawing in general (my monitor is like a Cintniq but its a Huion)
My serratus muscle has a horrible knot in it, I can tell its from every time I lift my arm to draw.
Lifting my arms so much causes me a lot of pain in my back as well, but I can't figure out how to deal with this little knot in this sensitive muscle tissue around my rib.
It really hurts.
I have 4 deadlines this week, I really need to finish them. Is there anything I can do to get rid of this quick and anyway I can draw without making it worse?

>> No.2971937

i have a sneaking suspicious that by drawing from reference you mean copying pictures

>> No.2971963

You can be expressive with your hand on the monitor/paper. This "shoulder drawing" meme is shit and needs to die.

>> No.2971987

again, i disagree. perhaps you just aren't very expressive? some people aren't, but no need to tell noobs to do something that isn't best practice because it works for some rando.

>> No.2972002

I'm a professional published artist/illustrator/designer/art director who's been working longer than you've been alive, kid. This "shoulder drawing" meme is bullshit, no matter how snotty you are.

>> No.2972012

i doubt it, but whatever, you can have an agree to disagree too.

although i didn't mention shoulder drawing whatever that is, just that you shouldn't drag your hand around on the working surface. apparently they even have to make special gloves to fix the problem, best not to develop the habit in the first place n'est-ce pas?

>> No.2972278


>> No.2972314

play a good game first

>> No.2972332

The tip of that thumb is really fucking with me.

>> No.2972334

I want to say top left, but there is nothing indicating what it is (no sign like the rest of them)

So I will have to go with the bottom right. Its like a good middle ground between all of the other ones and the top left without being over the top with perspective. Its a basic scene so it doesn't need too much.

>> No.2972341


Why? Can't see a single reason why touching the tablet surface with your hand would be a bad habit. Never seen a professional who doesn't either. I'm starting to wonder if there are deliberate misinformation campaigns on here

>> No.2972352
File: 159 KB, 450x679, interview_mccloud_page.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am currently going down that path. So I can give what I've done so far.

The easiest answer for books, there are many out there but so far my favorite is Scott McCloud's: Making Comics

Its very thorough on teaching out scene and panels and drawing the eye in certain direction. Its a really good book.And also its in the format of a comic, so it doesn't feel like you are reading a book, but a comic so it keeps your attention. This also makes it invaluable as a visual aid, cause he speaks about, and completely draws, what he's talking about. No Thumbnails.
>pic related

Now for the long answer
>>2971101 This anon has it right
In order to draw comics you have to know how to draw first, before anything else. IF you're artistic skill isn't up to snuff then its going to fall flat.

The above is not always true though (See Cyanide and Happiness, Order of the Stick, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl). But it all depends on the direction you want to take your art and comic.

Also visual aids once again >>2971101 is correct.

I can assume you read comics for enjoyment? You might have a few hanging around the house? Reread them, but don't read them for complete entertainment purposes anymore. Actually look at the panels and the characters. Study how the scene moves your eye, and how they make one thing stand out over everything else. Compare comics, besides the story, what makes one better than the other? What reads easier? No one reads comics as panels, in our head the comic moves. If the panels don't flow, or if the comic is too choppy, the movement of the comics stop.

Have you ever had to search the page for the correct next panel, or had to reread something? Did something ever take you out of the moment of reading the comic? If so; its not a well read comic.

Also, speaking on flow, read a few art books. Now if you want to, you can look at them for the art cause some of them art pretty good. But what you should look for are the Storyboards.

>> No.2972355
File: 800 KB, 1005x1165, Mary Ellery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Storyboard are just simplified comics. They are used to show the scene directions in shows, movies, etc. These, by far, are some of the best references for showing how a comic can direct the eye. Understanding Scene direction is very important when it comes to making comics. Also, know when something is too much. Like a scene can be completely ruined by too much, or too little, emotion shown.

Read Scott McCloud's: Making Comics. Its not a how to draw book, its the "Animator's Survival Guide" for Comic book artists.

Also, pic is my work. I'm not the best in the world yet, but hell I practice everyday so I can get somewhere. Just so it doesn't look like I'm just spewing shit without having tried any of it.

>> No.2972565

Anyone got that exercise chart with cylinders that you're supposed to paint textures on?

>> No.2972577

It's resting on top of the pickups

>> No.2972580
File: 748 KB, 889x511, 2017-05-09_21-51-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the style of this ornament? I need to draw it, but i can't get the hang of its forms from that pic only

>> No.2972762
File: 68 KB, 772x597, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to know what is the exact screen resolution Huion Giano was made for. I run a Linux and the GUI driver thing doesn't work, since its only for Macs and Windows so I can't adjust the tablet's active area, leaving a horizontal stretch.

This means I need to adjust the screen resolution, but I have no idea which (Probably with a taller ratio than 16:10), there's apparently 9999+ resolutions and adding them to my distro takes a ton of work.

>> No.2972785

That's embroidery.

>> No.2972792

It's a meme propagated by try hard elitists. The idea that the shoulder is the only pivot point for expressive drawing is laughable, and I've never seen it stated outside of this specific forum. There's a new meme of "symbol drawing" that's starting up, too.

Even the painters who painted on large canvases had ways to rest their hand, when doing small areas and details, it's called a mahl stick, it's been in use for a long, long time. They're still in use, as well.

