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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2959149 No.2959149 [Reply] [Original]

>art workshop
>today we'll do some life drawing
>teacher brings up an early 20s blonde, gorgeous model
>before I can even grasp what's happening, she takes off her clothes
>holy shit
>perfect, perky c cups
>10/10 hips, basically ready to give birth to an adult human
>cue in boner
>it's been like 3 minutes and I haven't drawn anything at all
>excuse myself, go to the bathroom and masturbate furiously
>come back to class
>still can't concentrate at all

>> No.2959155

I was 18 too at some point

>> No.2959162

>im not mentally mature enough to not sexualize a drawing model
underage ban pls mods

>> No.2959163

>having a high sex drive means you're immature
t. low test males

>> No.2959165

Grow up, op.

>> No.2959170

So you came here to brag about your uncontrollable masturbation?

>> No.2959173

post your drawing

>> No.2959174

>not understanding basic social manners
>using t. meme
Why would advertise that you cannot control yourself? That screams "I never matured beyond childhood"

>> No.2959177

>being turned on by naked people
What are you, a fucking middle schooler?

>> No.2959179
File: 12 KB, 600x398, 1424075517390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a really good thread to bully OP in. There's so many things you could point out about him. I should probably draw though. Haven't even done my gestures for today yet.

>> No.2959180

draw hentai for a while the boners go away eventually

>> No.2959187


>grow up, kiddo
you're fucking boring, do you know that?

i'm not into anime

this also happens even when I'm drawing naked women from references
once I start sketching them it makes me feel like I'm having steamy sex with their form

>> No.2959192

okay well just draw nude models and your degeneracy should alleviate after a while

>> No.2959203

Gonna post her? Or your drawing of her? Or someone that looks like she did? Give us a bone

>> No.2959209
File: 1.19 MB, 2667x4000, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not being turned on by the beautiful female figure


They are very likely just fat girls or homos


Not the OP but here is a sexy blonde

>> No.2959217

Why did you post a giraffe?

>> No.2959231
File: 711 KB, 2667x4000, 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol its true

>> No.2959233

>Can't control yourself for the sake of your art

>> No.2959234


>> No.2959242

Does any know where I can get some life drawing lessons in the uk?

>> No.2959258
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Models tread? Models thread.

>life drawing class
>one of the usual models walks in
>middle aged yet very well preserved woman
>removed her clothes and gets on stage
>"excuse me professor?" the guy sitting to my right asks" why can't we get better models?
>Prof asked for him to clarify because he's not following
>she looked mildly annoyed but assumes the first pose
>"well she isn't very going looking".
>room goes dead silence
>Professor chuckles "Well I could assure you the model isn't the reason why your pieces look so bad."
>people are snickering at this point
>model's face visibly relaxes
>guy quietly apologies then excuses himself from savagery
>guy stopped showing up after that

>> No.2959263

o-oh god

>> No.2959267

That's an awesome story. Thanks for sharing it, anon.

>> No.2959300
File: 388 KB, 1000x764, october-9-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>figure drawing
>attractive fit guy is modelling
>I draw him well
>He firmly shakes my hand and asks my name when he sees my drawing
>feel like a man

>> No.2959318

>"well she isn't very going looking".
why would someone say that? Just go there to draw, no need to interact with anyone. Just go to draw ffs

>> No.2959329

>have an older lady in my life drawing class
>we have to sculpt a very overweight model
>lady kept talking about how there's no curves in the model to emulate
>model is right there and can hear her

>> No.2959335

I'm pretty sure talking trash about the models' bodies is enough to get you kicked out of any drawing class.

>> No.2959393

honestly I go into a kind of zone where I am super focused capturing the shape and form of the model,
so I view them as a really interesting still life 3d object..?
maybe because I am that amateur that I need to really focus on these things (and tell myself CURVES man don't draw stiff man) to get them right.
That said, that's only during the life drawing session..

