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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2950410 No.2950410 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about conceptual art and it's place in modern art scene today.
Traditional art is practically gone from the perspective, new artists tend to make art that less estetic and more controversial, ''screaming'' mostly. How do you think art will evolve in the future and what artist of today lead the art movement?
Also, 3d printing is getting popular and opens some new possibilities in sculpting, I've recently checked some works, and they're stunning, the thing that could olny exist in the form of drawing because of complexity now can be printed in a very detailed way.

>> No.2950431

>new artists tend to make art that less estetic and more controversial, "screaming" mostly
Do you feel that that's a fair characterization of artists who are exploring controversial subject matter? That's a pretty sweeping statement.

I think that may be an oversimplification of their intentions and goals as artists.

>> No.2950432

Traditional art is the new punk rock

>> No.2950459



>> No.2950463

Conceptual art is just neomarxist cancer, there is no next stage, we've reached the point where we are putting blank canvas's and literal trash on display in museums, I don't know if we can sink any lower. I guess the next stage is to remove the art completely, and have a museum with nothing in it. That's coming.

>> No.2950467

Why does this upset you

>> No.2950470

Art has been like this for a century. Even before then, high art has been a bourgeois occupation. Representational art is still being made even for the bourgeois but it's usually some level of ironic.

Just follow comic artists or soemthing. Nobody who is living is making immortal art, late stage capitalism is incompatible with timeless art. Culture is marvel avenegers 12 and star wars 27 and Halo: Dark Souls in Afghanistan. Not Studio Art


What's funny is that this neomarxist cancer is pretty bougeoisie lmao

>> No.2950472

It doesn't upset me, I don't care. That's the problem, they degraded art to a point where it's no longer relevant.
It's just a symptom though, of the ultimate death of western culture and society at the hands of neomarxism.

>> No.2950483

You don't feel art is relevant anymore?

>> No.2950510

The only time conceptual art penetrates mainstream culture is when someone's talking about how ridiculous it's become. News article aren't being writing about an artist carving an amazing sculpture from stone, now art makes the news when it's thrown away by accident.
And it's not that all art is irreverent, it's all around us and we experience it everyday, most just don't consider it 'A'rt.

>> No.2950554
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Music has gone further in that sense.

>> No.2950573
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>> No.2950599

>The only time conceptual art penetrates mainstream culture is when someone's talking about how ridiculous it's become.
You should read about impressionism and how essentially every major art movement was met with this same response

>> No.2950608
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>the works of highest quality were all produced by the group being graded for quantity
>the ''quality'' group had [...] little more to snow for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay

>> No.2950625

And each time it happened 'A'rt drifted further away from the general population and further into degeneracy.

>> No.2950635

the fuck are you talking about, only modern art and everything after is shit

>> No.2950637
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Why do some of you trash on conceptual art when Hirst made perhaps the most aesthetically pleasing piece of art ever made?
And some of his other sculptures are pretty insane, even in a traditional sense.

>> No.2950643

That doesn't seem like a very sound argument.
Did those art movements actually make art drift away from the general population? Because some of the most popular works and artists come from those movements.
Monet with impressionism, Van Gogh with post impressionism, Pollock with abstract impressionism, Warhol with pop art...
Even if you don't necessarily like these artists and their works, you can't deny their popularity.
The majority of /ic/ has super fascist, reddity STEMlord views on art. If it isn't representational, or if it has a heavy conceptual component to it, it is instantly shit.

>> No.2950647


I think there are basically three camps, Abstract expressionists (Zombies who all think exactly alike), Conceptualist (boring as fuck to talk to because everything has to make logical sense), and pop(cynical and capitalist). Pop and conceptualism are much more feasible because they are actually relevant and not just an institution like abstraction.

The point of contemporary art and really art in western civilization in general is to reflect culture and turn it into a commodity. Find what the culture is about and then your pretty close to figuring out whats going to happen with the art.

Abstract is dead. The ideas behind conceptual art are pretty boring a lot of times but there is some very interesting conceptual art from a cultural standpoint. Barbara Kruger and Baldessari basically predicted meme culture in the 70s and 80s. Cindy Sherman predicted selfie culture and how everybody can fabricate a visual identity for themselves today.

I think that the most interesting artist today is Richard Prince. Appropriation is extremely important culturally atm. His work is more about personality than emotional expression or theories. Personality is what I think art is going.

>> No.2950659
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>> No.2950662

>The point of contemporary art and really art in western civilization in general is to reflect culture and turn it into a commodity.

This is an interesting point.

