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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 92 KB, 960x927, 1467235503359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2934340 No.2934340 [Reply] [Original]

>put in 4ish years
>still not that good
>still cant make finished pieces
Not gonna make it
Wish i could quit but i know i can't.

>> No.2934345

You're totally going to make it.
Push harder. I believe in you, anon.
Might wanna drop some of your art in one of the threads so you can get some critique, maybe you're better than you think.


>> No.2934348

told you, but you didn't listen

>> No.2934352
File: 192 KB, 1246x644, Sample 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a sample of progress, i think this is like a year, i have another ill post.
Ive gotten better, but man ive seen people with less years than me fucking miles ahead.
How do i get myself to quit then? I cant get this fucking monkey off my back.

>> No.2934354
File: 177 KB, 1329x744, sample 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the other sample in relation to >>2934352

>> No.2934355

How are you so good?

>> No.2934360

Easy, im not
Post your work so i can get some perspective.

>> No.2934411

Not to shit on your work, but this doesn't look like a product of 4 years of studies and practice
My advice is to find a group (not counting /ic ) where you can post your work and get crits from other artists, facebook,discord , deviantart, find a community where you can interact with other artists on daily basis

>> No.2934417

your right, i guess i wasnt that diligent with drawing, still arent
I had part time jobs and school to content with, along with my shitty habits

I did have a discord group where i got crits, but i didnt uplaod for awhile cause of work and they kicked me. I barely ever upload to /ic/

>> No.2934421


So is this the best you can do after 4 years? Did you ever try paint from life or reference?

>> No.2934425

i do draw from life and reference
>people doubt me this hard

Honestly if i could quit i would. I want off this train.

>> No.2934427


Im not doubting you im just wondering what level you work is at,if you have any paintings to show or something more compete than those sketches.

>> No.2934430

What did you get on in the first place for? Do you want to draw cute girls?

>> No.2934432
File: 369 KB, 1280x1024, shit painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i dont have anything more complete than these sketches, i told myself i do finished work when im good enough

I do have one """painting""" although i didnt look at a tutorial or read anything so i was pretty much just fucking guessing

i heard you should wait to draw well before you paint, so i havent painted yet.

Here is my one and only painting.

>> No.2934434

4 years is nothing. Don't get fooled by /ic/ memes. A lot of people here seem to think working 2-3 hours a day for 3 years will put you at pro level. If you can realize you still suck and get depressed AND motivated by that rather than just depressed, you'll eventually make it. It will take a long time, though.

>> No.2934439

ive been drawing as a kid, but i had shit habits (ie muh style)

Around freshman year, when i started to play dnd i wanted to draw my cool barbarian dudes.
Also i liked to animate, but i told myself i return to animation when i could draw better (haven't done it in awhile)

I would go on tumblr to inspire me to draw, i grew a liking to pinup/cute girls

Now i just want to draw cute girls/some characters/porn.

Buit making a GOOD drawing would make me very happy.

im only 19 so i guess i do have a long time

Still i feel like im in a rut.

>> No.2934446

>pulled myself out of depression
>got into therapy, meds, vitamins, ect
>feel great and sociable now, have plenty of energy
>lost all motivation to do art
>completely burnt out from years of forcing drawing through depression

What was the fucking point then

>> No.2934447

>i heard you should wait to draw well before you paint, so i havent painted yet.

Why did you fall for this meme advice. If you really want to be a painter, start pushing yourself to make finished pieces, be it from photoreference, life or imagination.

Still life paintings would be a great way to start, just put some shit on your desk and draw it. Check the book thread and also get the CtrlPaint series on basic rendering as well.

>> No.2934450

early me did fall for alot of memes. Guess i retained them

Its hard to get me to draw fruit though, man that shit is boring.
I feel like im a loser who should give up.

think this is me to an extent too, got any art to post/tumblr?

>> No.2934457
File: 1.26 MB, 1738x2000, 148L10030_5NMMZ_RESHOOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its hard to get me to draw fruit though, man that shit is boring.

Its actually pretty fun when you start looking deeper into what you're really seeing and painting that. Just throwing down 1 base colour 1 light and 1 shadow is boring as fuck but when you look at masters of still life paintings its never boring. Its also a lot more satisfying to have a finished still life than figure sketches in my opinion.

>> No.2934461
File: 25 KB, 480x854, old drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find sketchy figures looking super cool af

i could do some still lifes i guess. I just wish i could draw people better.

