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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 464 KB, 750x625, Japanese artist sleeping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2939749 No.2939749 [Reply] [Original]

What is your local art scene like?

>> No.2939784

glasgow's full of fuckin snobs but at least they're fun to get pissed w/

>> No.2939820

Non existent. Which I guess is kinda good in a way. I can begin a new chapter in this little town.

>> No.2939854

Who's the artist for that pic?

>> No.2939855

german art people are unbearable pieces of shit and im jealous of the amerifats.
german art scene is basically dunning-krueger: the population.
the people here are so stuck up and unable to take criticism, its unbearable. they would probably break down crying or get fucking pissed if someone told them that shading with black and white wasnt a good thing to do.

>> No.2940213
File: 245 KB, 526x335, 1490055725551.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Art scene? Never heard of such a thing.

Damn, now i want that kotatsu setup.

>> No.2940220

pretty good here, lots of older people, enough little galleries to get money sometimes, not many dedicated full on starving artist types though, most have day jobs

>> No.2940248

It's dominated by liberal politics and everyone is taught to be deep instead of learning real technical skills that can get them real jobs.
The only good thing about our scene is that a lot of new groups have been created recently.

>> No.2940261

what the fuck is an art scene

>> No.2940721

Working in an office where the average animator or tech artist is miles ahead of /ic/ in drawing skills.

>> No.2940726

Come to Dundee, more or less same scene but jobs are opening up cause of this V&A building.
Just stay away from the Fine Art students, they are still boring when drunk.

>> No.2940733

>Come to Dundee
lol. I'm not surprised at all to see artfags from that shithole on /ic/. I haven't seen such a huge amount of hopeless artists gathered in one city in my whole life.

it's hilarious how they keep pumping cash into the local game companies without any results. I wouldn't want to be there when it all crashes

>> No.2940742

It is a shithole, but so is the entire country, don't act like glasgow's any better, especially how everything there is double the price.
People are like your saying funding loads of game companies and studios, why not just milk it then leave

>> No.2940744

lmao dude you dont need to tell me
i'm moving to dundee in two months for an unconditional at D&A for animation

>> No.2940748

The course is alright if you want to do 2D animation, they know fuck all about 3D programs. Most people on the animation course tend to be anime loving spergs.
Get talking to the life drawing teacher as well, he's a legend, will let you sit in any life drawing class that he teaches if there is room

>> No.2940749

>don't act like glasgow's any better
I'm not the glasgow fag. I left the whole country. All of Uk's game scene sucks balls in my opinion. Maybe GTA could make the cut but the rest seems to be on life support .

>why not just milk it then leave
I wouldn't hire someone who spent several years doing useless marketing games without actually progressing in his career. The artists over 30 were not even close to senior levels and the students we interviewed were so bad we coulnd't even consider them for unpaid internships.

>> No.2940754

>Most people on the animation course tend to be anime loving spergs
noted, they showed me a lot of the other students work. Really hoping i become that shit
ive met him a few times and he seems really chill. Thankfully he told me they really want to focus on my character design beyond anything else; im really not a 3D lover anyway, though obviously it would be a good skill to have under the belt. I've thought about taking some night courses for Maya

mate some people cant afford to just jump ship and study whereverthefuck, UK's game scene may be shit but it's as good as it gets for some people
no offense but stop acting retarded

>> No.2940758

I'm not even wanting to get into game industry, just freelance illustration, though I do agree if you wanted to get into the game industry in the UK it's either Rockstar or nothing.
Where did you move to anyway?

>> No.2940776

The course seems to be good in that respect, you can pick character design, backgrounds, in-between etc to speciallise in and the film for your degree show is usually a collaboration where you can enslave the third years to do most of the labour.

>> No.2940779
File: 100 KB, 600x600, 1491235018886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Always good to keep a box of tissues around.

>> No.2940796

I live in Florida. What the fuck do you think.

Even if i get decent, there's nowhere close by to where i could even grow.

>> No.2941140

like who even is algenpfleger

>> No.2941193

> Be in a new town for about six months
> It's has the largest left-leaning collection of the country
> Fucking student town as a cherry on top of the shitpile

> On supply shop at the good local
> Peeps crawling from the weed fog they swam out from in their shitty mid-city rentals
> "You got spray cans? You got markers?"
> Another couple comes in
> "Got oil?"
> Flips up tumblr tier art A5 sketches
> It's not sketches
> Bag my staedlers and leave
> Have to pass a thousand unspiring grafittis and lazy political posters cus I prefer walking home

Quite suffrable, if I may say so.

>> No.2941230

If /ic/ was city how would you describe its art scene?

>> No.2941244

Imagine an ideal bohemian town (Praag) festered by snobs and daily visits from people who either doesn't belong here for various reasons, spouting the general struggle of the artist while having the time of pissing and throwing garbage at the public shamesquare picked up from other slums rather than actually teaching or criticque, cus it's easier to point to the one important infrastructure with the sign saying /sticky/.

The art scene would be less focused on doing, more so than talk about what people are doing aswell as meme or steal shit unless it came from a backalley where /beg/gars gather or trading books.

If any colors describe I imagine, it'd be gray tones with a tint of dark green like absinth.

All anonymously, of course.

>> No.2941257

I don't even know what my national art scene is like.

>> No.2941260

>tfw also in Florida hell
Take me to Cali so I can slave away at an unpaid internship and take visdev classes on the side.

>> No.2941293

I want to see /ic/ exhibitions in Glasgow, I hate the contemporary art scene here. Fucking same abstract and conceptual bullshit everyday, I just want to see some old fashioned paintings

>> No.2941629

old well off retired people who paint cows in between playing golf and fucking around on horses and poverty stricken rednecks who play the acoustic guitar real good

>> No.2941635

then join the antique scene instead, there's 600 years of old paintings for you to look at

>> No.2942073
File: 133 KB, 413x640, zorn st ives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>St Ives

Famous artist colony, some pretty good artists and a shitton of commercial galleries where tourists buy paintings.

I'm pretty lucky desu

>> No.2942251

Yep, sounds just like how a /ic/ity should be. Maybe let's add some brown tones from the shit stains through the city's walls.

>> No.2942411

>anything of funnor value
>shitholesville, midwest

fine keks, op

>> No.2942561

One time i went into a glasgow antique store and they kicked me out because they thought i was a vagrant