>> No.2972794

The gloves are to keep sweat/grease off the monitor. I have a Cintiq 24HD, and I rest my hand on it constantly, and I don't use the gloves.

It's a meme, it's a bad meme, and it needs to die. You're holding beginning artists back with irrational requirements. You're doing actual harm with your bad advice. I don't agree to disagree, I flat out state you're catagorically wrong.

>> No.2972948

Same issue here. Anyone who can answer this?

>> No.2972980

Ever since I got a job I have absolutely no time to practice, probably a total of 4 hours of free time before I go to bed, what are some things to grind daily if all my fundies are weak.

>> No.2972985

fundies so that your fundies aren't weak anymore?

>> No.2972998

It being the ONLY pivot point is retarded, but it being an important one isn't.
And I've heard that from other places as well, my mandatory art class for example went over using our shoulders as a pivot for a few things.

>> No.2973302

Which lightweight document scanner sucks the least for scanning pencil drawings?
Alternatively, any other ways to reliably get good shots of traditional work/sketches. I've got a big, fat printer/scanner in the shared office that blows absolute dick and just photographing it with my phone is faster but blows dick too because it's impossible to hold steady and parallel to the page. Not sure what to do with anything larger than A4, either, since it seems like even good cameras are gonna have the same problems digitizing traditional work.

>There's a new meme of "symbol drawing" that's starting up, too.
Hey, I'm behind you on the "Only use your shoulder/don't touch the page!" deal being a big dumb meme but if symbol drawing as a concept is either a "meme" or "new" to you then you haven't been doing art in a serious capacity for anywhere near long enough.

>> No.2973376


>> No.2973380

I guess being a professional, published artist for over 25 years isn't serious enough.

>> No.2973437

Not him, symbol drawing is basically a meme to describe someone bad at drawing.
There's no real definition and outside /ic/ and like 2 YouTube artists and that1 book, no-one ever fucking mentions it.
All it means is that you don't know how to draw what you want to draw.
>but it means you're supposed to...
No, it just means you're bad and can't shape images that look real.

>> No.2973444

Kind of, but looks more like contruction, gesture is "feeling" the form and pose and how their parts connect to each other. Try to make different poses on different perspectives, your drawings shouldn't look stiff.

>> No.2973445

>There's a new meme of "symbol drawing" that's starting up, too.

I've heard of this on that newfangled up and coming forum "4chan"

>> No.2973498

And my dad works at Nintendo.

I first heard it brought up at a formal art class, and *a lot* at college. People outside of /ic/ also happen to really be into "that one book that no-one ever fucking mentions" and it's not a coincidence that the definitions for the words "Symbol" and "Drawing" put together just so happen to mean exactly what you just described.

>> No.2973503

whats the difference between drawing a skull from your head when you're bad, and drawing a skull from your head after you've studied skulls?

you now have a better idea of what a skull is after you studied it, all it is is a "better" idea of what you wanted to draw. there's no difference in skill or technique, its just how good of an image you have of it in your head.

So when people say "stop symbol drawing" they're not saying to stop doing anything, they're saying to go study the thing you're trying to draw so that you have a better mental image of it.

>> No.2973528

Going with the most common example brought up, it's the difference between drawing a face while knowing about and considering the dimensions of the face or just slapping down simple shapes you might associate with a nose, eyes, mouth etc. where you think they might go on something resembling the silhouette of a head - or if you're really advanced, placing them across a + on said head-silhouette to get 'em lined up just right like your how to draw mangas book told you. It's not just being "worse" at drawing, those are clearly two different techniques being described.

>> No.2973544

speaking of definitions i've always felt like it should be 'icon drawing' as it's essentially a semiotic issue, and 'symbol' is too broad in that context.

>> No.2973838
File: 93 KB, 1024x683, peer_into_my_soul_by_animeaddict2515-d4l0p1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to not strain my eyes when drawing? It turned out to be difficult to just not stare so hard. Do you have any advise?

>> No.2973859

Use F.lux when drawing, if you are just drawing on a white canvas then make it gray, or turn down your monitor's brightness.

>> No.2973907
File: 7 KB, 211x108, [HYPERVENTILATING].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know which board to go to for this question but it is art related. Its been eating me up lately and I asked others about it but I need a third opinion.

Ok, so I was going through my art folder (all my digital art pieces are in there) and in the background I had a blank tab open (I was about to go on google). Then on accident I put my art folder on that tab. There was no upload time or anything it was just "boom" right there and it said the index of blah blah. So I panicked and closed out of it. After that happened I moved/renamed my art folder, I even went as far as deleting my old folder and copying/pasting my art in a new folder.

So my question is, did I put my art online to the public or not? Did I just put my art folder on a tab and that was it or is there more to it? Should I worry about this at all? I asked others about it and they said I did nothing but I'm still doubtful. I'm having a panic attack over this shit so it would be nice if I got an answer. Thank you if any of you guys answer me.

>> No.2973921
File: 244 KB, 540x468, DesignDoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have either tutorials and/or even a trustworth link to a full version of the Design Doll program?
It's helping me a lot with my problem of finding poses but being unable to save them is a turn off.

