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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 435 KB, 800x600, 27091203_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2949975 No.2949975 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen multiple people suggesting this artist as an anatomy source for beginners despite the fact that he has wonky anatomy and half the time you can't even understand what's he's drawing.

>> No.2949982

That's because you suffer from Dunning Kruger Syndrome. 0033 knows more about anatomy and the human figure than you will ever know. You are just not good enough to see skill in anything other than detailed renderings.

>> No.2949994
File: 302 KB, 600x600, 45167657_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at his fucking finished shit. I've seen intermediate level artists do better than this.

>You are just not good enough to see skill in anything other than detailed renderings.

>uses simplification as an excuse for wonky anatomy. Is this the 2017 version of muh style?

I'm actually an animator, so I can see the value in simplified drawing, WHEN IT'S DONE RIGHT, this guy is as hack.

>> No.2949999
File: 65 KB, 670x448, virtualsurgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> and half the time you can't even understand what's he's drawing.

are you projecting? his drawings are easily readable.

>> No.2950003

Get to an ophthalmologist. Glasses won't save you.

>> No.2950006

looks fine to me, don't be a baby

>> No.2950009

0033 is an animator.
He always prioritizes readability and speed over being "anatomically correct".

>> No.2950032

what happens if theres a power outage during one of these

>> No.2950034

patient death, probably.

>> No.2950040

It's just you that can't understand his drawings.

>> No.2950042

I believe most of these places have generators in case of emergency.

>> No.2950150
File: 47 KB, 736x552, 4f7306058e3d75341b7d2cb0cb20b2e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the most "finished" drawing in his gallery.
I understand anatomy well enough to know that he doesn't understand anatomy. >>2949999
He draws in an obscure manner to hide his lack of anatomy knowledge.

These heads for example indicate that he doesn't understand construction at all. If you want a good anatomy resource study krenz. The problem with you beginners is that you don't have high enough eye level to differentiate between shit and good work.

>> No.2950166

Redline them then. Make me laugh

>> No.2950214

Not gonna make it.

>> No.2950215

wasn`t it confirmed that 0033 was Krenz all along?

>> No.2950232

Post your work.

>> No.2950236


Shitnoob spotted.

>> No.2950250
File: 232 KB, 940x1504, 8ef0a754-988f-4bf8-a9ae-194b25b2afb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said I was better than 0033
already have>>2950215
no? >>2950232

Do I have to be better than an artist to criticize his work?

>> No.2950264

seriously, why did you make this thread ? what do you think it is going to bring to my growth or your growth to trash on some artist ? If you want to save us from following bad artists, then post what you consider are better artists. Let people decide for themselves what they take from different artists. It's pretentious to talk about another artists' skill and understanding of art even when a pro of similar skill do it, but you look like a complete fool when you do it as a novice.

>> No.2950265


this cant be real

>> No.2950273

your drawings are ok. the grill on bottom left is p cute good taste/10 desu in ladies tho

>> No.2950275

0033 is trash, why does /ic/ always recommend this artist?

because /ic is trash

>> No.2950281

Hmmm, your work needs a little help. Have you seen 0033 stuff? His stuff should help you.

>> No.2950291
File: 110 KB, 1000x847, 1483880232813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2950294
File: 81 KB, 419x480, 1477290582875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2950309

>this quality of work
>making fun of a great artist
>dunning kudger every time


>> No.2950324

*breathes in*


>> No.2950326

top shitpost

>> No.2950338

He definitely knows anatomy. But even pro artists sometimes get too complacent with simplification/style to a point where everything becomes ambiguous. I wouldn't recommend him to a beginner either, but the same goes for almost every artist unless it is top tier, 100% reliable like KJG. Everyone has some vices or inaccuracies, that's why it's always much better to study from reality.

>> No.2950344

>I wouldn't recommend him to a beginner either
But who are you? Maybe you can't draw

>> No.2950348

This isn't even yours and the people giving you (yous) need to slap themselves.

