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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2926528 No.2926528 [Reply] [Original]

>decides to start drawing at early - mid 20s
>wants to "make it" by getting hired by a shitty western vidya company
>actually wants to be part of the next tripple A abomination
>watches some TED talks for motivation
>nevermind that they're getting debunked all the time
>spends 6-8hrs a day drawing
>everyone on /ic/ told him to even though real pros don't because they've been drawing forever
>gets burnt out a couple years later - complains about it on /ic/
>I'm not getting anywhere waaah~

where do these retards even come from? Do they really think the kids that are good at 15 had to do that?

"oh but OP that's because they have rich parents who bought them a great tutor FUCKING RICHERS AM I RIGHT"

Or maybe they just make better use of they're time / aren't afflicted with failure genes like you are? Based on what I've seen after only a couple months of lurking most of you shouldn't even bother. All you'll do is embarrass yourselves.

>> No.2926530

What's the alternative then?

I'm all ears.

>> No.2926531

>Is there anything worse than a mindless grinder?
This a riddle?
I'd go for someone who doesn't grind at all

>> No.2926534

A pretentious self absorbed special snowflake

>> No.2926891

> Watches some TED talks for motivation
> That's not how motivation works
> Spends 6-8hrs a day drawing for several years

I hope your cognitive dissonance isn't putting too much stress on you, OP.

>> No.2927516

When decent and obviously talented people hop on the git gud train they blow past the scrubs.

They then humble brag their inspirational story and give false hope to the hopeless. Yeah all you had to do was put in some work this whole time, u beautiful fuck.

>> No.2927943
File: 10 KB, 236x235, frieza pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough /ic/fags get this. They're practically being lied to by people who were hand picked by the gods.

there's nothing wrong with working hard but this is prolly one of the last things you should dump a lot of time into on the premise that it's "muh dream". There's being a clueless wannabe too and nobody likes that.

>> No.2927954

Is this the truth? Feels like it.

>> No.2927959


People would prefer to listen to successful artists than unsuccessful ones like you. Even if they do fail, they will still reach higher than any other cynical nihilist out there.

>> No.2927962
File: 71 KB, 557x551, 6 to 8 hours a day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2927963

>tfw not sure if anon is being sarcastic or actually emphasizing with you

>> No.2928110
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 1474610868937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who were hand picked by the gods
Then prove them wrong anon. We may be mere mortals in their point of view, but I can only imagine the joy that we will experience when we reach our own personal goals by our own sweat and blood; making it without the aid of talent or 'god'. Think of it as a handicap, you're probably so good that it would be otherwise unfair for others if you have the talent for drawing.

>> No.2928134


There's a lot of options to gain a following though. Make clothing/prints, be present on multiple platforms, network with other character designers if that's your thing. Being successful is what you define yourself to be successful as. Making enough money off art, being published in magazines, reaching this many followers or whatever. People romanticize the success of artists but it really is about putting in the work and having a cool personality that attracts people to you and your art. These people are getting up and doing the same shit you do, but on a different level, what is keeping you separate from them? If you don't have a target than you're just wasting arrows.

>> No.2928144


>sweat and blood

Nigga it's drawing this made me cringe almost. No wonder you guys get burnt out putting so much of your ego into this shit.

>> No.2928198

So marketing >skill
Sounds legit

>> No.2928820

I get sad whenever I see this image.
How can you let your art skills become this unbalanced?

>> No.2928827

post your work

>> No.2928829

he spent 9 seconds on it.

>> No.2928831 [DELETED] 
File: 1000 KB, 500x375, 1470158235521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basically sleepwalk through my life till my 20s wasting time on video game. anime and imageboards
>never had a real interest in anything
>tired of media consumption
>STEM fields don't interest me
>start getting into art

>the entire field is super competitive and is filled with young people who started early
>by my age people already have very good skills when I have just begun and also have a job

Why couldn't I just get into art earlier? Why did these thoughts not pop up in my head years ago? I hate myself.