>> No.2973931

No, chrome lets you browse your computer folders. It's just a function. You can test it by dropping a PDF on chrome.

>> No.2973949

I recently bought a 15" macbook pro for drawing in photoshop but I'm not used to its screen resolution compared to my old thinkpad. For anyone else using a 15" or larger screen what canvas size or zoom level do you usually work at?

>> No.2973963
File: 175 KB, 980x1306, 980x (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god, I thought I fucked myself over there. Thanks for answering me, a burden has been lifted. Here, have this cute cat pic as gratitude.

>> No.2974047

So I'm on windows 10 and my wapcom driver keeps shitting itself.
Is there a way to fix this or am I stuck restarting the driver every few hours?

>> No.2974074

Not the guy you were talking to but:

Think of it this way. Anything you display on your internet browser have already been downloaded into your computer, even if it is just stored in a temporary memory. Your internet browser is just a way to display what is already on your computer.

An internet browser (Chrome, firefox, Google+, etc) is basically no different than your folder system in windows. They just have some added functionalities like The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and HTML for making it look good.

You can also copy internet addresses into your windows folder address bar and it will recognize that it require HTTP and switch to your default search engine.

>> No.2974077
File: 77 KB, 540x382, 1325812023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got my first major illustration commission with a large company. They said that the invoice will be paid within 30 days of the final product, which I've seen mentioned on here as well as in other places as decently standard. They're plenty reputable enough and work with a lot of bigger illustrators that I'm not afraid of being jipped either. However, I'm used to watermarking all of my preliminary work before payment; should I bother taking any precautions like that here? Or just send everything to them in its full?

Pic unrelated

Accidentally made my own thread instead of posting in here; deleted now.

>> No.2974085

I think that mostly comes down to gut feeling and simply talking to them about how they normally deal with it would probably take you a long way. It's not like they would be offended that you try to learn some business standards that protect yourself.

But couldn't you alternatively try and store a higher resolution than the file you give them so you can prove you are the original creator and beyond that I assume your contracts cover the rest?

>> No.2974103

>the invoice will be paid within 30 days of the final product
>I'm used to watermarking all of my preliminary work before payment

Would you consider the "final product" to be the final image that is usable to them (i.e. no watermark)? If so, it sounds like you're used to not delivering the final product until you get paid, and they won't pay the invoice until they receive the final product.

If they're a large company, and they have their own policies and contracts in place, then you follow those contracts and policies. Your precautions sound more like something to do when dealing with a commission with a single individual or very small company that you have no prior experience with.

I'd deliver them their final as they expect to receive it (no watermarks or signature), assuming they are a large company that has their own premade contracts. That's just my gut though, not a recommendation from experience.

If you're not afraid of being jipped, why take actions that tell the company that you fear that they will jip you?

>> No.2974105

I'm on windows 10 and don't need to restart the driver, so it sounds like you need to do a clean reinstall of the driver or seek out and disable conflicting services. I know that the old wacom 6.363 driver works pretty reliably. Be sure to delete your old tablet preferences, fully uninstall the driver, restart the computer, then install the new (old) driver.

>> No.2974110

yeah did this a few times and still being weird on me. I read some other reviews that said they had similar problems but noone really had a solution.

>> No.2974122
File: 55 KB, 780x355, IMG_20170510_060735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix the perspective on this helmet visor? It's absolutely ass I know, but I'm trying to draw this character at that angle (right) and the visor part keeps looking like shit now matter how many times I draw it. Is it possible I'm just looking at it too much?

>> No.2974127

Do you have "use Windows Ink" disabled? It's a checkbox in the wacom settings on the calibration page. Doing this will disable pressure in photoshop so you'll need to enable that functionality through WinTab(?). There's some forum post online that lists the steps to do that - might've been the adobe forums IIRC.

>> No.2974128

Grab some clay, and sculpt the head. Make sure it looks correct from the front and side. You can now rotate it and use it as a reference for drawing it from any angle.

>> No.2974129

I've thought of this but, obviously, seemed like a lot of trouble.

>> No.2974133

No such thing as a lot of trouble. All you need to make is a sphere, some guidelines, and the visor itself. A few minutes total.

It's an exercise to get you to better understand forms.

>> No.2974147

oh ok cool, thanks for your info as well

>> No.2974186

What are some other decent art forums

>> No.2974249

Glazing is an oil technique. It wont work very well with other mediums. (Watercolor paper limited retention properties so you cant really glaze. You can make a transparent wash but thats not a glaze and acrylic actually idk about acrylic)
In oil you just need the color and a crap ton of medium (neo meglip is my personal favorite but galkyd or something similar will for just fine) You want to be careful to only use transparent pigments like alizarin crimson (permenant if youre going to sell it). Essentialy you thin it with medium then layer on a local color wait the 3 days for it to dry, if the colors not dark enough glaze again. If it gets too dark you scumble in tube paint (no medium). rinse repeat until youre done.

This may take weeks to months to do it the way old masters did

>> No.2974254

I want to lineart in clipstudio but there's no tutorials also I don't know which pen use

>> No.2974258

Legitimately recommend finding a studio that offers drawing from a model and going twice a week. Also make like 1-2 copies a week of someone who figured it out.