>> No.2950353

It is my work.

How about instead of shitting on my work you post your work u fucking shit heads. You are all probably drawing stick figures as far as i'm concerned.

>> No.2950354

oooo snap! He went there!

>> No.2950361


Why am I seriously not Janitor? What does it take, Hiro? I'm clearly qualified. You have my email already please allow me to liberate /ic/ from this filth, please.

>> No.2950362

>It is my work.
yeah sure

>> No.2950391
File: 968 KB, 820x653, reallynigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2950394

>and half the time you can't even understand what's he's drawing.
are you blind?

>> No.2950408
File: 38 KB, 374x276, thereasonwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody likes rulefags desu

>> No.2950412
File: 205 KB, 800x1154, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pssh, you're small time kiddo.

>> No.2950519

>this fucking thread
>shitting on legendary 0033-sensei
>not only doing that but doing it when your own work is that shit

>> No.2950530


If you don't know how to simplify muscles and bones that you know by name, then you don't know much about anatomy.

>> No.2950531
File: 118 KB, 846x900, IMG_1403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2950549

>I'm actually an animator

So you are either setting key frames with a mouse or don't have a job, I don't see how that qualifies you to say anything about 0033

>> No.2950564

Have another (you)

I think his hands looks great! You on the other hand, can't even construct a head properly and ur hands look like feathers.

I'm guessing you DON'T know anatomy well enough to be a judge

>> No.2950566

muh sides

>> No.2950612
File: 112 KB, 242x237, 1476208029559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>dunning kudger

>> No.2950613


Dude, you're here trashing on 0033's stuff, when you're still using guidelines for the face.... c'mon man, who're you trying to fool?

>> No.2950642

thanks OP for introducing me to 0033 what a great artist

do you guys have any translated tutorials from him?

>> No.2950664

I have never seen that name before. This looks like a shill thread. With so many good sources for anatomy why would people recommend shit like that?

>> No.2950670


Do you even comprehend the skill level behind those sketches? It's close to masterful.

>> No.2950678








Jesus fuck you need to stop being so shit. You're obviously too deep into /ic/'s patented "everyone is shit" mentality.

>> No.2950700
File: 992 KB, 267x200, 1480318778374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2950702


It's just not that good anon. Generic anime proportions that looks like they have been done using an action figure for reference. Honest opinion. Deal with it.

>> No.2950736

it's honest, but hopelessly awful

>> No.2950754

Here's another bump for your shill thread.

>> No.2950770
File: 447 KB, 2048x1495, IMG_20170422_125503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what you misunderstand about 0033 is that he's not simplifying the muscles or constructing figures like you might expect.
He's simplifying *forms* (not the anatomy, even though the anatomy does directly influence the shape and forms, he's not necessarily trying to outline it) and uses his own method of mannequinization.

I can see where you're coming from with thinking he's a bad artist or a bad example, but hes really not.

No one should try to copy exactly what he does, rather use it as an example to build your own understanding of forms and the shapes that make up the human figure (your own shape language aka style).

He'd be a bad source for beginners to learn from as they might try and use what he does as construction or think that he's outlining muscles when he's not. Once construction and anatomy become second nature you start doing this automatically to some extent, which turns into your 'style'

Pic related.

If I was at my computer I'd post my own sketches but I'll just use Koki as an example since he's the only artist I can think of who posted stuff like this recently.

I started drawing with Loomis, Vilppu, and Bridgman and after a few years I've developed my own method like this, many other artists do the same. I'm not as clean or consistent with how I do it as 0033 is and neither is Koki (this kind of stuff only needs to make sense to the artist so it's often messy), but hopefully that explains what 0033 is doing a bit better.

0033 shows his method as he's probably noticed and learned to simplify things that might take years for someone else to learn on their own.

What Krenz teaches is actually similar but less stylized, more beginner friendly, and more anatomically structured.