Could you reccomend me a routine/general thing to follow for this? clearly despite my time ivestment im not gud enough

Also can i see your work?

Also here is a sketch i did a few years ago. sorry for poor qualtiy

>> No.2934472

pfffff, keep going, you'll be fine
you only truly fail when you give up

>> No.2934483

Here's the deal. You don't become passionate about art with the sole intention of getting good so you can draw technically good art. You draw because drawing is like eating. You need it.

If you can't stop, it's because you need art. That's what an artist is. Not someone who paints masterpieces just to be "good".

If you want to get better, that's just frosting on the cake.

>> No.2934484
File: 190 KB, 1000x1289, redlineoverpaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea sure, this is some stuff I've done for other anons on /ic/.

If you're more keen on drawing figures than paintings thats cool, but to understand light a bit better doing a still life every few days will be really useful as long as youre making observations and trying to gain something specific from every study.

Although actual line drawing is my biggest weakness, for drawing figures I would honestly recommend ensuring you have good control over rectangles and cylinders first and then constructing bodies with these forms only and studying asaro heads for faces, look up loads of different books and artists' construction methods and keep practicing it.

>> No.2934490

Watch some videos about timed gesture drawings and grind some of those for a while. "Line of action" is a great resource for timed poses.
If you want to improve you need to put your time. Pencil to paper.
Don't wait until you are food to do paintings, overreaching will push you.
There are so many free resources online. Just google whatever you want to work on

>> No.2934532

i think ic is actually a good place to go, i wouldnt be half as good as i am now if not for ic constantly pissing me off and making me be like FUCK YOU IM GONNA GET BETTER
also i have received many good crits and info from here.

>> No.2934533

Post your work

>> No.2934553

i'm not saying i'm great or anything but i have improved for sure. still a lot of work to do though. need more varied subject matter and so on. tkgmalice.tumblr.com
the key to learning from ic is not to shitpost too much and ignore most of the harshness that comes with the shitposted crits and use those art-book threads. but you actually do have to do the work .

>> No.2934559
File: 2.35 MB, 1403x1007, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<progress pic for 1 year after coming to ic if you dont feel like going to the blog.

>> No.2934563

Hey, you're not too shabby. You mentor anyone?

>> No.2934565
File: 180 KB, 1024x1309, korea_stye01_by_rising_meteor-db51awi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason you hate art and want to quit is because you're expanding out of your comfort zone.

Doing this goes against your basic nature, goes against homeostasis. Your doing things inside your brain that stress it out, and you try to fake yourself out of it by stopping. Way easier to evade, rather than learn.

The thing is, you need to give up your norm of only making sketches and then stopping, and spending hours on adding more things to your arsenal.

Whenever something is bothering you to no end while you draw, and the only thing you want to do is just stop, thats the sign that you're breaking new ground.

Drawing bowls of fruit? Not a meme, it helps. I've seen people draw amazing line art, and eventually great paintings, made completely of apple-shaped lines. The reason they push you so hard to draw figures, curvy lines, squares, cylinders and really unattractive looking people in school is because it makes everything SO MUCH EASIER when you want to make what you want.

What once took 5-6 hours for a 55% done drawing, eventually gets cut down minute by minute as you spend less time erasing trash lines and bad colors, and are able to do it in a single moment. Eventually you reach a point where drawing beautiful faces without guide lines or a ruler is just NATURAL.

You can look at a piece of paper or a blank jpg and already know what will go where. The thing is, practice is how you get this. Then you can churn out pictures that make people go "How the hell did you do that?" and then you can answer this question.

>> No.2934576

nope not at the moment lol. i dont feel confident enough to do that. just do the work and you will get better. read and do the exercises and spend real time on it. and dont take harsh crits as being harsh and focus on what they are telling you to do unless its just some guy saying kys as a crit.

>> No.2934578


>> No.2934579

What are apple shaped lines?

>> No.2934929
File: 10 KB, 258x245, 207412309721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2935256 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 1024x579, 1491546215282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2935388

>apple-shaped lines

>> No.2935426 [DELETED] 


>Safety is still on senpai

>NGMI to the promised land

>> No.2935427


Safety is still on senpai

>> No.2935428

You don't know about shape design? Lines make up shapes.

>> No.2935741

yall pathetic and whiny af.

we have these threads every other day, stop bitching and just find a new hobby or suck it up.