>my first life drawing class
>hear about a smoll uni student-run arts group hosting life drawing
>don't even attend that uni, but join bc dirt cheap 6$ for 3 hours
>model is a 40 year old man, chill kind of guy who probably does drugs, but seems nice enough
>have great time, finish at 9pm
>decide to go eat a late dinner afterwards
>sits down at burger place
>from my seat, able to see the queue at the counter
>sees the life drawing model lined up for order
>accidentally meet eyes
>gives me a friendly smile, starts heading over
>intense sweating as I remember they are not 3d objects but REAL LIVING PERSON
>he tries to make small talk
>in my head I can only think "I've seen you naked"
>quickly finish meal, mutter something like "it was nice meeting you" and make a run for it

>> No.2959408

Had this exact thing happen in college. Teacher had been torturing us with old men and fat woman, and once day...a beach blonde, with perfect tits and ass.

Me and my friend looked at each other, said "Nope!" and packed up. The teacher came by, asked what was up, and we said "we can't draw her, she's too distracting". He laughed. She smirked. We left. He didn't ding us at all.

>> No.2959410

Dude, c'mon. I can go into art mode no problem, but every once in a while you get a model where you can't. It's normal.

>> No.2959419

One semester, we had a little old lady show up for the class. Nice enough, very granny-ish. Model arrives, we all get to work. The model was a 30-ish woman, in good shape, small boobs but great figure - poses for days. At the first break, we walk around looking at everyones work (mixed class, beginner and intermediate). She'd drawn bikinis on every pose.

Every class, day one, has the gawkers. One teacher purposely has a male or old woman come in the first day, to chase them off. You can spot them, they look like they're in a strip club, looking around anxiously for the model.

Every class has at least one who won't draw genitals. They just smudge the paper.

Figure sculpting class. First model is a chinky but attractive suburban mom type. I go into art mode, go up with calipers, smile at the model, we're cool. One guy has to be dragged by his hand to go near her, he's so nervous and pent up. He dropped the class soon after because he could not go up to her and take measurements. (She turned out to be cool as fuck, she'd go outside and smoke with us on breaks. Nobody hit on her, because she made it loud and clear she was happily married.)

>> No.2959421

The only time I saw any drama over the model is when an overweight woman came in with her baby, who slept in her arms the whole time. A couple of people threw a fit, and the teacher gave no fucks. Some beautiful drawings were done that day though.

>> No.2959425

I call that "art mode". You're decoupling from the erotic aspect, and working from an artistic perspective. You want this.

>> No.2959426

My class would've kicked out that guy just for that one comment. Usually there are very strict rules to how you act in model classes.

>> No.2959442

It wears off when you get into the groove. Seriously, I've inspected a model's tits up close and all I was thinking about was how to draw the core shadow and the reflected light. Then the prof came behind me and started gesturing at her tits, almost touching them, explaining to me how to do it. The prof was a woman, so that's probably why that scenario turned out okay.

I think the most awkward it gets is when the model does a pose where she's looking down and you're basically making eye contact with her every time you look up to draw the pose. I sat pretty closely too like right in front of the stand.

>> No.2959469

Wow anon, the same shit happened to me. It felt like the model was wishing for me to die or something. But then during break she talked to me and she was pretty cool.

>> No.2959485

Yeah, it's actually pretty surprising how nonchalant they are about posing nude. The model ended up coming around and talking to me too. I just wish I could've shown her a better drawing. hah

There was this guy in my class who was godly at figure drawing compared to everyone else. This guy basically had every model coming up to him after poses and admiring his work. Man, I was pretty jelly but it was definitely good motivation to work hard and get better.

>> No.2959498

>not stomaching your dicks so you can bask in and draw the glory
come the fuck on man, be the master of your penis

>> No.2959512

Very nice forms, but maybe spend a little more on the rendering. But overall very nice anon

>> No.2959530

Come the fuck off, trying to be mr. cool.

But hey, if you want to be a pedant and keep harping all night over it, feel free, but I won't be responding again.

>> No.2959555

Oh come on my personal dream girl was one of my college figure drawing models and I could still work it out.
Being able to control your urges is generally considered manly and attractive.

>> No.2959556

No one's really trying to act cool, this is a natural thing to do when you want to actually hone your craft.

