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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2933922 No.2933922 [Reply] [Original]

what's the diference between studying graphic design and fine arts?

(I'm not american, to clarify).

Also, which has more girls?

>> No.2933928

The two are unrelated. Fine arts has girls who pose for you nude and graphic design consist mainly of girls who love typography and spam bee & popycat stickers all over their macbook.

>> No.2933933

What's the gender distribution on fine arts and graphic design?

>> No.2933940

Go to /r9k/ or /soc/ or something shitface /ic/ is for people dedicated to the craft.

>> No.2933954

I went to a workshop/open day thing at a university in Australia for people interested in either their fine arts or graphic design course (the workshop included both because there was a decent amount of overlap)

80% of the kids there were wanting to go to fine arts
The vast majority of those were girls.
About half of them were tumblr landwhales (overweight with bright coloured hair)
During our life drawing session none of them could draw worth shit.

The remaining 20% of graphic design students were pretty evenly distributed in gender, looked like normal people and on average were a lot better at drawing.

I ended up not applying for either course because the fine arts course looked like shit and graphic design wasn't close enough to illustration that I wanted to pursue so I'm just self-studying (NEET) for a couple more years.

>> No.2933957

what's the diference between graphic design and fine art?

>> No.2933961

>Fine Art
People with no skill or desire for skill expressing their "feelings" through incoherent scribbles and other meaningless shit.

>Graphic Design
Actual marketable visual design skills. Probably making logos and product design and stuff. Not so much illustration, which is what I was interested in.

>> No.2933963

which would be better to be a game artist, graphic design or fine arts?

>> No.2933967

I can't believe you faggots are on /ic/ and bashing on fine art. Fine art is literally technical skill and focuses on self improvement rather than commercial work. It's the greatest aspect of being an artist.

>> No.2933971
File: 2.40 MB, 1752x5426, 1452530887464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2933980

concept art and illustration
yes, illustration is a major
fine arts dubs into sculpting and philosophy, but has some illustration classes as well
graphic design course i took only has one life drawing class and the rest was tracing photos with vectors, typography, page layouts, posters with stock photos, product packaging, and logos.
in summary, you might draw girls in fine arts class, but not in graphic design.

>> No.2933986

oh yeah, animation is what you want to go into if you want to actually learn how to draw.

>> No.2935467

Fine arts is stuff like painting, drawing, sculpting.

Graphic design is this like cover design, typography, page layouts, ect.
I wouldn't say they're completely unrelated. A lot of principles - composition, color theory, ect. - apply to both.
Fine arts. Being able to draw is pretty important if you wanna be a game artist.
Define "fine art." If by fine arts, you want to encompass all of drawing, painting, sculpture, ect., then there's a lot of good stuff there. The problem is the term has been co-opted by talentless hacks who throw paint as canvases with no regard to anything or try to sell their piss as art. The "fine art" world is a joke, where skill isn't nearly as important as marketing.

>> No.2935471
File: 491 KB, 748x2776, Richard Williams - Time to Draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true.

>> No.2935486

Graphic design is mostly about non-figurative design, like creating ads or websites.
Fine arts no longer exists. It's been replaced by an ideology that is unrelated to art.

>> No.2935488
File: 3.55 MB, 3262x4982, ARB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2935489
File: 227 KB, 1040x1108, It Puts the BFA on Its Skin or Else It Gets the Hose Again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2935499
File: 374 KB, 703x1227, Got my BFA did, fam!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2935734

Graphic Design has been reduced to making shitty logos and brochures in Illustrator. There used to be a lot of thought in composition and drawing skill and collaboration with other artists in it.