Dealing with those problems when drawing a live model fixed all of my issues. Doing a copy of one of Degas' Ballerinas improved the foreshortening, perspective, and positioning of my figures immensely. Really truly recommend it.
And afterwards try to do a copy once a month (the masters have much to teach) and figure draw once a week at least.

I know you asked about imagination but the answers are in real life if you truly pay attention

>> No.2974395

is there a name i can google for art made without antialiasing? or if anyone knows more artists like this >>>


obviously not talking about small sprites

>> No.2974397

There's no guideline I can follow as a path to becoming a good artist, is there. I have to grind out my own path by drawing from life until I naturally figure it out, don't i.

>> No.2974398

You don't even have to draw from life, you just have to draw and carve out your own path.

>> No.2974400

I'm terrified I'll learn the wrong way and be a failure and all the time I spend on this will be for nothing.

>> No.2974401

Good thing there's no wrong way and it's always possible for everything to go to waste anyways. Literally no difference in your situation now.

>> No.2974430

Getting a live studio would be tough for me now right now, but I should be able to start doing that in a few months. I've been meaning to start doing more life drawings for a long time, but transportation is an issue, so I've been settling for photo studies.
I'll definitely start doing some master studies asap. Would you recommend just copy the figures, or doing value studies, or copying the full color paint or what?

>> No.2975051

How do I deal with getting frustrated/ angry?
I'm actually very patient but nothing turns out like I want to. I always kept going, but it's a year now and while I still enjoy sketching) practicing I can't bring myself to do longer studies or illustrations.

>> No.2975066

Depends, what kind of art are you into? What standards are you holding yourself up to?

>> No.2975100

I aspire to get accepted at an artschool this year (illustration)
My standards are unrealistically high. I want to be able to create beautiful rendered, well compositioned scenes. Since I started with perspective, construction, anatomy, my light & color game and composition is shit. I'm still struggling with traditional painting. I have 4 months left to create a portfolio to get into this school and I'm really losing faith that I'll get in. I'm not the youngest anymore either at 24. Started drawing with as a hobby with 22. I work fulltime.

I always question myself if I will ever make it, if I'm cut to become a working illustrator. I wouldn't want to stop doing art, it's the only thing that makes me truely happy, but maybe it's better to get a "real job"
I feel like I'm either manic or depressed lately with no middle ground, but while my desire still burns in my chest I feel so worthless for not being good yet. I feel I'm not doing well enough.

>> No.2975105
File: 757 KB, 1280x800, pin ups 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does saturation go? does it change from material to material? I know that you can use saturation to make a particular object or thing pop out in your painting but how do i understand how saturation occurs in real life? Is there any somewhat clear answer to that? I know that generally speaking when an object is lit the most saturated part of it is the halftone but at the same time i know of paintings that break this rule where either the highlight or the shadow is the most saturated thing. Like in this pinup Look at how red and vibrant the shadow is. Whats up with that?

>> No.2975115

The brightest colors are those who reflect light the best. You don't see a muddy olive in a Rainbow because light always has the highest saturation. They are the original colors.

>> No.2975131

I want to make my own children's book someday. can I achieve that goal by learning on my own? I took a couple of art classes in high school but that was 6 years ago

>> No.2975135

Of course. Check out SVS for some book illustrators you can message for some help.

>> No.2975137

Okay but I'm not the biggest beginner, but I'm close. Like I understand how to draw from life...sort of, and how to use lighting and how to figure draw but other than that I know next to nothing about art.

>> No.2975225
File: 102 KB, 564x1935, 4738c61f6966ca50af36bf08e7c58f54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any English translations for tutorials like this? I know there's a whole bunch on these on Chinese web forums.

>> No.2975243

It's a style. I suspect that there are two reasons why they're so saturated:

To attract the eye - the point of a pin up is to titillate, it's not a "serious" painting, so they can break the rules a little (or a lot), to be more exciting and pleasing to the eye,

and B - these paintings were usually printed, and printed pretty cheaply. You have to push the color, to keep the dynamics of the color alive, when it's separated cheaply (converting the image to CMYK for printing plates), and printed on cheap paper, which may not be bright.

Saturation is generally the brightest in bright light, and closer to the eye. The further away an object is, the less intense the color will be (or chroma.) Atmospheric effects will also change the chroma of an object - if you paint a telephone pole against a blue sky, the further away it is, the more of the blue of the sky will be reflected by the telephone pole, so you'd paint it with more sky blue in the paint.

>> No.2975247

Anti-aliasing is a function of rendering objects on screen, to give the illusion of curves, using pixels.

The higher the resolution of your painting, the less anti-aliasing will occur.

You should be working at 300 dpi, unless it's super detailed.

>> No.2975267

Glazing should be done with a mixed glaze - there's premade stuff, but the basic formula for it is easy - one part oil, one part Damar varnish, and two parts turpentine. Different oils can lead to different results, but linseed is fine for beginners. Stand oil dries the fastest. You can also use liquin, but I don't trust it, and alkyds, which are resin based mediums, that dry very fast, like down to a day.