>> No.2959563

He's right though. People who are actually paying attention to the form and trying to draw the person won't get aroused

>> No.2959565

>not leting passion dominate you and infuse your work with glorious libidinal energy

>> No.2959567

>too nervous to be in the presence of an attractive lady and draw her forms
Never gonna make it.

>> No.2959568

Nigger, OP and >>2959408 couldn't draw because they were too "distracted". You can't draw with passion if you can't even draw, fool.

>> No.2959587
File: 48 KB, 798x809, 1439438030887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever get an unwanted boner, just flex your arm/ leg muscles until it goes away. This gets rid of the extra blood pressure from your dick.

>> No.2959593
File: 312 KB, 389x386, 1447700857829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every class has at least one who won't draw genitals.

Das me, it's because of years of catholic conditioning.

>> No.2959634

t. women actually, /ic/ is a female-dominated board

>> No.2959636

Myth. If muscle contraction killed boners, everyone would go limp from sex

>> No.2959638

Try it yourself anon, it really does work.

>> No.2959646

Honestly it wasn't even like she was ugly, supple breast, motherly hips, kind face, That dude was just a tool.

Only strict rule we had was videos/ recording devices were prohibited.

>> No.2959664

pose for me, femanon
i promise not to have a boner

>> No.2959704

> I go into art mode, go up with calipers, smile at the model, we're cool.

I've never taken a sculpting class. I think I might have to.

>> No.2959827

>tfw years of life drawing, 4chan and hentai has made me completely desensitized to real nudity

>> No.2959881

bodies aren't inherently sexual, you or the context sexualize them
It must be so uncomfortable to be in a workshop with you

>> No.2959884

pretty pathetic desu.

>> No.2959889

Not everybody gets the chance to fuck so much in their lives that they don't see the sexual appeal of a 20 years old hot blond naked girl. It means his brains works as it should. That's what 20 years old do, they want to fuck anything that moves. Let guys be guys you dumb cunt.

>> No.2959908

I know that feeling bro.

>be me 19 go to art college
>life drawing sessions after school
>never seen a naked chick in real life besides my sister
>model introduces herself she's 19 too
>blonde sexy ass lady
>class room was full but i managed to find a chair in the back
>before you know it i have a full erection
>i carefully unzip my jeans slowly and quietly and begin stroking my cock.
>mfw nobody saw me

>> No.2959914

How did they not notice? How did you explain the cumstains on your canvas?

>> No.2959917

that's fucked up though

>> No.2959918

There's a time and place to be turned on by naked women, and it's definitely not during a goddamn figure drawing class. Show some professionalism, man.

>> No.2959921

i'm fucked up.

i'm weird but i'll fuck anything.

>> No.2959925

Just do like feminists and say you have needs as a man so people can't shit on you. jk this only work if you're a woman.

>> No.2959931
File: 150 KB, 600x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand it when people list Femjoy as an art reference site. Most glamour photography wouldn't cut it as ref, especially FemJoy sets where there is no sense of composition, but I'd like to see Carisha working for the Croquis Cafe. Anything would be better than having the model do nothing while wearing different necklaces! These photographic technicians often don't even know how to compose when they have three or more models. There just aren't enough full body images in glamour photography, they haven't learned how to stand back far enough to employ other environmental elements.

Being engaged in art changes your apprecation for the human body and suddenly a wide array of types become interesting to you, although far fewer are perceived sexually.
>long and lean
Klimt could charcoal it
>strong and zaftig
Crumb could draw it
>bloated and fat
Botero could paint it
>odd physical quirk
Wow that looks just like this rare sculpture/mask/bas relief!
>physically perfect specimen
Ok, but it's just not saying art to me...

>> No.2959946

Then why the fuck do they spent money on drawing classes? They want to stare at naked women? This sounds sad as fuck.

>> No.2959947 [DELETED] 
File: 1.82 MB, 2667x4000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the colour
It adds nothing!

>> No.2959978

fuck you man, you're gross, you're ruining it for everybody who just wants to go there and be a better artist

>> No.2959980

you could least use a bathroom.