I don't know if any of that made sense and I'm sure some people might think this is bullshit and I'm wrong, and that's fine.

maybe I am, it's just what I've understood through my own learning and studies.

>> No.2950795


Freddy Krueger syndrome, don't sleep tonight.

>> No.2951049

Is there somewhere I can get all of his stuff? I occasionally go on 2chan to find some, but I want more.

>> No.2951241

0033 is a god, who ever is pic related is fucking garbage.

>> No.2951345


>> No.2951388

Not him but those hands in the op are visual slop.

>> No.2951657
File: 440 KB, 1280x960, hand_ref_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from maybe the very last figure, they are all easily readable and work perfectly fine with the overall figure. One of the big problems beginners like you often have is that they always over draw the hands without thinking about the zoom level at which the viewer sees the figure and how much detail definition is necessary to get your point across with the most effective, simple statement.

You might want to study some Bridgman, Krenz and 0033 hand abstractions to get a better understanding of this.

>> No.2951714

talk shit get hit

>> No.2951892
File: 146 KB, 1024x637, sketchballs_022_by_sycra-d7i17fo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even sycra has better anatomy sketches...

>> No.2951923

lol no

>> No.2951932

That just shows how bad you are at art that both your taste and your anatomy knowledge is this abysmal.

>> No.2951945

lol come on, that doesn't even qualify as bait, the dude is joking. it's the internet, relax.

>> No.2951969

I'm not an expert with computers, but what how does the filename show that it isn't his?

>> No.2951999

>when you're still using guidelines for the face
>dis nigga acting like using/not using guidelines means anything

>> No.2952004

That's the type of filename that happens when you save it off another website and don't rename it yourself.

>> No.2952158

I don't understand how you can look at 0033's sketches and then look at Sycra's and then think that Sycra's are better.

I seriously cannot.

>> No.2952279


The pic you posted clearly shows a lack of experience, as displaced by the rigidity of lines and the need for guidelines for the face. There's nothing wrong with using guidelines if you're learning. The point is that you're still learning, when 0033 is a long ways past where you are. Come back to us when you catch up.

>> No.2952285


You're artistically imbecilic if you think that is better than 0033's stuff. Not hating on Sycra, but he has a ways to go before getting to where 0033 is. But obviously a lot closer than trash-talking OP here. Maybe if OP spent as much time practicing as he did trashing on someone out of butthurt frustration, he'd get there sooner.

>> No.2952302

>implying I posted it
>implying I'm not calling you stupid for the heck of it
Stop taking everything so serious nigger

>> No.2952304

That isn't actual surgery. The guy is using VR set to practice for real ones. Saves a lot of money and time.

>> No.2952318

>>The back-peddle is real.

>> No.2952928

Hey fucker dont pose as peacuch you motherfuckin pretentious ashole. Pretending youre good in art!? Pfft when the art isnt even yours you dumbfuck

>> No.2952932


>> No.2952935

This is it OP. stop being jaded little cunt and get back to drawing to whatever shit taste you follow. How are these thread keep poping up like weeds. Ignore this piece of crap and let it die from now.

>> No.2952936


Peach this is really sad m8. You got rekt and now you're trying to back peddle? baka

>> No.2953008

is there a little dogo inside that cavity

>> No.2953130

I'm a bit worried if this is something that most of /ic/ can't replicate.

>> No.2953138

let's see it then

>> No.2953150


You can only draw like this if you have a great deal of anatomy knowledge. Quick spontaneous almost sloppy lines that yet convey a great deal of anatomical information. You simply can't fake that.

>> No.2953410

I don't think the shitposter is far along their artistic education to even understand what you're saying. They're probably still at the stage where they think if they got photoshop, they would be as good as the greatest artists.

>> No.2953423

go ahead boi
we are waiting

>> No.2954737

That dude obviously has a pretty good three-dimensional understanding of the human body. I have no idea what you find hard to understand about his drawings.

>> No.2954772


>> No.2954798

>your drawings are ok