The thinner a glaze is, the faster it dries. Most people do glazes wrong, they mix a bunch of medium and paint, and put it directly onto the painting - this takes forever to dry, because it's too much medium. You should apply a small amount of medium to the area you want to glaze, and work it across the area until it's barely shiny - very very very thin. Then add the paint to it that you want to glaze, in very small amounts, working it across the glazed area. This should take a day or two to dry, unless you're using liquin or alkyds.

There are premade mediums for acrylic, too. It's harder to make, so just buy it. I usually used matte medium and a retarder, worked great.

You can also glaze with watercolor, using gum arabic, which is the binder for watercolor paints. It's tricky, and gum arabic is pricey, but you can get extremely vibrant washes using it as a glaze - but the painting will dry with a shiny finish if you use too much. Gum arabic is also useful for bringing dried tubes back to life.

>> No.2975270

has anyone found any success with drawabox?

>> No.2975274

I don't think that's what they were asking, I'm pretty sure they just want to find out how to see more aliased art

>> No.2975382

i always mess up the angles of my lines when doing blind(no construction) photo studies, so the drawing is in a different perspective than reality. do i just have to grind to get better or is there a technique i could use?

>> No.2975387
File: 59 KB, 364x174, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for reference

right drawing is a trace

>> No.2975643
File: 4 KB, 650x220, 1487027140759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats a good software/app/gadget for windows that works as a reminder? I printed a schedule but I rarely pay attention to it.

>> No.2975649

I find turning off the internet works greatly.

>> No.2975680

Something like Habitica or just an alarm?

>> No.2976031

What true height means in perspective? I'm having a bad time trying to understand it's relevance.

>> No.2976062
File: 17 KB, 709x548, aoc i2369vm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good screen or is there something better in same price for drawing?

>> No.2976063
File: 95 KB, 443x426, 6a087fdee2e7817aa1e2879d5d501de5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seems like a thing, but I really get focused in drawing once im into it so I don't know if it's necessary


yeah an alarm sounds fine but if I could customise it a lil bit that would be great

>Habitica is a free habit building and productivity app that treats your real life like a game.


>> No.2976087

Seems to be a decent screen for its price.

>> No.2976104

The 24" dell ultrasharp u2415 has been 40% on Amazon for the past week or so, I bought one after seeing it recommended on Parka blog.

>> No.2976115

wish i could afford that, guess im gonna stick with the aoc for now

>> No.2976201

Quick question, I reverse image search one of my old crappy art pics to see if I put it online or not.(I couldn't remember) Surprise, I didn't but that was the first time I uploaded that crappy pic anywhere so my question is. Will google keep that image? and if so, Will that said image be linked back to my art folder and my other shit? Or google just keeps that shit and theres nothing to link it back with?

>> No.2976204

Obviously google keeps the image and knows where it goes. Once it's on the internet, it's there forever. You're fucked.

>> No.2976205
File: 1.23 MB, 788x872, 1492451606951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought a cintiq 13HD, but the resolution is really blurry on it. I'm sure this has happened to other people, how do I fix it?

>> No.2976262

Ok, yeah whatever I don't care about that crappy art piece but what I REALLY want to know is that will that image be traced back to my art folder on my computer? Will people see my art folder and have access to it?

>> No.2976265

If people really wanted to, it wouldn't be difficult to get access to your computer anyways, anon.

>> No.2976281

So an image that has been uploaded to google images (for the first time) has now have the access to go into my computer?

>> No.2976300
File: 612 KB, 1850x986, piotr-jablonski-serkonan-legends-haunted-cliffs-of-cullero-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a piece of art I was interested in but forgot to save. The artist is interesting and I would like to look at more of their work. My hope is this description will be enough for someone to go off of and know what it is and who did it

its of a man and his dog walking in a park. They are walking towards a tunnel with a bridge over it. Under that tunnel, there is an unnerving creature best described as a mascot looking monster with fleshy bits and elongated arms. If I remember right the creator named it something witty and good luck trying to find anything with mascot and monster in the same tag because of the Five Nights at Freddie's craze.

If anyone has any clues please don't hesitate
pic unrelated but cool

>> No.2976304
File: 164 KB, 721x1108, drawing_violins___things_you_need_to_notice_by_janemere-d82e2cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you have to illustrate things you're unfamiliar with or draw people doing things you've never done, do you just collect a few relevant references and hope for the best?

Will people appreciate it more if I spend more time on authentic depictions and/or historical accuracy, or do they just want to see artists draw cool, epic, or pretty shit, even if it means missing a few real life details?

>> No.2976333
File: 2.56 MB, 660x520, 1494455019765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2976449
File: 171 KB, 1280x1024, 1494058242241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a good resource for hand photos? I've pretty much exhausted Quickpose's supply

>> No.2976452

People appreciate ideas over execution, but sometimes it gives you bonus points.

>> No.2976513

Do you have a cell phone? Does it have a camera? Are there people around you? If yes to all of that, you have all the reference you need.

>> No.2976536
File: 16 KB, 225x224, 133956497317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there people around you

Why do you do that?

>> No.2976552
File: 593 KB, 1914x1226, Screen Shot 2017-05-12 at 5.57.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened to my photoshop file? As I was working on it, I was doing a rectangular marquee to select something. Then all of a sudden a bunch of patches just disappeared and a bunch of things changed colors. I thought I pressed something and went back in history to undo, but it just kept getting fucked up when I went back.