>> No.2959982

i jerk off when i want to. i dare you to go up on stage ill jerk off to you naked too.

>> No.2959991

you think you're some kind of cool misfit?? you're just a fucking imbecile

>> No.2959995

I dont understand, I get boners from drawing hot girls/models all the time and it never stopped from focusing on the drawing.

Accept the boner, embrace the sensuality and breathe it into the drawing. Repression isnt good.

>> No.2959998


i wear a dinosaur tail and goggles to school everyday. So yeah, I am cool. fuck you.

>> No.2960000


>> No.2960001

you went too far with the "don't care about what others think of you"

>> No.2960006

>people complimenting brian
what happened to this board while I was gone?

>> No.2960007

Honestly, I'm a woman and I sometimes have hard time concentrating too in such situations. With both male and female models...

>> No.2960009

you mean you felt like a faggot.

we know brain.

>> No.2960012

I ahve no problems with drawing qts i they dont make eyecontact but one time there was a model gril that tried hard not to smile at me since i was the only person as old as her in the group (it was full of old people).

>> No.2960017

I don't feel anything at all desu, and even if I do it's not hard to just ignore it and focus.

>> No.2960023


>> No.2960037

>Tfw watching porn and hentai and thinking about having sex all the time has actually desensitized me from sex
This is dangerous when I have photos or drawings of naked people or people having sex in a folder I'm looking through with people around as I don't even notice the pictures are there

>> No.2960042

That's pretty hot tbhwy, so I'll let it pass. I just hope you're not ugly though, or you would ruin my image of you.

>> No.2960064


>> No.2960327

>perceptions are perceptions
woah, aren't you insightful, femanon?
I think I'll just stop perceiving the world as I'm willed to. it must be easy

having lots of sex shouldn't make you numb to an arousing female body

>> No.2960344


The only correct point that appeases both sides of the argument in this threads. Thanks

>> No.2960458
File: 358 KB, 422x421, 1492992603501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to be a model honestly it must be great for you confidence, Don't think I'd be chill enough with my insecurities though

>> No.2960495

I've been asked to be a model once. I'm scrawny ugly dude, shit didn't made sense. Turns out the girl was taking photos of ''unusual bodies'' for her piece about beauty standards in the media.

>> No.2960499

If you read correctly what OP wrote he clearly said he had the decency to leave the class. He's not talking about it like he's proud of it. What the fuck is wrong with you repressive sexual fucks?

>having lots of sex shouldn't make you numb to an arousing female body

It does. The more you fuck the more fucked up shit you have to do to cum. Spend 10 years with the same woman and I can guarantee you will be tired of fucking her at the end of it.

>> No.2960534

googled femjoy
>femjoy videos-xvideos.com

sounds like a legit art website to me

>> No.2960537

So... did you model for her?

>> No.2960549


>> No.2960602

No way, I was crushed when I heard that. She's a nice girl though.

>> No.2960603

What a fucking bitch. Bet you she didn't expect you to realize what she was insinuating about you.
>She's a nice girl though.
Well if you say so anon. I'm sure you're not as ugly as you think you are.

>> No.2960631

>having lots of sex shouldn't make you numb to an arousing female body
Having avaliable pussy back at home does wonders to a man's resistance to unwanted arousal.
I guess it's like most things in life, the least you perceive something as do or die, the least likely you are to do stupid shit to get it.

>> No.2960634
File: 38 KB, 200x160, 1434932289382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ready to give birth to an adult human

jesus christ. those must have been some fridge sized hips.

>> No.2960636

I doubt she'd ever care. To body-positivity sjw/tumblrtards, ugly people are a means to an end. They don't give a shit about us or our self steem they just want excuses to virtue-signal Chad into fucking 5/10 them instead of 10/10 Stacey.

>> No.2960638


>he thinks artist don't sexualize models

um. I've got some news, dude. you know how 90% of art is just pictures of sexually attractive women? tl;dr: you're a fruit

>> No.2960642

You fucked up OP. I had a hot model once except I channeled that into the sexiest gestures I've ever done.
tl;dr: NGMI

>> No.2960645

when i draw, i don't get an erection, no matter how beautiful or how aesthetic she is. Because i am dissecting her body into shapes, and looking at the skeleton structure. And that is not very erotic, unless you got some weird fetish with doing mathematics.

