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File: 134 KB, 1600x1001, 69Yau8vJ2wgAn37ihUpTJgl6yKwjwB7EPqSMlaSapIVZk90He2pQrDt6irbm2bWO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2922441 No.2922441 [Reply] [Original]

>$6000+ a month
>that art

Why aren't you making porn games?

>> No.2922455

cuz if art was about money id choose a different job that actually made money

>> No.2922459

>that actually made money
>$6000+ a month


>> No.2922464

Actors get paid millions. Footballers get paid millions. Why not work in that field?

>> No.2922469

i want to but i have standards
im not gona publish shit i cant get off on

>> No.2922472

Are you just memeing me or are you actually so retarded you think you're going to become a footballer or actor

>> No.2922483

because I find that kind of thing detestable, creatively bankrupt, and destructive to the human race. and I don't know anything about programming. :^))

>> No.2922491
File: 120 KB, 536x531, 151231415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a better idea. Work harder than anyone else, position myself in the video game industry, and end up in my endgame as an Art Director in a Californian game company making $150,000/year

But of course, that not only requires great art skills, but great art direction, sense of style, great communication and leadership skills. Which for 99.999% of you, is quite an unattainable prospect.

>> No.2922496

t professional shitposter that's never drawn more than a circle

>> No.2922497

>because I find that kind of thing detestable, creatively bankrupt, and destructive to the human race
lol it's fucking porn man, lighten up. The human race is gonna end because a couple people decided to nut to a video game?

>> No.2922504


Studies show that life satisfaction based purely on dispensable income actually plateaus at about 60-70k. It seems like you'd want a lot more when you're poor, but when you get closer to it, you start seeing that it's just more and more opportunities to waste more cash

After that point you're basically just chasing the high. Once you acclimate to the lifestyle inflammation that honeymoon period of buying new toys gets boring.

Most artists who think they want to be rich really just need to be financially stable enough to do what they like to do without dying

>> No.2922507


meant for >>2922464

>> No.2922508

I was jesting a bit, I do find it on the level of furfaggotry or people with a diaper fetish and for that I wouldn't choose to do it. and I don't think there's a guarantee I'll make 6000 dollars doing something like that.

>> No.2922509

you're obviously too dumb to get the point

>> No.2922510


and this guy is getting half of what you do without being in the 0.0001% percentile of skill

if you were the top 0.0001% and you were drawing degenerate furry porn flashs then I would assume you'd put an art director to shame, monetarily.

>> No.2922519

Gonna blow your mind: those "studies" were endorsed by the elite to keep you from ever wanting to usurp them.

>> No.2922523

Fucking hell. I had to look this up. http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2019628,00.html

This is how much I made for the last years... so this is how maximum satisfaction feels like. Kinda disapointing.

I don't draw porn because I have a good job and only a 35 hour week. So I have enough time to do what I want. I take the hobby serious but I don't expect or need to earn anything from it.

Maybe I'd like the "fame" whenever I hit the frontpage with something somewhere I get so high on my own farts I should probably move to SanFran.

>> No.2922528


how does this tie into their plan to turn the frogs gay

>> No.2922535

>This is how much I made for the last years... so this is how maximum satisfaction feels like. Kinda disapointing.
don't listen to them.

>> No.2922536

Yeah I still doubt that number ... I have a house I have a car... but I want more shiny stuff!!!

>> No.2922548


Yeah, cool. Except he's an autistic retard drawing autistic porn for sad people and I've got a department of 100 people under my command and having my visions realized and enjoyed by millions.

No amount of money can match that value.

>> No.2922552

you are a textbook case for cognitive dissonance

>> No.2922555


You have no idea what that word means. Go back to dreaming of being a porn artist one day, you fucking idiot.

>> No.2922563

Do you not see the fallacies in your argument

>> No.2922564


Maybe he used to run a department with people under his command too before getting redpilled and realizing that autistic cartoon porn was his true calling

>> No.2922567

As someone who's had sex, I don't feel comfortable appropriating what's clearly virgin culture

>> No.2922607


>Why aren't you making porn games?