I agree with most of what you say, but I have some questions regarding this statement.
I feel that from my own experiences, and in talking with other artist friends, the common denominator of art making is self expression. It sounds trite, but for the most part, I believe it to be true.

I think the artist is forced to commodify their work in order to make a living, and in this way, may (consciously or unconsciously) cater to trends in the art world. I'm thinking of that great article awhile back about zombie formalism. In a capitalist society, I think this catering to trends is unavoidable.

In this way, I feel that the forced commodification of artwork is a symptom of the society we are a part of, and not directly the point of contemporary art.

>I think that the most interesting artist today is Richard Prince
I think you're right. I wasn't a huge fan of his nurse paintings, but I'm really enjoying his whole instagram series of works. I think that format functions better for the commentary he's trying to give.

>> No.2950667
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/ic/ is retarded. I get that conceptual art might not always be the easiest to enjoy.
But a large amount of it is representational so when morons here trash on all of it it just makes them looks uneducated.

>> No.2950687


From the individual artists standpoint art is about self expression I agree.

As a societal construct though I don't think this matters so much. I think society mainly looks to art for culture and commodity and those two things have been the real fuel of art since the renaissance. Otherwise artists would have never been rewarded or payed and no one would know what an artist is or even cared. At the end of the day art is a service like anything else.

I know a lot of artists who aren't rewarded for their efforts at all because they aren't interested in people and culture, just their own individual expression. So their work isn't relevant. Society champions the artists that reflect and comment on what happening now, which in my experience might actually be the minority of working artists.

Commodification also leads to some pretty vapid pandering work so it's a double edged sword, like with zombie formalism, cookie cutter realism, kitch, etc.

In general I'm pretty hyped for he next generation of artists though. I mean I think we're probably the most visual generation ever born, and by that I mean we see more images per day and your average person produces more images and shares them than any point in history. It should be interesting to see how that manifests in the art world going forward.

>> No.2951192
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>> No.2952209

Conceptual art is a bunch of wank

>> No.2952232
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So Damnien Hirst is the only modern "artist" anyone knows here?
I think y'all ought to read-up on Matthew Barney.

>> No.2952233
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Ok, time for some modern art appreciation fags.

>> No.2952236
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>> No.2952237
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>> No.2952240
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>> No.2952243
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>> No.2952247
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>> No.2952251
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>> No.2952252
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>> No.2952255
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>> No.2952258
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>> No.2952263
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>> No.2952266
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>> No.2952268
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>> No.2952269
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>> No.2952273
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>> No.2952274
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>> No.2952277
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>> No.2952283
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>> No.2952286
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>> No.2952289

>Why does this upset you
I completely agree!
Thatll be 9.50 to see the "mastery of the empty space" museum

>> No.2952292
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This concludes todays reading of today's book:
"We Go To The Gallery"
I hope you enjoyed it.

>> No.2952441


fucking lol thats was great

>> No.2952475

Sums up 4chan quite alright.

>> No.2952479
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How can you call that stuff controversial if you browsed any imageboard for more than a few months?
Everyone here should be aware of the most bizarre ideas and pictures already.
When i first heard of Damien Hirst and saw his work i just thought it was boring outdated shit.

>> No.2952489

Yep, the Young Brits have been humping the same tired concepts since the early 90's. All Damien Hirst creates are lame factory produced Momento Mori's.

>> No.2952555

The new art is memes and anime shit. 4chan is more artistic than any too deep for you art gallery will ever be, even though there isn't any fancy feeling of refinement to be elitist about.

>> No.2953029

>Let's talk about conceptual art

Worst place to talk about conceptual art is right here, you'll gain nothing here, so fuck you for making this thread

>> No.2953212

>Traditional art is practically gone from the perspective
totally absolutely untrue
just it ceased being the only thing in the art market
one of the hugest things in contemporary 20th century art is superflat which is trad painting for instance
to this day a good chunk of contemporary artists use traditional techniques of painting AND sculpture i dont need to show you examples go to a gallery.

>> No.2953214

21st century* sorry mates

>> No.2953217

>linking conceptual art and marxism when conceptual art is bourgeois AND spectacle
absolutely haram

>> No.2953980
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It was 7 years ago when I first saw a picture in the newspaper, it was a gold horn bull in glass box, I wasn't into art at all but that thing totally hooked me up. I started to draw, to come up with ideas, concepts, themes, all kinds of stuff, some of them are still to be made, some were done so far, the simpliest one is actually acomplished in hirst's recent works, representing the art done by the ocean(conceptually).