Not sure about the rest of the losers here.

>> No.2960659

Smoking isn't cool, it's fucking pathetic. Have fun getting lung cancer with each other, just keep it confined to your designated addict area so the rest of society doesn't get screwed by secondhand selfishness.

>> No.2960663

Why do models pose nude anyway? Do they just need the money or are they such massive sluts they get off on the attention? I can't imagine why a quality, beautiful woman would ever subject herself to that.

>> No.2960668

>Only needing a girl to be naked to get an erection
Oh, to be young again. Seriously, maybe its because I wack it everyday and twice on slow days, but,if we're not about to have sex, a chick has to be like two knuckles deep into herself to even get a wiggle out of me.

>> No.2960673

Any man who doesn't have ED can easily get it up seeing a lowcut top, let alone full nudity...

>> No.2960678

in my experience, most models are students looking for an easy buck

>> No.2960679

That happened to me too, and I only learned what it was for after the fact because I found it posted online. I was just shirtless, thankfully.

>> No.2960692

>Any man who doesn't have ED can easily get it up seeing a lowcut top, let alone full nudity...
Sounds like a child, who still puts sex on a pedestal, but whatever.

>> No.2960698

Children aren't interested in sex you fucking pedo.

>> No.2960744

Not him, but that wasn't the case for the kids around me. Sure, I didn't think of anything and was grossed out by the notion but everyone else was really into it.

>> No.2960762

You've never had to look after teenagers, they don't seem to think about anything else.

>> No.2960916

>He's not talking about it like he's proud of it. What the fuck is wrong with you repressive sexual fucks?
That means he thinks something is wrong with him otherwise he wouldn't give a fuck and as long as he don't act like a creep it's fine by me.

>> No.2960918

N-no I'm Australian

That makes me glad to hear!

>> No.2960936
File: 76 KB, 700x467, Staglieno-cemetry (8)[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you are able to do studies from erotic photography of both sexes without feeling aroused (one of the easiest ways to find nude models).
I just appreciate the form and beauty of the human body much the same way you might admire a beautiful sculpture.

>> No.2960967


Dude, a female body is just another body. A gassy, oily skin bag full of acid, waste, blood and and ossified calcium. You've probably seen over ten billion tits and vaginas by now, and the sight of a couple fat lumps still blows your mind?

To be honest, I'm a bit jealous.

>> No.2960975

We can't all be as edgy as you.

>> No.2960977

Anon, I don't thin you know what edgy means...

>> No.2960982

I guess he means naked woman body doesn't turn him on anymore. It isn't edgy at all.

>> No.2960987


What does edgy even mean anymore, I've given up on keeping up with nu internet slang

>> No.2960993
File: 1.28 MB, 1448x2040, IMG_20170429_160457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish senpai would notice me

>> No.2960996

I am talking about the current use of it on 4chan as in someone who acts "cool" but tries to play it off as either nothing special or being envious of those who aren't like that and yeah, describing the body in such a fashion and making a point about how you are so not like any other normal person that you are jealous is very edgy

Yeah, I'm sure that's the case.

>> No.2960997


have you tried disguising yourself as a box of donuts

>> No.2961472

>weird fetish for mathematics
Dont go on /sci/

>> No.2961539

>A gassy, oily skin bag full of acid, waste, blood and and ossified calcium
You're fucking retarded

>> No.2961545

>the porn addicts itt who think being unresponsive to a prime naked female is a feat of restraint and consequence of maturity
i have news for you: your dick is broken

>> No.2961547
File: 341 KB, 1200x900, 1490230539481 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say this, when I was 18 TEN YEARS AGO seeing a model and an an attractive one at that for my first time was unique since I didnt have sex untill I was 22. The model in that class was one of the few times I've seen a model show her vagina without worry in poses.