I started 2 days ago, so far I copied badly with pen some photos of people from "Forbes" and a character from a 50 [local currency] bill, cut me some slack.

But yeah, it's kinda insane, "Breeding Season" was most outrageous with its $24k/month.

Anyway, I won't be making those, but maybe in the future I'll make some hipster game with hipster art and people will patreon and kickstarter me. But it's only maybe. My goal is to make my own stuff in gouache, hope I won't turn into edgelord with that.

t. engineer who can into programming

>> No.2922766

do you have to make them in flash?

>> No.2922789

6k a month divided by 3, and soon by 4. it also isn't that respectable body of work

>> No.2922818

it was an example i found. there's plenty of porn patreons making good money if the project lead doesn't want to split the proceeds.

>> No.2922825


If Im gonna make money off my art, it wouldn't be drawing this shit, OP.

>> No.2922946

Gross or Net?
Because Net, yeah I could see that, a comfy 75k.
Gross? Tip tok kek, maybe if you're living in the developing world. 60k Gross where I live will Net you 49k to live on. Literally I've made more by working cafes in the day, bars at night, and retail in between
>and I'm never doing it again.
In a first world nation six-figures is MINIMUM for any job you despise. 75k Net is acceptable for a job you love.

>> No.2922950

>Yeah, cool. Except he's an autistic retard drawing autistic porn for sad people and I've got a department of 100 people under my command and having my visions realized and enjoyed by millions.
Yes, it's called a furry porn studio.
>Fursuit Fridays

>> No.2922956

>cafes in the day, bars at night, and retail in between
>holding down three shitty soul-sucking jobs for 50 hours a week


>> No.2922961

it's illegal to solicit porn to minors. patreon doesn't verify the age of the fans. so the kids flock to it gettong custom porn made themselves. this is what's happening to a lot of porn artist lately. it's not about them making pedo art that gets them in trouble, it's about selling pedo art to kiddies that gets them in trouble. the really dumb ones try to contact them, big mistake.

>> No.2922967

You gotta do what you gotta do right?
>Back in my day
>Just walk in and shake their hand
>You just don't want to work hard
>I got paid $5 and back in my day
>be grateful for the oppurtunities you have

I've heard them fucking all. There is some truth to it; I just wanted to see if I could.
I literally pretended to be a bogan and lo' and behold I got the jobs.
They feel threatened, they'll feel like you'll leave at the drop of a hat (which you will),
The job market is a fucking joke and we're all getting played.

>> No.2923319

> the really dumb ones try to contact them, big mistake.
Do you mean that it´s dumb for an artist to contact the patron to verify his age, because then if the patron IS a minor the artist can´t say he didn´t know?

>> No.2923353
File: 129 KB, 724x611, 1407303027536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> tfw you only need $4k to pay all of your taxes and living expenses for a whole year, and that's including a vacation trip
>> tfw you earn 5 times as much in a bad year
>> tfw you could earn twice as much if you were willing to work your ass off
Being a freelancer in The Motherland sure has its benefits, baby. A laughable income by Western standards suddenly becomes an overkill.

>> No.2923358

>Why aren't you making porn games?
Maybe I will.

>> No.2923360

Where do you live?

>> No.2923365
File: 58 KB, 1024x768, come_here_brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is but one Motherland, comrade, and you must become one with it eventually.

>> No.2924804

Venezuelafag here. I only need $2k a year.

It feels good to be able to do what you love for a living but it also sucks living here. I'm happy you're living the dream too

>> No.2924825

smart porn artist put thier service behind an age verification service to begin with (If you are 18 and over, click here to continue) dumb porn artist start an email correspondence using a commission to flirt. 15 emails about pedo rape guro and they found out the client is a 14 yr old boy.

>> No.2924878


kek Russia will become churkaland ages before you grab any significant land again.

>> No.2924883

what a blast from the past