I have photoshop set to recover the piece every ten minutes, yet no such folder in my mac exists. In my finder, although the hair color changed in the preview, everything else in in tact. Can I recover it?? How did it happen???

>> No.2976564

The most important thing to remember is that an drawing is a single frame of a larger action, an entire possible timeline of images you could have drawn. Even if someone's hand or neck or whatever is a bit out of position a person is simply being unreasonable if they're bothered by it, because it's not necessarily a position the subject of the drawing is holding for a long time.

>> No.2976609

Your scratch drive might be full/corrupted, or you're driving the video card too hard and it's overheating.

What are the specs on the computer, and how much memory and scratch space do you have? (if you even know what that means.)

>> No.2976620

The recovery file - if written - will be in Library/Application Support/ Photoshop (2017)/Autorecover.

Note that PS will only write that if the app crashes. It's saving the recovery file temporarily in the scratch disk file (you can't access that), and writes it when the app or system recovers.

>> No.2976821


Not bad for a beginner, pal. Go pick up Scott Robertson's How to Draw book and get on it.

>> No.2976832
File: 348 KB, 993x1554, 24262007413_e7a8917480_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For your issues. Doing the line drawing and rendering in values should be enough. My problens werent solved when i did the line drawing but i realized the solutiton when i filled in the highlights (i was doing a paste copy, see attached) once i put the white in the right spots i realized how it should be done. Later in the week when i went to my figure drawing class I encountered the a similar foreshortening of the foot but i just thought about how degas would do it and bam it looked really good. Keep in mind just doing a copy wont make you better, you have to actively think about what youre trying to gain. For me I gained a better understanding of transparncy in a drawing. (imaging the leg through the skirt) and foreshortening + grounding the foot (the ballerinas right foot) as long as i remember how degas approached the problem its not an issue in my own drawings.

This is how you should learn from copying. Just doing it doesnt do shit. You must understand something of theirs and then apply it. Thats also why you shouldnt do them too often. The info wont have time to sink in.

>> No.2976835


A pastel* copy.

>> No.2977218
File: 697 KB, 700x2461, 52811815_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have translated rei's tutorials? https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=52811815

>> No.2977228

I bought my first drawing tablet. What exercises should I do to learn how to use it? I need free resources.

>> No.2977247

Just draw.

>> No.2977293

10,000 cubes followed by 10,000 ovals followed by 10,000 Pepes

>> No.2977318

How many hours per day do you guys practice drawing ?

Secondly, you should make copies and study your favorite artist, if you want to draw like him/her, right ?

>> No.2977328

Is it better to draw fast or slow?

>> No.2977329
File: 65 KB, 534x531, 1458824011202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to draw lewds from time to time, and I'd love to draw loli and shota, but I'm super paranoid of people finding my lewd sketchbook with that in it, or making an anonymous drawfag post of a younger character and getting into legal trouble.

American, here, just to be clear.

>> No.2977331


>> No.2977382

Someone suggested me to start doing sketches using only 3 values. What does that mean?

>> No.2977386

Black, grey and white

>> No.2977406

Thanks mate. Don't know why I was expecting something else

>> No.2977427

Anyone know some good online courses if you want to learn stuff like anatomy, comics or figure drawing? Preferably something where you get some feedback from a teacher or someone, I found some stuff on udemy that I want to do sometime, but was curious if anyone else was doing a cool online course here or something.

>> No.2977435

That's from the shitty stock screen protector. It's glued on, but can be removed (very likely voiding warranty) and it can't be placed back on after removing.

This reveals a much clearer screen, but the pen no longer has friction. To protect the screen and get friction back, you can use a third party screen protector. I use the photodon MHX. You can order a sample pack of different types of protectors from them to test out and see how it affects screen quality and pen friction. The sample pack comes with a $5 off coupon for your next order, making it essentially a free sample.

There's a few youtube videos on removing the screen protector. It does take a lot of force to remove, but if you're slow it can be done safely. The more annoying part is getting the screen 100% clean from glue residue and especially dust before applying the new screen protector.

>> No.2977471


>> No.2977475

What are some exercises for arm dexterity.
I'm a beginner so I know most of the time my lines are shit because I don't have confidence to make smooth fluid motions when I draw.
Unsteady hands is something I have outside of drawing as well.

>> No.2977479


This looks good, thanks for the link, I'll save it for later.

>> No.2977585

What's a good practice regime to do every day? Like how with piano you do finger exercises or play scales

>> No.2977587

Draw, every single day.

>> No.2977589

Should I draw with my wrist or my arm?

>> No.2977590

Just draw, stop thinking about everything, do you think about what to use when you write? When you type? When you walk? When you eat?

>> No.2977639

Unless you have actual CP/kidnap kids/distribute your lewds in schools you will likely never face any legal trouble at all and if you do it will be so minor no judge would give a fuck.

>> No.2977695

Draw scales

>> No.2977714
File: 821 KB, 2480x3508, DRY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many values should I use in a painting?
And they should be apart or close in the scale?

>> No.2977754

All of the values. All of them.

>> No.2978075
File: 232 KB, 1280x852, dogsmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me a basic list of supplies I need to start painting? Obviously I need an easel, canvas, and paint, but what kinds of brushes should I get? Do I need thinner/turpentine/stuff like that?