I've been to a quite a few figure drawing sessions since then, for the most part I don't get a hardon, but sometimes I do and I enjoy it untill the hardon goes away after a second. There was one model a couple years back from cali who was an actress type that didnt model all that much, who smiled and tried to pysch out the artists by looking them in the eye. Most looked away. I kept eye contact.

>> No.2961549

I wish I was asexual desu

>> No.2961557

>that moment an average looking 40+ something female model unrobes and reveals a rocking body with big firm tits that seemed to have materialized from nothing

>> No.2961618
File: 37 KB, 420x460, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get aroused even when there isn't a perfect compositional balance between subject and background

>> No.2962660

He was 19 and never saw a naked girl
Not saying he has to be ugly, but it's probable

>> No.2962663

Only virgins loose their shit to a great looking model. Real artists capture the bitch on the canvas.

>> No.2962690

Id probably be extra serious with drawing hoping she'd notice me tbqh

>> No.2962912

My husband has a high sex drive. He legit has to masturbate four times a day or he develops lumps on his testes. But he can control himself when faced with figure drawing.

Yes. It IS an immaturity problem.

You're the same kind of retard that would defend a rapist because men has urges yet my husband has never harmed me despite me having a ridiculously low sex drive.

>> No.2962920

Fucking awesome professor there. Fuck that kid.

I don't have much of a story in return but my school had mostly elderly models for the first level class with us once in awhile getting a young model. One of them called herself a vintage model and was cute as heck. Shed try to sell you a book of photographs of her naked in the 70s though which was awkward if you didn't want it.

Somehow I managed to avoid seeing her again after I awkwardly said yes when I didn't have the money so I didn't have to buy it.

She was nice though just a little awkward and had limited poses because of her age.

>> No.2962924

Next time make a joke about it. It'll alleviate tension. Trust me I did it once

>Model from class approached me
>Don't recognize at first
>oh fuck I've seen your vagina
>Say "sorry you look different with clothes on" in a light way
>Both laugh and able to talk normally after.

I'm a grill though so use your judgement on this icebreaker..

>> No.2962929

No one ever drew the dick in my classes so my awkward attempt at fudging out a dick without staring at it was obvious when we did critiques.

But a friend told me a horror story of a model dick dripping from an STD so it was hard to look at them going forward if I didn't need to.

>> No.2962941

retarded anecdote, retarded conclusion and retarded analogy
refrain from posting in the future

>> No.2963065

low sex drive women, for your average man, is a living hell

can't imagine how this 'high sex drive husband' isn't depressed to death with you

>> No.2963094

Just wait till tomorrow when they bring in the preggos and hung 50 year old dads.

Unless that's what you're into in which case I have no more advice.

>> No.2963228

so every woman ever?

>> No.2963275

there are plenty of nymphos out there famalam

>> No.2963353

plenty? no.
women don't need high sex drives.

>> No.2964293


>Not masturbating in class and using your semen for the high lights


>> No.2964295


Too much pony porn, now only Hooves get me hard.

>> No.2964376

>she was happily married.
To a cuck u mean

>> No.2964424
File: 13 KB, 236x382, 4534534353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually wank to this

>> No.2964435
File: 9 KB, 229x229, comfy cot feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too?

>> No.2966793

I'm 27 and I'm having trouble with erections . Even seeing the female body doesn't turn me on.

>> No.2966795

See a doctor and get some help.

>> No.2966801

I'm on endocrine.

>> No.2966845
File: 38 KB, 400x533, Andrew Loomis - Art Instructor and Marshmellow Mandingo Monster Cock Pussy Slayer Supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same problem bud. Our entire generation is fucked. Whether it's chemicals in the water and household objects, cir-cumcision or psychological desensitization via porn. Enjoy your lifetime of involuntary celibacy, fellow millenial numale.

>> No.2966849
File: 146 KB, 605x345, Not-Gonna-Make-It Note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also holy fuck (((cir-cum-cision))) is censored!? I thought it was the off-site urls I was posting that were triggering the spam filter for the past half hour. What in the world? Someone else confirm, please.



>> No.2966851

No, it's not.