>> No.2928834

Wow do you even enjoy art? Maybe it isn't for you? Maybe recreation and being lazy is. Whatever who cares

>> No.2928835

>Why couldn't I just get into art earlier?
Because you had no interest in it beforehand.

Might as well start now, though. Might as well get good at something before you get run over by a truck at an early age or get old and die.

>> No.2928841

post your work senpai.

>> No.2928845


is this the backlash for us shitting on mr.steak or something?

>> No.2928847

>I wasn't born as DaVinci and should give up

Talent is a meme. Fuck off OP.

>> No.2928850

Drawing a readable cartoon animal should take only 9 seconds

>> No.2928852

>In 1466, at the age of fourteen, Leonardo was apprenticed to the artist Andrea di Cione, known as Verrocchio, whose bottega (workshop) was "one of the finest in Florence".[22] He apprenticed as a garzone (studio boy) to Andrea del Verrocchio, the leading Florentine painter and sculptor of his day (and would do so for 7 years).

>> No.2928861

>spends 6-8hrs a day drawing
>everyone on /ic/ told him to even though real pros don't because they've been drawing forever

So, how long is the average work day in your country, anyway?

>> No.2928903


Yeah, if you'd be apprentice for 7 years to Jeff Watts and only sleep, paint and be buttfucked by him daily from the age of 14 chances are you'd also be a mega art faggot.

>> No.2929328
File: 14 KB, 480x480, 1490837698377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thing is honestly I'm actually having a much easier time getting real with this shit than most of you seem to have and it kinda bums me out. Typical /ic/ though - just assuming everyone is struggling just as much as they are because we're all genetically exactly the same. Go ahead and make asses of yourselves then like the deluded fuck here >>2928110 then lol.

>> No.2929341
File: 433 KB, 600x795, _kiss__by_larienne-db41xss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who spends a lot of time working on original illustrations, concepts, and character designs, but still devotes an hour or two every day to studies?
Really, the problem with most people's mindset is that they think if they draw x many gestures and do y so many master painting studies they'll become some sort of master artist when there's so much more to art than just studies. People forget why they wanted to draw in the first place, they forget that art needs passion, imagination, and personality to really grab an audience's attention.
This is why people fawn over those eye drawings on the front page of Deviantart and not some rando's photo studies. Yes, these eye drawings are pretty dumb, but you know what? They tell a story with only eyes, and that's definitely a concept I haven't heard before. It's definitely more original than the 100s of portrait photo studies around here.

Point is, you can't get by in art with technical skill alone, but grinders think they'll make it by only practicing the fundamentals without trying to create their own unique ideas using those fundamentals.

>> No.2929412


"Grinders" both study and apply.

>> No.2929472

People who tell you that they never did any grindy or tiring activity are more often than not complete losers.

You see, if working hard wasn't effective, why would people do that? Why hunt when another caveman might possibly be faster than you? Why studying literature when there are geniuses that understood it much more completely than you will ever do? Humans do activities and improve in them for a variety of reasons; one of this is, they have pleasure in doing and studying something.

Truth is, OP, that you are a complete loser who won't ever amount to anything. You don't value hard work nor study, which are the most important factors in life. You have a poor mentality which will make you frustrated and then eventually kill you. You are the human equivalent of the cicada that mocked the ant. People who learnt many skills will surpass you while you will be still quoting wikipedia and wikihows articles thinking they mean real knowledge.

Tl;dr: glory to you, king of the losers

>> No.2930234

Grandmas definition of talent is a meme, and if you believe that you're a rube.

""Talent"" as in a *natural affinity* + disciplined practice + favorable circumstances+opportunity = success. it's real as fuck.

>> No.2932086

I thought that talent wasn't a natural thing.

>> No.2932089

It's not, it's a gift granted by God, it's just easier to say natural because it's not nurture.

>> No.2932091

point me to one person like this

>> No.2932093

A mindless grinder? Anyone who fell for the drawabox/dynamic sketching meme but only sticks to drawing lines, boxes and blobs instead of actually drawing.

>> No.2932100

no i mean OPs stupid strawman.