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File: 783 KB, 802x523, 0b3682113dfe1ef52171ac4660ff8a33_img-huh-meme-black-guy_802-523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2933630 No.2933630[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I honestly feel offended about this. Are people this fucking racist? Goddamn it's the 21st century you fucking neanderthals.

>> No.2933638


It's typical 4chan culture. Being anonymous and no upvote/reputation system means people will say it without consequence.

>> No.2933643

Don't be a faggot, nigger.

>> No.2933647

>you fucking neanderthals
>blacks don't have neandarthal ancestors
>whites do
Das racist, you fucking nigger.

>> No.2933648

>he doesn't know 4chan culture

Anon, people have been calling eachother nigger and faggot here since forever. Other than /pol/ (even some people outside of /pol/) no one actually means it that way. Because language is malleable, words can take on different meanings in different cultures. It can be interpreted as a blank insult (similarly to how we use faggot) unless stated otherwise here.

In other words lurk moar, nigger.

>> No.2933652

Don't be a nigger.

>> No.2933654


Chink, jap and gook get thrown around a lot too.

Curious as to why honkey or cracker isn't used. White people too triggered to use insult words for their own race?

>> No.2933655

And because certain boards habe different cultures, even within the umbrella of 4chan culture, if you've been here long enough, you can pick up on how certain boards act even outside their own homeboard.

It's really easy to know is someone is from /pol/ by the way that they type. And you can disregard them as just /pol/ being /pol/, the same way your crazy uncle starts ranting when he visits for dinner.

>> No.2933657

fuck off cracker nigger

>> No.2933659


You first honkey

>> No.2933661

From the top of my head:

>white "people"
>eternal kraut/paddy/anglo

But they're usually along national lines, not about white people in general. Though people argue about who's white and who's not.

>> No.2933667

yeah we're mercifully hateful based on national lines sometimes not in a joking way. just go to /int/ to see white people calling eachother subhumans/inbreds/etc

>> No.2933672


>> No.2933673

fuck off newfag

>> No.2933674

nigger get out

>> No.2933680

Exactly, no one is safe here. Everyone gets shit on.

There's a reason this place was called the internet hate machine

>> No.2933684

Honkey and cracker are lame insults desu

Kraut, *nglo, Australian, etc are cool

t. non-white

>> No.2933686

Are these threads reportable yet?

>> No.2933695

Go back to >>>/r/eddit tumbler crybaby

>> No.2933705

/pol/ bait thread but if you are being serious about it then i suggest you to get a thick skin, nigger.

t. spic

>> No.2933715

>he thinks some arbitrarily named century determines the maturity of a society
get a load of this fucking nigger

>> No.2933717

eh, it doesn't really bother me, the word is used so often that it has no meaning; especially here on ic. half of the people that use it are just a bunch of unfunny edge lords that cant find any other way to be funny; and about 1/4 are poltards whose opinion means nothing to me anyway.

t. black

>> No.2933723


Yeah, couldn't think of anything else. It's pretty sad.

>> No.2933736

Boring children who think in memes are trying to imitate a bunch of edgy autistic contrarians. The latter needs attention but are too broken to get it from society so they lick the crumbs from an anonymous forum.

Having said that, you're an idiot if you let that stuff offend you. Complaining only makes it worse.

>> No.2933742

Fuck off nigger

>> No.2933771

Shut the fuck up you fucking nigger
Shut the fuck up you fucking jungle nigger
Shut the fuck up you fucking snow nigger
Shut the fuck up you fucking rice nigger
Shut the fuck up you fucking sand nigger
Shut the fuck up you fucking sea nigger
Shut the fuck up you fucking monkey nigger