>> No.2966863

Well it's hypogonadism

>> No.2968918

that fucking neck

>> No.2968931

I always feel kind of werid when in going to life drawing i'm a fairly ideal male as far as looks go so even when some of the pretty models are on the stage it's nothing im not used to. these are generally the kind of girls that are attracted to me.

Now im not saying all artist are kissless virgins or appaling bags of meat but that sometimes i feel that at life drawing sometime guys on the lower end of the spectrum tend to make up the majority.

I have always had really good looking gf, im wondering if i would be better off at this point just having girls i know/ meet model for me instead of paying a professional. i mean at least for the non nude sessions.

>> No.2968937

nice blogpost, neck yourself

>> No.2968938
File: 35 KB, 564x846, c30da16a30af440e2b8b3317ce8468cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the opposite problem

>be me trying to get gut at art
>some young hipster model sees me walk in
>instantly feel her eyes all over me.
>essentially rapeing me with her eyes.
>im just here to draw.jpeg
>At break walks right up to me ignoring the other 14+ drawers
>hello anon, nice drawing.
>clearly trying to flirt etc..
>shes cute but im autism and just want to draw.

>draw and does 180 and walksaway.

>> No.2968942

why don't you go neck yourself as well

>> No.2968946

Ha, Thats actually one of the reasons im thinking about having girls i know model for me.

The jealousy of the artist who are trying to seduce the model is just ridiculous.

>> No.2969055
File: 6 KB, 150x150, 1426399112545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>figure drawing in uni
>final model is in her mid 20s
>class starts and she undresses
>she looks so uncomfortable
>I've seen enough naked people irl to not be phased by nudity at this point
>prof has her strike different poses to warmup
>she's visibly trembling
>and she keeps darting her eyes at me
>"I wonder what's her problem. First time posing nude maybe?"
>20 minutes in we get to the real pose
>she hunches over so nobody can see her genitals
>she's still darting her eyes at me
>have to resist darting back
>during the break she walks up to me & asks if she's seen me somewhere
>realize I had a couple classes with her a few semesters ago
>spend the next four classes awkwardly exchanging glances at one another
>can't shake the feeling she's only covering up because she thinks I'm gonna jerk off to her

>> No.2969071

You need to punch her in the face. Women love it when you assert dominance.

>> No.2969120

Soooo strike up a conversation about people and projects from that class.

>> No.2969154

you are a faggot. was the anti smoking rant necessary?

>> No.2969155

ummm i was since i was like 11 or something.

>> No.2969161

it's customary for these types of girls to be whorish?

>> No.2969166

Actually if you masterbate that much and for that short amount of time you have low testosterone anon.

>> No.2969173

people with low testosterone don't have high sex drives

>> No.2969187

Kill yourself retard

>> No.2969189

I was when I was 8 and walked in on my cousin watching porn. Ignited the curiosity in me pretty quickly.

The difference is children aren't READY or mentally mature enough for sex which is while pedos who advocate that kids "Give consent" are retarded and disgusting.

Hence, calling someone a child in this instance is very accurate.

>> No.2969191

It's good money depending on where you post (Some schools can afford to pay better than others). It's a modeling gig even if it's figure modeling.

it takes more endurance than you'd think (We had a day where our model didn't show up so we took turns posing clothed and everyone was complaining and grew a new appreciation for our models after that day).

Stop slut shaming people who aren't disgusting fatties like you, anon.

>> No.2969759


>> No.2970033

Aww, that sounds really lovely.

The most awkward for me was when I first joined up life drawing classes and we finally got a male model after a slew of ladies. I was so afraid he'd think I was staring down his dick and literally just had a void in his crotch. He'd over by me and my pieces during breaks and I was just blubbering nerves.

Now I'm older and work in a sex shop, so staring at dicks for nine hours at a time has really desensitized me. Now I just treat them like shapes I need to render.

None of the models we've had have been my type, but I'm also dead inside when it comes to sex and nudity now so.

>> No.2970057

O no, this is probably me because I jerk off like once a month and I can't grow facial hair, is low test a bad thing if you don't care about being manly?