>> No.2935774


But shapes don't make up lines.

>>2935388 thought you meant lines that were made up of apple shapes, but you probably meant lines that were shaped like an apple (made up an apple shape)

>> No.2938914

>fuck you for re-drawing my OC better
awww yes, i saw that

>> No.2938919

i believe you are just going to a rough moment in your life, and you think everything you do is shit, i know what that is and i know the cure. just focus all your drawing energy in one piece, just give it all, and understand this after you will finish COMPLETELY the piece and you'll feel accomplished and you'll get better overhaul.

everything is kung-fu, you trained, now is time for a competition and after that you will get better and continue training and learning new things and go on a competition, realize that every thing is training, everything you do will make you better.

and cmon anon you draw gud

>> No.2938920


>> No.2938997
File: 10 KB, 320x235, 9e72a1e0acf132e08af1be1a67ff1af5_high-quality-sad-cat-blank-cat-memes-sad_320-235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ my old friend, a place where nobody is waiting for me

>> No.2938999

We're all waiting for you at the top

>> No.2939058

Are the grapes filled with cum?

>> No.2939088

*commence cheers theme*
some times you wanna go
where nobody cares to know your name
ba ba ba ba
and their never glad you came
ba ba ba ba
you wanna be up in /ic/
where the anons are all the same
you wanna go where nobody knows your name.

>> No.2939093

The left's horns look better, and maybe the hair and lighting of the face

>> No.2939100

getting real tired of you whiny depressed faggots bitching every day

>> No.2939391

I thought I was on /fit/ or something with the not gonna make it shit and stuff

>> No.2939400

Sign up for Jeff Watts online or New Masters. Some people just aren't good at directing their own study, you'll be better off with some sort of course. If you keep practicing the way you are now, in another 4 years you still won't be anywhere.

>> No.2939478
File: 10 KB, 325x325, reeeeeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, internet tantrums are going to help me I'm sure
(polite sage for being a fucking baby, sorry bros)

>> No.2939606

Post some of your work
I want to see this vomit

>> No.2939637

I can totally relate to this. All I do are shitty sketches that I don't save.
This wounds, they will not heal, etc.

>> No.2940322
File: 59 KB, 579x948, puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"shit tree growing in a puke forest"
- Anonymous, vomit on canvas, 2017

>> No.2940326

Damn, anon, why are you so good? That's a beautiful tree.

>> No.2940379

that is a beautiful piece of vomit,anon.
Im not even being sarcastic, refine it a little bit and add little details, you are just blocking the big forms, add details, use reference, turn that happy accident into your masterpiece

>> No.2940430

th-thanks, I won't let one fucking tree keep me down

>> No.2940962

Man those fruits look tasty

>> No.2941659
File: 32 KB, 500x356, how-men-and-women-take-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2941780

draw something you like and easy. than draw it better?

have you tried watercolor? cool stuff.

>> No.2942173
File: 119 KB, 708x1129, more_edge_tips_by_vetyr-db1xtsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with some artists and their approach with eyes? Is it a common stylistic choice?
I've just noticed that left is trying too much focus is on getting the eyes to not look like symbol drawing. Whereas right looks like there's minimal strokes that puzzles me how that's done.
Pic related not my art, but another example of the 'effortless' look.

>> No.2942339

youre fine, theres visible improvement

theres an infinite amount of variables between you and another artist's progress, its stupid to put too much (key words: too much) stock in the difference. the only accurate data points you can collect is from yourself.

as long as you are better now than you were before, thats good. if you are progressing too slow for the commitment to be worth it, you need to reevaluate what you are doing.

drawing the same thing over and over will not necessarily make you better at drawing it. you will develop habits and its very easy for them to be bad habits. If you get all fucked up like this you might have to do something drastically different (but still art related, obviously) for a while so you can start to forget part of your bad habit. then you can more easiy unlearn it.

i got used to sitting and holding a tablet in a way that fucked my arms and neck up. also i had shitty line economy which didnt help the whole arm situation. so i put that shit down and did watercolors which is completely different and also the antithesis of how i was painting before. it sucked for a while because i had to change the way i approached doing anything.

then later when i got back into digital stuff i made sure to rearrange my desk set up and paid extra attention to not make wristkilling jittery movements. the end

>> No.2942341

aw what the fuck that post was way longer than i thought it would be

>> No.2942346


More like sketch vs full render