>> No.2978138

Yes, you need thinner to clean your brushes.

Basic list:
Cadmium Yellow Light (hue)
Cadmium Red Light (hue)
Alizarin Crimson
Ultramarine Blue
Mars Black
Titanium White
Yellow Ochre
Cerulean Blue (hue)

Brushes: Brushes depend on what kind of work you're doing, how big that work is, and how much you can afford. And, how well you take care of them. I would say, a medium and small of each type - flat, bright, round and filbert. Throw in a medium fan brush for skies, and you should be able to handle most tasks. As you learn you can add more brushes, as needed.
Avoid the sets, as they tend towards only flats and filberts, and the other shapes are just as useful/important.

A standard palette knife for mixing colors and cleaning the palette

Palette. The white plastic ones are fine - the idea is a flat mixing surface. A lot of artists use glass now, for ease of cleanup.

Thinner/Spirits - not only are they for clean up, but they come in handy for thinning paint. Never throw thinner away - when it gets dirty, put it in a metal container, preferably in a garage or outside. The paint will settle and you can skim the clean thinner off the top. Keep a small bottle of never used thinner for mixing and making glaze.

Paper towels/rags. Pretty obvious.

Rug. Get a cheap rug for the area you work in - you will spill and drip. Oil paint is really hard to get out of rugs.

I would grab a small bottle of Linseed stand oil, and Damar Varnish, for making glazes.

>> No.2978140

Depnds what paint you use, if oil then you need thinners but if acrylic or something else then no you just use water

>> No.2978143

Also, regarding easels. Some insist on them, some don't. It's personal choice. I've worked on drafting tables most of my life, and while I have an easel, and do enjoy using it, I tend to always end up on the drafting table for details. You can also work on a table, or desk, on a tilted board. Hold off on an easel, unless you know you want one, they're expensive - the good ones, anyway. But they are nice to have - and if anything, they're great for a place to leave a painting while it dries. And, if can't afford one and want to work vertically, do what kids in the dorms did - nail a hole in the wall or closet door, and hang a canvas from that.

>> No.2978145

does /ic/ know how to make a 3D look like a 2D picture? the model is for 2D picture purpose only (meaning it won't be animated etc.)
I know it's possible to one certain angle and photoshop maybe.

>> No.2978150

Another thing to consider - light. You want your painting surface well lit, like you were outside in bright sunlight. The easiest way is two light sources, like two swing arm lamps, and 80-100 watt bulbs, on either side. (they have clamps and necks for easel mounted lights) +20 watt CFLs work really well for this.

>> No.2978158

Thank you, I appreciate it

>> No.2978193

im deciding on doing an animation whith my current level skill, or keep praticing until im "ready" my question is, is it better to DO or better to plan everything out?

>> No.2978199

Do is always better, learn as you go. You might end up making a shitty animation, but that will just pave your way to making better animations.

>> No.2978216

Do. Plan as you're doing where applicable.

>> No.2978389

When I draw in a style of an artist I like my stuff suddenly looks ten times better than normal but it makes me feel like a cheater. Is it acceptable to adapt someone else's style?

>> No.2978827

Adapt 10 people's styles then nobody can even tell.

No such thing as cheating, but if you model your work off of one artist then you'll never amount to more than a poor-man's imitation of that artist.

>> No.2979447

How do you draw thinks all creepy-like

>> No.2979566

I see there's like a billion painting apps these days. Is Photoshop still the gold standard?

>> No.2979726

I just started drawing digital on my first tablet.
Any small tips for Krita on settings, brushes, shanding, inking?

>> No.2979731

in the industry? Pretty much

>> No.2979733

this. I saw this posted here some time ago https://youtu.be/4CAlo0IU-UI

>> No.2979755
File: 95 KB, 1080x791, 0f79f374-d142-4d66-83fc-7f5dcb6d0d21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got anything like this? with that muscle and shit

>> No.2980176

Any artists with essential tremors out there?

I'm mostly a digital artist with no prior art training. I'd like to try learning from the ground-up traditionally though as I feel it would make me a much better artist.

Problem is I've relied on stabilizers a lot due to my hands being shaky from essential tremors, so moving to traditional and forcing myself to use felt tip pens have been beyond infuriating.

Right now I'm doing Peter Han's dynamic sketch warm ups (https://youtu.be/eaif0PpNMas)) nonstop like a mad man in hopes that maybe it will help me improve, and while I see some results I'm beginning to wonder if the tremors will prevent me from ever being able to fully master this exercise and gain the ability to produce clean and confident lines without having to rely on digital stabilizers.

Anybody else have a similar experience or know and artist who has been able to overcome tremors and produce clean lines?
Do you think practicing these exercises will help?

>> No.2980242

I've been thinking about setting up a gallery for the (few at the moment) requests I've done for various drawthreads, but I've no idea where I should do it.

>> No.2980245
File: 17 KB, 391x295, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital noob here. I'm using Krita and the brush does these lines. This is okay for my lineart but it creates issues when I'm trying to color my drawing.

How do I get the brush to output a consistent color?

>> No.2980256

I'm not that familiar with Krita, however most brushes usually have an option to toggle opacity by pen pressure. That's what you want to look for. Or a minimum density level.

>> No.2980257

what did people who are already good with gestures do to get good?

>> No.2980284
File: 16 KB, 482x101, be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brush Engine > Painting Mode, and check "build up" option instead of "wash".

>> No.2980376


"Build up" got me closer to where I want to be.

>> No.2980381

clip studio is lagging when zooming after the recent update for win 10. anyone else experience this? what do?

>> No.2980383

nvm, found an answer.

>>currently there's only temporary fix i think

Change windows text scale to other than 100% or
On Clip Studio Paint, go to Window menu -> Hide the title bar (Or simple Shift+Tab) and hide the title bar.

>> No.2980535

why are so many Japanese people who draw as a hobby way better at it than westerners who do it as a hobby?

>> No.2980890

It's just a matter of perception. Since you're on 4chan, you probably like anime and Japanese people do that. The westerners do western art though and it's about the same level but the bias skews it. Like the kind of style some tumblr artists go for.

>> No.2981324
File: 40 KB, 600x600, Side Face Practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been struggling with the side face a lot, currently I keep on ending up with much more masculine faces.

Can anyone explain to me what makes a distinct feminine face, especially from the side?

>> No.2981365

Want to start being active on here--I see everybody mentioning blogs. I'm assuming y'all mean tumblr, blogspot? Just a mix of it all? Thanks in advance!

>> No.2981411

In which thread should I post my acrylic paintings, if I'm not a total beginner?

>> No.2981418

I noticed that in Painttool Sai I get jitter unless I have stabilizer set to ~7+, but in Photoshop I don't get any jitter. Does Photoshop have some kind of smoothing built in?

>> No.2981540

What are some good exercises to get better at drawing poses from imagination?

>> No.2981591
File: 237 KB, 758x576, grab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some tips from jack hamm

>> No.2981770

Thanks. Really helpful.

>> No.2981934

It may be a driver issue. I can't use photoshop because there is very bad jitter with my intuos 3 due to my driver version.

>> No.2982002


The reason your eyes get strained is because of being in the same focus for hours at a time. Humans didn't evolve to do that, like predators do. The best thing you can do is look up often, like every fifteen minutes, and focus on something far away for a minute or so. Like a clock or tv across the room, or out of a window.

I had a discussion with my eye doctor about best practices for taking care of my eyes, and he said the same thing - look up and change your focus often. He also said to change the distance between your eyes and the surface you're looking at, be it a piece of paper, or monitor, regularly.
Also, take regular breaks, get up, stand up, stretch, walk around. Get the blood flowing.

>> No.2982004

Horrible advice, you're changing the values of the artwork doing that.

>> No.2982008

Of course. Back in the old days, before computers, artists would keep file folders of reference - it's typically called a morgue folder. I keep one on my storage drive, full of interesting images, reference, and anything I've used for building up a painting or drawing. Every once in a while I go through and organize it - textures, skies, trees, animals, etc.
Disk drives are cheap. Fill one up with reference, it's fine.

>> No.2982176

do you ever want to fuck your own drawings?

>> No.2982189

Draw Thread

>> No.2982223

No, I'm past puberty.

>> No.2982226
File: 409 KB, 487x594, 1489565750424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why on someday i can't draw for shit? as in everything i draw that day fucking sucks so much, Is there a science explanation for this shit?

>> No.2982252

art block ?

>> No.2982254


Don't do this.

I have F.lux and it constantly fucks my drawings when I don't notice it turned on, it'll shift all your colors off.

>> No.2982257
File: 102 KB, 324x169, 5379347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>okay at construction
>can't make anything look good because I never practiced contour drawing
I feel cheated and memed. How do I fix this?

>> No.2982360

Is 11''x6.9'' sufficient for a beginner's drawing tablet? I want something large enough where I can really draw with the arm and less with the wrist like I'm doing with my current tablet which is less than half that size.

>> No.2982361

>never practiced contour drawing
Maybe practice it now

>> No.2982365

I don't have enough money for lessons, are there any online lessons that I could use instead?

>> No.2982421

What kind of stuff do you want to learn? You're going to need to be specific because the internet has resources for everything.

>> No.2982424

its kind of hard to be specific because my skill is pretty much non-existent. I want to learn all the basics and fundamentals I guess

>> No.2982522


>> No.2982596
File: 359 KB, 2156x712, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm new to perspective.
these narrow parts don't align with the 2pt perspective of the rest of the picture. and the horizon line is too high for them to even have their own seperate vanishing point. so how was this accurately drawn?

>> No.2982759

Can I get by without professional or school based lessons?

>> No.2982796

That's in 3 point perspective

>> No.2982927

>school based lessons
Sure! You don't have to go to an art school!
>without professional
Not really. You need books written by professionals.

>> No.2983213

websites to get models, reference, with Height, BWH measurements?

>> No.2983544

When to start a patreon?
Is 16k followers on pixiv and 7k on Tumblr enough?
I'm not planning to make a living with my art but something like 400-500$/month

>> No.2984117

Would getting the books that the ic hub page recommends be a good start?

>> No.2984175

Does anyone have a torrent of painting with light and color by dice tsutsumi?

>> No.2984353

Do you really think they were put there as a joke?
Of course they would be a good start.